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Chapter 32 Monkey King Presents Peach (2 more)

"Is there really a god?"

"Who is the Lord of Primordial Origin?"

Yuan Tiangang was full of doubts.

He is a Taoist.

Not only proficient in astrology divination.

Also know the past and the present.

But I have never heard of a god called the Lord of Primordial Origin.

Could it be an evil god?

Or the unknown little hairy god?

"Damn it! This woman is asking God?"

Li Xingyun also stared wide-eyed, with a big mouth.

It was hard for him to imagine that this domineering and terrifyingly powerful empress would pray to God!

"I want to see if your god can save you!"

Yuan Tiangang raised his hand and struck down with a palm. The terrifying power made Li Xingyun's heart skip a beat.


Ji Ruxue, Miao Chengtian, Xuan Jingtian and others exclaimed and wanted to rush towards Shui Yunji, but they were too late, and they were also seriously injured.

"Such a beautiful beauty won't just die like this?"

Li Xingyun secretly regretted it, looking at Shui Yunji, especially those two round and slender long legs like ivory jade pillars, they can be called the legs.


Just when Yuan Tiangang and Li Xingyun thought that Shui Yunji was about to lose, Shui Yunji seemed to have been injected with chicken blood, and she was resurrected with full blood.

Just like the previous injury was fake.

"How can this be?"

Yuan Tiangang couldn't believe it. Just now he was very sure that even if Shui Yunji was not seriously injured, her strength was greatly damaged.

but now……

How can there be any damage?

"Phantom Sound Art!"

Shui Yunji's injuries and true energy recovered, and another big move was made, which wounded Yuan Tiangang, and she was naturally severely injured by Yuan Tiangang's counterattack.

But while she was making a move, she recited "Visual Thoughts" at the same time, and the injuries she suffered and the zhenqi she had consumed all recovered in a blink of an eye.

Even better than before.

Kingdom of God.

Red Dust Heavenly Palace.

"It's pretty good at playing!"

Feeling the state of the Empress Shui Yunji, Hong Meng smiled inwardly.

In fact, this method was not Shui Yunji's first use.

Many believers have used it.

While fighting and praying, one can obtain a steady stream of strength, even if the opponent is stronger than oneself, one can use this method to consume the opponent to death.

There are even weirder ones.

Some believers work at night.

Also while reading, while doing.

The combat power is directly off the charts.

Even if you work hard all night, you won't feel back pain and leg cramps.

And many people find out.

When working, with the blessing of the gods and gods, the chances of a woman's pregnancy are greatly improved.

Even people who have been infertile for many years are cured.

"These legs are really long..."

A ray of divine sense descended from Hong Meng to watch Shui Yunji and Yuan Tiangang fight. Those legs were not only white and long, but also very powerful.

If it's on your waist...

Hong Meng got a little excited when he thought about it.

Donghuang Yunxi with blurred eyes felt the most clearly.

The flushed delicate body trembled.

The red lips parted slightly.

The sound is moving.


"How can this be?"

"How could you recover so quickly?"

Drawing the world of rivers and lakes, Yuan Tiangang is full of doubts about life. Although his combat power is a little stronger than Shui Yunji, Shui Yunji seems to have no consumption, and uses her big moves crazily.

Every time he was injured, he recovered instantly, as if Xiaoqiang could not be beaten to death.

One ebbs and another.

Not only did he consume a lot, but his injuries became more and more serious.

However, Shui Yunji became more and more courageous as she fought more and more, and her combat experience gradually overwhelmed him completely. If things go on like this, he might end up here.

"Is the power of my lord beyond your imagination?"

Shui Yunji had a relaxed look on her beautiful face at the moment, and she said proudly: "As long as you believe in my lord, my lord will also bestow divine grace, making it easy for you to return to normal, and it is not impossible to become a fairy or a god in the future!"

"Believe in the Lord of Hongmeng, will you support His Highness to revive Datang?"

Originally, Yuan Tiangang didn't believe in the existence of gods, but Shui Yunji's strange behavior didn't seem to be fake.

He was a little curious about the Lord of Primordial Origin.

"Adou who can't afford it, even if I support him as the emperor, do you think he can be the emperor?"

Shui Yunji glanced at Li Xingyun disdainfully, "Boy, do you want to be the emperor and revive the Tang Dynasty?"

"I don't want to be an emperor, and I'm not that material. The Tang Dynasty is already a thing of the past!"

Li Xingyun shook his head.

He just wanted to be a rich man with three wives and four concubines, and live happily.

"Hmph, Datang will not perish. Your Highness is still young, and you will understand your responsibility in the future to revive Datang!"

Yuan Tiangang insisted.

With his eyesight, how could he fail to see that Li Xingyun was not made to be an emperor?

But there is no choice.

"You are stubborn, since you are so foolish and loyal, I will send you to see Emperor Taizong!"

Shui Yunji knew that Yuan Tiangang would not compromise, and that death was his best destination.

As for Li Xingyun?

She despises it from the bottom of her heart.

From the video Gouzi gave her, for the first time, Yuan Tiangang

The design killed Liang Emperor Zhu Wenwen and Underworld Emperor Zhu Yougui, and wanted Li Xingyun to ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor.

In the end, Li Xingyun refused.

Make the world more chaotic.

He is full of benevolence, righteousness and morality, as if he has the world in mind, but he himself does not want to be an emperor, and he wants to prevent others from being emperors.

This will only make the world continue to be in chaos and war, and the people will be devastated.

half an hour later.

With the help of continuous recovery power, Shui Yunji successfully consumed Yuan Tiangang to death.

"Congratulations to the empress, kill the bad handsome, and be invincible in the world!"

Ji Ruxue, Fanyintian, Miaochengtian, Xuanjingtian and other Huanyinfang masters were overjoyed and hurriedly congratulated.

Li Xingyun sat on the ground with a slumped face.

Looking at Yuan Tiangang, his eyes were complicated.

Although he has no relationship with Yuan Tiangang, the other party taught him martial arts after all.

"Put him down and keep him under strict supervision!"

Shui Yunji looked at Li Xingyun and ordered.

"Yes, Empress!"

Fan Yintian personally escorted Li Xingyun to retreat.

the next day.

Shui Yunji took the master of Huanyinfang to Xuanmingjiao, preparing to destroy it.


Xuan Mingjiao, chief rudder.

"Huanyinfang has been making frequent moves recently, what the hell is that empress doing?"

A dwarf wearing skull jewelry, with two curved horns on his forehead and a mark of flames between his brows, looks like a three-year-old child standing with his hands behind his back, but has a terrifying aura and majesty that people dare not underestimate .

He is Zhu Yougui, emperor of Xuanmingjiao, and the eldest son of Zhu Wen, Emperor of Liang.

Because he forcibly practiced the second scroll of the Nine Nether Xuantian Divine Art, he became obsessed and his stature became short.

His wife, Zhang Shi, was also dedicated to his father, Liang Emperor Zhu Wen.

Zhu Wen liked all the daughters-in-law the most, especially Zhang Shi, the wife of Zhu Yougui, the emperor of the underworld.

The Xuanming Sect was founded by Zhu Yougui under the order of Zhu Wen to fight against King Qi's Huanyinfang and King Jin's Tongwenguan.

But these years, because Zhu Wen didn't like Zhu Yougui, Zhu Yougui was also full of hostility towards Zhu Wen.

Xuanmingjiao is an important guarantee for Zhu Yougui to seize the throne in the future.

However, Zhu Yougui didn't know that his water and fire judge was Zhu Wen's.

And Po Meng belonged to Yuan Tiangang.

In the entire Xuanming sect, there are very few who are truly loyal to him!

"I heard that King Qi has been promoting a deity called the Lord of Hongmeng in the past few days, and made the people of Qi Kingdom believe in this deity!"

Standing behind Emperor Hades, Meng Po leaned on crutches, her body bent, and said lightly.

Her position in Xuanming Sect is second only to Emperor Zhu Yougui.

When Zhu Yougui, the Emperor of the Underworld, was away, she presided over all affairs of the Xuanming Sect.

Below her is Fire and Water Judge Yang Yan and Yang Miao.

Then there are the Five Lords of Yama and Impermanence in Black and White.

"Report, report to Emperor Ming, Po Meng, the empress of Huanyinfang brought people to kill her!"

At this time, a disciple of the Xuanming sect hurried over and reported in a hurry.

"What? That bitch, the Empress, dares to come to my Xuanming Sect to be presumptuous? You really want to die!"

Zhu Yougui was taken aback for a moment, then grinned ferociously, feeling very happy in his heart.

Outside, he might not be able to do anything to the Empress Shui Yunji.

But this is the master rudder of Xuanming Sect.

There are many masters.

And he sits in town himself.

This time, he decided to let the Empress Shui Yunji come and go.

bang bang bang!


Accompanied by screams, Xuanming Sect disciples flew in backwards one by one, and fell to the ground without breath.

Empress Shui Yunji walked in with Fanyintian, Miaochengtian, Xuanjingtian and other Nine Heavens Holy Princesses from Huanyin Workshop.

"Li Maozhen, you are so brave. How dare you break into my Xuanming Sect. Do you really think my Xuanming Sect has no one?"

Underworld Emperor Zhu Yougui looked at Empress Shui Yunji with a gloomy expression.

To him, it was no secret that Empress Shui Yunji and King Qi Li Maozhen were the same person.

As Zhu Yougui's cold voice sounded, the main hall of Xuanming Sect seemed to be shrouded in a shadow, and the surrounding Xuanming Sect members were trembling like walking on thin ice.

Although Zhu Yougui is short in stature, like a three-year-old child, he is quite capable.

Her cultivation has reached the peak of the Great Heaven, and she is even more ruthless, insidious and cunning, and will do whatever it takes to achieve her goals.

Underworld Emperor is not called for nothing.

"It's pathetic and pathetic!"

The empress Shui Yunji has long legs, a slender body, and a tall figure. She looks down at the little one in front of her with indifferent eyes.

Probably not as high as her knees.

For the sake of his father Zhu Wen's imperial dominance, Zhu Yougui trained himself to be like this, and finally sent his wife to serve Zhu Wen.

In the end, Zhu Wen still didn't like him, even hated him, and didn't treat him as a son at all, but as a monster.

There is no one anymore.

"Bitch, you are courting death!"

When Zhu Yougui heard this, he became angry from embarrassment, and immediately blew up.

He hates others talking about his body the most, when the Nine Youxuan Heaven Divine Art was running, Zhu Yougui slapped the Empress Shui Yunji with a palm.

An eerie aura enveloped the hall, and countless strong men fell into an ice cave.

If it was before, Shui Yunji would still be afraid of Zhu Yougui.

but now.


With a palm, Zhu Yougui came and went even faster.

The petite body slammed into the stone pillar of the main hall, a mouthful of blood spewed out, and the eyes were full of horror, unbelievable.

"How can it be?"

These words did not come from Zhu Yougui, but from Yang Yan, Yang Miao, the water and fire judge, and Meng Po.

As the senior officials of Xuanming Sect, they are very aware of Zhu Yougui's strength.

This is the pinnacle of the great heaven.

To be hit hard by someone?

Especially Meng Po, if she wanted to hit a strong person like Zhu Yougui head-on, she might be at the level of Yuan Tiangang, right?

"Impossible! How could you be so strong?"

Zhu Yougui staggered to his feet, his small eyes full of ferocity and madness.


Shui Yunji didn't talk nonsense, and the Zixiao sword was unsheathed in an instant.


With a flash of sword light, Zhu Yougui's head soared into the sky.

His eyes widened, full of resignation.

"I didn't expect the empress to be so powerful, I have to go back and report the bad guy!"

Po Meng also has great strength, but he has no intention of fighting to the death for Xuanming Sect.

She is bad.

In Xuanming Sect, it's just an undercover agent.

Now Xuanming Sect is going to be destroyed.

Of course she wanted to run away.

"Shi Yao, where do you want to go? Looking for a bad guy?"

Just when Shi Yao was about to run away, Empress Shui Yunji's faint voice sounded.

at the same time.

A token was thrown in front of her.

"Marshal's Token!"

Shi Yao was surprised at how Shui Yunji saw through her identity, but when she saw Yuan Tiangang's token, she suddenly understood.

It must be Yuan Tiangang who told Shui Yunji her identity.

Seeing orders is like meeting people.

Granny Meng knelt down on one knee and said respectfully:

"The bad guy Shi Yao sees the commander in chief!"


at the same time.

Journey to the West world.

The vast and majestic starry sky altar has been built, and countless stars are shining. Monkey King, Monkey King, stands at the forefront, feeling a little excited.

Beside him is Zen Yinsha, the hero of the Kingdom of God.

Followed by the Jade Emperor commanded by the heavenly gods.

Taishang Laojun, Queen Mother, Taibaijinxing, Tota Heavenly King, Nezha, Yang Jian, Four-valued Gongcao, Wufangjiedi, Liuding Liujia, Beidou Qixingjun, Eight Immortals, Jiuyao, Twelve Yuanchen, Twenty-eight Constellations , Thirty-six days will...

In addition to the immortals and gods in the heavenly court, there are also the ancestors of the earth immortals, Zhen Yuanzi, and the ancestor of Minghe, who are powerful in the three realms.

"I don't know what I can get by offering my Yuantu Abi and Yehuo Honglian? I hope I won't be disappointed!"

Patriarch Minghe felt a little uneasy, this is all his belongings, and now they are all used as sacrifices under the tricks of Monkey King.

There are quite a few people who are as anxious as him.

Zhen Yuanzi, the ancestor of the Earth Immortal, took out his life fruit tree.

The Queen Mother not only presented seven fairies, but also three thousand flat peach trees.

"The sacrifice begins."

Standing in the starry sky, Monkey King shouted excitedly.


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