Become A Master From Hokage

Chapter 722 Landing, the Chinese come (2 in 1, large)

"Okay, I see, you go out first."

After pondering for a while, the oldest leader of the Hua Kingdom waved his hand lightly, and said to the person who came to report.

Hearing the order from his head, the man left the office without hesitation.

However, as the saying goes, one wave of ups and downs, another wave of unrest, just after the reporter left, there was another knock on the door of the top leader of Huaguo.

Hearing the knock on the door, the thoughtful supreme leader of Huaguo rubbed his brows with a headache.

Today, he really consumed too many brain cells.

But he also understands that things cannot be delayed, so even though he was quite tired, he still said:

"come in."

Click, the door opened, followed by the sound of running.

Seeing that all the visitors ran away from his office, the top leader of Huaguo knew in his heart that this was definitely an emergency.

Not daring to talk nonsense at all, the top leader of Huaguo directly cleaned up and asked the people who came to report the situation quickly.

The visitor obviously understood, so he didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately said:

"Chief, those mysterious people have already entered the ground. According to their flight trajectory, they will already land in the Ludong area."

Hearing the report, the eyes of the top leader of Huaguo instantly burst into light.

It is not obvious that this is a little old man in his seventies.

Although the top leader of Huaguo is just an ordinary person, the aura cultivated by living in a high position for a long time completely exploded at this moment.

The astonishing sense of oppression made the major general in front of him, who was reporting to work, lower his head, and sweat appeared on his forehead.

The top leader of Huaguo did not hesitate. After listening to the report, he directly ordered:

"Immediately contact the person in charge of the Ludong area and ask him to send someone to meet these outsiders as soon as possible.

When the opposite party shows no hostility, you must treat them with the highest standard of courtesy, and you must gain the opposite party's favor and friendship.

In addition, they are from China, and they also landed in China.

If those people from abroad want to oppose and embarrass us, they can order them to go ahead, regardless of international relations, and directly kill them without mercy.

When necessary, the local person in charge can use all tone to deal with those foreigners.

Even, nuclear weapons!

have you understood! "

The old man's voice was not loud, but the major general on the opposite side could still hear his deep anger.

Even through the gray hair on the opposite side, the major general seemed to see a furious killing god.

The major general is very clear about the life experience of the chief in front of him, because he is the chief's old subordinate.

From a military family, from the beginning of the self-rescue war, the chief's ancestors began to confront foreign powers.

Even before the chief took over the power of the country, he himself was the defender of one side.

His grandfather, uncle... Countless family members died in the confrontation with the great powers, and even his own son stayed abroad forever during the mission.

Even the remains cannot be transported back to the country.

It can be said that the head in front of him is a representative of the hawks.

However, for the sake of the development of the country and the happiness of the people, the chief has endured his temper in his heart for decades.

Even in the eyes of those foreigners, the chief is still a kind old man who advocates racial equality and helps each other.

It is only in the middle of the night that this old man who has dedicated his life to the country will occasionally lose control.

Now, also for the benefit of the country, the chief finally stopped hiding and showed his fangs.

As the old man's old subordinate, the major general couldn't help but tremble.

It's not fear, it's excitement!

After many years, he finally saw the high-spirited general pointing the sky again.

Not daring to hesitate, the major general stood upright, saluted straightly, and said solemnly:


A simple word, but contains countless emotions.

After answering, the major general turned around quickly and ran towards the door.

However, the corners of the eyes of this general who is also nearly sixty years old are slightly moist.

Watching the major general leave, the supreme leader of Huaguo slowly stood up.

Looking at the country map hanging on the wall, the old man couldn't help but whispered:

"This time, is it an opportunity to take back the land?"

As the old man looked, the circles his eyes focused on were the territories that Hua had lost for more than a hundred years.

Although the grade is very small compared to the entire Huaguo, it has always been a thorn in the old man's heart.

In other words, this has always been a thorn in the hearts of all Chinese people.

Staring at the map, the old man lost his mind for a moment.



Looking back at Wang Ran and his party, the distance between the moon and the earth is already very close for Wang Ran and the others.

So after everyone set off, they quickly arrived at the outer edge of the earth's atmosphere.

Wang Ran was the first to bear the brunt. On the periphery of the earth, he could easily locate the destination of his group.

With excitement, Ye Fan and the others followed Wang Ran immediately and broke into the earth.

But before entering the earth, Ye Fan and the others wrapped their bodies with energy under Wang Ran's reminder.

At first, they didn't pay much attention to it, they just thought it was a protective measure that Wang Ran asked them to do because of the friction in the earth's atmosphere.

But as soon as they entered the earth, their expressions changed instantly.

There is no other reason, but because after entering the earth, they immediately sensed a huge formation covering the entire planet.

As for why they can't sense it outside the earth, they sense it as soon as they enter the earth.

Just kidding, as soon as they entered the earth, the cultivation in their bodies was instantly suppressed.

Under such circumstances, even a fool would understand that the earth is covered by an incomparably huge formation.

Otherwise, how could their cultivation be suppressed? Could it be the ghost of the will of heaven and earth?

Then why were they all right when they were on the moon and on the ancient planet Yinghuo?

However, their cultivation has been suppressed, not to say that their realm has been lowered, it's just that in this realm, they can't exert the strength they should have.

It's like doing the same thing on the earth, it consumes much more energy than doing it in the Big Dipper field.

If Wang Ran hadn't reminded them first and asked them to wrap themselves with energy in advance to provide protection, they would have suffered a lot this time.

After all, the energy they can mobilize now is not enough to guarantee their easy landing.

Of course, if they didn't make preparations in advance, they wouldn't just die.

It can only be said that they cannot avoid some hardships.

Ye Fan and the others don't understand why there is such a huge magic circle covering the earth, but this does not prevent them from knowing their current actual situation.

That is, after they enter the earth now, they have no way to enter space by virtue of their own strength.

Because the strength they can display now is really too weak.

Even if all the energy is erupted, they can only reach the periphery of the atmosphere, but cannot break through the atmosphere.

However, he was not nervous because of this. After all, they still have Wang Ran's avatar in their current team.

Everyone still trusts their master very much.

Isn't it a trivial matter for my master to break through the shackles of the earth?

Even if he couldn't find a way to leave from the earth, his master could still take some of himself out.

So although everyone's current cultivation was suppressed, they still followed Wang Ran with peace of mind and flew towards the earth.

Soon, they were no longer seeing the small outlines of things, but could clearly see the exact appearance of things.

And what caught their eyes was nothing else, but the Taotao Mother River of Huaguo.

As both feet set foot on the ground again, the familiar sense of gravity added to their bodies, and Ye Fan and the others could not help but smile on their faces.

Hmm~ Although the air quality is very poor, it is not suitable for spiritual practice at all.

But there is no way, this is the taste of parents.

As soon as they landed, Ye Fan and the others couldn't wait to go home.

They didn't even have the mood to talk about their suppressed cultivation.

However, Wang Ran waved his hands lightly, suppressing their restless hearts.

Because of Ye Fan's suppressed cultivation base, the range of perception of the divine sense is limited.

But Wang Ran is different, although his cultivation is also suppressed by the earth. However, the range of Wang Ran's spiritual perception is still astonishingly large.

According to Wang Ran's spiritual perception, several fighter jets are approaching rapidly a hundred miles away.

Although there is no obvious power affiliation on the fighter plane, Wang Ran still knows that it belongs to the Hua Kingdom.

As for why? Yes, fighter jets do not have ownership, but pilots do.

From appearance to voice, these people undoubtedly belonged to the country of Hua.

Although Wang Ran doesn't belong here, Ye Fan and the others do.

Anyway, this is Ye Fan's motherland after all.

So Wang Ran suppressed the excited Ye Fan and the others, and was going to wait to see how Hua Guo would treat Ye Fan and the others.

Of course, Wang Ran didn't hide what Ye Fan and the others meant.

After waving his hands to suppress the excited hearts of a few people, Lai explained directly:

"Don't get excited, your country's fighter planes are heading here, and their target is us, aren't you going to take a look?"

Hearing Wang Ran's words, Ye Fan and the others blinked their eyes in confusion.

"Fighter? Looking for us?"

At the first moment, everyone didn't realize what was going on.

It stands to reason that he has no reason to let Huaguo dispatch troops.

But soon, everyone reacted.

They are not what they used to be now. They have been cultivating in Tibet for 30 years, and their strength has already surpassed the earth.

There is no doubt that as long as they are given enough time, the four of them can destroy a country.

Although such a powerful strength, Huaguo is not clear.

However, Huaguo discovered that they were eating barbecue on the moon.

Being able to travel the universe physically, no matter how they look at them, they are powerful and terrifying existences.

Therefore, it is completely reasonable for the Chinese Congress to take such a move.

Shrugging, Ye Fan said directly:

"Is that so? Well, anyway, I'm not in a hurry, so let's see what they want to do first."

After the voice fell, everyone didn't say anything more.

Ten minutes later, several fighter planes appeared in everyone's sight.

At the same time, Wang Ran and his party were also discovered by the people on the fighter plane.

Without hesitation, the fighter planes decelerated and landed instantly.

Two minutes later, all the personnel on the fighter plane came in front of Wang Ran and his party.

There was no tension, and after walking in front of Wang Ran and the others, these people directly saluted Wang Ran and the others.

After the salute, at the front of the line, a middle-aged man about forty years old sincerely said to Wang Ran and the others:

"The following is Wu Yuan, the commander-in-chief of the Transcendence Department in the Eastern Shandong area. I have received instructions from my superiors and welcome all gentlemen home.

If you have any needs or requests, please feel free to ask us.

Huahui will do its best to meet your demands.

Please rest assured that we are here with sincerity.

As long as you are willing, the entire Huaguo will be your friend. "

The middle-aged man named Wu Yuan has a very sincere attitude, and his posture is very low.

Wang Ran and the others can tell that this person is sincere, not just perfunctory.

In fact, he wouldn't dare to ask Wu Yuan to do it half-heartedly.

Not to mention that Wang Ran and the others are strong people who can survive in the universe, just being the source of this order also allowed Wu Yuan to clarify his posture.

Just kidding, is this an order from the best leader that can be disobeyed?

If you don't want to hang out in Huaguo, just say it, the country has plenty of free public meals for you.

By the way, I can also give you a free house and a silver bracelet.

Therefore, the entire country of Hua is now in the process of preparing with both hands.

Wang Ran and the others were kind, so he regarded them as guests of honor.

If Wang Ran and the others do evil, they will mobilize all resources to smash their conspiracy.

However, these things are not what Ye Fan and others are most concerned about.

What Ye Fan and the others are most interested in is the sentence Wu Yuan said to go home.

The group of people knew Wang Ran's temper very well. Although he looked very strict at ordinary times, he was still very kind in his heart.

In other words, the current Wang Ran has gradually entered the realm of forgetting love.

Although Wang Ran himself is also consciously changing, and even for this reason, he even ventured into reincarnation to experience the real life.

But at least, he still has this tendency.

Therefore, he didn't really care about some trivial matters in his heart.

It is also like this that can give people the feeling of seriousness on the outside and kindness in the heart.

But no matter what the reason is, the result is the same.

So after Wu Yuan spoke, before Wang Ran could speak, Ye Fan and the others took the lead in asking:

"Oh? Go home? Do you know any of us?"

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