Become a revolutionary mentor from a pirate

Chapter 112 Chaos in the harem?

"Dong dong dong."


In the marshal's office, Kevin opened the door and saw the two decision-making leaders of the current navy headquarters.

The three generals haven't come up yet. Cyborg Kong was forced to retire early due to his own reasons and was promoted. Currently, Garp under the marshal is out of tune, and Zefa is only in charge of the youth training camp.

So the two people in front of them were the two people in front of them, Lieutenant General He and Marshal Warring States, who were actually discussing the decision.

"The World Government has just issued a notice asking the navy to cooperate in the arrest of Germa in the North Sea, and you are one of them."

Kevin nodded: "Understood. I have always heard about Germa's reputation in Beihai, but I don't know if the pink poison really exists. It looks very beautiful in the comic strip."

These words made He on the side frown: "According to the information provided by the World Government, the pink poison in the comic strip does not exist. Germa's armed forces are basically cloned and transformed male warriors. Are you interested? "


Kevin felt insulted and choked back.

"Gender men like women. Well, that's it."

Warring States said at this time: "The Navy, as a cooperating combat force, does not have the initiative in this war. But I hope you can communicate with CP so that this action will not affect too many ordinary people."

Does it affect ordinary people?

If the army presses the border, it can be solved directly at sea.

No, Germa's country is like a group of snails, if it is faster than a warship.

He crossed his fingers and said: "Since Roger was executed by you in Rogge Town four years ago, the era of great pirates has arrived. Among the four seas, there are too many new pirates in the North Sea and South Sea, far exceeding the East Sea and West Sea."

He paused for a moment, but Kevin knew the reason.

There is an old man in the East China Sea who often goes back to see his grandson Ace. In the West China Sea, because of his initial raids, many gangsters and bandits who wanted to go to sea stopped.

As for the South China Sea and the North Sea, after the incident in the South China Sea was exposed by the Revolutionary Army, many people's trust in the navy and the world government dropped to a freezing point. It is currently also the main development area of ​​the Revolutionary Army's South China Sea.

It seems that the army commander has been following Vegapunk every day and has been educated several times recently.

At this time, He continued: "If the impact is too great, the navy will be unreliable in the memory of the people in Beihai. People with a righteous heart will also hesitate between joining the navy or going to sea."

Warring States also looked at Kevin: "In any case, the navy's intention is to make the image of the navy as positive as possible when it eliminates Germa. That comic strip has a great influence. Although Germa is a villain in the comic strip, But there are also many people who admire them.”

The two sang in harmony, but Kevin's expression clearly didn't take it to heart.

Warring States and Crane had already expected this.

Even this operation in the North Sea was just an experiment for the two of them. What they really care about is whether Kevin can be a bridge of communication in the future.

The five people on Marie Joa are so high up that the real action of the world government is the CP agency, and Spangdine heard that he will be transferred to the chief of CP0 soon.

"The credit for this mission will allow you to be promoted to lieutenant general."


Kevin looked over immediately: "Lieutenant General was promoted so easily?"

Warring States looked at him: "Lieutenant general is not only a promotion in military rank, but also has the responsibilities and obligations of the navy."

Speaking of this, Warring States' eyes gradually became more sincere.

"I have read your file many times. The executioner of the West Sea, you have never been merciful to pirates, which shows that you were persecuted by pirates in the life of the orphans in the West Sea in the past."

"According to the records, your hometown village was also destroyed due to pirate plunder."

"So Kevin...the purpose of the navy is to stabilize the sea. Only stability can make pirates less and less, so that villages like your hometown can survive safely."

Kevin frowned, thought for a moment and then nodded.

After he left, the marshal's office was quiet for a while.

"After this time, Wano Country can also let him go there. That country is not an ordinary non-franchise country."

"The information we just got is really surprising, but if that's the case, Mary Joa will also consider the pros and cons."

"I hope so."

At the same time, the Flower Capital of Wano Country.

As the temporary manager before his ideological awakening, Kozuki Oden's family also moved from Jiuli to the General's Mansion in Huadu.

After a series of tests, the Shuangyue Kang family had no objection to the revolutionary army, so they held a grand ceremony to succeed the general.

Oden was pressed into the car and carried through all the streets of Huadu, emphasizing General Oden's five years of forbearance for Wano.

After learning that they had made a five-year agreement with Orochi and had rescued many people who were taken hostage, the Shimozuki Yasu family even found these people and began to describe the situation at that time as witnesses.

Opposite the high platform where the inauguration ceremony was taking place, the Shimozuki Yasushi family who was watching all this was in a good mood and poured a cup of tea for Shimozuki Umaru who was sitting opposite.

"Are these people really the hostages of Orochi five years ago?"

Shigetsuki Gyumaru frowned. He felt that the name of the clan in front of him was a little evil. He wouldn't make something fake, right?

Shigetsuki Yasuya glanced at him: "Do you think I would do something so stupid? If it wasn't true, General Oden would have jumped out on his own by this time."

Uh, that's right.

They knew the character of this Highness of the Guangyue Clan very well.

I am stubborn and will not recognize this as help at all. For a while, I will think it is an insult.

But... with such an obvious move, why is there still no movement from the revolutionary army?

The ideological education classes in the school have begun, and the soldiers and instructors left behind by the revolutionary army are still attending classes as usual.

"That person should still be in Wano Country, but he hasn't done anything."

Shuoyue Kangjia smiled and replied: "Why do they want to stop something that is already a fact? Stopping it may be counterproductive. But this discovery is indeed an unexpected joy."

Shuoyue Niuwan nodded and remained silent.

On the high platform, the bored Oden wanted to pick his feet.

The position of general was indeed more uncomfortable than that of the daimyo. Even Kin'emon and Denjiro began to tell him that he couldn't do this and he couldn't say that.

Although it was for the sake of stability, he already had plans to bring out the hidden old man and take this position.

As for the people he had saved before him, he also knew whose idea it was to recount the reenactments here.

But he knew better that these were just in vain.

Maybe we should find an opportunity to talk to the famous Kang family member, who also supported Jiuli quite a lot in the beginning.

As he was thinking about it, Oden was already wandering away, thinking that the daughter of the inspirational female president in his family should be studying hard now.

The first school in Huadu.

Robin on the podium took a deep breath.

Before today, she had already read about the education methods during the reign of Orochi in Huadu, and today she was the substitute teacher, and she had also been preparing for it for a long time.

Then, imitating the previous education method, he wrote names one by one on the blackboard.

"Teacher, I know!"

A little kid pointed at one of the names and said, "Father corrected me yesterday. Black Carbon Orochi is a bad guy. He colluded with the pirates to steal the position of general. It was Oden-sama and the revolutionary army who defeated them."

Robin smiled and replied: "I have seen what you were taught before. The teacher gave it to you at that time. Orochi is good, but Mr. Kozuki Oden is a fool, right?"

No one spoke after the words fell, and the little kid who raised his hand just now also lost his voice.

After half a ring.


A little girl with green hair stood up: "Teacher, you should call General Oden."

Robin looked at Hiyori and shook his head slightly: "There are no so-called adults and villains in this world, and life is neither high nor low. This is what Mr. Oden also agrees with."

"Even if it's Mr. Tinder, we will call him sir, not sir, out of respect."

Hiyori was stunned for a moment, but the father of the family did agree with that sentence: There is no dignity in life.

Momonosuke, who was sitting next to her, also pulled on her sleeve.

After thinking for a while, I couldn't think of a rebuttal, so I could only hum and sit down.

Robin didn't take it seriously, and then continued: "In my opinion, you need to know whether a good person or a bad person is a good person, rather than just listening to what others say. Think about whether this person is an enemy or a friend from your own standpoint."

"Then whether the Black Carbon Orochi is good or bad, we also need to understand it before we can make a conclusion. Today we will first talk about the former general of Wano Country, and then you can think about whether he is good or bad."

Robin then began to tell the story about the information he had collected.

Black Carbon Orochi fled from birth, his parents and relatives were purged for rebellion, and he was hunted down for this reason.

How to endure and wait for the opportunity after becoming the servant of Baiwu Daimyo.

More than ten minutes passed, and the life of Black Carbon Orochi also ended under Robin's narration.

Just like the story, the black charcoal snake is the main perspective, allowing the children below to take part in it as if they were listening to the story.

"Then someone tell me now, is Black Carbon Orochi a good guy or a bad guy?"

There are all children in the audience, and they are not much different in age from Robin. But at this moment, because of the substitution, they are all a little confused.

Momonosuke even touched Hiyori and asked: "If the whole family is killed, it is not wrong to seek revenge..."

Hiyori punched Momonosuke on the head: "You are Kozuki Momonosuke, not Kutanosuke, you idiot!"

Momonosuke, who covered his head, almost cried.

But this was also heard by Robin, so he looked at Hiyori and praised: "This Hiyori-san is right. Whether it is good or bad, you must first confirm your own position."

"As members of the Guangyue clan, rebels will naturally have to pay a price. In order to stabilize their own rule and prevent their descendants from taking revenge, purges are inevitable."

"And if you are a survivor of the Heitan clan, and your family has been killed, and you continue to suffer, it is normal for you to have thoughts of revenge in your heart."

"Finally... we are the ordinary people who make up the majority."

"Who can tell me, for ordinary people, is Black Carbon Orochi a good person? Or a bad person?"

Stories and questions began to guide the thinking of the children under the podium.

The ideological education classes in schools are different from the speeches in various regions. If the central idea of ​​the revolutionary army is presented directly, these children will not understand it.

During O'Hara's childhood, Robin knew that not everyone liked knowledge and thought like her.

For this group of children, the first thing to teach them is to think independently instead of following what others say.

At the same time, we must also let them know their position and class in a subtle way. This is the basis of ideological education courses.

Under the podium, Hiyori frowned and thought about Robin's question just now.

What is the position of ordinary people?

The Kozuki clan represents all the people of Wano.

At that time, the unintelligible words that Uncle Mask said were the same things that the sister on the podium said about the professor now?


A little boy stood up and seemed timid.

But in the end he said: "I only know that my family could eat meat once every three days when I was young. Later, after my father went to the mine, my family had not eaten meat for several years."

"Just now, my sister said that Black Tan Orochi has built many weapons processing factories and forced the people of Wano to work with only a very small salary, so I think Black Tan Orochi is a bad person!"

With the first one, soon the second one also stood up.

They no longer think who is good and who is bad because of what they heard and said, but because their lives have changed for the worse.

After all the children finished speaking, Robin continued: "Now let's talk about the second character: Kozuki Oden."

As soon as the words fell, Hiyori and Momonosuke's eyes widened.

Talking about father?

You must know that today is the day when father officially becomes a general. Under such circumstances, how can the people of Wano judge the general?

This is against the rules!

"You can't do this to the General..."

Momonosuke was about to stand up, but this time Hiyori pulled him down.

She felt that she should hear what this sister said about her father, and when she watched the second speech that day, her father seemed to understand all this.

"Kozuki Oden has done many incomprehensible things since he was born."

"He threw his wet nurse out a few months after he was born. He threw a boulder to kill a giant bear when he was 4 years old. When he was 6 years old, he started to go to the flower streets and willow alleys. When he was 8 years old, he drank and fought with gamblers. When he was 9 years old, he was blacklisted by a gang and burned down in anger. Gangster casino, arrested for violence and wounding..."

"The age of fifteen caused chaos in the harem... Thirty-eight attempts to go to sea failed, and going to sea in Wano is illegal."


Under the podium, Hiyori and Momonosuke were stunned.

They had never heard that their father had such a glorious history. The so-called harem chaos made Momonosuke greatly envious.

Hiyori was thinking about whether to go back and tell her mother.

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