Become a revolutionary mentor from a pirate

Chapter 180 I want to be the man of the Four Emperors

Deliver newspapers to every corner of the world in a short time without risk of exposure.

No matter what he thought, Dorag felt that Kevin was talking about the World Economic News. The other party's newspaper had always been the main source of intelligence for the pirates.

Although judging from the intelligence of the Revolutionary Army, most of it is nonsense, and it is obviously under certain control of the World Government.

But the bird's method of delivering newspapers actually avoided a lot of risks. A news bird didn't matter to him.

The world government and navy cannot hunt down all the news birds around the world every day. Without the energy, the gain outweighs the loss.

Wait, if you talk about birds...

The Revolutionary Army is not without bird fruit abilities, it's just that they are not in the form of albatross.

Thinking of this, Dorag stood up and started looking for the Northern Army Captain's phone bug in his arms.

Even when he comes to the Vegapunk Research Institute at night, he always carries a few important phone bugs with him for fear of delaying his work.

Rather than resting, he was more worried about someone not handling it in time and causing the sacrifice of the members who were acting below.

"Bulu Bulu."

"Chief, what's the emergency so late?"

A low, electronically amplified sound came, and it was obvious that Karas also carried the headquarters' phone bug with him.

Dorag said directly: "I'm sorry to disturb you so late, but the headquarters really wants to know whether the person with the ability in the form of a bird fruit owl under your command can train an owl to deliver newspapers."

Delivering newspapers?

Karas, who was imitating the phone bug, was obviously stunned, and then told Dorag to wait while he tried to contact the team leader under the Northern Army and would give him a reply the day after tomorrow at the latest.

Kevin, who listened to the whole process, looked a little strange.

Delivering newspapers by owl always feels like Harry Potter, but if you can, it is indeed a way.

However, compared to newsbirds, the number of owls may not meet the requirements in a short time.

After the two continued to discuss, Dorag started his work, and Kevin continued to think about the follow-up of the mouthpiece of the Revolutionary Army out of boredom.

It wasn't until three hours later that the sensor door of the conference room opened automatically, and Vegapunk's voice came out.

"You can come in."

Hearing the sound, Dorag put away the tablet, rubbed his eyes and face, and walked in with Kevin.

At this time, Vegapunk was already sorting out the drawings, but he had no intention of showing them to them.

"The specific solutions are already available, and now it's up to you to choose. But since you can't understand these things, I won't show you the process."

When Vegapunk opened his mouth, he was close to his face, but Drago seemed to be used to it, and there was nothing unnatural about it.

Soon, Vegapunk continued: "The concealment of the signal sending device can be solved. This is the first point. But the magnetism of the Grand Line is very chaotic, so I still need to solve the biggest energy problem."

"Second point: The miniaturization and cheapness of the receiving device can also be solved. At present, we have collected a lot of gold reserves, which can be sold at a low cost price."

"The third point: If you want to use this as the mouthpiece of the revolutionary army, once we are discovered behind the scenes, it is not hidden that the signal receiving device makes a sound. It is very difficult to be confiscated and then defined as the crime of spreading dangerous ideas. Easy."

After finishing his words, Kevin lowered his head and thought about it.

In any case, it is indeed Vegapunk, a scientist who will even use ancient relics to deduce something like Mother Fire in the future.

According to the pictures in my memory, this guy's prototype is obviously the great man who invented the nuclear thing.

"Dorag and I just had a discussion outside. From the perspective of preservation and concealment, newspapers are always more suitable."

Kevin said and looked at Vegapunk: "Of course, since the wireless receiving device has solved the problem of concealment, it also needs to be put down. The initial content is mainly about stories, covering up our existence."

"The specific place names and character names can be changed in the story. I can prepare some specific things later. After all, I seem to be the most free now."

Vegapunk glanced at Kevin: "It's good that you know, sir. What Dolag means is that you are leading all of us, and he can be responsible for the trivial matters."

This made Kevin look at Dorag gratefully. After all, he had really seen how busy this person was, and it was completely different from a few years ago.

"The Northern Army has an ability user in the form of a Bird Fruit Owl. Maybe we can imitate Morgans of the World Economic News and also let the owl deliver newspapers around the world."

Kevin looked at Vegapunk: "But the number of owls may not be as good as the news birds, and if we start training from now on, it will take a long time."

"This point is that I didn't think it through. The importance of mouthpieces is self-evident, but I didn't consider it a few years ago. Until this time, the world government controlled newspapers and used the name of the Emperor of Pirates as bait, which caused As the chaos among the pirates intensified, I understood the importance of the Mouthpiece Revolutionary Army."

Dorag sighed: "I didn't expect it either. Even after I saw this newspaper, I thought it was irrelevant at first and didn't think about it so much."

"Dong dong."

At this time, Vegapunk knocked on the table, interrupting the two of them from laughing at themselves.

"If it were just an owl that could deliver newspapers, I could solve that. The lineage factor project is making great progress, and cloning animals is a project that I have already conquered."

"If funds are sufficient, genetic information similar to news birds, which can be used to deliver newspapers and collect money and stop with a wave of the hand, can also be burned into it."

Bega Punk paused: "But I am just a researcher. You need to consider what to promote and how to promote it."

"In addition, when owls pick up newspapers and deliver them to various places, there is also a risk of exposure in this process. My suggestion is..."

Vegapunk pointed at the sky.

If you go to an empty island, the security is indeed very high.

In fact, the reason why Dorag stayed here in Baldigo was because he wanted to let the entire research institute float away at any time.

After thinking for a moment, Kevin said: "The location of the empty island is fixed. Maybe the owl can find the location of its nest by itself in a homing way, while distributing newspapers moves in an unstable way on the clouds?"

Vegapunk closed his eyes and thought for a while, then opened his eyes: "That's okay. Now, sir, please help me get that giant mechanical soldier back as soon as possible, otherwise all plans will require energy."

Kevin could only nod helplessly.

So is this a common problem among scientists?

Just ask for funds and equipment, and don't care about anything else. Anyway, I agreed when I first came to him.

Vegapunk asked Kevin to get samples in a week. The signal receiving device will be mass-produced, as well as the concealment and amplification of signal transmission. We need to wait until Kevin gets the giant mechanical soldier.

After being urged and cajoled repeatedly, Kevin finally left the institute.

Dorag on the side rubbed his eyes and wanted to go back to work.

Kevin glanced at him and patted his shoulder: "Thank you."

Dorag smiled helplessly: "At the beginning, I just felt that the world was not right, so I wanted to do something, and then I established the Volunteer Army."

"Later, even if the Volunteer Army was transformed into the current Revolutionary Army due to Mr.'s instructions, it still only wanted to overthrow the World Government."

"But now... I understand that this sick world can be restored to normal by not just overthrowing the world government..."

"The intertwining of desires and the complexity of human nature. After the group of Dracos on Mariejoia are overthrown, new Dracos will appear as time goes by."

"Only by awakening and liberating the mind can the world be truly changed and new Celestial Dragons will not appear in the future. Revolution requires force, but it requires more than just force."

"And is too difficult to change all the once-deep-rooted ideas in this world. The country of Wano is an example. The collision of old and new ideas has become more and more intense, and bloody conflicts have reappeared."

The country of Wano...

Although he has been busy with his own affairs, he is also paying attention to the intelligence of Wano Country.

The first four years are about to come. Kozuki Oden will step down as shogun, and it is inevitable that the daimyo of each region will also be relieved of power.

In the past four years, the lecturers of the Revolutionary Army have tried their best to liberate the people's minds in Wano. The results have indeed been achieved, but they have not reached the ideal level.

Human desire and the temptation of power are also vividly displayed at this moment.

The warriors who were loyal to their lord in the past, as well as some ignorant people, were also coerced into starting a final resistance.

The quadrennial rotation and the slow progress of the management system will not stop because of these stupidities.

The strategy is set in one go and no one can change it.

Compared with other regions, the Baiwu region, where the Shuoyue Kang family was previously executed, can be said to be the place where reforms are progressing best.

Perhaps at that time, the titles daimyo and shogun should be abolished.

"The issue of Wano must be solved in one go. As long as there are no problems with Kozuki Oden's thoughts, there will be no problems in the future."

Kevin ordered, and then said: "I will keep an eye on Punk Hassad at any time. As long as Porusalino discovers something, I will take action as soon as possible. In addition..."

"Donghai side, please pay attention at all times. The time is almost up for the scene I saw. Although Roger is there with Ginny and Uncle Xiong often goes there, if the person who is targeting her is a Celestial Dragon, there will always be a loophole. "

Kevin reminded.

Before that, he had doubted why a Celestial Dragon could kidnap Ginny.

You must know that as the commander of the Eastern Army of the Revolutionary Army, Ginny is not really just an ordinary woman.

So if it's not the ordinary runny-nosed Draco, there are only the so-called elites.

There is also the experiment mentioned by Saint Satan. There are too many unreasonable things in it, which is what Kevin was worried about at the beginning.

[Note: For details, please see Kingdom of Sorbey, chapter before release, mentioned. 】

Hearing this, Dorag also thought of the actions of the World Government in the East China Sea, so he nodded and said: "I will pay attention at any time. When Vegapunk completes the signal transmission, things like phone bugs will be eliminated for us. , I will make arrangements with the army commander first.”

Kevin nodded, and then returned directly to the G5 branch using the Flying Thunder God technique.

A week later, thanks to the propaganda of the World Government, the pirates in the New World Sea became completely excited.

For the sake of the illusory name of the Four Emperors, all the pirates want to cause some big events.

As a result, the jurisdiction of the G5 branch, which was previously called the Forbidden Sea by pirates, has become the first choice for some pirates who want to become famous.

The rotation training situation had stopped three days ago. Except for a part of the navy left behind, all units from 01 to 06 set sail to eliminate pirates, even Kevin was no exception.

Because it holds the power of three branches, when the other two jurisdictions also need support, the G5 branch can only provide support.

Kevin stood on the bow of the boat, looked at the distance of the pursuit, and then took off directly into the air with moon steps.

After waving his hand, several cannonballs were knocked away and landed directly on the opponent's deck.

However, after witnessing the power of shooting away cannonballs with bare hands, the pirates on the pirate ship showed no fear or panic at all. Instead, Kevin saw a hint of excitement in their eyes.

"The Lieutenant General of the G5 Branch!"

"He actually rushed here alone? This is our opportunity!"

"Kill him, kill him and our name will spread throughout the new world. We will be the fourth emperor of the pirates!"

"Yonko! As long as we kill this guy, we will be the crew of the Yonko!"

"I want to be the man of the Four Emperors! Give me your head, Navy!"

"Bang bang bang..."

A series of lead bullets were fired, but they blocked Kevin's surroundings with some level of dominance.

However, with just a sideways glance and a shot of lead bullets flying away, Kevin faced the man who was rushing towards him and said he wanted to become the Yonko.

He reached out and grabbed the opponent's head, directly pressing it down.

"Click! Boom!"

The deck shattered, and Kevin stepped on his head: "What kind of emperor's man do you want to be? In fact, this dream is very simple. BiGMOM has been giving birth to children in the past few years, and there are quite a lot of men from the four emperors. "

The captain was easily stepped on. For a moment, the crew members who were rushing forward braked and yelled at Kevin to let go of their captain.

In fact, this is not the first time Kevin has heard such an outrageous request.

During the battle, the other party asked me to let go, which was indeed in line with the brain circuit of the minions in this world.

"Asshole...bastard! could I end it like this! I haven't...poof!"

With great force under his feet, the guy who was still trying to explode his seed was crushed by a foot. Like a broken watermelon, red and white stained the ground.

Kevin retreated to avoid these filth: "No matter what kind of past I have, or what kind of dreams I have, when I base my own happiness on the pain of ordinary people, I will definitely want to harvest your value."

From the special perspective of the prison, the fate of everyone on the entire pirate ship has been decided.

In just five minutes, when the warship came closer, the navy of Unit 05 quickly dispatched to clean the battlefield. In particular, the captain's lounge was turned upside down.

"It's convenient to follow Mr. Lieutenant General. You only need to clean the battlefield every time."

"Hahaha! Mr. Lieutenant General is already a candidate for general. That is the highest combat capability candidate in the navy!"

"Recruits, remember, whatever is assigned to us will be assigned to us soon. If you dare to hide it privately... so far, no one in the G5 branch has not been discovered!"

On the deck, the adjutant took out the phone bug and looked a little panicked.

"Mr. Lieutenant General, something happened over there with Major Tina."

A voice came quickly from the phone: "Mr. Lieutenant General, in Area 09, we encountered Askati, the captain of the Burning Pirates. The other party is fighting with Major Tina, and the situation is not good."

Kevin wondered: "That guy is not dead yet?"

The phone bug was obviously stunned.

"Tina, hold on, just delay. It will take us about half an hour to arrive."

After Kevin finished speaking, he returned to the warship in one step. He ignored the 05 force navy that was still searching there, and directly let the ship sail towards the 09 area.

Askati is the captain of the Burning Pirates and a user with the Burning Fruit ability.

He has a certain reputation in the new world, but the reason why Kevin asked him why he is not dead yet is because this natural devil fruit will be eaten by Ace in the future in his memory.

So as the former ability user, it is natural that he has died before the fruit will reappear.

The battle between the four emperors was controlled by the World Government and it was determined that three would be left and one would be left behind. The original plan was to let the pirates kill each other. This plan was not wrong in the first place.

However, after a week of fermentation, the pirates' brain circuit understood that they were not qualified, at least not enough for the bounty.

So when they are not qualified, these guys with extraordinary brains have a choice. Some of them want to challenge the first three so-called emperors and become famous in one fell swoop.

The other part approached various branches of the navy, hoping to cause some big events to enhance their reputation and achieve the achievements of the four emperors.

However, although the Vice Admirals of the Navy Headquarters are indeed not as good as Whitebeard and BiGMOM, Kaido can basically crush them due to his immortality, not to mention the revolutionary army inside.

So...they kicked the G5 branch off.

"Bulu Bulu..."

The contact phone number on the warship rang again, but this phone number was directed to the Navy Headquarters.


As soon as the phone caller imitating Sengoku was connected, he quickly said: "In the waters of BiGMOM, Sakaski's warship has been blocked by the BiGMOM pirates. Now we need you to go to support as soon as possible."

Kevin scratched his head: "Why is that guy Sakaski provoking BiGMOM for nothing? He is a lieutenant general, even a candidate general, he has no right to start a war against the big pirate in the new world, right?"

Warring States was very anxious, but still replied: "It's because that woman thought she shouldn't be ranked under Whitebeard. It happened that Sakaski hit the wound, and a conflict broke out after just two words of negotiation."

[The previous one was a new book I prepared last year, but I didn’t publish it because my ideas were taken over. 】

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