"So how long have you been hungry?"

In the Daming Mansion in Jiuli, Kevin looked at the little girl Yamato who was eating and drinking.

The clothes on his body were dirty and his hair was a little tangled.

After swallowing a large plate of barbecue, Yamato, who was only eight years old, looked at Kevin and replied: "I haven't eaten for almost four days. After my eldest brother's revolutionary army defeated Kaido, I ran out of food."

"After the previous memorial ceremony, I wanted to go to the Capital of Flowers to order something to eat, but obviously my identity was exposed during the ceremony and no one was willing to help me. So I had no choice but to come to you, eldest brother."

Big brother?

Kevin, who was wearing a mask, was a little confused. He pointed at himself and asked, "Why do I become your big brother?"

Xiao Yamato puffed up his chest: "Brother said that there is no distinction between high and low in life, and he doesn't care that I am Kaido's daughter. I can't choose who my father is, but eldest brother doesn't care and accepted my joining! So of course I have to call you Big Brother, the underworld in the Flower City is like this."


He did say that if he didn't have anything to eat, he could let her come to him.

Looking at the little girl who continued to eat and drink again, Kevin said to the maid of Daming Mansion on the side: "After she finishes eating, take her to clean up and change her clothes. Then send her to the newly built school in Jiuli. "


This word made Yamato, who was eating and drinking, stop immediately. He didn't even have time to wipe his mouth before he stood up: "Brother, I'm very strong. I don't need to read, I know how to read."

Kevin walked over and took out some paper to wipe her grease: "What you learn in school is not literacy, but your understanding of the world. You should remember what I said before, whether you can become a revolutionary army needs to be assessed, and the assessment The content is exactly what is taught in the school.”

"The revolutionary army needs companions who have the same thoughts, not reckless men with only strength, nor conspirators with only brains. Only those with the same thoughts can become our companions."

Yamato, who was stunned for a while, still didn't quite understand, but this didn't stop her from feeling that these words were very noble.

Those who think alike and travel together should not be fools or conspirators.

"Yes! I will definitely study hard!"

Kevin gave her a cheering gesture and left after making arrangements.

As Kaido's daughter, Yamato has great potential. In my memory, twenty years later, his overlord-colored haki was enough to fight Kaido for several rounds.

Later, he faced off against Midori, the navy's newly promoted general. If Momonosuke wasn't a fool who insisted on proving himself, he would probably have been able to fight back and forth.

The Green Bulls are not as good as the golden generation of Sakaski, Porusalino and Kuzan.

After leaving the reception room, Oden, who had been waiting for a while, led the way, and the two of them headed to the basement of Daming Mansion.

Three prisoners were imprisoned there using high-purity sea floor stone.

On the way, Oden turned back to look at Kevin several times, and finally said: "I have learned a little bit about what happened after Hikoichiro Shigezuki met you, sir, at the Chambord Islands. At that time, you saw my future today, right? ?”

Kevin replied: "To be precise, it should be the future of Wano without me. After the five-year agreement, Kaido's power has been accumulated. Under those two special magics, you Even if it only leaves two wounds on Kaido, he will be completely defeated."

"Then the country of Wano was completely reduced to a weapons manufacturing factory. Under the pollution, even the water source finally had problems, and death became the norm in the country of Wano."

Oden, who was already side by side with Kevin, was silent for a long time.

"Can that gentleman tell me why the revolutionary army chose to liberate the country of Wano? Although you agreed to Hikoichiro at that time, in this war, the revolutionary army also sacrificed more than 400 people. What can the revolutionary army gain?"

Oden and Kevin's eyes collided, and the two stopped.

"Did you get anything?"

Kevin smiled, then looked at Oden seriously: "The revolutionary army's goal has always been to completely liberate the world! On this basis, unite all the forces that can be united. Is there any problem?"

"The country of Wano is in a state of oppression, and is even teetering on the edge of the abyss. We are here because of class unity."

"It's not about the country's wealth or anything else, it's just about letting the people of Wano understand that only by awakening their minds can they understand the meaning of resistance, and only by resistance can they overturn oppression."

Having said this, Kevin reached out and patted Oden's shoulder: "Lectures will begin in Wano Country's school in a week. You can go and listen. There you will truly understand the meaning of the revolutionary army."

After the words fell, the two of them walked to the underground prison cell again.

After going down a series of stairs, we were already deep in the inner sea of ​​Wano Country.

In three cells side by side, a captain and two senior officials of the Beast Pirates were all here. However, their whole bodies were bound with high-purity seastone chains, and their injuries had not yet recovered.

The first thing Kevin looked at was Kaido.

I have to say that this guy with horns on his head must have a special physique.

After being chopped off a hand and a tailbone, and almost disemboweling him with a knife in the end, he recovered somewhat from his near-death state in just a few days.

From the perspective of the prison, Kaido's crime value is quite considerable, which he knew before.

More than eighty-six thousand.

This value is not comparable to that of the Celestial Dragons. After all, no matter how many lives a pirate with many evil deeds has on his hands, it cannot compare to the lives that have died due to the heavenly gold in this sea for eight hundred years.

That is the root of sin.

"I thought you escaped, but Uncle Xiong gave me a surprise. So now you can tell me what I should do with you."

The three of them already knew when Kevin came in. Only Kaido had his eyes closed, and both Jhin and Quinn glanced at him.

After a while, Kevin spread his hands and said, "Since you feel so stubborn, maybe killing him is the best choice."

As soon as he finished speaking, Kaido opened his eyes and said, "Although you are wearing a mask, and you always look like someone else under the mask, you shouldn't be that old, kid."

Kevin did not deny: "Yeah. So what?"

Kaido looked sarcastic.

"Perhaps your body has a special structure that can accommodate several Devil Fruits, and even that sword has Devil Fruit abilities. Or maybe you are a special race like the Lunaria, with special abilities."

"But you don't understand this world at all, nor do you understand the terrifying power that the group of people on Mariejoia possess."

"Revolutionary Army... Hahaha! Does this name mean to overthrow the World Government? Just the name is enough for people to understand, but it is just to this extent, there is too much difference, kid!"

Kevin acquiesced to the other party's statement.

The current strength of the Revolutionary Army is indeed not worth mentioning compared to the World Government.

Marie Joa's two billion bounty on the cloaked man was more due to the teleportation fruit's surprise and life-saving abilities.

To them, all creatures in this world are just reptiles. The only difference is whether the reptile is big or small. Just understanding part of it in memory is enough for Kevin to understand the gap.

What's more, there are still things that I don't understand in my memory.

At least the Im with the crown on his head among the flowers and the five immortals among the powers have not taken action yet.

"So part of what you know is what you saw in the Valley of the Gods eighteen years ago, right?"

After the words fell, Kaido's pupils suddenly dilated: "At your age, you shouldn't know about the Valley of Gods."

Kevin stretched out his hand and nodded his head: "There is something special here, so I still remember the memory of when I was one year old. Speaking of being able to survive at that time, in addition to Uncle Xiong and Ginny, the invasion of your Rocks Pirates was also very difficult. Most of the reasons.”

One year old?

"Bang bang bang..."

The Sea Tower Stone chain was tightened, and Kaido looked at the masked and cloaked man in front of him: "Are you a survivor of the Valley of Gods? A slave brought by the Celestial Dragons? Or an original resident of the Valley of Gods?"

"Original residents."

Kevin exhaled: "That day is truly unforgettable in my life...those fat worms were about to destroy a country in just one school trip."

"But fortunately, two acquaintances from eighteen years ago, Saint Samit and Saint Rodnaz, both endured the pain they deserved."

These words stunned the four people present.

Oden, who crossed the sea with Whitebeard and Roger, knew very well the meaning of the Celestial Dragons. They were the protection objects of the world's nobles and admirals.

Even Whitebeard and Roger have never killed a Celestial Dragon.

That is challenging the bottom line of the world government.

Although most of the Tianlong people are idiots wearing glass masks, they have secrets on their bodies.


Kaido laughed: "So this is the secret that your head is worth two billion. It seems that you and Rocks did the same thing, but he died and you are still alive."

"Is it because of the ability similar to the teleportation fruit? Although it requires a mark as a coordinate, escaping is a very good ability."

Having said this, Kaido looked at Jhin in the cell on the left.

The two people's eyes met, and after a long time Kaido said: "I may not be able to do what I promised you at that time, but you should see the fear of those fools facing death. You also want to see it, right? Right? "

Jhin remained silent, but Kaido knew his desire.

Overturning the world is the revenge of the Lunaria tribe, and it is also the reason why Jhin has been wearing a mask.

The Lunaria tribe is a race they are not allowed to exist. There are only two choices: death and becoming a test subject, nothing else.

Kaido looked at Kevin again: "Let Jhin join you. You have a common enemy. He will be a good help to you."

As soon as he finished speaking, in another cell, the chubby Quinn was stunned.

He immediately rolled over and leaned over, the sea-tower stone chain clattering.

"Boss! Boss still has me! What about me?"

Kaido glanced at the fat man: "You have already been recruited, haven't you? Your knowledge is what they need more than your power."


The chubby Quinn was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that the boss, who had always been wild and rough, actually knew that the other party had recruited him.

Kaido smiled disdainfully: "If you hadn't known that you wouldn't be killed, you would have tried your best to escape. Besides, you have been too quiet these days."

These words made Quinn bow his head in shame and remain silent.

But Jhin also didn't agree with what Kaido said.

"Well...in fact, I considered the possibility of killing you all before this."

Kevin's voice sounded, and the chubby Quinn instantly stiffened.

Didn’t you say you were useful?

After all, he is also one of the three giants of MADS. Although Vegapunk is indeed more powerful, this is all because of the Devil Fruit!

Kevin glanced at Quinn: "Don't look at me like that. After all, even if you are fat, your loyalty to Kaido is unquestionable. It's hard to say whether the boost will turn into a bomb."

Oden on the side frowned, he didn't like this approach.

But when I thought about what Kevin said just now, unite all the forces that can be united, I felt relieved.

Having been to Lovedru, he understands the power of the World Government better. In fact, Captain Roger surrendered himself and started the era of great pirates with his life.

Time passed minute by minute in the underground cell, and Kevin was still thinking.

Quinn watched helplessly, Kaido didn't say anything more, Jhin didn't seem to want to sacrifice his life for Kevin.

Five minutes later, Kevin opened his eyes.

His right hand grasped the handle of Qian Da's knife tightly, and then the domineering and domineering energy suddenly returned to it.

Under the words of liberation, the Zanpakutō begins to unlock.


The flaming blade broke through the iron fence and chopped off Kaido's head.

This sudden scene made Oden take a few steps back, while Quinn and Jhin seemed to be suppressing their emotions.

Kevin could see the forbearance of the two.

Sure enough, even Quinn, who has always been afraid of death, still has his own will as a pirate.

The first release of Ryukenruohuo was released after the explosion. When the flames penetrated Kaido's chest, all his internal organs were burned to charcoal.

No one can survive the 6,000-degree flame piercing the body, not even BiGMOM's steel balloon.

Kevin took back his Zanpakutō.

Kaido's soul, on the other hand, directly entered the No. 1 passage of the prison space: the guard dormitory.

"Oden, bring over a strong prisoner of the Beast Pirates."

Oden was stunned for a moment, because he was still shocked by the blazing heat just now, so he immediately agreed and walked up.

Kevin looked back at Quinn and Jhin without saying anything.

At this time, even if these two guys swore allegiance, he would not believe a word.

The two of them were silent at this time, neither begging for mercy nor speaking harshly.

Soon, a group of Beast Pirates who had left behind a group to prepare for a parade were sent over.

Kevin made a hand seal.

In an instant, his physical strength was passing away rapidly.

The living person who was brought here was gradually wrapped in ashes, and his screams resounded throughout the basement.

The art of reincarnation from dirty soil!

The ashes fell one by one, and the big living person just now was gone, and only the naked Kaido appeared.

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