Become a God and Join the Chat Group

Chapter 24 All staff are promoted, and their strength has skyrocketed (two more)

They have read the group documents and know that this little guy who loves to drink animal milk is actually a big guy.

In the original future, there was a barren emperor who ruled forever.

Join the chat group now, and the future achievements are limitless.

They dare not be careless.

"Ding, I love to drink animal milk and sent an exclusive red envelope to Empress Huanyinfang!"

"Ding, I love to drink animal milk and sent an exclusive red envelope to Tiedan God Hou!"

Sect Master Yun Lan: "@I love to drink animal milk, little one, you have become an immortal, and you still drink animal milk?"

The Devil's Shadow Queen: "The world of Little Little is full of thousands of races, and the orcs with a little bit of strength can be transformed into human beings, and many of them are still Little Little's favorite "fat". "

The little dragon girl, who was in a deep sleep, said, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo forth, my sister Yin Queen has started!"

God's dog: "woohoo, my fairy sister is gone forever!"

Tiedan Shenhou: "@I love to drink animal milk, thank you Huang Tiandi, this animal milk is a magical medicine for me, it is too precious!"

Huanyinfang Empress: "@I love to drink animal milk, thank you Huang Tiandi, I just took a sip, my concubine's cultivation has improved greatly, and my physical body is more than ten times stronger!"

God's dog: "I really want to see Miss Empress drinking animal milk!"

God's dog: "The fantasy world where Xiaobudian is located is the top in the group. Just take out something and put it in the martial arts world you are in. It is a supreme treasure!"

"Ding, God's dog sent a document "Number One in the World"."

"Ding, God's dog sent a document "Painting Jianghu"."

The second master of Tu Shan: "Wow, I watched a new drama again!"

The Overlord of the World Association: "If it goes so small, the little fox will soon become a fat house little fox!"

The second head of Tu Shan: "You are the fat man! Your whole family is a fat man!"


"The Empress Shui Yunji of the Magic Sound Workshop, Hou Zhu, the God of Iron Courage, ignores it, and the Buddha without Heaven, this time, he even joined three group members at once!"

Hongmeng was slightly surprised at the Red Dust Heavenly Palace.

Looking at the chat group, two of the group members have already appeared and believed in him, but there is another Buddha who has not moved.

According to the title, this Godless Buddha is in all likelihood a god-level figure, and it is normal for him to dive temporarily.

"Wutian Buddha? Is it Wutian from the post-Journey to the West?"

Hong Meng secretly guessed in his heart, but he didn't think much about it. Anyway, no matter who he was, he would believe in him sooner or later.

Even if you don't believe in him, you have nothing to lose.

Hong Meng retracted his mind and put his whole heart on Donghuang Yunxi.

With in-depth understanding.

Hong Meng discovered that Empress Donghuang was worthy of being Empress Donghuang.

Really unfathomable.

Want to get to the bottom of it.

It's been a long and deep winding road.


After an unknown amount of time, Donghuang Yunxi, who was immersed in the understanding of the Law of the Endless Great Dao, suddenly opened her terrifying eyes.

Two sharp rays of light and rays pierced through the vast chaos, as if to open up the world.

She exudes the blazing radiance of Dao Venerable throughout her body, endless avenue symbols, and endless auspiciousness lingers around her.

wow wow wow.

The long river of time and space is surging, the vastness is collapsing, countless arrogances, and countless strong people are stirring in the long river.

A wave is an epic.

A wave is a world.

A peerless female emperor whose whole body is surrounded by endless fairy light is amazing, standing above the long river of time and space, overlooking the eternal cycle of reincarnation.

She is the Empress of Donghuang, Donghuang Yunxi.

The kingdom of God roared.

The kingdom of God that had just been promoted to the Primordial World was shaking. Countless heroes, the Holy Spirit, raised their heads in horror, looking at the graceful figure overlooking the long river of time and space, and their eyes were shocked.

"This... this is the promotion of God Venerable, no, it is Dao Venerable!"

The nine azure blue furry fox tails behind the God King are like nine giant pillars that reach the sky, sinking into endless time and space, swaying with divine brilliance.

She herself is also the cultivation base of the God Emperor Jiuzhongtian, but unfortunately her cultivation base is increased, the time is too short, and there is no time to settle.

So even if the Kingdom of God was promoted to the Primordial World this time, she did not break through to the God Venerable Realm.

But this time she got a lot.

Not only has he thoroughly mastered the skyrocketing cultivation of God Emperor Jiuzhongtian, but he has also touched the realm of God Venerable, which is regarded as stepping in.

She believed that it would not be long before she could be promoted to God Venerable.

"At most half a year, I can also be promoted to God Venerable!"

The Ruthless Empress has deep eyes, and the runes of the Endless Avenue flow like a tide in her eyes like autumn water.

This time, not only did she break through from the seventh heaven of the god emperor to the peak of the ninth heaven of the god emperor, but she also touched the threshold of the gods.

The cultivation of Yu Tuo, Liu Shen and Feng Xi did not increase.

After all, the three of them have just sacrificed, and they haven't fully grasped the skyrocketing cultivation.

The opportunity for the promotion of the kingdom of God this time can be regarded as helping them to fully integrate.

What's more, they are all in the realm of gods, and it is much more difficult than others to improve.

The weaker the heroic Holy Spirit's cultivation, the more the cultivation will skyrocket.

Such as Ah Zhu, Wang Yuyan, Yue Lingshan, Dongfang Bai, Ren Yingying, Mingyue, Youruo, Luo Xian, Yanling Ji, Chaoshen, Nongyu, Snow Maiden, Jingzhao, Li Mochou and other heroic spirits.

They all soared to the realm of the Lord God.

Most of them have reached the peak of the main god.

As long as such a big opportunity comes again, it will not be a problem for them all to be promoted to God King.

But such a big opportunity is not so easy to come across.

I am afraid that Hong Meng will have to wait for Hong Meng to be promoted from God Emperor to God Emperor.

Hong Meng was promoted to God Emperor, and the Divine State would transform once again.

at the same time.

As their main god, Hongmeng's cultivation base will be improved, and they will also gain huge benefits, and the cultivation base will also be improved a lot.

This is the Shinto system.

They devoutly worship Hongmeng, and the improvement of Hongmeng's cultivation will also drive them to improve, allowing them to benefit from it.

This is also the benefit of their belief in Hongmeng.

The more pious, the greater the benefits.


In the Red Dust Heavenly Palace, looking at Donghuang Yunxi, whose body was shrouded in fairy light, Hong Meng's eyes were full of joy, and his heart was filled with a huge sense of achievement.

This is her woman.

It was also made by him.


A terrifying aura that crushed the heavens burst out from Donghuang Yunxi's body, and the avenue of God Venerable in Hong Meng's body couldn't help but emerge, blocking this coercion.

Otherwise, just relying on this breath can seriously injure the God Emperor, or even the God Emperor.


The fairy light was bright, and Donghuang Yunxi's body, soul, and true spirit changed drastically.

Destroy the emperor and become respectable.

At this moment, Donghuang Yunxi has completely become a true Taoist level terrifying being.

"Hey, do you want to murder your husband?"

Hong Meng's body trembled, and he felt a terrifying pressure swept in from all directions like a tide, crushing him.

The avenues of God Venerable appeared on his body, which blocked this pressure.

"Hee hee, little rascal, Ben Gong just said you can't be so small, right?"

Donghuang Yunxi's beautiful eyes were restrained, looking at Hong Meng, who was grinning, and smiled charmingly.

With this smile, the entire world suddenly lost its color, and only her beautiful and peerless smile became the only one, and it became eternal.

"Can I still make Ben Gong cry and beg you?"

Donghuang Yunxi's white lotus arms wrapped around Hong Meng's neck, and she was in an unprecedentedly happy mood.

She was promoted to Dao Zun.

She was promoted to Dao Zun.

She was promoted to Dao Zun.

A day ago, she didn't dare to think about it at all.

And all this...

It was all given to her by the little rascal in front of her.

She was so happy.

No words can describe her mood at the moment.

She just wants to...

I just want Hong Meng to love her fiercely.

I just want to be one with this little man who helped her to be promoted to Dao Zun.

"Beauty, you are a little crazy!"

Hong Meng pinched her fair and clean delicate chin, raised it gently, and looked at her blurred eyes:

"It seems that the poisoning is too deep, and it needs vigorous detoxification!"

Hong Meng lowered his head and slammed her delicate cherry mouth tightly.


In the Temple of Heaven.

Hong Meng's clone sat on the supreme throne, and below it was the Holy Spirit, a group of heroes of the Kingdom of God.

Liushen and Fengxi respected Jiuzhongtian and had the strongest cultivation base. Although they had only arrived in the kingdom of God, they were still standing on the strongest side.

After all, strength is respected.

Followed by Yu Tuo, the god of honor.

Ruthless Empress, God King and God Emperor Jiuzhongtian.

Angel King, Ignore No Question, Xinyuehu, Xinyuekui, Lifuxing Lord Lifuyanluo, Beichenxing Lord Yu Beiyao, Yinsha King Zen Yinsha, Jingyuan Temple Pope Xu Feihong and other gods The emperor-level heroes have all been promoted to the god emperor realm.

Angel Yan, Kaisha, Hexi, Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena, Ah Yin, Lvyi, Chiyan, Yan Ruyu, Gu Xun'er, Medusa, Zixuan, Solanum Kui, Yuetixia, etc. were promoted to the realm of God Emperor.

Xiao Wu, Su Mu, Di Leina, Qiangwei, Qian Renxue, Tu Shan Honghong, Tu Shan Rongrong, Dongfang Huaizhu, Zi Yan, Dancing with the Wind, Tears in the Stars, A Lan, Peacock and others have all been promoted to gods. In the king realm, many have even reached the peak of the god king.

"Yes, this time you all made great progress!"

Hong Meng's clone looked at the heroes below, the Holy Spirit, in a good mood.

At a glance, it seems like a hundred flowers are blooming, dizzying and dazzling.

"It all depends on my Lord to cultivate and serve my Lord!"

Everyone said in unison.

"Consolidate your cultivation base and step back!"

Hong Meng waved his hand.

"Yes, my lord!"

"Subordinates retire!"

Everyone respectfully stepped down and exited the Heavenly Dao Shrine one by one.

"Clone work, the deity enjoys, alas, how lonely it is to be invincible..."

Hong Meng's clone leaned on the throne and continued to practice with closed eyes.

This time, when Donghuang Yunxi was promoted to God Venerable, Hong Meng and her became one, regardless of each other, and had a lot of insight into the way of God Venerable.

Although he cultivates by himself, it is not as fast as the sacrifice of believers.

But being able to enhance a point is a point.

Anyway, he has nothing to do with his three clones now.

Except for training.

Still practicing.

After all, he doesn't have that kind of heavy taste.


Four Qian Renxue, four Ah Yin, four Ruthless Empresses...


Can't you improve your schedule?

And when Hongmeng was struggling to subdue the demons, Jia Teng Ying, Big Rock Snake, Big Tongue Monster and other Pokémon, all the means were used.

The chat group was also lively.

Tiedan Shenhou: "What? I actually failed in the end? I was defeated by a few rebels and Su Xin, and Su Xin also died?"

Huanyinfang Empress: "How could I like Li Xingyun, a little brat like A Dou, who has no ambition and can't help?"

"What about the descendants of the Tang royal family? The princes and generals are like Ning!"


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