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Chapter 29 Shocking the Star Lord, Surpassing the Existence of the Yang God (Third Watch)

"This world will be mine from now on, Angel Yan will also be mine, and all the treasures and beauties in the world will be mine."

When Jin Xixi and the other beauties heard the young man's words, there was a hint of admiration in their eyes.

"Master Hou really has great ambitions, and he will definitely achieve a supreme foundation in the future. Now Qingzhou and other seven border states are in the hands of Master Hou!"

"In addition, the business firm founded by Lord Hou has been doing business with Yunmeng Empire, Yuantu Kingdom and other countries for many years, and has accumulated a huge wealth, as well as the army built by Lord Hou himself..."

"Just wait for the time to come, and you will be able to transform into a dragon immediately."

"It's just that Angel Yanzhen killed Yang Pan, who possessed the Artifact King's Ark of Good Fortune. His strength cannot be underestimated. Although the Lord of Primordial Mist behind him is unknown, he must be stronger!"

Jin Xixi said.

"The Lord of Primordial Mist is indeed unfathomable, and there is no news about it before. He does not reveal the mountains and does not reveal the water, and hides very deeply."

"However, he can't stop Benhou, and Benhou can't do anything to him now, but in the future, he will definitely be a stepping stone for Benhou."

Champion Hou said disapprovingly, he didn't take the Lord of Primordial Mist seriously at all.

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly came out of nowhere:

"A frog at the bottom of a well doesn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth!"


Champion Hou stood up suddenly, his tiger eyes swelled sharply, staring at the sky ahead.


Endless golden light surged, and a tall and sexy figure like an angel walked over with straight, white and long legs.

Blonde hair and golden pupils, golden wings, and a short golden armor skirt formed a sharp contrast with the white and delicate skin and plump and graceful curves.

"What a nice view!"

Champion Hou was stunned for a moment, and his blood sped up.

His eyes were fiery, full of strong possessiveness, and he said eagerly: "You are an angel? Be my wife. When I am king, I will allow your mother to love the world."

"You deserve it too?"

Angel Yan's eyes are playful, the corners of his mouth are disdainful, and he doesn't piss to take care of himself, what kind of virtue.

"I'll let you see how powerful this Marquis is!"

Champion Hou's face darkened, and he stretched out his hand to grab it. A crack appeared from the air, and a strangely shaped sword rushed out from all sides.

This sword is actually square, straight and straight, much straighter than a ruler, it seems to be the most upright sword between heaven and earth!

One side of this sword is mountains, rivers, grasses and trees.

One side is the sun, the moon and the stars.

One side is humane education.

One side is fishing, animal husbandry and farming.

Champion Hou's eyes were full of fierceness and fiery heat, and he slashed through the void with his sword.

"Panhuang Life Sword!"

At the moment when the champion Hou Yijian slashed out, the surrounding powerhouses exclaimed, as if they felt an overwhelming force coming!

This power is not killing.

This power contains: courage, benevolence, wisdom, integrity, and the four vast and yang thoughts.

Facing this force, they felt as if they were facing the ancient holy emperor.

Because this sword contains the thoughts of the ancient holy emperor!

Yang God's idea!

Thoughts of courage, love, and wisdom!

"This sword is owned by the first generation of the Holy Emperor! The symbol of the Holy Emperor, I didn't expect it to be in the hands of the champion!"

Some strong men of the older generation recognized the Panhuang Life Sword at a glance!

In ancient times, Panhuang had three swords of life, void, and time, which shocked the world.

Taishang Dao has God's will, the universe, the time and the three swords, cover the eight desolations.

"It's a nice sword!"

As soon as Angel Yan stretched out his white jade fingers, he clamped the mighty ancient divine weapon Panhuang Life Sword.

"how is this possible?"

The champion Hou Yangan was stunned.

The Panhuang Life Sword has always been his trump card, if he hadn't faced Angel Yan, he wouldn't have used it at all.

Unexpectedly, it was caught between two fingers.


Angel Yan didn't talk nonsense, with a slight force on his arm, the Panhuang Shengling Sword was snatched from Yang An's hand, and he killed Yang An with his sword.

"Lord Hou!"

Jin Xixi exclaimed, looking at Yang An who was falling upright, her eyes were full of disbelief.

Although they heard about the horror of Angel Yan.

But have not seen it with my own eyes.

There is no concept.

But Yang An's strength, they have a deep understanding.

Unexpectedly, Yang An was as fragile as a baby in front of Angel Yan.

There is no resistance.

Thinking of what Yang An said before to occupy the angel and kill the Lord of Primordial Mist, they felt blushing hot and panicked with embarrassment.

The gap is too big.

Angel Yan is so terrifying, let alone the Lord of Primordial Mist?

Angel Yan ignored the shock of the surrounding people, and killed Yang An's confidant and strong man with a wave of his hand, and put away his body and treasures.

These are the offerings of the Primordial Lord.

With another wave of his hand, all the daughters of great luck in Yang An's place were sent to Hong Yi.

She doesn't need to do the rest of the work.

After finishing the champion Hou Yang'an, Angel Yan took a step forward and came to the world of stars and stars outside the Great Thousand World.

The world of stars outside the sky is composed of countless stars, among which the central world where Pan Xing is located is the most powerful.

Central World leader Xu Yi, his son Qi Wang Wuyi and Central World

Each of the eight ministers is a world-renowned powerhouse.

In order to meet its own needs and ambitions, the central world has continuously annexed and occupied the surrounding stars, enslaving them one by one.


Li Fuxing.

The central world army is attacking Li Fuxing.


"Kill kill kill!"

The deafening shouts of killing shook the sky and the earth.

Millions of troops fought together, and the flames of war spread all over the planet. It was extremely tragic and terrifying.

"Boom boom boom..."

And on the bloody battlefield where corpses are strewn across the field and blood flows like rivers, a heroic figure is fiercely fighting several martial arts masters!

Her whole body carried an incomparably vast fist, overbearing strength, and powerful true energy. All the acupuncture points were opened, and invisible fluctuations bloomed.

With one punch and one kick, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, colliding with several terrifying figures around.

Every time there was a collision, the energy storm generated would lift one corpse after another into the air, and then many corpses would be directly shattered in midair, turning into a torrential rain of blood and falling.

The place where they fought turned into a forbidden zone of life, even if a martial sage was involved, he would be torn apart in an instant, turning into a rain of blood!

She is Li Fuyanluo, the star master of Li Fu.

A person who knows a hundred tricks and is a peak human immortal.

"Star Lord Li Fu, it's useless to resist stubbornly. Surrendering to the Central World is your only way out!"

A man with a strong breath shouted, he was wearing an extremely ferocious armor, his whole body was hideous, tall and big, like a demon god!

A sea-like aura exuded from his whole body, like the seductive god under the Underworld Emperor.

"Liefeng Tianjun! Fight if you have the ability!"

Li Fuxing's mastery of fists was overwhelming, domineering and terrifying, even if he was besieged by several human immortals, he still did not have the slightest compromise or fear.


Suddenly, a faint voice sounded out of thin air. It was not loud, but it suppressed the battlefield of the entire planet and suppressed the fighting sounds of tens of billions of troops.


Gaefeng Tianjun and other central world powerhouses were vigilant around, and saw Angel Yan walking from the void with his white and straight thighs, but he didn't look at them.

"Who are you?" Liefeng Tianjun frowned.


A sword light shot out from Angel Yan's eyes. The sword light seemed to be extremely slow, like a turtle's speed, but also seemed to be extremely fast.


Liefeng Tianjun's eyes widened, his neck tilted and he lost his breath.

And together with Liefeng Tianjun, there are five Tianjun.


Li Fuyanluo, the star master of Li Fu, was horrified, killing five heavenly monarchs instantly with one look, what kind of strength is this?

And if he could instantly kill the five Gaefeng Tianjun, he could also instantly kill her.

"Star Lord Li Fuyanluo has met senior, thank you for your help."

Li Fuyanluo's whole body was restrained, revealing his real body.

She has long hair draped over her shoulders, jade hairpins on her head, light white hands, and a slender body, like a fairy goddess carved from jade.

"At the peak of human immortality, one aperture can penetrate all apertures, and there are faint signs of condensing the fist intent into reality, not bad!"

Angel Yan looked at Li Fuyanluo and was very satisfied.

It's perfect as my main sacrifice.


Presumably my lord will like it very much.

"In that case, let me help you to achieve the essence of fisting."

"The essence of boxing?"

Li Fuyanluo was curious in her heart, she didn't inherit it, so she didn't know how to cultivate after she learned all the tricks.

But there is a faint feeling that there is still a realm between one opening to a hundred openings and smashing the vacuum.

"The peak of human immortality is divided into four realms."

At this moment, Angel Yan spoke slowly.

Before she came, Hong Meng passed on the plot of Yangshen World to her.

And she killed Yang Pan, Hong Xuanji and other strong people before, checked their memories, and obtained countless secrets and knowledge of exercises.

With her cultivation in the God King Realm, even if she has not practiced the Human Immortal Martial Arts, her understanding of the Human Immortal Martial Arts is not comparable to that of Li Fuyanluo.

It is more than enough to give advice to Li Fuyan.

"The first realm, one aperture is able to penetrate all apertures, cultivate the supernatural powers of the physical body, live forever, be able to fly into the sky and escape from the ground, swim in the turbulent void, and the fist can break through the infinite space and enter the world from beyond the sky."

"The second realm, the essence of boxing intention, can interfere with matter and time, and create space, which is no different from the power of Taoist primordial spirit.

"The third realm is derived from flesh and blood, and the dust is immortal. Incarnate into billions, reborn from a drop of blood, almost immortal."

"The fourth realm is ever-changing, and the physical body reaches the state. The body gathers and disperses according to the mind, and can change everything. Only the Yang God can see through it."

"Further up is the shattering of the vacuum, corresponding to the Immortal Yang God."

While speaking, Angel Yan instilled into Li Fuyanluo some knowledge about the essence of boxing that had been passed down from Taoist Creator Hong Xuanji.

With Li Fuyanluo's cultivation base, it is not a big problem to become a god king after the sacrifice, and she will be her sister in the future.

If she helps now, it is considered an early investment.

"The essence of the fist, the derivation of flesh and blood, and ever-changing, it turns out that I still have so many realms away from smashing the void!"

Li Fuyanluo was shocked, but he was not hit. Instead, he was full of fighting spirit, and the doubts in his heart suddenly became clear.

"Thank you senior for clarifying the confusion!"

All of a sudden, a thought that brought happiness to his heart welled up, Li Fu Yanluo laughed and thanked him, and the laughter was filled with joy!

this moment.

Straightforward thoughts flowed through her whole body, every orifice in her body vibrated, and an extremely powerful fist was brewing in it, and suddenly, it escaped through the air.

Fist intent becomes substance!

In an instant, under the guidance of Angel Yan, Li Fuyanluo broke through a level of realm, and reached the realm where fist intent was condensed into substance!

Her momentum keeps rising!

The strength has been greatly improved!

Endlessly improving!


In the end, her magic weapon Kaiyun Baojian turned into a ball of bright light, which was completely refined in the pure flames of the furnace on her body, and merged into the various acupuncture points.

"Human Treasures Unite, Supernatural Powers Increase"

At this moment, Li Fuyanluo officially reached the realm of the essence of boxing intention.

"Congratulations, you have broken through to the realm of the essence of fist intent, turning the emptiness into reality, and you are one step closer to the realm of smashing the vacuum!"

Angel Yan congratulated.

"Thank you senior, Li Fuyan and Luo Ming are very grateful for the kindness of senior in saving lives and preaching, but I have orders, and I will not hesitate to die!"

Li Fuyanluo said solemnly.

As the saying goes, Tao should not be passed on lightly.

As the star master of Li Fu, she can also be regarded as the overlord of one party, but these years still failed to find the path of cultivation after mastering all the tricks.

It can be seen how strict the inheritance and conservation of those strong people are.

"You're welcome, just call me Sister Yan."

Angel Yan helped Li Fuyanluo up, "I know you must be wondering why I saved you, and even taught you how to practice. I will tell you about this after I conquer the Deathly Silence Prison!"

"Deadly prison?"

Li Fuyan was startled and said in horror: "Sister Yan, you want to attack the Dead Silence Prison?"


Angel Yan nodded, very satisfied with Li Fuyanluo's voice.

"Sister Yan, this death prison is located on an extremely distant star in the center of the galaxy. This star is called the death star!"

"Central World uses the entire star as a sky prison, imprisoning countless masters, so that place is called the dead sky prison!"

"It is a secret and absolute realm that few people know about. It is more mysterious and dangerous than the legendary Nine Abyss Divine Realm. Once you enter the Deathly Silence Prison, you will never be able to live or die by yourself. It is an extremely terrifying place!"

When Li Fuyanluo mentioned the four words "Death and Silence Prison", his body visibly trembled, obviously he was very afraid of this word, as if it was some kind of taboo.

You must know that all the people imprisoned in the Dead Silence Prison are real masters, basically star masters like Star Master Li Fu.

Of course, Star Lord Li Fu is very powerful among the Lords of Stars. After all, a powerful human immortal rules a living star.

And the Human Immortal Peak is definitely the strongest among the Lords of Stars.

There are many such strong men in the Dead Silence Prison!

"Sister Yan, let me go with you!"

"Although my strength can't be compared with Sister Yan's, one more person is more powerful."

Li Fuyan asked:

"Furthermore, Yu Beiyao, the master of Beichen Star who I have been friends with, was besieged and sealed by the Minister of War 20 years ago, and was also sent to the prison of death and silence!"

"Since then, there has been no news about her, and I don't know whether she is dead or alive!"

"I want to see if she's still there!"

Angel Yan nodded: "Yes, and I know Yu Beiyao is still alive."

"Really? That would be great!"

Li Fuyan was overjoyed, she immediately confessed to her strong men, rectified Li Fuxing, and then went to Dead Silent Star with Angel Yan.


Angel Yan grabbed Li Fuyanluo and took a step forward, time and space changed.

The surrounding stars all disappeared, as if they had entered an inexplicable space, and seemed to have come to the true center of the galaxy.

Li Fuyan came back to her senses, her eyes widened suddenly.

"This... this is..."

Li Fuyan felt the surroundings, it was completely dark here, only in the deep distance, a gray star stood alone and dead in the center, showing an aura of despair.

"Yan... Sister Yan, is this the Dead Star?"

Li Fuyanluo was so shocked that he couldn't speak, he couldn't believe it.


Angel Yan nodded calmly.

"Yan... Sister Yan, why are you so fast?"

Li Fuyan couldn't imagine how he came from Li Fuxing to Dead Silence in an instant.

Could it be that Angel Yan has reached the legendary smashing vacuum or Yangshen realm?

"Hurry up? It's a good thing I'm not a man, otherwise I won't be happy!"

Angel Yan raised Li Fuyanluo's fair chin and smiled playfully.


Li Fuyanluo looked confused, she didn't expect that the goddess in her mind would be like this.

Sure enough, old Si Ji can fly the car anytime and anywhere!

"According to the cultivation system of your world, I should be equivalent to surpassing Yangshen or smashing the void!"

Angel Yan didn't hide anything, and said lightly.

"Beyond the sun god or smash the void?"

Li Fuyanluo's eyes were dull, she really wanted to say it was impossible!

But Angel Yan didn't seem to need to lie to her.

Could it be that there is really a strong person in this world who surpasses the sun god or smashes the vacuum?


:. :x8

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