Nothing can be done?

In the end, Dorag nodded slightly: "That's true. We can do nothing but spread the news as early as possible."

"The Revolutionary Army is just a prototype. Not to mention the World Government, even the Navy's Demon-Slaying Order's combat power is not something we can compete with now."

As he spoke, Dolag looked at Kevin: "So we can only spread as much as possible in advance and let some people who can leave early survive."

Kevin said: "So far, within the Navy, I can see many people who truly join the Navy for justice. Such news will cast the biggest doubt on the justice of the world government."

"After falling from the Red Earth Continent, the Warring States Admiral of the Navy Headquarters personally ordered Kuzan to go back. The wise general's actions gave me some guesses about Kuzan's justice."

Obviously, Dorag, who is Garp's son, has also heard of Kuzan.

"You want to recruit him? A user with frozen fruit abilities may even have the potential to become a general in the future."

Kevin replied: "The future is not impossible. His justice is contrary to the world government, so he may not be able to give it a try. In addition, there are many people in the navy who think like Kuzan, and they also need a goal."

Ginny on the side said at this time: "We have film, television, phone bugs and cameras, but these are not enough to spread throughout the West China Sea. In addition, we don't know the people in the World Economic News, so there is no way to let everyone know in a very short time." this matter."

World Economic News…

That bird-headed man will not awaken his journalistic soul at this time.

After all, it is not twenty-four years later. The world government has some absolute advantages on the sea.

"Just do your best."

Kevin said: "Take action and spread this information as much as possible. Whether it is to save people or to reduce the impression of some people in the navy on the World Government, this is what we want to do."

Dorag and Ivankov stood up one after another and began to contact the forces of the revolutionary army.

Big Bear and Ginny have just joined, and currently the pirates can only watch. But after today, the ability of the big bear following Dorag will play a big role.

Three days later, Kevin, who had returned to the World Government warship, was still spending time on the ship. Apart from his sleeping room, he was on the deck looking at the scenery of the South China Sea. Occasionally, he wanted to drink and go to the island to swim.

However, he was not allowed in the end, and he himself would not really want to get off the ship. At this time, he was being closely monitored and the intelligence leakage would have an impact. Naturally, his suspicions were minimal.


A paper document was slapped on the table, and veins popped out on Spangdine's forehead.

You must know that he has put in a lot of effort to take on this errand. Even getting promoted and raising salary after completion is very simple. There are people above him!

However, if such information is leaked and leads to the still unknown woman being surrounded and escaping early, then in the eyes of Mary Joa and the others, he will be a stupid pig who can't do anything.

Once this impression is established, it will be difficult to get a chance to turn around in the future.

Spangdine stood up and looked around, looking at everyone around him angrily.

Except for himself, everyone is now under his suspicion, which naturally includes Kevin who is doing nothing to talk about it.

This guy had threatened me when we were in Xihai. Should we just take the blame?

Just as he was thinking this, Kevin had already walked over, looked at the documents on the table and looked surprised: "I remember the information about Roger's sinful blood. Didn't I only learn about it after I landed in the Red Earth Continent? Was it leaked so quickly?”

After going to the Red Earth Continent...

This passage gave Spandain an idea that he could become the commander of CP9. Although he had a bad personality and would do anything for power, he was not stupid.

Spangdine first looked at the deputy commander on the ship, and then at the other two lieutenants.

No, based on my understanding of them, the lives of ordinary people in Nanhai are just a way for them to get promoted and make money.

So...who is it?

At this time, one of the adjutants said anxiously: "I remember that when we were in the Red Earth Continent, sir, you received a call about this mission."

Spangdine's eyes narrowed slightly: "So are you doubting me? Or the adult on the other side of the phone?"


The adjutant's eyes suddenly widened and he waved his hands repeatedly but was too anxious to speak.

At this time, Kevin followed up and said: "To be able to achieve this level on this ship, the mastery of the domineering power of seeing, hearing, color, and color is probably already very high."

The unexpected last hit naturally made Spangdine think of someone.

The most important thing is that no one has mentioned the name of this suspect, and at the transfer station of the special passage in the Red Earth Continent, the guy just received the order from the Navy Headquarters and left.

"That bastard Kuzan! You know guys like the Navy are unreliable!"

Obviously, as long as the blame is safely passed on, Spangdyne will cooperate.

Moreover, the navy, whose marshal is currently Cyborg Kong, plus the Warring States General and Garp, has the strength to take over this responsibility.

Kevin, who had only said a few words, had silently retreated behind the four of them. Kuzan was nominally his recommender in Rogge Town, so it was hard for him to talk at this time.

One day later, the World Government agents who arrived at the target sea area discovered that there were very few pregnant women in the originally planned siege area, and many of them were older women.

With such a beauty, even Spangdine himself didn't think she would be Roger's lover, unless the pirate king was blind.

Time passed day by day, and the agents who moved forward and backward arrested very few pregnant women.

At the same time, the entire South China Sea was boiling.

For children and women, basically 90% of people will have empathy, because no one knows whether there will be another massacre just to arrest a big pirate.

So many people began to protest, and several of them, with the cooperation of the revolutionary army, pulled down the original king.

The One Piece bloodline incident in the South China Sea seems to be getting worse and worse.

Marie Gioia, Between the Powers.

"As for the extermination operation of Roger's bloodline, it can no longer be completed due to the relationship with the navy. No matter how many ants are killed, it will not be as important as Roger."

"The final island. What's left on that island..."

"What we need to consider now is killing those mortals, or letting them disperse."

"Those mortals have no meaning anymore."

I beg you to read it, gentlemen! I’ve been coding on New Year’s Eve! Beg on your knees!

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