The extremely spacious and tall luxurious banquet hall on Fish-Man Island has a shell-shaped stage in the center.

Kevin arrived on a giant bubble-wrapped extra-large halibut, and then sat directly on the extra-large halibut, which served as a seat.

In the banquet hall of Ryugu Castle, Kevin, who was left to entertain Princess Otohime, was not able to visit Fishman Island, but the desserts at the banquet were indeed good.

Currently, Fish-Man Island is Whitebeard's territory. In the future, after Whitebeard's death in the war, Fish-Man Island hangs the flag of BiGMOM because of the raw materials for desserts here.

Because of Kevin's identity, there were not many people attending the banquet. There were only Neptune and Princess Otohime, plus the three princes, and Little White Star in the giant cradle.

Fish-Man Island’s specialty food and wine were filled with dishes, but when Kevin reached out to take off his mask, everyone, including the three princes, stopped what they were doing and looked over.

Fierschteiger even swallowed.

However, when the mask was taken off and a burst of smoke passed, a fish-man exactly like Tiger appeared.

Seeing this scene in front of them, Neptune and Princess Otohime certainly wouldn't think that this gentleman from the revolutionary army was a fish-man and that he was also Tiger's twin brother.

"Curiosity is sometimes not a good thing."

Kevin put a piece of pre-dinner dessert into his mouth: "If the world government knows that you know my identity, then even on Fish-Man Island ten thousand meters below, they will find a way to catch you for questioning."

The youngest of the three princes, Kai Xing, sniffed: "Is Mr. Mask the brother of Boss Tiger? They are exactly the same?! It's amazing!"

The eldest prince patted his younger brother and signaled him to stop talking.

Tiger also explained: "Mr. Mask can take on the appearance of anyone, which is why I can be saved. That place... is too difficult to sneak into."

The topic seemed to be taken in a heavy direction, and Neptune raised his glass to bring it back.

Princess Otohime on the side began to softly ask Kevin about the possibility of realizing the dream of Fishman Island.

Fishman Island is located 10,000 meters under the sea, and all the usual sunlight comes from Yangshu Eve. The entire Fish-Man Island has a population of nearly five million, most of whom have lived in the underwater world their entire lives.

The world above the sea is dangerous for them.

Because the Champaign Islands are floating up there, the human traffickers in the illegal zone like fishmen the most, and the female mermaids in front of them will be even more valuable.

This situation has also caused fish and mermaids to yearn for and fear the human world. What they yearn for is blue sky, white clouds, and real sunshine, and what they fear is humans.

"Sir. I always believe that as long as we can communicate, we can understand each other."

Princess Otohime looked at Kevin: "The world government is also formed by the franchising countries, isn't it? Fishman Island hopes to coexist peacefully with humans, so it can also become one of the franchising countries, right?"

These words made Neptune and Tiger pause for a moment.

The relationship between the Revolutionary Army and the World Government has been at loggerheads. Under such circumstances, Princess Otohime proposed that Fish-Man Island become a franchising country...

It's incomprehensible way of thinking.

However, Kevin was not angry.

Unlike the Kozuki clan of Wano Country, Princess Otohime of Fishman Island is naive to a certain extent, but she deserves respect.

"You...are different from other nations on land."

Princess Otohime asked quickly: "What's the difference? Sir, can you tell me?"

Kevin replied: "Although all creatures in this world are just bugs in their eyes, ordinary bugs can be ignored, but precious and rare bugs can be treasured."

"The condition for becoming a franchise country is to pay heavenly gold. With the wealth of Fish-Man Island under the sea, it is not a problem. However... even the royal family of the franchise country cannot resist the world's noble Tianlong according to the laws set by the world government. It’s human…”

"Then Princess Otohime can know what this means?"

With her innate talent, Princess Otohime was able to sense some of the emotions of the gentleman in front of her.

What the other party said is true.


The wavy princess bit her lip: "If I go to Mariejoia to communicate with the Tianlong people, after getting their consent..."

Kevin shook his head slightly: "How many Celestial Dragons can be influenced by the princess's natural domineering power? On Mariejoia, those wastes are not the ones who are really in charge..."

"Perhaps there will be one or two Celestial Dragons who completely change their perception because of the princess's talent. But when they truly treat the existence that was originally regarded as an insect as an equal, do you know what the result will be waiting for him?"

She didn't speak, but Princess Otohime knew what Kevin was thinking.

Being executed...

"Yes, he was sentenced to death by the Knights of God who controlled the internal power of the Celestial Dragons on Marie Joa."

As soon as he finished speaking, the tableware in Tiger's hand fell down.

Tianlong people will also be executed?

And the reason... is just because ordinary humans or fish people are regarded as equals?

Kevin looked at Tiger: "After you left, my avatar saw the powerful people in this group of Celestial Dragons. Unlike the Mataz Saints you saw on Mariejoia, they have very strong power, and they are also very powerful. Possessing almost top-notch domineering power.”

"One of them has the special ability to predict the future in a very short period of time."

Tiger clenched his hands on the table: "Sir, why would someone among their kind who are willing to treat us as equals be executed by them?"

"They are also Tianlong people. Why do they do it for this reason? Why do they have to treat us like this?"

"There's something wrong with your understanding, Tiger."

Kevin shook his head slightly: "It's not you, but everyone under Mary Joa. Whether it's me, pirates, navy, or similar humans and other races."

"All creatures in this world are just bugs in their eyes. They can kill, plunder and trample at will."

Having said this, Kevin looked at the frowning Princess Otohime again: "In fact, I can see that if the princess goes to Marijoa, it will be possible to obtain the document on the peaceful coexistence of Fish-Man Island and humans, and even the above It’s not surprising that there will be one or two signatures from Tianlong people.”

"But I can also tell the princess clearly that when fish and mermaids appear in large numbers on the sea level, it will also be the time when human traffickers and most of the Draco people cheer."

"Even in Mariejoia, there are very few female mermaids or even none at all this time. There are only three mermaids including Tiger. They are a rare species. This is their perception."

After hearing this, Princess Otohime picked up the wine flask and drank heavily, losing all her previous temperament.

As a goldfish and mermaid, Princess Otohime quickly blushed and her eyes filled with tears.

She could know that there was no deception in Kevin's emotions, but it was precisely because of this that she felt sad about the future of the children of Fish-Man Island.


"Obviously, I have worked so hard, and I obviously feel that I can let the children see the real land and the vast sky..."

"Those children have longed for the human world since they were very young. They can obviously communicate, why can't they live together peacefully?"

Princess Otohime took the wine from Kevin's table and drank it all.

Such an act was rude to the royal family, but no one at the scene stopped her.

Although naive, her sincerity and kindness allowed everyone on Fishman Island, including Neptune, to understand her sadness.

Little Bai Xing in the giant cradle also woke up now. He got up and looked around, only to see his mother crying.

So the one-year-old little Bai Xing's mouth dropped and she soon started crying.

The emotional fluctuations are not big yet, but if they continue to intensify, maybe those giant sea kings will come to check out the place 10,000 meters under the sea.

When she heard Little Shirahoshi's cry, Princess Otohime, who was already a little drunk, walked over and touched Little Shirahoshi's hand, which was very small in comparison.

"Baixing, in the future, you won't be able to really see the sun."

Feeling her mother's feelings, Little Baixing stopped crying, turned her head and blinked and looked at Kevin, then reached out and wanted to come over.

As for well-behaved and cute children, Kevin has no resistance.

After eating up the remaining dessert in a few seconds, he walked over and stretched out his hand to shake Xiao Baixing's hand.


In the cheerful laughter, Kevin also laughed.

After thinking for a moment, Kevin looked at the petite Princess Otohime beside him: "Although good and bad are sometimes not absolute, but from the standpoint of those of us who are regarded as bugs, there is goodness in every racial group. , there are also villains.”

"Among human beings, most people who can empathize will sympathize with the plight of fish and mermaids, and will even lend a helping hand. But they will also capture and sell you because of the huge wealth."

"Things are rare and valuable. If you want to avoid being recognized as an object, you need the protection of law and order. These are policies that the current world government will never implement."

"Princess Otohime."

Kevin paused at this point: "Eight hundred years ago, the man named Joyboy made an agreement with the mermaid princess of that generation. Today, eight hundred years later, I also want to make an agreement with the mermaid princess of this generation." Make the same agreement."

"One day in the future, when the minds of this world can be truly equal, I will take the Fish-Man Island back to live on the ground."

After the words fell, Neptune, who had been silent, was thinking.


That's why the conditions for the abolition of the hereditary throne were proposed.

But if the whole world's thoughts are unanimous, then the king himself will become an alien.

True equality does not require a hereditary king.


At this time, Xiao Baixing smiled and reached over with his big hand, pinched Kevin's face after his transformation and pulled it.

Tiger and Neptune on the side stared wide-eyed, but Kevin did not avoid it, and even pinched Little White Star's cute face.

"For a being with such a name spread across the sea, he is really tolerant of children."

Neptune said and looked at Tiger: "This gentleman reminds me of Roger and Whitebeard. They are both famous beings, but they are no different from ordinary people."

Tiger nodded: "There was also a little girl among the humans who escaped from Mary Joa. Sir, he also took great pains to rescue her, although it still takes time to heal."

The banquet continued, and because of the presence of Xiaobai Xing and the drunken Princess Otohime, it became much more lively for a while.

After getting the answers to her questions, Princess Otohime also began to ask about some experiences on land, but Neptune would ask whether the events reported in the newspapers were true or false.

For example, the island of scholars in Ohara in the West Sea was destroyed by the Demon-Slaying Order nearly seven years ago, or the Shichibukai system recently promulgated by the World Government.

Kevin chose to answer some of these questions, while others chose to avoid talking about them.

Princess Otohime's Observation Color can sense emotions, but cannot directly read memories, which is why he can sit here peacefully.

After the banquet, before leaving Dragon Palace City, Neptune had a conversation with Kevin alone.

At present, he doesn't know much about the revolutionary army, but if there is a day when the idea of ​​equality is implemented in the world, as the king of Fishman Island, he is willing to abolish the hereditary king system for the idea of ​​equality.

Of course, he also hopes that Kevin can let Tiger join the revolutionary army. After all, the reality of what he sees and hears is more real than what he says.

In fact, if Tiger hadn't explained his escape from Mariejoia first this time, Neptune would not have considered what Kevin proposed at all.

When you come here with kindness, you also prove the strength of the revolutionary army. Otherwise, why would the king of a country want to risk the country's destiny to board your ship?

Even though Fishman Island is 10,000 meters under the sea, facing a behemoth like the World Government, Neptune, as the king, will not make any current promises, but will only leave them for the future.

But that was enough for Kevin.

Leaving Ryugu City on the Extra Large Bubble Flounder, Kevin and Tiger also arrived at the Fish-Man Island below Ryugu City.

Geelong Cord Square, Tiger and Kevin, who put on their masks again, passed through here together, preparing to go to the Fishman Cafe.

When passing by the square, Tiger said: "Princess Otohime has been giving a speech here. She wants to obtain a document signed by everyone, and then submit it to the World Government, hoping to get their approval."

Kevin looked at the center of the square: "So whether she agrees with it or not, she really wants the future of Fish-Man Island to have sunshine and blue skies, right?"

At this time, a round blue fish man ran over: "Big brother!"

Tiger looked at Jinbei: "Shouldn't we be on duty at Ryugu Castle at this time?"

Jinbei clenched his fist: "I have resigned from my job as a guard at Ryugu Palace to His Majesty Neptune. Boss, you are back, and I am ready to go on an adventure with you!"

These words made Tiger stunned, and then he looked at Kevin beside him.

At this time, Jinbei also noticed the strange masked man in front of him, and his eyes quickly discovered that the other person had no webs.


Jinbe's voice made all the fishmen in the square look over.

For a moment, all eyes were focused on Kevin.

During this period, Jinbei had not experienced the influence of Princess Otohime's will, nor had he experienced Tiger's fish-man pirate group, and his attitude towards humans was also disgusting.

Although it's not hatred, it's true that I don't have any good feelings.

Kevin ignored the glances around him and looked at Jinbei: "You want to leave Fish-Man Island and go to the sea?"

Jinbe stiffened his neck and replied: "Can't you, humans? The world on the sea does not belong to you alone!"

"Indeed, the world belongs to the world itself and does not belong to anyone. But..."

Kevin smiled and continued: "But go to the sea with your original emotions. While you hate humans, humans can also hate you, right? In this case, I think the adventure experience may not be very good. good."

"So what if humans hate it?!"

Among the crowd in the square, a fish-man with jagged nose walked over.

He bowed slightly to Tiger respectfully: "Boss."

Then he looked at Kevin: "Our natural strength is ten times that of humans, so what do you think they hate?"

Tiger wanted to speak, but Kevin stopped him with his hand.

He knew who the fishman in front of him was without Tiger's introduction. As the earliest villain in the East China Sea arc in memory, he was also the one who made Nami cry and ask Luffy to help.

The fish-man Aaron, the brother who predicted the mermaid Charlie.

"So in your opinion, it is useless for the weak to surrender to the strong and to resist, right?"

Kevin said and looked at Aaron.

He didn't have any anger towards the fish-man with such a mentality, let alone because of what happened in Cocoa West Village in his memory, not to mention that it hadn't happened yet.

In Princess Otohime's memory, the orphans in Fishman Street, including Aaron, yearned for the human world on the sea when they were very young.

He also took action, and a group of murloc children swam from the bottom of the sea to the surface, and saw the Shampoo Islands, which seemed like a dream to them.

The Dragon Paradise in Cocoa West Village in my memory was itself built in imitation of the Shampoo Islands, which shows the cause and effect of this.

As for misanthropy…

Going to the sea in my childhood left me not only with shock and envy, but also with pain. Later, he followed Tiger to establish the fish-man pirate group. Because of the betrayal of humans in Kerla's hometown, Tiger died of excessive blood loss.

Before he died, he even talked about his experiences as a slave in Mariejoia.

All of the above are the pain of being discriminated against. Cocoyasi Village is the suffering of ordinary people.

At this time, Aaron looked at Kevin disdainfully: "Humans who are born weak in terms of strength, what qualifications do they have to resist?"

At this time, Jinbei, who had always been dissatisfied with Aaron and would even call him a waste, also stood beside him.

At the same time, the fishmen in the square also gathered and surrounded the four people.

"Boss Tiger! Teach this human a lesson and let him know how powerful we fishmen are!"

"Aaron kill him!"

"Brother Jinbei, kill this human and avenge our captured compatriots!"

"Big Brother Tiger from Fishman Street is back, and humans are nothing at all!"

"But just now I seemed to see... that masked human being and Brother Tiger together..."

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