Become A Master From Hokage

Chapter 22 The end of the war

"Look at those birds."

Nagato explained to the two.

"What's wrong with the bird? Isn't it normal to fly in the sky... Wait!"

Yahiko asked a question in doubt, but as soon as he said the words, he realized that something was wrong.

He also lived in the Land of Rain since he was a child. Although he was a little careless for a while, he suddenly woke up after Nagato's reminder.

"Why are there so many birds in the Land of Rain? This is not normal!"

Yahiko shouted in surprise, and Xiao Nan also frowned, thinking about the reason.

"Master, you must know the reason!"

After thinking for a long time, San Xiao did not come to a conclusion, so he had to ask Wang Ran for help.

Wang Ran did not pretend to be mysterious, and explained:

"Most of these flying in the sky are ninja eagles, and there are chakras in their bodies."

"This kind of flying psychic beasts generally do not appear on a large scale. Their main function is to transmit information."

"Flying so frequently in the sky now only occurs under three circumstances."

"One is that a large-scale war is about to break out, and the front lines are gathering ninjas."

"Secondly, there was a crisis in Shinobi Village, and Shinobu Village recalled the outgoing ninjas."

"However, combined with the current situation, neither of these two possibilities is very large."

Following Wang Ran's words, San Xiao's attention was completely attracted, looking forward to his next sentence.

Looking at the serious San Xiao, Wang Ran's originally serious face suddenly leaked a smile.

"So, now the third scenario is the most likely."

"In other words, the war may be over!"

As Wang Ran's voice fell, San Xiao's eyes widened in excitement.

"Master, are you telling the truth? Is the war really over?"

Wang Ran nodded with a smile, this was not his random guess, but the result obtained through reasoning.

Of course, this reasoning is reversed.

The current time is 38 years of Konoha, and it will be 39 years of Konoha soon.

Wang Ran, who is proficient in the original work, naturally knows that the end of World War II is around Konoha 39.

With such a reverse reasoning, the mystery of the birds in the sky is naturally solved.


Getting an affirmative answer, San Xiao instantly screamed excitedly.

"It's great to finally be at peace!"

The three children are very excited. They have lived under the fire of war since childhood, and their desire to end the war is no weaker than anyone else's.

Wang Ran looked at the excited San Xiao, and shook his head silently in his heart.

How can a war end so easily, and hatred is not so easily eliminated.

You know, there was no peace between World War II and World War III.

And in this period of false peace, there has been no break in the small-scale conflicts between countries.

Rather than saying that World War II is over, it is better to say that the consumption of various countries has reached a peak, and it is time to truce and recuperate.

However, despite the fact, Wang Ran did not interrupt San Xiao's cheers and told them the truth.

Children, it is better to have more fun.


Next, when San Xiao got the news that the war was about to end, his interest increased.

Along the way, there was talk and laughter, bringing a touch of prosperity to this deserted city.


By the time the three returned to the hotel, it was already dark.

After a simple dinner, just when the four masters and apprentices wanted to practice, cheers suddenly came from the street.

This made San Xiao very curious, and hurried out to see what was going on.

As soon as they went out, San Xiao saw that all the houses in the street were lit up, illuminating the dark night.

The road is also crowded with people.

All the people came to the streets to cheer, and the whole city was immersed in a joyful atmosphere.

The whole city, like a modern bustling city, is brightly lit.

San Xiao felt that the atmosphere here was completely different from that in the daytime, although they had already guessed.

At this time, the owner of the inn also found out San Xiao, ran over with a smile, and said:

"The three guests don't know yet. Let me tell you, just now, there was news from the ninja adults that the war is over. Now everyone is very happy and ready to celebrate all night!"

Although San Xiao had already known the news of the end of the war, he still felt extremely happy at this time.

With a smile on his face, he couldn't wait to join the carnival crowd.

The innkeeper also joined the crowd after the third elementary school, venting his excitement.

At this time, Wang Ran stood quietly in front of the window, watching the cheering people.

For the first time, he felt the preciousness of peace, making countless people dance all night because of a news.

It can make people temporarily put down the barriers and laugh together.

He didn't join in, he didn't like the fun too much.

However, now that the room is quietly looking at the crowd downstairs, he has already felt the relaxed atmosphere.

Wang Ran didn't have the intention of being a savior, but if he cultivated a savior himself, it would be very good.

At the very least, World Peace has its own credit.

As for the dangerous obstacles on the way for the disciples to move forward, I will help them remove them myself.

Wang Ran thought to himself.

Thinking of this, Wang Ran turned around and sat cross-legged on the ground, cultivating with peace of mind.

Although there is still plenty of time, his strength is still too low to be ranked in the ninja world at all.

No matter what you plan to do in the future, you still need strong strength as support.


The liveliness of the outside world was blocked by Wang Ran. When he opened his eyes again, the sky was already clear.

Wang Ran originally wanted to call San Xiao to go back to the cabin, but found that the three children were all exhausted.

No need to guess, Wang Ran also knew that San Xiao didn't sleep all night last night.

Helpless, Wang Ran had no choice but to let San Xiao continue to sleep and take to the street to feel the peacetime atmosphere.


As soon as he went out, Wang Ran felt the difference.

Without the desertion, the whole city seemed to come alive in an instant.

Wang Ran walked on the road with a familiar sense of prosperity.

After a long absence from the modern city, Wang Ran realized that he was not unaccustomed at all.

Is he usually too strict with San Xiao, why is there no trace of boredom?


After wandering around for a while, after Wang Ran returned to the hotel again, San Xiao had already woken up.

Looking at San Xiao who was still listless, Wang Ran shook his head helplessly.

"Master, you're back. Let me tell you, it was too lively yesterday. It's a pity that you didn't come."

Although he was still listless, when he talked about the lively scene last night, Yahiko's voice instantly came to his senses.

Wang Ran reluctantly gave Yahiko a shudder, "I told you that you can't afford it in the morning, you still have reason!"

"Master!!! It hurts, can you take it easy next time~"

Yahiko rubbed his head and complained helplessly.

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