Become a revolutionary mentor from a pirate

Chapter 174 The world will not allow you to be alone

Newgate, who was about to teach his sons a lesson, found that the wine bowl in his hand was gone.

Turning back, he met Marco.

"I am the ship's doctor, so your body cannot drink alcohol now, old man!"

Whitebeard stared, but had no reason to refute.

Marco also stared at his father, not giving in at all.

If it were normal, if the old man really wanted to drink, he would not do this, at most he would just give a helpless reminder, and finally compromise.

After all, as the old man just said, if a pirate can't drink, then what's the point of doing this.

"Okay, okay."

Newgate ignored the wine bowl and then sat back on the deck chair: "Boy, you have been recognized by me. Although I don't know if Roger, the bastard, is waiting for you, you should also know the importance of Fishman Island, right?"

Kevin sat down face to face with Newgate.

Then he waved his hand, and Marco understood and took all the members to the stern.

Many things are not suitable for newcomers to know.

Although Whitebeard didn't care, he also knew that these things would bring danger to his sons.

When he talked with Roger under the tree, there was no one else around.

"I got a prophecy during this trip: this world will sink to the bottom of the sea."

Newgate's eyes narrowed slightly, but he didn't respond.

Kevin continued: "I know some secrets of this world, but I don't have detailed information about the group of people on Mary Geoise. The world will sink to the bottom of the sea. This prophecy may overturn all my previous inferences, so the importance of Fishman Island to the Revolutionary Army has increased a lot."

At this point, Kevin lowered his voice: "Neptune's daughter, Roger once mentioned this to you, right? Otherwise, I don't think you will include Fishman Island in your territory."

Newgate rubbed his forehead impatiently: "Whether it is Roger or you, guys like you who want to do earth-shaking things usually bring a lot of trouble."

"I did learn about the existence of the so-called ancient weapons, so I wanted to know your purpose after learning that people like you were on Fishman Island. Obviously, you also told me your intention very straightforwardly."

Hearing this, Kevin shook his head slightly.

"Roger and I are not the same kind of people. The Great Pirate Era may have been partly for the purpose of changing the world, but the bigger reason for that guy is that he longs for this experience..."

"After being diagnosed with an incurable disease, they went to Raftel a little early. The so-called dawn of the prophesied world has not yet arrived, so he was very disappointed."

"Under this circumstance, at the cost of his own life, the Great Pirate Era began. Pirate King Roger will become a true legend, a legend that later generations will admire. This is his purpose."

Newgate raised his eyebrows: "You seem to know us old guys from the last era very well, but in my memory, there is no memory of you. Teleportation, changing appearance, flaming blades..."

"With so many abilities gathered in one body, if he is also an old guy, it is impossible that I have no impression of him at all."

Kevin did not answer this doubt for him, but took it away: "The time has not come yet. When the world ushered in a drastic change, you will know. But before that, I have to make more preparations, and the same is true for the Revolutionary Army."

After the voice fell, Whitebeard was silent for a while.

Finally, he exhaled: "I won't do it myself, but I can't stop others from doing it. This is my moral obligation, and it's also the reason why I helped Roger cover up some things."

Whitebeard looked towards the Red Earth Continent and said: "As for Fishman Island, as long as Neptune has no objection, the Whitebeard Pirates will not become an obstacle to your revolutionary army. This is my promise, and it is also the deal for you to help train these stupid sons this time."

After getting the answer he wanted, Kevin also breathed a sigh of relief.

After thinking for a moment, he looked at Whitebeard Newgate seriously: "I can indeed obtain the light ball before, but as of now, I think the Whitebeard Pirates may also be the enemy of the Revolutionary Army in the future."


This made Newgate laugh: "You are still as arrogant as ever, but you bastard, do you think I can't stop you?"

Kevin replied calmly: "It's not arrogance, but the bottom line of the Revolutionary Army. The future world does not need pirates."

"Although it is not you who bring harm to ordinary people, pirates will not continue to exist in the future we plan."

Don't allow pirates to exist?

Newgate frowned and thought for a while: "So that's it? If this world ushers in the dawn, then the Whitebeard Pirates will no longer consider themselves pirates after that."

It was Kevin's turn to pause after hearing this.

I originally thought that Whitebeard was a pirate all his life, so he would not agree with such words.

But it is obvious that Kevin forgot that when he was young, Newgate went to sea because he could not survive.

In an instant, Kevin had an idea to further explore: "So... as the strongest man in the world, maybe you also have a dream of changing the world?"

"Kulala... kid, don't get carried away!"

Newgate seemed to see through Kevin's mind: "Since you know something about me, you should know that I am not willing to poke the hornet's nest of the World Government."

As he spoke, Newgate's thoughts recalled the experience in the Valley of Gods: "After experiencing such a scene, the only one who can continue is Roger, so he can be the Pirate King, not others."

"Even if I, BiGMOM, or the Immortal Kaido who is active in the new world, the people who were on the Rocks Pirates back then are far inferior to that guy Gol D. Roger."

After such an answer, Kevin stopped wooing him any further.

Instead, he stood up and smiled: "In fact, I should thank you, or thank you for the Rocks Pirates' attack. If it weren't for you at that time, maybe even a one-year-old baby like me wouldn't be able to escape from the Valley of Trance. "

Seeing him standing up, Newgate said with a smile: "Are you leaving? If we don't have a banquet together, my sons must have a lot to ask you. After all, you are only twenty-two, right?"

Kevin replied: "It's almost twenty-three. Forget about the banquet, it's quite depressing if you do too much of the old bringing up the new."

After the words fell, Kevin threw out a kunai and nailed it to the mast: "I will come again at this time tomorrow to give you some medicine to prevent you from being bitten to death by a dog."

Hearing this, Whitebeard frowned: "I'm Whitebeard, what kind of dog can bite me to death? You bastard!"

Kevin waved his hand: "It's not that I want to save you, but I feel that people in this world will not be left alone. Ambitious people are waiting for the opportunity, and the strongest people of the previous era will also be one of the targets."

"I look forward to that future, the future where you have to make a choice. Overturn the world and establish a new order. You and your son can continue to travel in the name of adventurers, and your hometown will welcome for real change.”

"A person's power is limited, and change and dreams cannot be solved by force alone. So... I look forward to your changes."

After saying that, Kevin disappeared directly onto the deck of the Moby-Dick.

Whitebeard sat back on the big-backed chair, frowning and thinking about what Kevin just said.

Roger surrendered and was executed. The Golden Lion broke into Marineford alone and was imprisoned in Impel Down. A few years ago, he cut off his legs and escaped...

Maybe this world really won't let an old guy like him continue to live alone.

But so what?

Although his health is getting worse every day, he is happy every day. The smiles on the children's faces were real when they brought those treasures back to their hometown.

This... is enough.

If there really is such a day in the future, it might not be a bad idea to find a good home for these sons.

"Kula la la...children! There's a party!"

Amid laughter, Marco and others also came back.

On the deck, everyone was looking for Kevin.

"What are you laughing at? Sachi, there's a party!"

As a chef, Saatchi looked around: "Dad, where is the gentleman from the Revolutionary Army?"

Whitebeard glanced at the wine jar: "Let's go. I agreed to his request and said I was unhappy with you rookies, so I teleported away."

Saatchi stared at his father: "So he didn't leave anything behind?"

Marco on the side looked solemn: "That guy shouldn't be like this. Since dad agreed to his request, as a matter of morality, he should leave something behind, right?"

While Marco wasn't paying attention, Whitebeard drank a bowl of wine.

Marco, who watched this scene helplessly, sighed: "Dad, you should know that since that light ball can restore your hidden wounds, we will get it no matter what."

Whitebeard glared at him: "Dad, do you think I'm someone who doesn't follow the doctor's advice? I'll deliver it tomorrow. Didn't you see the darts on the mast?"

These words made everyone's expressions change drastically, and they cheered with smiles.

"Banquet banquet!"

"Celebrating Dad's good health!"

"Captain Saatchi, it's been one night and one day, I'm so hungry!"

"Drink! Sing! Celebrate!"

"For daddy!"

"For the Whitebeard Pirates!"

Amid the commotion, Sage ran into the kitchen equally happily, followed by a series of helpers.

After turning into a diamond, Jozi greeted the newcomers and moved the drinks to the deck together.

The laughing white beard didn't stop drinking, so he quickly drank another big bowl. Marco next to him stretched out his hand but still didn't persuade him.

Anyway, the gentleman from the revolutionary army can come tomorrow. With my father's physical condition, he can't drink to death today, so it's not a big problem.



"You know what? That guy is twenty-two years old. Well...almost twenty-three."

( # Д)

How can it be?

Marco felt a little confused. Although he expected that the gentleman would not be older than him, he was actually much younger than him.

There is a bounty of 3.2 billion beli, and the top brass of the Revolutionary Army is even one of the founders.

The world's top combatants are still running around for their dreams.

How could such a person... be only twenty-two years old?

"This is the only information that bastard boy is willing to reveal. He didn't tell you not to tell it, so naturally it doesn't matter."

Whitebeard continued to drink: "Speaking of the babies at that time, they could only be the aborigines of the Valley of Gods. The country was wiped out, and everyone was treated as prey and slaughtered... The hatred of the country and the family, the hatred of the family..."

At this time, there seemed to be a sense of destiny in Whitebeard's mind, if it was this boy who finally overthrew Mary Joa.

At the same time, Malinfando's Marshal's Office.

On the phone connected to the New World G1 branch, Sakaski, who had just arrived, was making a report.

"Can you confirm that the Whitebeard Pirates are at war with the cloaked men?"

Sakaski, who was imitated by the phone bug, looked a little ugly, but still replied: "It is indeed them. And the desert island that was originally here...disappeared."

In an instant, Sengoku's glasses almost fell on the table.

Such words really made him too nervous. Destroying an island and disappearing an island are completely different concepts!

The Demon-Slaying Order can destroy an island, such as O'Hara in the West Sea a few years ago, but it can never make an island disappear, even if it is just a small desert island.


Sengoku's voice suddenly rose: "Even though Whitebeard's Shock Fruit can easily shatter a small island, it doesn't disappear, Sakaski!"

Sakaski was also full of lava at the moment, and he replied directly after hearing this: "That bastard from the Revolutionary Army seems to have stronger power to control flames. According to the surveillance of the G1 branch, even if he is far away because of fear of being affected, You can still see the huge pillar of fire shooting into the sky.”

"If that's all, then the ability to burn the fruit can also be done, but the opponent is obviously not a user with the ability to burn the fruit!"

"The waters around the originally existing desert island all boiled and evaporated. The huge water vapor rose so that the navy of the G1 branch could not see clearly. They could only know that the last nine pillars of fire came together to produce continuous explosions."

"It wasn't until the power of the shock shattered the flames and mist that they saw that Whitebeard was injured! Do you know what this means, Marshal Sengoku!"

"The deserted island was not wiped out, but it was shattered under the nine pillars of fire and burned into coke. It was shattered again into charcoal and sank to the bottom of the sea!"

"There are still waves on the entire sea level, but there is no trace of the desert island. The hot feeling has not dissipated. The temperature is above my lava, and much higher!"

In a series of roars, Warring States also figured out the reason why the desert island disappeared directly.

"Sakaski, the flame temperature of the cloaked man is as high as nearly 6,000 degrees. This is information that has been known for a long time. But this is the first time that the explosive flames that can produce violent explosions have appeared."

Sakaski looked unhappy after being pointed out.

During O'Hara's time, this bastard used his abilities to block himself.

And this kind of long knife that is clearly a flame, but has a temperature that far exceeds the flame, makes the ability of the lava fruit a joke.

Looking at the new weapons on both arms, Sakaski clenched his fists: "He will run faster this time!"

The vivid imitation of the phone bug made Sengoku frown.

In fact, his attitude towards the revolutionary army is not as concerned as the pirates, and with that guy's teleportation ability, even if he doesn't run away, what can Sakaski do?

"Okay. You continue to keep an eye on the Whitebeard Pirates. I will report the specific situation to the World Government."

The caller was immediately hung up without giving him any face as a marshal.

However, Sengoku didn't care. He rubbed his forehead and began to think about how to report.

Fish-Man Island is Whitebeard's territory in terms of pirates, and the location of the deserted island is not far from the place where the new world is floating on Fish-Man Island.

So... the cloaked man went to Fishman Island?

Although there were murlocs among the slaves he freed on Mariejoia, it would be too stupid to send murlocs back to the murloc island.

At this time, the door to the marshal's office was kicked open.

"Sengoku! I want a vacation! A vacation! A vacation!"

There is no one in the entire Navy Headquarters except a dog-headed old bastard who can kick down the door and yell like this.

Warring States resisted the urge to use the giant Buddha shock wave and said: "Not allowed!"

Garp picked his nose and said, "I'm just here to inform you. Regardless of whether you agree or not, I am going back to the East China Sea for a vacation."

"I have to go back to see my grandson. Do you think I'm the same as you? I'm still alone at my age, but I have an adopted son, and he doesn't seem to be around."

With his eyes closed, Sengoku almost broke the pen in his hand: "Old bastard! Do you know how busy I am now? If you were willing to be promoted to general, do you know how much pressure you would put on the pirates, you bastard!"

"Porosalino is investigating the Marigioa incident, Sakaski is guarding the New World, and you are the only one who brought out a bastard disciple who is exactly the same as you! Where is Kuzan?"

Garp scratched his head: "I saw it on the abandoned warship in the morning. Today's training is over. It should be basking in the sun at this point."


_- #

"Get out!"


Garp ate senbei with the hand he had just picked his nose, and left the office without looking back, heading straight for the port.

Although it should be okay to leave Luffy to Bellmere, he still has to be careful so he doesn't grow crooked.

The careless son went off to join the revolutionary army, and he didn't know if he would be able to have another one in the future. At least he left himself a grandson, but he couldn't let it grow crooked again.

This time when I go back, I must be under the iron fist of love and make it my life goal to become an excellent navy!

And Ace...

Thinking of this grandson, Garp felt that the senbei in his hand was no longer fragrant.

There has been a deviation in his thinking, although it seems to him that there is nothing wrong with it, and he has not inherited his biological father's will.

But that road... is even more difficult.


After sighing, Garp carefully put away the senbei.

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