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Chapter 34 Donghuang Yunxi, Luo Feng's request (second update)

"The Three Lives Sutra is indeed a Dao-level exercise, it's really against the sky!"

Hong Meng looked at the past body, his real consciousness can switch between the two bodies at will, and there is no difference between the two bodies.

What is even more surprising is that the Three Lives Sutra can be practiced in the past body, which is no different from Hongmeng's own practice.

This is equivalent to Hong Meng finding a coolie for himself. In the future, he will hand over the tiring and dirty work to the clone, and he only needs to enjoy it.

Of course, the avatar can practice the Three Lives Sutra, and it is only the present body and the future body.

It is impossible to have infinite nesting dolls.

"I don't know if I practice with the avatar at the same time, will the effect be doubled?"

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in Hong Meng's mind, he asked the past body to cultivate the present body, and his own self to cultivate the future body.

in a minute.

The two avatars of the present body and the future body were successfully cultivated at the same time.

Looking at the past, present, and future three clones in front of him, Hong Meng's eyes were full of shock.

It is really possible to practice at the same time.

Having three clones means that his cultivation speed has tripled again.

So scary.

"This is a way to increase your strength and quickly improve your cultivation. It seems that you need to find something to do for the hero Holy Spirit in the Kingdom of God, and pass on the complete Sanshengjing to them as soon as possible!"

Hong Meng secretly thought.

Of course he can pass it on to them directly.

But there are no rules.

From the very beginning, he thoroughly implemented a thought, that is, you can't get something for nothing, and you don't get paid for nothing.

If he really wanted to reward a hero treasure skill, he would find something for her to do, and then reward it.

At worst, you can let the other party sleep with you, and then give you a reward.

"There are many heroes and holy spirits in the kingdom of God, but there are differences in understanding and talent. Some cultivate quickly and some slowly. Those who cultivate quickly are arranged first, and those who cultivate slowly are not in a hurry..."

Hong Meng's thinking is quick, and he has a plan in his mind in an instant. For heroes who are slow in cultivation, it is useless to pass on the current cultivation method to them.

"Hey, the ruthless empress has just started. She is indeed the most amazing and talented empress in the world of Shrouding Heaven. This empress has super comprehension!"

"It seems that the empress will be the first hero to cultivate her past life."

"According to her cultivation speed, it will probably take a week!"

As soon as Hong Meng thought about it, he knew the status of all the heroes and holy spirits in the Kingdom of God.

After the ruthless empress, God King Gouli practiced fastest.

High cultivation is also an advantage.

Then there are Xinyue Fox, Xinyuekui, Angel Saint King, Indifferent, Li Fuyanluo, Beichen Star Lord, Xu Feihong...

Withdrawing his divine thoughts, Hong Meng couldn't help but think of the ruthless empress.

A week later, there will be two ruthless empresses.

Wouldn't it be double the happiness?

"Huh? Mengyao and Hongxia are here!"

Suddenly, Hong Meng seemed to have a sense, and the figure disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he was in a purple bamboo hut.

This is the sacred land of Zhongzhou Yaochi.

Hong Meng, Nangong Mengyao and others lived here after they came to Zhongzhou.

Open the array.

Nangong Mengyao and Ji Hongxia came together.

Nangong Mengyao's cultivation base has been restored to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, like a fairy in white, with a peerless face, beautiful looks, flying black hair, fluttering robes, independent from the world.

The figure is plump and the body is white.

The whole body is surrounded by brilliance, and it has the posture of overturning all living beings.

Ji Hongxia has a graceful jade body, enchanting and fiery, and is full of charms.

The temperament of the two is simply two extremes.

One is like a fairy in the moon palace.

Elegant and refined.


A witch-like goblin.

Charming and enchanting.

It can be called a peerless stunner.

"Brother Hong Meng!"

Nangong Mengyao's "Brother Hong Meng" made Ji Hongxia swallow the words that came to her lips, and her eyes were full of disbelief.

Although Nangong Mengyao used to be called Hong Meng like this.

But at that time Nangong Mengyao hadn't recovered the memory of the Lord of Yaochi.


Nangong Mengyao had already recovered her memory, and she carried the grace and nobility of the Holy Lord of Yaochi in every gesture, with a compelling aura.

He is still called Brother Hong Meng...

"It seems that this little villain has put Holy Master in bed too!"

Ji Hongxia thought of Hong Meng's great skills, and felt her body go limp suddenly, her two beautiful legs were tightly clamped together. She didn't know what to call Hong Meng better.

Nangong Mengyao's name is Brother Hong Meng. Whether she is called a little villain or a little brother, it seems that it is not very good!

"Are you going to participate in the Demon Slaying Conference?"

Hong Meng stretched out his hand to hold Nangong Mengyao and Ji Hongxia in his arms. It is not far away from the 15th day of August. Counting the time, it is time to start.

"Yes, it will take a day from here to the Eternal God City, we are going to set off tomorrow!"

Being hugged by Hong Meng, Nangong Mengyao frowned slightly, especially when she was with Ji Hongxia, she felt slightly uncomfortable.

Ji Hongxia didn't even dare to look into Nangong Mengyao's eyes, as if she had done something wrong.

"Okay, then let's have a good rest tonight!"

Hong Meng bit her crystal earlobe, and his scorching breath hit Nangong Mengyao's fair and tender face, causing two red clouds to appear on her cheeks.

"I still have something to do, let Hongxia accompany you!"


Gong Mengyao supported Hong Meng's chest with her hands, she was a little flustered, her heart was pounding.

Although she restored the memory of the Lord of Yaochi.

But where has experienced such a battle.

"I miss you!"

Hong Meng bit her crystal earlobe, did not give them a chance to speak, and picked them up one by one.

"You little rascal, put me down."

"don't want……"

Accompanied by the sound of the shattering gauze skirt, the whole attic became weird and strange.

The figure swayed.

The phoenix crows.


next morning.

There are three poles in the sun.

Hongmeng's misty eyes opened, and there were peerless beauties in his arms, with uneven and charming figures, beautiful eyes blurred, and the charm between the brows was full.

The relationship between Nangong Mengyao and Ji Hongxia couldn't help getting closer.

Together through the window.

We carried guns together.

We've been through the cannon together.

This relationship doesn't matter if you think about it or not.

"Little villain, you know how to bully others, are you satisfied now?"

Seeing Hong Meng waking up, Nangong Mengyao gave him a hard look with her misty eyes.

"Satisfied, of course satisfied."

Hong Meng smiled slightly, "Didn't it satisfy you?"

"You still say!"

"Okay, I won't say anything, then I will give you a gift to compensate you."

Hong Meng smiled mischievously, and then passed the Three Lives Sutra that he had prepared for them to Nangong Mengyao and Ji Hongxia.

"This... is this a Dao-level exercise?"

"The past body, the present body, and the future body are not related to karmic fate. Even the powerful and powerful cannot kill other clones through karmic fate or curses..."


Nangong Mengyao and Ji Hongxia were stunned.

This technique is too powerful.

too precious.

Even if the god emperor or even the gods know about it, they will break the scalp and fight for it.

"This is too expensive... um..."

Although Nangong Mengyao was tempted, she didn't want such a precious thing from Hong Meng.

As Hongmeng's woman, she is not greedy for Hongmeng's skills and treasures.

But before she finished speaking, Hong Meng sealed her ruddy mouth.

Ji Hongxia, who was just about to speak next to her, couldn't help swallowing the words when they came to her lips.

half an hour.

Hong Meng let go of Nangong Mengyao, who was panting delicately, and looked at her and Ji Hongxia: "This is a gift from me, don't refuse it!"

"Cultivate a clone as soon as possible, so that you can survive better in this turbulent world."

"Little villain, thank you!"

Ji Hongxia's eyes were full of emotion, her white lotus root arms tightly wrapped around Hong Meng's neck, and sent a lingering kiss.

Another half an hour later.

Hong Meng, Nangong Mengyao and Ji Hongxia dawdled to get out of bed.

The sky above the Yaochi.

A huge ancient ship is suspended in the air, surrounded by fairy light, endless auspiciousness, infinite good fortune, and various visions.

This embarrassingly is an innate treasure ancient ship.

On the bow deck, a beautiful fairy in white stands proudly.

Three thousand blue hairs fluttered, with a little bit of luster.

She has a beautiful face, picturesque eyebrows, a beautiful nose and almond eyes, red lips, and exquisite facial features. Her skin is like snow and creamy, flowing with a crystal luster.

Under the gorgeous and eye-catching phoenix robe, the figure is graceful, exquisite, with perfect curves.

Graceful temperament.

Majestic and noble.


Seven points similar to Nangong Mengyao.

When Hong Meng looked at the other party, the other party also looked at Hong Meng.

A pair of phoenix eyes carried endless majesty.

Even a strong God Emperor would feel ashamed under this gaze, and would not dare to look at him.

This embarrassingly is a terrifying strong man who has been in a high position for a long time.

"Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian Nine Heavens."

Hong Meng had sensed the other party's cultivation and recognized him at the same time.

Although it was the first time for him to see her, he heard Nangong Mengyao say it last night.

The Holy Land of Yaochi in Zhongzhou was managed by her elder sister Donghuang Yunxi in her previous life.

Donghuang Yunxi and the Lord of Yaochi can be called the twin sisters, with extraordinary talent, magnificence, and power, they jointly created the Holy Land of Yaochi.

Later, the Holy Land of Yaochi in Dongxuan Territory was established, and Nangong Mengyao's predecessor, Donghuang Mengyao, was in charge of the Holy Land of Yaochi in Dongxuan Territory.

"Brother Hong Meng, this is my sister Donghuang Yunxi!"

Nangong Mengyao brought Hong Meng forward and introduced, "Sister, he is Hong Meng."

"Hello, Sister Yunxi."

Hong Meng greeted.

"I didn't expect you to find a little guy after reincarnation!"

Donghuang Yunxi looked at Hong Meng and smiled sweetly:

"But this little guy is pretty good."

Her smile was like a peerless fairy flower blooming, so beautiful and beautiful.

"Sister Yunxi, don't talk nonsense."

Hong Meng looked at this woman, amazed in his heart, blinked, and said meaningfully: "I'm not a little guy!"


Donghuang Yunxi raised her eyebrows.

The incomparably terrifying breath stirred endlessly.

Rumble! !

Without any warning, the sky and the earth rumbled, as if the universe was torn apart, engulfing endless galaxies.

It seems that the sky is collapsing and the earth is collapsing, a catastrophe is imminent, and all spirits are shining brightly.

The emperor cannot be humiliated.

When the Holy Lord got angry, the world was turned upside down, and hundreds of millions of corpses lay dead.

"My God, the little scoundrel is too bold. He even dared to tease the Holy Master of the Eastern Phoenix. The Holy Master of the Eastern Phoenix is ​​not Nangong Mengyao!"

Ji Hongxia's eyes widened, her heart was overwhelmed.

The Holy Lord of Donghuang has not been reincarnated, he is a real Holy Lord.

Every Holy Master is a Hunyuan Golden Immortal or a God Emperor level power.

And the Holy Master of Donghuang is the most powerful person who stood at the peak of Hunyuan Jinxian countless years ago.

"What's going on here? Could it be that there is an attack from a foreign powerhouse?"

"Gulu! Could it be that there will be an imperial war here?"

The Yaochi Holy Land and the countless creatures around were all cold from head to toe, panicked and terrified.

Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian corresponds to the god emperor, so the two are generally referred to as the emperor-level powerhouse.

On the ancient ship, fairy light is lingering, the laws of the avenue are intertwined, and visions are diverse.

The beautiful, but terrifying and inviolable Donghuang Yunxi frowned, seemingly full of anger, and looked at Hong Meng there.

Hong Meng looked calm, calm and confident.

"He is really an interesting little guy, no wonder he can capture my sister's body and mind!"

Suddenly, Donghuang Yunxi, who was originally full of anger, smiled sweetly.

If a hundred flowers bloom, the world will lose its color, and it will be so beautiful.

"You're just a little guy, sooner or later I'll let you know how powerful you are."

Hong Meng complained in his heart, and he didn't pay attention to Donghuang Yunxi's temptation at all.

He is a man who has mastered several ways of the god emperor.

Among them, there are five ways of the God Emperor Nine Heavens.

In God Emperor Realm.

He fears no one.

"Set off."

Hong Meng, Nangong Mengyao and others walked into the ancient ship, and the ancient ship immediately burst into the law of the endless avenue, cutting through the void, and heading for the eternal city of Zhongzhou.

"Little villain, you really scared me to death just now!"

Ji Hongxia leaned against Hong Meng's arms, looking at him resentfully.

"Don't worry, can you still kill me?"

Hong Meng hugged the beautiful woman's plump and graceful body, played with a touch of soft and fragrant nephrite, and said with a smirk:

"In the future, I will get Sister Yunxi for you to be your sister, so you don't have to be afraid of her!"


Ji Hongxia was taken aback, she didn't expect Hong Meng to be so courageous, to dare to say such words here.

This innate treasure ancient ship is Donghuang Yunxi's magic weapon.

If the other party wants to hear it, they must be able to hear it.


Donghuang Yunxi, who was chatting with Nangong Mengyao about Hong Meng next door, had already heard it.

She looked at Nangong Mengyao with a strange look in her eyes, and suddenly smiled: "Yo, your little husband wants to take my sister in too, and treat her as your sister!"

"What do you think?"

Nangong Mengyao heard the words, thought about it seriously, and said:

"I think it's okay!"

Donghuang Yunxi: "..."

The former sister is gone forever.

Now there is only Nangong Mengyao, and there is no Donghuang Mengyao anymore.


the other side.

Hong Meng didn't know that Donghuang Yunxi had already listened to his words.

At this moment, he was thinking about which hero to send to Devour Starry Sky World to help Luo Feng preach and sacrifice.


He received Luo Feng's prayer, praying for the heroes and warriors of the Kingdom of God to come.

"It turned out that I encountered a golden-horned monster."

As soon as Hong Meng thought about it, he knew everything that devoured Luo Feng in the starry sky world, and he understood the cause and effect.

"The devouring starry sky world is very strong, and among them there are strong men who are equivalent to the king of gods. We must send a hero who can hold the field!"

"Forget it, let the Angel Saint King go there!"

Hong Meng had a decision in his mind.

Angel Saint King God Emperor level cultivation base, even in the devouring starry sky world, can sweep the world, like a fish in water.


end of chapter

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