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Chapter 26: Angel of Terror (2 more)

up to now.

If Yang Pan still couldn't see that Yang Qian wanted to seize the throne by force, then he would be the emperor for nothing.


As long as Yang Gan is not stupid, he knows that Bai Ziyue alone will never succeed.


Yang Gan must have other reliance.

"Who is the Lord of Primordial Mist? It actually made the fourth child have the confidence to rebel... But just to see the strength and background of the father, if they both lose, this prince may also be able to ascend the throne early..."

Prince Yang Yuan stood aside and watched from the wall.

He secretly practiced the Sutra of the Future Unborn, and his cultivation was extraordinary, but he was not prepared to make a move.

"It's time, late will change!"

Seeing that Bai Ziyue was suppressed by Hong Xuanji, Hong Yi no longer hesitated, knelt down on the ground, and said reverently:

"Supreme Lord of Primordial Origin, your devout believers beg you to send the heroic warriors of the Kingdom of God to come..."

"You beast, you are courting death."

Seeing Hong Yi praying on his knees, Hong Xuanji flew into a rage, feeling ashamed.

Although he never cared about Hong Yi.

But after all, he shot it.

"The Wheel of Life and Death!"

Hong Xuanji waved his fists, and three hundred and sixty-five bright light spots lit up on his body, each light spot was like the dwelling place of the gods, and phantoms of gods and gods emerged.

All the light spots converged on Hong Xuanji's fists, and as the fists were swung, they turned into fist shadows that did not disperse.

Dao Dao fist shadows, flying directly through the air, struck out with incredible speed, these fist shadows could not condense, forming a huge spinning circle.

Everyone felt a huge sky above the sky, and all the gods used their divine power to slowly rotate, and the worlds of the heavens continued to rotate with the giant.

Bai Ziyue's pressure doubled, and his whole body was instantly blown away, a mouthful of blood sprayed out, and then the life and death wheels of the heavens rolled towards Hong Yi, trying to crush Hong Yi to pieces.

"So strong, is this Hong Xuanji's Wheel of Life and Death?"

Yang Yuan's eyes were serious. Although Hong Xuanji supported him on the surface, he could feel that Hong Xuanji's real loyalty was Qiandi Yang Pan.

If he wanted to seize the throne, Hong Xuanji must be his enemy.

"This kid is dead!"

Prince He sneered in his heart, it seemed quite interesting to watch Hong Xuanji kill relatives righteously.

Following Hong Xuanji's attack, Hong Yi suddenly felt great pressure, his body was trembling and fearful, but there was no fear in his eyes, instead, he said loudly with piety and excitement:

"Great Lord of Primordial Origin, pray for your heroic warriors to come!"

"Don't talk about gods, even if Meng Shenji is here, I can't save you, a bastard today, as I said!" Hong Xuanji pushed the life and death wheels of the heavens, like the king of gods, and said domineeringly.

Jade Prince Yang Gan's face changed slightly, seeing that Hong Yi was about to be killed by the shock, he couldn't help but want to save Hong Yi.

Now he has had a showdown, and he is completely tied to Hong Yi.

Once Hong Yi died, he would be completely defeated without the help of the powerful people from the Kingdom of God.


Hong Yi must not die.

At least you can't die before you invite the powerhouse from the Kingdom of God.


However, just when Yang Gan was about to make a move, a thunderbolt exploded out of thin air.

Everyone was shocked, and their minds went blank.

Even Hong Xuanji, who is a human immortal, is not an exception.

He was slightly stunned, and the life and death wheels of the heavens condensed in his hands also dissipated due to the brief absence just now.

He didn't continue to attack Hong Yi.

Instead, he looked solemnly at the sky.

He faintly felt that some great horror was about to come.

Crown Prince Yang Yuan, Prince He and all civil and military officials raised their heads one after another.


"The heroes of the Kingdom of God are here!"

Yang Gan was overjoyed, and his hanging heart finally let go.

He stared intently at the sky.

I saw a thunderbolt tearing the sky like a candle dragon.

Thousands of feet of cracks stretch across the void.


Endless golden light poured down from the pitch-black cracks, like countless sharp golden lights, piercing people's eyes with pain and tears streaming down their faces.

Countless warriors or Taoist priests displayed their supernatural powers and looked intently, only to see a majestic figure standing in front of the crack.





The golden hair is like the sun, shining with golden light, and there is a golden mask on the face, so the face cannot be seen.

But from the sexy body, the undulating and graceful curves, the exposed crystal skin, and the slender and round legs, it is not difficult to imagine what a peerless beauty this is.

She stood in the void, wearing a short golden skirt and battle armor, with a heroic appearance and immeasurable divine power.

There is a pair of golden wings behind her, and the golden radiance flows like a raging flame, distorting and shattering the space around her.

A horrible breath spread from her body.

Hong Xuanji, Yang Pan, Yang Yuan, Prince He and other civil and military ministers felt as if they were about to suffocate.


Unprecedented terror.


Stronger than ever.

"Too strong...too good..."

After Yang Qian was shocked, he was ecstatic.

The stronger the opponent, the better his chances of winning the throne.

Now it seems that it is stable!

He is worthy of being a hero warrior under the supreme Lord of Primordial Origin.

Just great.

"Yang Gangong, a devout believer, welcomes the envoy's arrival, may my lord live without bounds, and the avenue is eternal!"

Yang Qian hurriedly bowed.

Hong Yi also came back to his senses at this moment, "The pious believer Hong Yi respectfully welcomes the envoy to come, may my lord live without bounds, and the way is eternal!"

"Is this the subordinate of the Lord of Primordial Origin?"

Yang Pan stared at Angel Yan who had just arrived, Gujing Bubo's eyes were filled with shock, he didn't know how strong Angel Yan was.

But even Mengshenji, who is vaguely known as the number one person in the world, is far inferior.

"Who are you?"

Hong Xuanji stared at Angel Yan with solemn eyes, even though he knew that he was not an opponent, he couldn't back down!

"I am the Lord of Primordial Origin and sit down to guard Angel Yan."

Angel Yan took a step forward and came to the sky above the Golden Luan Hall.

Hong Xuanji and the others seemed to be facing a formidable enemy, and the powerful hidden in the palace appeared one after another, staring at Angel Yan dignifiedly and vigilantly.

Angel Yan glanced at Yang Pan and the others, and said slowly: "Those who believe in my lord will live forever and enjoy eternity, those who disobey my lord will go to hell, and will never be reborn forever!"


Hong Xuanji was furious, a vast sea of ​​Qi and blood erupted, and with a push with both hands, the life and death wheels of the heavens crushed towards Angel Yan.


Yang Pan spat out a character coldly.


A beam of sharp sword light, like a knife cutting the sky and the earth, cuts out from the void, and cuts through the void in a billionth of an instant, and cuts to the front of Angel Yan's neck.

same moment.

There is also a fierce fist that contains the breath of infinite good fortune, piercing through the void in an instant, and appearing in front of Angel Yan's heart.

It was Yang Pan's confidantes who made the move, Qiankun Longwei commanded Gongyangyu and Qiu of Good Fortune Shadow Guard.

The three powerful immortals shot together, and their power was earth-shattering.

Everyone including Yang Pan, Yang Yuan, Yang Qian, and Hong Yi stared closely.

A heart raised his throat.


Angel Yan's deep and beautiful golden eyes did not fluctuate at all, and he spoke a word lightly.

As the word "Mie" fell, as if holding Tianxian in his mouth, all attacks were instantly wiped out, and three corpses fell heavily from the air.


Everyone's heart twitched violently, looking at the three corpses on the ground, whoever it was if it wasn't Hong Xuanji, Gongsun Yu and Qiu.


Everyone's eyes were dull. These three immortals were killed by a single word?

This is too scary.

Yang Gan secretly swallowed his saliva, feeling overwhelmed in his heart.

It's really strong.

However, I like it.

"Where did this come from?"

There was an unbelievable look on Yang Pan's face.

The strong man who can instantly kill the three early-stage human immortals must have at least the cultivation base of the peak human immortal or the creator of the seven thunder tribulations.

As far as he knows, there are not many such strong men in the entire Great Thousand World, and each of them has been famous for many years and has a great reputation.

Why did it suddenly appear?

It stands to reason that such strong people must be famous all over the world, and their portraits are also spread all over the world. Basically, all the high-level officials of major forces can recognize them...

But Yang Pan made sure that he had never seen this person, nor had he heard anything about him.

It doesn't make sense.

What shocked him even more was that such a strong man was actually under the command of the Lord of Primordial Mist, which was unbelievable.

As the Supreme Master of Dagan, he doesn't have such a strong man under his command.

But today the other party is not good.

It can no longer be good.


Suddenly, Yang Pan gave a loud shout, and a huge and majestic giant boat suddenly appeared under him.

On the huge boat, there appeared one after another brilliant phantoms of the Kingdom of God, as if they were carrying the Kingdom of God infinitely, containing infinite good fortune and infinite power.

This huge boat is the boat of good fortune, the king of artifacts that is well-known in the world!


After the Creation Boat appeared, it shattered a large piece of void in an instant, as if teleporting, and directly crashed into Angel Yan's plump, tall and sexy body.

"This is……"

"Could this be the legendary King of Artifacts... the boat of good fortune?"

"What a terrifying coercion! As expected of the legendary King of Artifacts, this woman who doesn't know where she came from is absolutely doomed!"

Seeing the appearance of the boat of good fortune, many civil and military ministers who were terrified were overjoyed. In their opinion, once the king of artifacts appeared, the other party would definitely die.

"How is this possible? Father has a boat of good fortune!!"

Yang Gan was shocked, he didn't know about it.

Seeing the boat of good fortune crashing into Angel Yan, his heart ached, and he kept praying in his heart.

If Angel Yan died.

He's done.

"The boat of good fortune? It's a good treasure, just used to sacrifice to my lord!"

Angel Yan's white jade hands slowly stretched out, as if covering the universe, grasping the boat of good fortune in the palm of his hand without the slightest fireworks.

"how can that be?"

Standing in the boat of fortune, Yang Pan looked at the giant-like Angel Yan with disbelief on his face.

The boat of fortune is his biggest trump card.

Now it is easily captured.

"Under the god king, they are all ants!"

Angel Yan's five fingers gripped hard, obliterating Yang Pan's consciousness.


Hong Yi, Yang Gan, and even Manchu civil and military officials stared wide-eyed.

This is too strong!

Daqian, the sky has changed!


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