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Chapter 29 Sun Wukong Wants to Sacrifice

The first world in the world.

Hou Zhu, the iron egg god, ignored the sacrifice and completed it. Not only did he save Su Xin, but he even reached the fourth level of cultivation, and he can be called a land god.

And after he was bestowed by the gods as the god envoy of the world, his prestige reached an unprecedented peak, and the emperor Zhu Houzhao completely gave up struggling.

He decided in his heart, to be an emperor honestly, hold tightly to the thigh of the Lord of Primordial Mist, and maybe he can become a fairy and a god in the future.

Regarding these, Zhu ignored it flawlessly at the moment.

After the sacrifice was over, he couldn't wait to take Su Xin back to the room after waking up, telling his lovesickness.


When the love is strong, it is natural to have some in-depth exchanges.

half an hour later.

Zhu ignored his satisfaction and generously gave Su Xin all his savings of more than ten years.

Holding the beautiful woman in his arms, he was in a very happy mood.

Looking at the sleeping beauty, he didn't bother, and entered the chat group consciously.

"Hey, Wutian Buddha? It's the newcomer who came in with me. It's been so many days, and it's finally bubbling!"

Zhu ignored the movement in his heart, and immediately saw the file sent by Gouzi, and directly clicked to download and watch it.

Other members of the group downloaded "Journey to the West" one after another.

Tu Shan's second head: "What kind of ghost video is this, one action is played three times? Are you not tired?"

I don't want to be Zhao Gao: "Sure enough, I said Wutian Buddha is going to be cold, but I didn't expect it to be really cold!"

Demon Queen: "All the gods and Buddhas of the three realms were caught, and they were killed directly, but they were still locked up? Isn't this courting death?"

Lord of Great Qin: "Wutian Buddha did not kill the Gods and Buddhas of the Three Realms. It seems that he has a conscience and does not want to implicate other people. He only regards this catastrophe as a duel with the Tathagata!"

The overlord of the world will: "The benevolence of a woman, no wonder it can't make great things!"

Great Sage Equaling Heaven: "I can directly sacrifice the blood of those bald donkeys in Lingshan. My old grandson has now built a starry sky altar and is preparing to sacrifice. Among them are those bald donkeys!"

Ye Tiandi: "I'm going, I suddenly found that the bald donkey in Buddhism seems a bit miserable!"

Favorite drink of animal milk: "What's wrong?"

Demon Queen Yin: "The king of the demon king sacrificed blood to Lingshan and Tathagata and other bald donkeys, Dawei Tianlong sacrificed blood to Lingshan and Tathagata and other bald donkeys, and now the Great Sage Equaling Heaven wants to sacrifice blood again, if Wutian Buddha also sacrificed blood... Tsk tsk... "

Wu Zu: "I'm going, I didn't expect that Tathagata and the Buddhas of Lingshan have been sacrificed so many times!"

The king of demon kings: "Buddhist bald donkeys are the most hypocritical and selfish. A hundred blood sacrifices are not too much!"

Dawei Tianlong: "Amitabha."

Wutian Buddha: "I didn't expect that I would fail in the end."

Wutian Buddha: "@上神狗子, thank you, Mr. Wang."

"Ding, Wutian Buddha sent an exclusive red envelope to God's dog."

"Shangshen's dog has received a red envelope."

God's dog: "Thank you Buddha, you are welcome!"

Journey to the West is passed on to the world.

"Relying on my own strength to revive Ah Shu, the possibility of success is almost zero..."

In Daleiyin Temple of Lingshan, Wutian sat on the primordial spirit black lotus, a coldness flashed in his eyes, and he made a decision in his heart.

"Heilian Holy Envoy, Black Robe, Giant Scorpion, Ying Yao." Wutian shouted.


The four figures quickly stepped forward and said respectfully.

"Go and bring Qiao Ling'er, Bai Lianhua and Bi You back to me. Qiao Ling'er is the reincarnation of the Tathagata, so be careful."

Wutian passed on the information he got about Qiao Ling'er, Bai Lianhua and Biyou to them, and told them,

"Yes, Buddha, this subordinate promises to complete the task!"

The four of them concentrated their minds and said solemnly.


Wutian waved his hand, and the four of them set off immediately.

"Six Spirit Generals, Nine-Headed Insects!"


"Here is the subject of "Contemplating Thoughts". You pass it on, and everyone must chant and believe in the Lord of Primordial Enlightenment!"

"In addition, according to this requirement, you build an altar, and at the same time bring all the gods and Buddhas of the Heavenly Court and Lingshan to the altar."

Wutian told the two of the "Thinking Thoughts" and the requirements of the altar, and with the power of their demon soldiers, it would not take long to build the altar.

"Yes, Buddha!"

Although Liuling General and Nine-Headed Insect were puzzled, they did not ask any further questions and went to work quickly.

"Monkey King, I won't show mercy this time..."

Wutian's gaze was long, and his figure disappeared in Daleiyin Temple.

"Who is this Primordial Lord? Why did the Buddha let us believe in him?"

Leaving Daleiyin Temple, Nine-Headed Insect looked at the "Visual Thoughts" in his hand, very puzzled.

When did such a strong man exist in the Three Realms?

"The Buddha ordered, there must be a purpose, we will do it!"

The general of the six spirits didn't think much, and began to recite directly.


Seeing the sudden change in Liu Lingjiang's expression, Nine-Headed Insect's heart skipped a beat. It seemed that this "Contemplation of Thoughts" contained magic, but they couldn't see it.

After a while.

The six spirits will wake up, and the nine-headed insect can't wait to ask: "How is it? What did you see?"

"I saw the Lord of Primordial Mist!"

There was horror in the eyes of the general of the six spirits. If he hadn't seen the Lord of Primordial Mist, even if he was killed, he would not be able to imagine such a great and terrifying existence in the world.

The Nine-Headed Insect frowned, and became more curious in his heart, so he simply recited directly.

After a while.

The two looked at each other.

His eyes were full of shock.

"I found that my cultivation base has improved a lot, how about you?"

General Liu Ling asked.

"Huh? My cultivation has also improved!"

The Nine-Headed Insect felt itself and exclaimed.

this moment.

The two finally understood why Wutian asked all of them to pray and recite "Visualization".

This fucking can actually improve strength.

Moreover, if you recite it once, you will improve so much, which is many times faster than practicing by yourself.

When "Concept Ideas" is popularized by all demon soldiers and monster soldiers, everyone's strength will be greatly improved, and the overall strength will skyrocket.

"Thank you Buddha!"

The two were very excited, they didn't expect Wutian to be willing to pass on such a magical "Concept Idea" to all of them.

"Come on, let's go to work quickly!"

The two were full of fighting spirit and full of energy.


Countless demon soldiers and demon soldiers throughout Lingshan are reciting "Visual Thoughts", and the number is still increasing exponentially.

After Journey to the West, the world painting style is a little off.

And at the same time that the style of painting of the family was handed down after Journey to the West.

Draw the world of rivers and lakes.

Magic sound workshop.

"Who are you? Why did you arrest me here? If Jie Se, you have something to say, you don't need to use force, I will definitely cooperate..."

A young man bluffed and shouted loudly.

"Be honest with me, don't be rude in front of the empress!"

Fan Yintian pushed the young man and scolded him in a low voice.

This young man is none other than Li Xingyun, a descendant of Li Tang.

Because Shui Yunji joined the chat group, he had just left Uncle Yang's Sword Hut, and Fan Yintian and the others caught him at the place where he met Ji Ruxue in the original plot.

At this time, a cold and majestic voice came from the red gauze curtain:

"Li Xingyun was born in the third year of Jingfu in the Tang Dynasty!"

"Grandfather Yizong Emperor Li Yan, biological father Zhaozong Emperor Li Ye!"

"The nobles of Tianhuang, the prince and the grandson of the dragon, seem to be nothing more than that!"


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