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Chapter 21: Sending God Kingdom Heroes to Preach

Hongmeng's believers are more than billions of trillions, if every believer prays to be reminded.

Even if Hong Meng has the cultivation base of a god king, he will be annoyed to death.

"Hong Yi?"

"Sure enough, it is the world of the Yang God."

When the mind is together, what the believer thinks, the past, present, and future, are all reflected in Hong Meng's heart.

In the world of Yangshen, the person Hong Meng admires the most is not the pig-footed Hong Yi.

It was Hong Xuanji, the pig-footed father.

As the son of Daqian, Hong Xuanji is not as blessed as Hong Yi, the son of Jiyuan, but he is also lucky.

Not only was it favored by Taoist Good Fortune, one of the most powerful giants among the ancient sun gods, he secretly sent the king of artifacts, the "Boat of Good Fortune" and the "Book of Good Fortune" to him.

There are countless other opportunities as well.


What Hong Meng admired was not Hong Xuanji's chance.

No matter how good the opportunity is for Hong Xuanji, compared with Hong Yi who is a pig's foot, he is still far behind.

What Hong Meng really admired was the strength of Hong Xuanji, the King of Ruanfan.

A role model for my generation.

"Not only let the third wife and the fourth concubine in the mansion be docile and obedient, but also the Supreme Daoist saint Meng Bingyun, the suzerain Zhao Fei'er of the Daluo sect, and Yao Qinghui, the suzerain of the Yaochi sect, willingly bear children for him, They even stole the sect secrets for him, or became a boost to his career..."

Hong Meng recalled Hong Xuanji's past, and couldn't help but wonder.

Hong Xuanji was originally a disciple of the Da Luo Sect, but he hooked up with Zhao Feier, the proud daughter of the Da Luo Sect, early on. With the great help of Zhao Feier and even the entire Zhao family, he rose rapidly.

Later, Hong Xuanji followed Emperor Qiandi Yang Pan who was still the prince at that time, and did not marry Zhao Feier.

Zhao Feier married Hong Xuanji's good brother Yan Zhenzong, and also gave birth to Hong Xuanji's illegitimate daughter Zhao Feirong.

Poor Yan Zhenzong not only panicked with green on his head, but also raised lovers and daughters for others.

What is even more admirable is that even though Zhao Feier married Yan Zhenzong, she still let the entire Da Luo faction support and help Hong Xuanji behind her back.

The Zhao family has also been providing resources and property for the daily expenses and operation of Marquis Wuwen Mansion, allowing Hong Xuanji to maintain a style of "frugality", "cleanness", and "restraining oneself and returning to courtesy" in front of others, becoming a famous Neo Confucianism master.

For a lover like Zhao Feier, Hong Meng just wanted to say, give me a dozen.

Not to mention Meng Bingyun, as the supreme saint, she was originally ordered by Meng Shenji to design Hong Xuanji.

As a result, Hong Xuanji fell asleep, and not only stole the Supreme Dao's treasure book "Taishang Danshu Daoshu Chapter" for Hong Xuanji, but also moved his true feelings towards Hong Xuanji, his Dao heart was shattered, his magic power was lost, and he became an ordinary person. people.

Although she had done so much for Hong Xuanji, and gave birth to Hong Xuanji's son, Hong Yi, and even abolished her cultivation, Hong Xuanji was ruthless and secretly ordered Madam Zhao to poison her to death.

Yao Qinghui, the suzerain of the Yaochi faction, also fell in love with Hong Xuanji, and finally became Hong Xuanji's lover.

He gave birth to two illegitimate daughters, Yao Yueting and Yao Yueru, for Hong Xuanji.

She also didn't get any status, but she still supported Hong Xuanji secretly.

Even Hong Meng had to say "admiration" to Hong Xuanji's ability to eat soft food.

Too many hangs!

"Little villain, what bad idea are you planning?"

Nangong Mengyao wrapped her fair-skinned lotus root around Hong Meng's neck, and saw a wicked smile hanging from the corner of Hong Meng's mouth, with a charming voice and blue breath.

"What bad idea can I have?"

Hong Meng looked at the beautiful woman under him. She was as beautiful as jade, with undulating curves and unparalleled grace.

What a stunner you can't put it down.

"I'm afraid there are some beauties hidden in your mortal palace!"

Nangong Mengyao gave Hong Meng a good looking look.

Hong Meng's proficient driving skills and all kinds of fancy driving skills cannot be developed overnight.

I don't know how many luxury cars have been broken.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel weak, and she almost drove her to death just now.

"A woman's intuition is really scary!"

Hongmeng's mortal heavenly palace is used as a sleeping palace, and most of the heroes and holy spirits in the Kingdom of God live in it, and naturally there are many beauties.

Hong Meng didn't answer this question. He held up Nangong Mengyao's flushed pretty face and looked at her beautiful spring-like eyes:

"I'm thinking that I have a bad stomach recently, so I have to eat soft rice!"

Nangong Mengyao was taken aback for a moment, then reached out and rubbed Hong Meng's head, her whole demeanor changed.

Become graceful and elegant, noble atmosphere.

Her crisp voice sounded:

"Little Mengzi, take good care of me, and I will protect you from now on!"

"Thank you for your grace!"

Hong Meng smiled in his heart and said seriously.

Unexpectedly, Nangong Mengyao was quite good at playing.

"Yes, Not Bad."

Nangong Mengyao nodded slightly and nodded in satisfaction.

"Ma'am, I'm hungry..."

Looking at Nangong Mengyao's perfect pretty face, Hong Meng's eyes moved down slowly, and smiled softly.

"You little rascal..."

Nangong Mengyao seemed coquettish and angry. Originally, her cultivation had skyrocketed and she wanted to go out and have a look.

But she couldn't refuse Hong Meng's request.

a day later.

Nangong Mengyao left the Red Dust Heavenly Palace and returned to her spirit treasure flying boat.

"Where are you now

? "

Nangong Mengyao asked.

"Holy Lord, you are still in the Sea of ​​Nothingness at the junction of Dongxuan Domain and Zhongzhou. According to the current speed, it is expected to arrive in Zhongzhou in half a month!"

While Duanmuxi was answering, she looked at Nangong Mengyao, and she felt that Nangong Mengyao seemed to be very different from before.

But what was different, she couldn't think of it for a while.

"I'll push the wind spirit boat, and it should be able to reach Zhongzhou in two days!"

Nangong Mengyao Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian's mana poured into the wind spirit boat.


The wind spirit boat trembled, and the light flowed, piercing the void in an instant, and the speed soared more than a hundred times.


Duanmuxi, Jiyue and Ji Hongxia stared wide-eyed, feeling the speed of the wind spirit boat soaring, and their hearts were shocked.

"Holy Master, you... have you recovered your Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal?"

Duanmuxi looked at Nangong Mengyao in surprise. To be able to increase the speed of Feng Lingzhou so much, it can only be said that Nangong Mengyao has made a huge breakthrough in cultivation.

Moreover, it is impossible for the Hunyuan Jinxian to make the wind spirit boat so fast.


Nangong Mengyao nodded slightly.

Thinking of the arduous process of her recovery, Nangong Mengyao's pretty face turned red, and her slender legs couldn't help but tighten.

"Congratulations, Holy Master!"

Duanmu Xi was overjoyed and hurriedly congratulated.

"Congratulations, Holy Master."

Ji Yue and Ji Hongxia followed suit.

"That little villain is really getting more and more powerful, and even within a few days, the Holy Master has recovered to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian."

Ji Hongxia observed Nangong Mengyao, she knew that Nangong Mengyao's breakthrough must have something to do with Hong Meng.

"Should I go and play with that little villain..."

Ji Hongxia's long white and greasy legs were intertwined, and her heart was about to move.

Just looking at Nangong Mengyao who seemed to have just become a Hongmeng woman in front of her, she felt a little guilty.


In the Kingdom of God.

Hong Meng didn't know what Ji Hongxia was thinking. He was sitting on the throne of the Heavenly Dao Shrine, looking at a group of peerless beauties with different styles in front of him.

Qian Renxue, Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing, Hu Liena, Huo Wu, Shui Binger...

After a day, they all woke up from the reincarnation pool.

"Meet my lord."

All salute.

The figure is exquisite, with undulating curves, and has a unique style.

"You are all very good. The Kingdom of God will be your home in the future. You can live here with peace of mind and practice hard!"

Hong Meng encouraged.

"Yes, my lord."

Everyone said in unison.

Hong Meng glanced over Qian Renxue's plump and exquisite jade body.

Compared with Angel Yan and Angel Saint King, it is not much better.

Of course, this is only the appearance, what is the inside, you have to try it to know.

After Qian Renxue, Hong Meng's eyes fell on Ning Rongrong, and he was very interested in her Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda.

Nine treasures are famous.

One said: strength.

The second said: speed.

Three said: soul

Four said: Defense.

Five said: attack.

Six said: increase.

Qi said: Nine Treasures True Body.

Although Hong Meng is very strong, he doesn't need additional blessings.

But during the battle, Ning Rongrong increased his strength, speed, divine power, defense, and attack...

It must be very interesting.

"Is my lord looking at me? I feel like my whole body has been seen through. My lord is so strong..."

Ning Rongrong's delicate body trembled slightly, her heart was full of fear, apprehension, excitement, and even a trace of anticipation and excitement.

In this kingdom of God, Hong Meng is the supreme ruler.

More majestic and powerful than the emperor in the palace.

Coming here, who wouldn't want to get Hong Meng's attention.

If you can get Hong Meng's luck...

Thinking about it, Ning Rongrong couldn't help but climb a few red clouds on her pretty face.

"Bah, bah, Ning Rongrong, what are you thinking..."

Ning Rongrong cursed inwardly, her tightly closed beautiful legs tightened.

"Go down and settle down!"

Hong Meng was not in a hurry to feel the difference between Qian Renxue and Angel Yan, nor did he experience Ning Rongrong's Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda.

Anyway, when it comes to the Kingdom of God, it’s all his.

He can enjoy it anytime.

"My lord, leave!"

The girls stood up and exited the Heavenly Dao Shrine respectfully.

"Now the battle between the Eternal Continent and the Abyss Continent is intensifying. I don't think I will be able to achieve my wish..."

Hong Meng's eyes are deep, he will not take the initiative to cause trouble, but sometimes trouble will automatically come to the door.

Although he has good strength, he also has a god emperor hero, a ruthless empress, and two pairs of god emperor heroes, angel saint king, indifferent, Xinyuehu, and Xinyuekui.

But in the plane wars of the level of Abyss Continent and Eternal Continent, it is still not enough.

"I have to improve my strength faster!"

Hong Meng secretly thought.

Although in less than a year, he was promoted from a lowly god who was seriously injured and dying to the middle stage of the god king, and he also mastered several god emperor level roads, and his combat power was comparable to that of a god emperor.

The speed of cultivation base improvement is already very fast.

But he also wanted to go faster.

"I practice by myself, even if my talent and understanding are unparalleled, and my improvement is limited, I still have to rely on the disciples to pass on my knowledge.

Dao sacrifice! "

"And there are so many heroes and holy spirits in the Kingdom of God, just find something for them to do!"

Hong Meng was reluctant to send his heroes to the battlefield of the Abyss plane and the Eternal Continent, where it was too cruel and easy to cause heavy casualties.

Each of his heroes is precious.

It hurts to die.

But it's okay to let them help believers preach and sacrifice.

Thinking of this, Hong Meng entered the chat group.

Lord of the Primordial Mist: "All members of the group, I see that believers may have difficulties in preaching and offering sacrifices. Here is a piece of prayer for the gods. If there are difficulties, please ask the heroes and warriors of the kingdom of God to descend, eliminate heresies, and show my power!"

"Ding, the Lord of Primordial Mist has uploaded a method of inviting gods."

Saintess of the Wuhun Temple: "Greetings to my lord, my lord is mighty and invincible in the world."

Demon Queen Yin: "Greetings to my lord, my lord is mighty and invincible in the world."

Son of Jiyuan: "Greetings to my lord, my lord is mighty and invincible in the world."

In the chat group, a neat queue suddenly appeared.

All the group members came out immediately.

Yangshen world.

Hong Yi's eyes sparkled with excitement.

Although he feels that this is a bit prepared for him, there may be some conspiracy, because it is very difficult for him to preach and sacrifice now.

But he knew that even if the Primordial Lord had any conspiracy, he could not resist it.

Since you can't resist, then just enjoy it.

If he can invite the powerful from the Kingdom of God to come, he will be able to overthrow the Daqian Dynasty and make the people of the world believe in the Lord of Hongmeng.

He can also get huge rewards, gain great strength, avenge his mother, and rectify his name.

Ever since he knew that his mother was murdered, he never wanted revenge.

If it weren't for his lack of strength, he didn't want to wait at all.

Now the opportunity has finally come.

"Madam Zhao, Hong Xuanji, wait for me!"


:. :x8

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