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Chapter 20 The Power of Yu Tuo (two more)

Chapter 298: The Power of Yu Tuo (two more)

"I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you today. Is there really a woman who can protect me?"

Hong Meng's voice fell. Although the Red Emperor, Hei Emperor, and the God Emperor of the Seven Original Sins were a little surprised, they were not too surprised.

Before they came, they had guessed that Hong Meng and others might have trump cards.

This kind of thing is very common.

Almost every cultivator will keep a part of his strength as his trump card for emergencies.

Otherwise, once someone is targeted, there will be death and no life.

But what if you have a hole card?

Even if there is one more emperor-level powerhouse, it will not change the result.

"Really? This seat is very curious?"

A playful voice sounded, and two figures with terrifying breath appeared, it was the golden horn and the silver horn.

"Boy, call out all your people, the more the better, the emperor likes beautiful women the most, especially the female emperor!"

Yinjiao's eyes gleamed, and his face was wretched.

"Golden Horn, Silver Horn!"

Seeing them, Donghuang Yunxi's eyes became more solemn, "Red Emperor, Black Emperor, you really look down on us. Not only did you find the God Emperor of the Seven Deadly Sins, but also the Golden Horn and the Silver Horn!"

This lineup is terrifying.

"Yun Xi, the comparison of strength is obvious now, no matter what cards you have, you can't escape today!"

Chidi looked proud, his eyes burning: "Yunxi, I don't want to hurt you, you can just grab it, I will definitely love you!"

"Chidi's words are bad!"

Yin Jiao's head was far away, and a pair of lewd eyes stared at Donghuang Yunxi's plump and delicate body, and corrected:

"It should be that we will definitely take care of you!"


Donghuang Yunxi cursed.

"Hey, this emperor will let you have a good experience later, does this emperor have teeth?"

Yin Jiao was not ashamed, licked his lips, and said wretchedly.

"Is this your last word? It stinks."

Hong Meng hugged Donghuang Yunxi, whose chest was undulating, and looked at the eleven figures in the void, as if he was looking at a few dead people.

"Boy, when death is imminent, you dare to speak out!"

Chi Di looked at Hong Meng indifferently, the vast air machine, like the undulating tides, the boundless fluctuations of divine power made the entire space and time tremble.

this moment.

He's out.

Not only was Hong Meng provoking repeatedly, but also because Hong Meng was still holding the goddess in his heart in front of him.

Even the damned claws still hold...

He couldn't bear it any longer.

When he lifted his right hand, the Law of Endless Avenue condensed in his palm, intertwined into a golden spear.

The spear instantly penetrated time and space, and came through to Hongmeng.

The spear was so dazzling, the golden divine light illuminated the entire void, and the vast divine energy poured out from it, shaking the countless stars in the starry sky down.


Ji Hongxia, Duanmuxi, Jiyue and other Yaochi powerhouses trembled. Even if they had the cultivation base of Daluo Jinxian, they felt boundless fear, as if a great terror was coming.

This blow made them clearly feel the terror of the emperor-level powerhouse. The laws of the whole world seemed to be annihilated, the void shattered, and chaos emerged, as if the end had come.

The Black Emperor Qi machine locked the Ruthless Empress to prevent the Ruthless Empress from helping her.

The golden and silver horns locked Donghuang Yunxi and Nangong Mengyao. As for Ji Hongxia and others, they didn't take it seriously.

The mere Daluo Jinxian (God King) can be destroyed by flipping the palm.

However, what surprised everyone was that neither the Ruthless Empress, Nangong Mengyao, nor Donghuang Yunxi had any plans to take action.

"Did this kid give up treatment?"

Such a thought flashed in Chidi's heart, but this thought only passed away in a flash, and he stabbed it without a single spear.

"Is this little bastard going to do it himself, or is it someone else?"

Donghuang Yunxi secretly guessed in her heart.

According to what Hong Meng said just now, there should be other strong people.

But she carefully observed the surroundings and found no trace of other powerhouses.


It is also possible that the other party has not come out in Hongmeng's kingdom of God.

"Brother, don't stab this little white face to death, I'm still waiting to torture him!"

Seeing that Hong Meng was about to be stabbed to death by a spear, Hei Di quickly reminded: "Not to mention the grand event that will be held later, how can this little white face witness it?"

"Brother Hei Di is really a fellow man!"

Yinjiao gave a wicked laugh and echoed: "This emperor likes to fuck him in front of him the most..."


A crisp voice suddenly sounded in the void.

Silver Horn's voice stopped abruptly.

The Red Emperor, the Black Emperor, the Golden Horn, the God Emperor of the Seven Deadly Sins, and Nangong Mengyao all looked three feet in front of Hong Meng.

A beautiful figure with a peerless immortality and a beautiful allure appeared there at an unknown time.

She stretched out her jade hand, and two white and flawless crystal jade fingers gently clamped the golden spear.

"how is this possible?"

Chidi exclaimed, although he was a casual strike, but it is by no means ordinary people can stop.

What's more, it's blocked with just two fingers?

"What a beautiful beauty, I didn't expect this little white face to be surrounded by such a superb!"

The golden horn, the silver horn, and the Lust God Emperor's eyes lit up. Their three greatest hobbies were beautiful women. At this moment, seeing Yu Tuo who suddenly appeared, his eyes were full of excitement.

In their opinion, even if Yu Tuo is the God Emperor Jiuzhongtian, he is definitely not their opponent.


Chidi was angry, and a golden spear appeared in his hand. This time, the golden spear was not a condensed law, but an innate treasure.

At this moment, he was really serious.

His eyes are like electricity, and his body is majestic, exuding a vast and endless inextinguishable energy.

Holding a golden spear, he stabbed Yu Tuo fiercely.

At the moment when the golden spear was pierced, the entire sky shattered, and the stars in the void also burst into pieces, as if they could not bear his strength.

The whole world is turned upside down.

This blow has an endless edge, as if it can penetrate everything.

Before the golden spear pierced Yu Tuo, in the void behind Yu Tuo, a large dark crack appeared hundreds of millions of miles long, dividing the whole world into two.


Facing this terrifying blow from the opponent, Yu Tuo showed no expression at all. As before, he raised his hand and caught the golden spear between his fingers.

"This is impossible!"

Chidi's face was moved.

He used the golden spear of the innate treasure for this stab, but now it was caught between Yu Tuo's two fingers.

"nothing is impossible."

Yu Tuo's voice was cold, his two fingers exerted force, and an indescribable force of terrifying avenues swept up, Chidi's arm trembled, and it exploded instantly, turning into a cloud of blood.

The golden spear was held by Yu Tuo in the hands of the fair-skinned jade, trembling constantly, but could not break free.

"You stabbed me twice, now it's me!"

While speaking, Yu Tuo held the golden spear and stabbed it gently forward.

This thorn looks very slow.

Every movement is clearly visible.

But Chidi was covered in hair, and there was an indescribable fear in his eyes.

In his eyes, this spear has spanned time and space, spanned his perception, even the sky and the ground, it is this spear.

He couldn't dodge.



Blood flowers bloomed, and the golden spear hole pierced Chidi's forehead,

The tyrannical power of the avenue followed the golden spear and instantly wiped out the avenue and vitality of the Chidi.

"Big brother!"


"I'm not dazzled, right? Chidi was killed in an instant? Or was the enemy used his own innate treasure?"

The Black Emperor, the Golden Horn, the Silver Horn, and the God Emperor of the Seven Deadly Sins were stunned.

The Red Emperor is the God Emperor Jiuzhongtian cultivation base.

Among them, in terms of individual strength, Chidi is definitely the strongest, and now he has been killed in seconds.

"Is this woman a god?"

Thinking of this, everyone was terrified.

"Brother, even if this woman is not a god, it is not easy to deal with. Even if the seven of us join forces, we may not be able to get good things, and the gains outweigh the losses!"

The lazy god emperor said with a voice transmission.

This time, they promised to help Jin Jiao and Yin Jiao deal with Hong Meng and his party because they thought it would be easy.

Not only can you play the famous Donghuang Empress and Yaochi Empress, but you can also get a lot of treasures.

Therefore, they agreed.

Except for the God Emperor Lust, the others did not have much obsession with Empress Donghuang and Empress Yaochi.

The God Emperor of Gluttony followed and said, "Brother, we have not taken action now. Although we have offended them, it is too late to retreat!"

"The opponent's strength has completely exceeded our expectations, and we don't have much grudges with them, so we can't fight to the death!"

Jealous God Emperor and others opened their mouths one after another.

The seven of them joined forces, although they were not afraid of any god emperor.

But the scene where Yu Tuo killed Chidi in seconds was too shocking.

Even if they were able to suppress Yu Tuo, they would have to pay a huge price.

Not worth it at all.

As for Yu Tuo being a god, they didn't really believe it.

God Venerable is not a Chinese cabbage, how can it be easily encountered?

"If that's the case, then we won't participate!"

The arrogant god emperor made a decision, he looked at Yu Tuo: "This fellow Daoist, today's affairs are all misunderstandings, and we are also bewitched by a few people from the red emperor. We still have something to do, so we will leave first!"


Hei Emperor heard the words, and suddenly recovered from his grief, and said loudly: "The arrogant God Emperor, you promised us, and now you want to go back on it? Besides, you have already made a move, this hatred has already been forged, it is better for us to make a move together, They all stay, so as to avoid future troubles!"

"No matter how strong this girl is, there is only one person. Are you God Emperor of the Seven Deadly Sins still afraid that a girl will fail?"

Hei Di was terrified. He and Hong Meng had completely torn apart their faces. There was no room for turning around, and they could only go to the black one way.

Once the God Emperor of the Seven Original Sins is gone, he and Jinjiao and Yinjiao are definitely not opponents, and they may not even be able to escape.

"Hmph, this hatred is your hatred, what does it have to do with us?"

The Arrogant God Emperor snorted coldly and was about to leave.

He naturally knew that he had offended Hong Meng and others.

But they are not afraid of their strength, I believe that Hong Meng and others will not dare to retaliate against them.

As for what Hei Di said about killing Hong Meng and others to avoid future troubles, if it was so easy to kill, they would also like it.

But Yu Tuo's strength is a bit scary


They can't see through.

Don't want to fight.

"Fairy, today's affairs are the attention of Heidi and Chidi, and we are also blinded by them, let's go now!"

Seeing that the situation is not good, the golden horn and the silver horn are also ready to apply oil on the soles of their feet, and then run away.


Hei Di was angry and scared, his eyes were full of despair, he wanted to say something, but was stabbed to death by Yu Tuo.

"Did I say let you go?"

After stabbing the Black Emperor to death, Yu Tuo looked at the Seven Deadly Sin God Emperor and the Golden Horn and the Silver Horn.

"What? Do you still want to stay with us?"

The Arrogant God Emperor paused and looked at Yu Tuo coldly.

He admits that Yu Tuo is strong.

But as long as it is not a god, he is not afraid.


Yu Tuo said lightly.


"Do you really think we're afraid of you?"

"If you want to die, we will fulfill you!"

The God Emperor of the Seven Original Sins was furious. Although they were unwilling to go shopping with Yu Tuo, it did not mean that they were afraid of Yu Tuo.

"Little villain, what kind of cultivation is this fairy?"

Donghuang Yunxi asked through voice transmission.

See Yu Tuo so strong.

She had some guesses in her heart.

But can't believe it.

God Zun (Dao Zun) powerhouse, what a powerful existence this is, how could he be willing to stay in Hongmeng's Divine Kingdom and protect Hongmeng personally?

But if it wasn't for God Venerable, which God Emperor had such terrifying strength to understate how to kill Chidi in seconds?

Dare to let go of the Seven Deadly Sins God Emperor?

"Didn't you already guess?"

Hong Meng smiled.

Donghuang Yunxi's pupils shrank, and with awe, she asked, "Who is this senior from you?"

"Her name is Yu Tuo, just like a ruthless man!"

Hearing this, Donghuang Yunxi's eyes suddenly widened, her eyes full of incredulity.

"how can that be?"

The relationship between the Ruthless Empress and Hong Meng, she already knew before, was Hong Meng's woman.

But this one is a godly powerhouse.

God, the supreme god.

Corresponding to the Dao Zun in the Immortal Dao, the one-way Zun.

Such a strong person turned out to be the woman of Hong Meng, the little god king?

"Hmph, big villain, and said that you are not the reincarnation of the great power!"

Donghuang Yunxi is jealous.

No matter how good Hong Meng's talent is, it is impossible for a strong person to be condescending to be his woman and be driven by him.

Unless Hong Meng was a super boss in his previous life, the Ruthless Empress and Yu Tuo in front of him were all left over from previous lives.

"You say yes, it doesn't matter anyway!"

Hong Meng did not explain.


Suddenly, a vast and terrifying aura filled the air.

"God said that greed is the original sin!"

The grand and majestic voice resounded through the heavens and the earth, and a greedy avenue emerged, like a pillar to the sky, across the sky.

"God said that arrogance is the original sin!"

"God said that lust is the original sin!"

"God said that jealousy is the original sin!"


At this moment, the god emperor of the seven original sins took action.

The seven avenues of arrogance, jealousy, rage, laziness, greed, gluttony, and lust are intertwined, and the entire world of the original sin god seems to come alive.

The endless colorful rays of light filled the world, Hong Meng felt that his consciousness seemed to be lost, and all kinds of illusions and temptations came one after another.

But in this endless temptation, there is a shocking murderous intention hidden.

The world of the original sin god is a world of desire constructed by the seven special avenues of the seven original sin god emperors.

They are the supreme gods in this world.

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