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Chapter 17: Willow God shocked the world

"Ding, your believers sacrificed and sold fake medicines to you."

"This time, it has achieved a ten trillion-fold increase."

"You have obtained the best innate spiritual root and the six-path reincarnation spiritual root."

"You got the legendary hero Six Paths Reincarnation. Selling fake medicine."

[Six Paths of Reincarnation. Selling counterfeit medicines]

God respects the Nine Heavens, and palms the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

"The number of people selling counterfeit medicines has actually increased into the Six Paths of Reincarnation Spiritual Roots?"

Hong Meng didn't know that Chi Di and Hei Di were conspiring against him. Hearing the prompt at this moment, he was a little puzzled.

Those who sell fake medicines are not those who practice the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

"Could it be..."

Hong Meng thought of selling counterfeit medicines by dividing his body into six pieces, turning them into six magical medicines, and imitating different methods in the world, hoping to break through the bottleneck in this way.

It's kind of a cycle.

One is divided into six, which also implies the meaning of six paths.

"Ding, your believers offer sacrifices to you, the daughter of destiny, Yuechan, the witch, and Huo Ling'er, each with 200 powers of luck."

"This time, it has achieved a ten trillion-fold increase."

"You gain the power of six quadrillions of sources."

"You have obtained the legendary hero Qingyue Immortal Fairy. Yuechan."

"You have obtained the legendary hero Tianhu Xianji. The witch."

"You have obtained the legendary hero Huo Ling Xian Ji. Huo Ling'er."

"You have obtained the God-Emperor-level Qingyue Dao, the Charm Dao, and the God-king-level Flame Dao."

"Two god emperors plus one god king is not bad."

Hong Meng nodded secretly.

Although they are female protagonists, their cultivation base is lower.

Being able to become god emperors and god kings is already their extraordinary physique and luck.

"Ding, your believers offer sacrifices to Yu Tuo, Feng Xi, and Liu Shen, the daughters of destiny, each with 200 powers of luck."

"This time, it has achieved a ten trillion-fold increase."

"You gain the power of six quadrillions of sources."

"You have obtained the legendary hero Jinghong Immortal Fairy Yu Tuo."

"You have obtained the legendary hero Phoenix Fairy. Feng Xi."

"You have obtained the best innate spiritual root and green willow."

"You have obtained the legendary hero Green Liuxian Ji. Liu Shen."


"Yutuo Shenzun is the first-level heaven, Fengxi Shenzun is the ninth-level heaven, Liu Shenzun is the ninth-level heaven, plus those who sell fake medicines, there are four god-level heroes, three of which are god-level nine-level heroes..."

"And the five corpse puppets are enough to compare with four or five ancestral gods!"

"Fuck! I'm invincible!"

Hong Meng was high-spirited and full of pride.

He swept the surrounding powerhouses, and suddenly had the urge to "everyone here is garbage".

"Huh? These two big bugs have been staring at me secretly. They must be holding grudges, thinking about how to get revenge on me?"

Suddenly, Hong Meng noticed Heidi and Chidi.

It's been torn apart before.

What's more, he slapped them hard in the face in front of them.

It's strange that the two don't hate him.

But Hong Meng was not afraid of them before.


Now Hong Meng is a bit expecting them to come to trouble.

Then let them know why the flowers are so red.

"Ding, your believers held a world sacrifice."

"You get a world of luck!"

"This time it has achieved a trillion-fold increase."

"You get a purple gold dragon for luck."

In the Kingdom of God, a purple-gold luck golden dragon flew over and merged with the nine purple-gold luck and luck golden dragons on Hong Meng's avatar.

His deity and clone can be switched at will.

This Zijin Qi Luck Golden Dragon can naturally manifest on any body.


With the integration of this Zijin Luck Fortune Golden Dragon, there seemed to be a sound of a bottleneck breaking, and the Zijin Luck Luck Golden Dragon instantly soared, and the vast imperial power swept across the kingdom of God.

"It's my lord!"

"My Lord has broken through again!"

"The great master of Hongmeng..."

Countless creatures in the kingdom of God and the heroes, the Holy Spirit, were overjoyed, and they all knelt down and kowtowed, praying devoutly, with excitement and joy.

this moment.

Hong Meng's Zijin Qiyun Jinlong broke through.


The luck contained in it is unimaginable.

all of a sudden.

Countless inspirations flooded into my heart, and the avenues of God Venerable, God Emperor, and God Kings that I just obtained merged together.

His Dao of Destiny, the Dao of Hongmeng, greedily absorbs the essence of various avenues and grows rapidly.

The late king of gods.

The pinnacle of the god king.

At this point, the rapidly rising breath seems to have encountered the obstruction of the bottleneck wall membrane, and the upward trend has been blocked.

But the next moment.


A terrifying imperial coercion spread out.


The way of Hongmeng has broken through the bottleneck.

Promoted to God Emperor level.

"The way of Hongmeng has broken through the God-Emperor level, it is really a step to the sky!"

Hong Meng was overjoyed, but he did not improve his cultivation for the time being.

He is now in the Eternal Palace, and once he improves his cultivation, he will not be able to hide it.

And the skyrocketing from the middle of the god king to the god emperor will definitely cause huge attention and trouble.

He is not afraid of trouble.

But why bother to avoid trouble.

He hates trouble the most.

Anyway, the way of Hongmeng has reached the realm of the emperor, and the cultivation base can be improved at any time.

"Last time the holy king of angels went to devour the starry sky world, I let her good sister go unnoticed, this time let Yanluo's good sister Bei Yao go."

Hong Meng's eyes were faint, as if he could see through the infinite time and space, and saw the perfect world.


Hong Meng cried.

"Meet my lord."

Yu Beiyao, the master of Beichen Star from the Yangshen world, appeared, knelt down on the ground, and said respectfully.

"You take a trip to the perfect world for me."

"Yes, my lord."

Yu Beiyao got up and walked to the perfect world with slender and straight legs.


a perfect world.

As Xiao Budian and the crowd prayed, the huge and majestic altar bloomed with endless rays of light, and all the immortal kings and powerhouses concerned were refreshed.

His eyes were fixed on the altar.

"Will the Lord of Hongmeng appear?"

The sharp eyes of Wang Anlan couldn't help but waver, and Gujing's heart that had never wavered for hundreds of millions of years couldn't help but get nervous.


However, before the Lord of Hongmeng appeared, there was a roar on the altar, and the animals broke free and floated up.

One after another rare and strange beasts bloomed with endless fairy lights, their bodies soared at a speed visible to the naked eye, and their cultivation levels continued to climb.

For example, Tiantianque, Suzaku, Qiongqi, and Zhuyan whose cultivation is not in the Divine Fire Realm, their cultivations rise like a rocket.

Shinichi, Sacred Sacrifice, Deity, Void Dao, Cut Me, Eunichi, Supreme...

"how can that be?"

An Lan's eyes widened, her breathing became short, she couldn't believe it, but she had to accept this fact.

"The power of the Lord of Hongmeng is really terrifying, and he can instantly elevate mortal beings to the realm of the human realm, but it is obviously impossible to upgrade to the realm of immortality!"

"There is a difference between immortals. The leap in the middle is like a moat. Even if the power of the Lord of Hongmeng is stronger, it is impossible to create an immortal... uh..."

Before An Lan's words of comfort were finished, she stopped abruptly, her face turning blue and white, like constipation.

I saw the Swallowing Sparrow, Zhu Yan and other immemorial relics on the altar without the slightest pause to break through the bottleneck of the Immortal Dao and advance to the Immortal Dao Realm.

"Is this a great existence that surpasses the Immortal Emperor? It is unbelievable to let a bunch of immemorial relics, even ordinary livestock, be promoted to true immortals before they appear!"

Wushang, Kundi and other immortal king giants said in shock, with infinite awe in their eyes.

"It's really incredible, but this should be the limit. Under the Immortal King are all ants. These ant-like mortal creatures can reach the sky in one step. It is already a great creation to become a true immortal, and it is impossible to become an Immortal King!"

Chi Wang and other Immortal Kings said.

They become Immortal Kings, which one is not the posture of the sky.

A mere mortal creature, an ant-like lowly species, can be promoted to a true immortal under the gift of the great Lord of Primordial Glory. It is a chance against the sky.

Promoted to Immortal King?

What a joke.

Are they all rubbish in their hundreds of millions of cultivation?

An Lan nodded with a hint of pride: "Every Immortal King is a supreme figure overlooking the reincarnation of the era. It is difficult to give birth to one in an era. How can these lowly beasts be comparable?"

"Even if the Lord of Hongmeng is powerful, it is impossible to raise them to immortals..."

Suddenly, the voice stopped, and An Lan's expression froze.

The beasts on the altar broke through again.

Or fairyland.

"how is this possible?"

"Immortal Kings! They turned into Immortal Kings directly!"


The mentality of countless immortal king giants collapsed.

In order to cultivate into Immortal Kings, they walked all the way through the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood.

However, these beasts became immortal kings in a blink of an eye.

Compare with them.

What makes them even more collapsed is that the cultivation base of powerful immemorial relics like swallowing the sky is still skyrocketing, and they have already gone to the quasi-immortal emperor.

Even powerful creatures like the group of phoenixes raised by Feng Xi who raised chickens and Kun Pengzi, the posthumous son of Kunpeng, one of the ten murderers, have surpassed the Immortal King and become Immortal Emperor.

Even heading towards the realm beyond the Immortal Emperor.

this moment.

Looking at the countless ancient relics and pure-blooded creatures on the altar, all of them have a strong feeling that the Immortal King is walking all over the place, and the Immortal Emperor is not as good as a dog.

These are the Immortal Kings who are high above and overlooking the reincarnation of the era.


It's really "a pig and a dog".


An Lan's mood was complicated, and thousands of words were condensed into one sentence.

He looked at Yu Tuo.

I saw Yu Tuo's whole body blooming with immortal light, and the city was unparalleled. The breath emanating from his body made his soul torn apart, and the whole person was about to die violently.

Not only Yu Tuo, Liushen, Fengxi, but even Yuechan, Witch, and Huo Linger, who were inferior to ants in his eyes before, were a terrifying mess.

The terrifying emperor's might permeating his body made him soberly know that the ants he had despised before had become an emperor that he couldn't look up to.

The real fairy emperor.

"So it is! So it is!"

"No wonder Yu Tuo, the fake medicine seller, the willow tree, and the chicken farmer are all willing to make sacrifices."


Who can stop him! "

Immortal kings such as Wushang, Kundi, Chiwang and others all turned red.

It's called a lemon.


If they can, they can't wait to rush up and take their place.

But they dare not.

The terror of the Lord of Hongmeng is not something they can wantonly.

Not to mention the Lord of Hongmeng.

Any creature that can be twisted out of the altar can instantly kill them.

"Congratulations to those who raise chickens and sell fake medicines!"

The butcher looked up at the sky with envy. The chicken-raising phoenix phoenix robe was hunting, with a magnificent appearance and a beautiful city. The phoenixes were flying around, and there were many visions.

A huge spiritual root appeared behind the counterfeit medicine, and the six sturdy branches seemed to open up six great universes, in which endless creatures reincarnated and multiplied.

"I'm afraid I'll be so poor that I won't be able to catch up with you..."

Watching the chicken farmer and selling fake medicine, watching the two partners who were weaker than him become a terrifying existence that surpassed the Immortal Emperor in front of them, Butcher Lemon.

Heart hit.

this moment.

He just wants to say that he doesn't want to work hard!

"Great, Liu Shen has not only recovered, but has also been promoted to an unprecedented level."

Xiaobudian looked at the sky above the altar, her white and tender face full of joy.

I saw a slender figure striding out of the willow tree above the altar, with peerless elegance, contempt of all things, and contempt for the heavens and the earth.

She stands proudly, her snow clothes are flawless, she is as bright as the moon, her face is beautiful, and she is exquisite.

A wisp of white mist filled the air, and there were three thousand light groups around it, one world after another!

Each light group is a heaven and earth, with many ancient countries inside, where there are countless gods and demons, worshiping it, and the sound of chanting sutras.

In the heavens and the world, endless gods and demons are praying and paying homage.

A little bit of crystal, the brilliance is hazy, and the three thousand stems and leaves of the huge willow tree behind it are swaying, making this figure seem to be the only one in the world, eternal and immortal.

"I don't know what are the requirements for offering sacrifices. Yu Tuo can do it, can't I?"

An Lan clenched his fists, and at this moment he wanted to sacrifice himself.


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