Become a God and Join the Chat Group

Chapter 2 Emperor Huangtian sends out red envelopes, Monkey King joins the group

"When a thought blooms, the king will rule the world."

The ruthless female emperor's red lips parted lightly, her body was white and radiant, her fairy posture was peerless, she was extremely powerful, and she was extremely domineering.

One after another, the fairy flowers bloomed, and each piece was crystal clear, dancing one after another, and each one could be transformed into a real body.

Each avatar displayed a kind of unrivaled magic, and the endless magic swept down like a torrential wave.

It shattered the boundless terror, enough to cut off the starry sky and bury the blazing gun light of all spirits.

Ruthlessly suppressed and killed.


Hei Di holds a black gold spear, which is extremely thick and sharp, cutting across three thousand worlds.

All kinds of supernatural powers and supreme killing techniques are displayed one by one.

Countless strong men were dumbfounded.



"God Emperor Qichongtian did not lose to Hei Emperor at all, and even faintly suppressed Hei Emperor!"

"What a terrifying combat power!"

"Where did this ruthless person come from?"

Who can become an emperor, who is not talented, has super combat power, is respected among his peers, and if he wants to leapfrog to fight, the difficulty can be imagined.

"Who is this kid?"

Chi Di frowned, his face was as gloomy as water, he could tell that it was impossible for Hei Di to take down Hong Meng, and they were ashamed today.

And he can't make a move.

Not to mention that in front of so many people, once he makes a move, bullying the few with more will definitely become a joke, not to mention Donghuang Yunxi and Nangong Mengyao will not watch him make a move without being indifferent.


At this moment, a loud bell rang.

The bell sounded peacefully without any fireworks, but as it rang, the aftermath of the battle between the Ruthless Empress and the Hei Emperor was completely suppressed.

"It's the eternal clock!"

"It seems that the Demon Slaying Conference is about to start, and the battle is over!"

"Yeah, no one dares to continue to make trouble after the eternal clock has rung!"

When the strong people around heard the bell, their hearts trembled, they shook their heads and sighed, as if regretting not being able to see a real big show.

In fact, they also know that in this Eternal Palace, it is impossible to really kill people.

Being able to pass a few tricks is already the limit.

If you go too far, you won't give face to the master of the Eternal Palace.

Needless to say, there will be consequences if you don't give face to the owner of the Eternal Palace.

"Boy, don't think that hiding behind a woman will give you peace of mind, you wait for me!"

The Hei Emperor separated from the Ruthless Empress, gave Hong Meng a hard look, and left a harsh word.

The bell just now was the bell of the Eternal Palace, representing the owner here.

No matter how arrogant he is, he dare not continue to do it.

The ruthless empress was also instructed to retreat to Hong Meng's side and remain silent.

"I am waiting."

Hong Meng didn't take his threats to heart at all. He wrapped his big hands around Nangong Mengyao's slippery waist and lowered his head to kiss the beauty's delicate and alluring red lips.

"Little villain!"

Nangong Mengyao's pretty face blushed, and her white jade fingers pinched Hong Meng's soft waist hard.

"Boy, you are doomed. What this emperor said, even the heavenly king and I can't save you!"

Hei Di clenched his fists tightly, his eyes seemed to breathe fire.

He knew that this was Hong Meng's intention to anger him.

But he saw that the goddess he had pursued for tens of millions of years and hadn't touched a finger was in Hong Meng's arms, asking for anything.

In his heart, he was called a wretched fire!

"Hehe, I just like your gnashing of teeth, yet helpless look!"

Hong Meng grinned, revealing his white teeth.

"Boy, dare to provoke our brother, I will make you regret coming to this world."

When Chidi walked in front of Hong Meng, he sounded threatening.

After Hong Meng's disturbance and Nangong Mengyao's relationship, he knew that his pursuit of Donghuang Yunxi was also in vain.

Basically impossible.

"Threatening me?"

Hong Meng opened his mouth directly, stretched out his hand, and embraced the slender and smooth waist of Donghuang Yunxi who had just walked over, and said with a smile:

"Yunxi is also mine, you two big worms don't want to eat swan's head meat!"

To be honest, looking at the burly bodies of Chidi and Heidi several feet tall, Hong Meng was a little curious, can normal women bear it?

When you can't do things, you still have to use magical powers to change your body shape?

I heard that the Brain Ax is not only powerful...

Also with barbs.


Chidi glanced at Hongmeng with his gloomy eyes, and walked away with Heidi.

"Little bastard, don't you let go?"

Donghuang Yunxi's beautiful eyes gave Hong Meng a hard look. This guy is really daring, the first person who dared to directly touch her.

"You are really not afraid of death!"

Hong Meng smiled indifferently, and said nonchalantly: "It's also romantic to be a ghost under the peony flower, and besides, I'm helping sister Yunxi, are you watching me being bullied?"

"Are you still being bullied?"

Donghuang Yunxi glanced at the ruthless empress, and she had such a terrifying and strong person next to her, it would be good if she didn't bully others.

"My God, who is this kid? He even took down the Eastern Phoenix Empress?"

"Is it because of the hanging?"

"Can it be compared to Chidi and Heidi?"

"The Red Emperor and the Black Emperor are not of the same species, they can scare people to death!"

"I'm thinking about this kid, can that little body hold it?"

"So what if you can't bear it, if you can die on the belly of Empress Donghuang and Empress Yaochi, death is worth it!"

Seeing Hong Meng hugging Donghuang Yunxi, the eyeballs of countless strong men dropped to the ground, feeling that today's melon is really big.

"Believe it or not, I chopped off your paw!"

Sensing the weird gazes around her, and Hong Meng's persistent and dishonest claws, Donghuang Yunxi glared at Hong Meng in embarrassment, and stretched out her hand to pat off Hong Meng's claws.

"It's so fierce, no one will want it in the future!"

Hong Meng rubbed his big hand that was blushed by Donghuang Yunxi, stretched out his hand to wrap around the slender waist of the cruel empress, and took Nangong Mengyao with the other, and walked straight forward.

"I go!"

"I thought that Peerless Fairy was that kid's elder, but I didn't expect that she was also that kid's woman!"

"This is simply awesome!"

"In terms of eating soft food, I would like to call this kid the strongest!"

"Could it be that this kid is really arrogant?"

Hong Meng's actions not only shocked countless powerful people around him, but even Donghuang Yunxi, Nangong Mengyao, and Ji Hongxia were astonished.

They all thought that the ruthless empress was Hong Meng's elder.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be such a relationship.

"Brother Hong Meng, is this fairy also your woman?" Nangong Mengyao sent a voice transmission, very curious in her heart.


Hong Meng raised his head proudly, like a proud peacock.

With one hand the empress of Yaochi and the other the empress of ruthlessness, he came to a purple star like a dandy young man, and sat down with a golden knife on his horse.

The ruthless empress, with slender fingers, was fair and beautiful, and gently picked up the spiritual fruit on the table and fed it to Hong Meng's mouth, like a maid, making the corners of the mouths of countless strong men around her twitch.

What made countless men even more heartbroken was that Nangong Mengyao seemed to be infected as well. She lifted the jug with her jade hand, poured wine for Hong Meng, and brought the glass to Hong Meng's mouth.

The faces of Chidi and Heidi turned even darker.

I can't wait to rush over now and tear this arrogant guy into pieces.

Hong Meng turned a blind eye to the countless murderous eyes around him, enjoying the services of Nangong Mengyao and the ruthless Empress comfortably.

And all of this was of course Hong Meng's intention.

The purpose is to confuse outsiders.

Now that he is exposed to the public, especially if he has a relationship with Nangong Mengyao, he must be stared at by countless people.

I don't know how many strong people want to kill him.

He can also relax the vigilance of others by pretending to be a dandy boy.

This is also the reason why he would rather expose the ruthless empress than show his own strength.

His strength is one of his biggest cards.

Not easily exposed.

"The Lord of the Heavenly Dao Palace, the Heavenly Eye Daoist, here we are!"

"Sovereign Master of the Shinto Sect, Nine Profound Gods, here!"

"Holy Master Ziwei, Daoist Haotian, here!"

At this time, with the sound of three loud voices, the entire Eternal Palace was silent, and the atmosphere became solemn and solemn.

Hong Meng looked curiously, and saw three chaotic hazy stalwart figures approaching with dragons and tigers walking, and the heavens were entangled, and the endless sun, moon and stars were all revolving around them.

Tianyan Daoist is dressed as a Taoist, with a closed vertical eye between his brows, his eyes are like an infinite universe, with endless avenue runes flashing, as if he can see everything in the world, see the past and the future.

Above the Immortal Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is the Heavenly Dao Realm.

Those who are strong in the Dao of Heaven are equal to the Dao of Heaven, and they can be called Daoist.

Corresponding to the gods in Shinto.

The Heavenly Dao Realm goes up to the legendary Dao Realm.

Equal to the Dao, can be called the Lord

Corresponding to the ancestor gods in Shinto.

On the left side of Tianyan Daoist, the Nine Profound God is majestic and majestic, surrounded by divine light. Compared with Tianyan Daozun, he is more majestic and domineering.

On the right, the crape myrtle lord Haotian Daozun is wearing a Taoist robe of stars, majestic and dignified, and has a mysterious temperament.

It was the first time Hong Meng saw a strong man at the level of a god, so he couldn't help but take a few extra glances.

The other party seemed to have sensed it, and Hong Meng suddenly felt three terrifying eyes falling on him, as if they wanted to see through him.

"It's worthy of being a god-level powerhouse, it's really scary!"

Hong Meng thought to himself.

A strong man of this level, if placed in Honghuang, would be a Hongjun level existence.

Indeed scary.

But it's still a long way to go to see him.

Next, the Heavenly Eye Daoist, the Nine Profound God, and the Haotian Daoist presided over the Demon Slaying Conference.

Hong Meng had no interest in this.

His consciousness sank into the chat group.

Favorite drink of animal milk: "Hey, do you want to drink animal milk?"

The Demon Queen: "Little one, bring some to my sister!"

Favorite and animal milk: "Okay, I didn't expect that sister Yinhou also likes to drink animal milk!"

Tu Shan's second head: "Little one, my sister wants it too!"

Hama Mountain's lecherous fairy: "Wow, this old man really wants to drink milk, drooling.jpg."

The overlord of the world will: "You old man, what milk do you drink when you are so grown up?"

Gouzi of Shangshen: "Toad Immortal is not interested in wine, I'm afraid it's not animal milk that he wants to drink!"

Favorite drink of animal milk: "I'll send out 20 copies, grab a red envelope if you want to drink!"

"Ding, I like to drink animal milk and sent a group of red envelopes."

Ye Tiandi received the red envelope.

The Queen of the Demon Gate received a red envelope.

Sect Master Yunlan...

Head of Huashan: "I'll go, Ye Tiandi's hands are too fast!"

God's dog: "Single for twenty years, let's find out."

I don't want to be Zhao Gao: "Does Emperor Ye also drink milk?"

Ye Tiandi: "Experience the life of Huang Tiandi!"

Demon Queen: "Thank you little one."

Holy Maiden of Wuhun Temple: "Thank you little one."

Demon Queen: "Thank you little one."


Shangshen Gouzi: "I love animal milk the most, little one, what have you been doing lately?"

Favorite drink of animal milk: "Of course I'm trying to preach for my lord. Willow God promised to go up next time to offer sacrifices, but I'm going to carry a few more fat people to sacrifice to my lord!"

Xuansi fell asleep Xiaolongnv: "Fatty?"

The lecherous fairy of Hamo Mountain: "Hey, Miss Long doesn't know something. The fat man in Xiao Budian's mouth is not an ordinary fat man, but a big fat beauty over there!"

Demon Queen: "Fairy Toad, you'll get excited when you mention fat!"

Tu Shan's second boss: "LSP!"

Lecherous Immortal of Hama Mountain: "I love animal milk the most, little one, do you know who the biggest fat guy in our group is?"

Favorite drink of animal milk: "It's Sister Liangbing!"

Witch Queen: "..."

Tu Shan's second in command: "Such a simple little guy, was brought down by a group of you LSPs!"

Lord of Great Qin: "If this group is blocked, none of you here will be innocent."


"The Willow God actually agreed to offer sacrifices next time?"

Hong Meng looked at the chat group with some anticipation in his heart.

Although Liu Shen suffered heavy injuries, he was once a strong immortal king.

If the sacrifice comes up...

Maybe it's a god-level hero.

A god-level hero...

Just when Hong Meng was thinking about it, a notification from the chat group suddenly came in his mind:

"Ding, Monkey King joined the chat group."


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