Become a revolutionary mentor from a pirate

Chapter 123 Garp: Roger is here too


Kevin's figure appeared behind Ace in an instant, and he reached out and took the schoolbag containing little Nami.

"How long has it been since we last met and you don't recognize me anymore?"

Ace was stunned for a moment, but he quickly wanted to snatch his sister back.

However, due to his lack of height, he jumped up and was pushed back by a hand on his head.

Kevin opened the backpack and picked up the sleeping little Nami with one hand: "Fortunately, this backpack is breathable, otherwise you will probably be beaten to death by Lujiu."

The arrogant Ace saw that he could not get his sister back no matter what, so he winked at Sabo beside him.

After a while, Saab, who was behind the detour, jumped up and swung the steel pipe, trying to hit Kevin on the back of the head.

As a result, Kevin just turned sideways and avoided it perfectly. Then he reached out and grabbed Saab by the back collar and threw him away.

"You are really not gentle now. What? Do you want to beat me to death with a stick?"

Sabo, who had rolled twice on the ground, stood up again, glanced at Ace and said, "You go back and call for people, and I'll entangle them. But... you really don't know them?"

Ace frowned.

Wearing a mask like my father, but for some reasons, my father told me not to let others know, so...

Um? etc.

Ace tentatively said: "Mask...uncle?"

Kevin smiled, still holding little Nami in his arms: "It seems that your and Noqigao's personalities don't get along very well, but you have found a new friend here."

After calming down, Ace suddenly sat down on the ground when he thought about the uncle mentioning his mother's name just now, and the vague mask in Nokigao's memory.

"Long time no see, Uncle Mask, you haven't seen me for a long time."

General Sabo on the side was indeed someone he knew, so he also relaxed.

Kevin, who was holding little Nami, raised his head and looked into the distance: "It's been a long time since we last met, so it's quite strange to see you getting beaten when we just came here."

As soon as he finished speaking, a figure from afar ran over quickly.

It was only after he saw little Nami in Kevin's arms that he relaxed, and then punched Ace on the head.

"Don't you know your mother asked you not to run away with your sister?"

Ace, who was covering his head, squatted on the ground in pain, but he still raised his head and retorted defiantly: "Can't I just bring my sister out to meet my new friends? And you disappear from time to time. How come you have time to come back today, father?" grown ups!"

You guy?

Roger's eyes under the mask smiled when he heard this, and he shook his hands: "It seems that it has been a long time since I let you feel my father's love, little bastard!"

Aston jumped back, but Roger, who had quick eyes and quick hands, grabbed him by the collar and pulled him back.

"Ah!! Mom said to be reasonable! Don't do anything, father!"

"Be reasonable? Fist is also an education of love!"

"Bang bang bang!"

After a while, the father was kind and the son was filial to the queen.

Ace grabbed Sabo and ran away with a bag on his head. Roger, who obviously wanted to hone his will since childhood, did not pursue him.

The forest behind Windmill Village is not small, and there are many gangsters at the terminal of Goa Kingdom, so it is suitable for him to go wild by himself.

As for the danger…

That is the bloodline of the Pirate King. What does such danger mean?

"The education method is very special."

Kevin commented, and then the three of them went down the mountain together. The chameleon following Kevin abided by his duty and remained silent from the beginning.

"Isn't it very energetic?"

Roger said as he walked: "You are still young, but you have already had the courage to attack the enemy, even if the opponent is an adult. Hahaha! This is my child!"

"But I will probably stay out for a few days this time. That brat also knows that he will be beaten when he goes back. He will only go home when Lujiu's anger subsides."

At this time, little Nami also woke up.

Then he started crying.

Feeling the moisture in his hand, Kevin reached out and pinched little Nami's nose: "So you peed on my hand? It's really not cute."


Roger laughed: "You are still young, but it is good to experience the feeling of being a father in advance, such as changing diapers for children."

Kevin didn't mind it either, but the pace of the others quickened a bit.

Nami's hometown has changed from Cocoa West Village to Windmill Village. No matter how retarded the dragons of the future fish-man pirates are, they will have no reason to dare to run wild in Garp's hometown, not to mention that the East China Sea is now full of revolutionary troops.

Roger and Ginny, neither of them needed two hands to beat him up.

So Bellmere will survive, Lujiu will also survive, and then the future of Nami and Ace will completely change.

Soon, Roger took the two of them to Lujiu's residence, and he also found Lujiu and Bellemere.

Kevin entered the room and ruffled Nokigao's hair first: "I've grown a lot taller, but why not play with Ace?"

Nokigao knew about Kevin's existence: "Ace runs too fast, which always makes Aunt Lujiu worried."

Bellemel, who rushed back, took little Nami and took her back to change her diaper.

Roger was explaining to Lujiu why Ace didn't come back. He also said that he had shown his father's majesty and beat up the bastard.

Kevin was chatting with Noqigao and said that she was much more sensible than Ace.

At this moment, Kevin's emotions moved.


The next moment, Kevin appeared directly behind Roger with the chameleon, and disappeared in the next second.

After a while, an equally hearty laughter appeared outside the yard.

"Hahaha! Ace! Grandpa is here!"

A muscular figure opened the door and walked in. He looked around and found that only Lujiu and Nuo Qi were tall. He scratched his head and said, "Running out to play again?"

"Mr. Karp."

Lu Jiu bowed and said, "This kid is getting more and more wild. He runs around outside all day long, saying he has made new friends."

Garp came over and ruffled Nokigao's hair first: "It's okay. I will stay for a few days when I come back this time. I can give Ace a love education."

Lu Jiu smiled and replied: "Then thank you Mr. Karp for your hard work."

In the woods outside the yard on the other side, Roger's eyes were very fierce.

"This old bastard! He takes advantage of me every time he comes back, and he also wants Ace to join the navy in the future!"

"I won't let him succeed!"

Kevin looked over: "So what did you do?"

Roger crossed his arms and looked confident: "That old guy can only come back every few months, and he won't be able to stay for long. I've been in the East China Sea all the time. Humph! I have given Ace much more special training and ideological education than he has. too much."

Ideological Education?

"That's what our revolutionary army does."

Roger said: "The world is about to undergo great changes. Whether you like it or not, you will be forced to move forward. The pirates will be swept into the garbage dump of history, and the navy and world government will also be swept away, so... "

Therefore, the education Ace is receiving now is completely different from what he originally received.

Kevin smiled.

In my own vision, pirates will indeed become history in the future, but the existence of the navy is necessary.

From this point of view, perhaps the new generation who have received new education will choose the navy in their first journey after growing up.

"But this old bastard Garp is back on vacation at this time. He might cause trouble tomorrow."

Roger frowned under the mask: "This old guy's domineering is top-notch. He is completely different from Kaido. If your teleportation ability is seen through and the flame blade cannot confront someone head-on..."

The rest of the words were not said, but Kevin knew it.

In the battle on the Chambord Islands, he was able to kill the chameleon behind him, mostly because of the spatial coordinates of Rodnaz, the Celestial Dragon.

Unexpectedly, in a head-to-head encounter, under the high temperature of 6,000 core temperatures, the armored defense can be broken through in an extremely fast time.

The battle between Onigashima and Kaido in Wano Country also benefited from the asymmetry of intelligence and Kaido's fighting style.

The animal type fantasy beast is in the form of a fish, fruit, and blue dragon. Coupled with its own slightly special physique, Kaido's fighting style itself is head-on.

In my memory, the battle with Luffy was a fight to the end.

And in comparison, BiGMOM's steel balloons, Bikaido's race, and the increase brought by the fantasy beast species, feel that they are not on the same level.

During the time of the Rock Pirates, Kaido was just a little minion and still needed BiGMOM to take care of him.

In addition, Oden's Ten Fists of Taoyuan can break his defense, but BiGMOM seems to have never been broken except when he is mentally ill.

Even in the state of amnesia, Quinn's full blow was just like that, no big deal.

After sighing, Kevin replied: "Heavenly Gold is crucial to the subsequent development of the Revolutionary Army. At present, our preparations are the most detailed on the East China Sea."

"The battle will be quick tomorrow. As long as the five ships escorting Tianshangjin float away, there is nothing he can do."

After a pause, Kevin then ordered: "You two need to avoid him. Although your body is immortal, if you are discovered, the subsequent strategic purpose of lurking will likely fail."

"Resurrection of the dead. Such an ability would make even Mary Joa fearful of so-called bugs like us."

Roger seemed a little disappointed: "I originally wanted to have another fight with my old rival. This old bastard takes advantage of me every time he comes back. It's really disgusting."

Chameleon, who had been behind him, leaned forward and said, "I understand, sir."

As your own intelligence becomes more disclosed, you will naturally be targeted more and more.

After the Chambord Islands killed Saint Rodnaz last time, it was clear to Marie Joa that the ability did not come from the Devil Fruit.

In this world, there is more than one teleportation fruit similar to the teleportation ability, and there is a door fruit that you know about.

So on Mariejoia, is there any power against space?

This world is not like Xianxia or Xuanguan. A battle is always strong and weak, and the training levels of both sides are directly compared.

Intelligence, ability restraint, three-color domineering, combat strategy and methods, without counting explosive seeds and dragon field enlightenment, these are the key points of victory or defeat.

In the Navy and the World Government, there must have been countless meetings on the intelligence analysis of the cloaked man.

At least when he was in the headquarters, he participated in many events with Kuzan, and more than four of them targeted his vest.

In addition, during the more than three months in the G5 branch, the headquarters would send analysis of the capabilities of each big pirate from time to time.

"It's really troublesome..."

Kevin sighed.

A CP0 who can predict the future is troublesome enough. I originally thought I would beat him up if it didn't work.

Now there is even more Garp.

A quick fix is ​​easy to say but not easy to implement.

At the same time, after telling Lujiu that he would come back tomorrow, Garp also left Lujiu's residence.

Just when I was leaving the yard, my peripheral vision looked in one direction inadvertently.

It is true that the Monkey family has always been carefree, but this does not mean that he has not discovered problems for such a long time. After all, the two children were not very good at lying when they were young.

"Hey...Roger, you have to understand Lujiu's difficulties."

Garp whispered to himself and sighed leisurely.

A young woman was pulling her child, and she was in the East China Sea, a place unfamiliar to her. The hard work and exhaustion coupled with the escape a few years ago...

Karp felt that there was nothing wrong with finding someone to rely on again.

Ace is a child with a wild temper. He is not at home many times when he comes back from vacation, maybe to play with his new father.

Having a father is also a good thing for the child.

What Garp is a little bit sad about is that Roger, the Pirate King who started the Great Pirate Age. This guy who is now recognized as the king by all the pirates in the sea, actually after his death, his wife and children became someone else's.

As an old rival, I really can't bear it.

In the woods, Kevin was a little nervous when he thought he and others were discovered, and was ready to teleport away with the two of them at any time.

But when Garp finished speaking, he almost stopped laughing.

Originally they couldn't hear it at this distance, but Kevin, who was present, had experienced several all-round enhancements in his physique, and Roger, who was listening to the sounds of all things from his soul, could hear it too clearly.

After waiting for Garp to walk away, Roger punched the tree trunk next to him.


Tree trunks burst.

"Asshole! Old guy! Damn old man..."

A series of curses kept coming out of Roger's mouth: "I really want to kill this old bastard!"

Kevin patted him on the shoulder: "It's a wonderful misunderstanding, isn't it? But I think if you are really gone, Lujiu should find someone to lean on. After all, pirates need a father."

These words almost stopped Roger from punching Kevin, if it weren't for the restriction of the reincarnation of the dirty land.

"Let's go, I'll bring Uncle Xiong here tonight. Because of Garp's existence, there are variables in the plan, and many things need to be changed."

With that said, Kevin led a few people to the stronghold. Now that Garp is back, Lujiu can no longer stay in the yard.

Night falls.

Kevin, Roger, Chameleon, Big Bear, and Ginny gathered at the revolutionary army stronghold in the town below the Kingdom of Goa.

"This is the specific situation. Because Garp is on sudden leave, we need to take action as soon as possible after the escort ship is far away from the Kingdom of Goa."

"If the coordinates are not found during the inventory, then it doesn't matter if we wait two more days."

"After the four attached escort ships take off, everyone will come to the main ship. Before that, I will hold back the top combat power of the CP0."

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