Become a revolutionary mentor from a pirate

Chapter 34 Everyone in front of me is trash

Eight years later, Zefa himself doesn't know whether what he did was right or wrong.

The general who refused to kill, the black-armed Zefa, had his family killed by pirates. Hatred, during this period, overwhelmed the original concept.

Therefore, at this time, Zefa did not dislike Kevin, who broke out as an executioner in the West Sea, even though it was inconsistent with his original will.

Soon, the major who had just gone to pick him up personally picked up Kevin.

Zefa lowered his head and did not look at Kevin, but asked directly: "Don't you know that everyone who comes to the headquarters for further training must come to the training ground as soon as possible? I see that you took the key to the dormitory at the reporting office, but they didn't give it to you. explain?"

Kevin was stunned. The bastard Ohms in the reporting office didn't even remind him. He said he was one of his own and dismissed himself like this just to get rid of the embarrassing situation.

After thinking for a while, Kevin replied directly: "Because of Vice Admiral Kuzan's incident, few people in the entire Navy Headquarters probably want to see me. No one reminded me, isn't it normal?"

Zefa said bluntly: "I remember there are a few people in the reporting office from there. What? They don't want to see you either?"


These words made Kevin silent. It can't be said that he exposed his shortcomings and made the guy Ohms forget, right?

So shameful.

"Has Al been sent to the infirmary? How is the injury? Will there be any impact on subsequent training?"

This question was obviously asked of the major who brought Kevin.

He glanced at Kevin, who was already at the same level, and replied truthfully: "The injury was very appropriate. Although he vomited blood and was unconscious, there is no big problem. And according to the records in the dormitory, Al has awakened the armed domineering force. "

Zefa paused for a moment, then looked at Kevin: "It seems that the stimulation you gave him is not light. My throat has been dry these days when I talk here, but it can't equal the effect of a few words."

Kevin spread his hands: "That guy seems to be a supporter of Lieutenant General Kuzan. He can't stand it after telling the truth. What can I do?"

Hearing this, Zefa didn't say anything more, but stood up and clapped his hands.

"Everyone stop, gather!"

The sound of rough ore could be heard by people jumping with heavy weights in the distance, so everyone gathered over.

The special personal constitution of this world makes this gathering place steaming.

Zefa looked at everyone with his hands behind his back: "Let me introduce you to the Major of the 80th Naval Branch in the town of Rathgap in the West Sea. Because of the incident in the South China Sea, it was discovered that Lieutenant General Kuzan leaked operational intelligence. He is currently promoted to Major of the headquarters and is participating in this youth training. camp."

"Also just now, Orr went to call him for training, but he was sent to the infirmary. That's the basic situation."

As soon as he finished speaking, 80% of the people gathered looked at Kevin with the same hatred and hatred in their eyes.

The other 20% were surprised that a natural ability user actually lost.

You must know that in these days of training, Orr's results are not bad, and he even ranks among the best in this youth training camp because of his elemental ability.

After the youth training camp is over, it is very likely that he will be directly promoted to the rank of major in the headquarters and serve in the GL branch of the Grand Line.

At this time, Zefa continued: "Because of this, I made the decision as the chief instructor of the youth training camp. From today on, all youth training camp students can take action against him as long as they are in the outdoor training ground!"

? ? ?

In an instant, the eyes of the people who shared the same hatred as Orr were filled with passion and eagerness to try.

They are all the best in the Four Seas branch. No one thinks that they are worse than Orr. Most of them think that Orr underestimates the enemy because of his natural fruit ability, and is captured by the opponent's domineering power.

And in this youth training camp, there are not many people who have mastered domineering. Is there any problem with teaching the lackeys of this world government a lesson?

no problem! Wouldn't it be better to follow suit?

But Kevin, who was standing behind Zefa, didn't have any bitterness or hatred.

Domination comes from spiritual will, and these youth training camp students need encouragement and setbacks to hone their strength. In his battle with Orr, it was obvious that Zefa had understood his level.

After mastering Haki, the importance of physical fitness becomes important, and once you reach this level, there is no training that is more physical than wheel fighting.

Thinking of this, Kevin stepped forward with some wickedness, his eyes full of ridicule.

"Well... I just want to say that in my eyes, everyone in front of me is rubbish. Thank you, that's all."


"What did you say?!"

"Want to die?"

"There must be a limit to arrogance, you brat!"

"A major from a branch in Xihai, after becoming a dog, can't he wait to bite people?"

"Be careful if you bite someone badly, your teeth will break into pieces!"

Amid the rising and falling voices, Kevin's eyes were still as unbeatable as ever.

He spread his hands and said, "Didn't Teacher Zefa just say that everyone, from now on, you can attack me without any scruples in the outdoor training ground."

"But... trash must have the consciousness of trash. I can fight back. Maybe... that guy named Al in the infirmary will have many people accompanying him."

So arrogant, Qizefa also acquiesced to Kevin's words.

Soon, the first person to take action jumped up, and his legs turned into springs at this moment, increasing his impact speed and power.


The fist was full of armed domineering force, coupled with the power and speed of the forward thrust, it formed a sharp sound.


In an instant, the spring man's pupils narrowed as he rushed forward.

How can it be? !

A punch with such impact and covered with armed domineering was caught by this arrogant bastard with one hand?

Seeing and hearing is domineering? !

Has it actually reached this level? Being able to hold his own attack with one hand, it is even easier to miss a punch and land it.

"What are you thinking about when you're fighting?"

Kevin's voice sounded, and the next moment he directly grabbed his arm and pushed his knee into his lower abdomen.



He was blown away by one blow and fell to the ground, unconscious.

Kevin bent down and patted his knees: "The speed is too slow. I can't even protect my abdomen with the armor in time. What is it if it's not trash? Is it a navy elite? Stop being ridiculous, you guys."

The sarcasm resounded throughout the audience, but no one yelled angrily this time.

The relaxed and freehand display of power just now made everyone understand that the lackey in front of them who called them rubbish was really capable of doing this.

And they, who came here from all over the world, knew the importance of strength.

"Did you see clearly?"

"Dibalu is very fast. He can catch such an attack without moving at all while holding it with one hand. His aura is very domineering."

There were many people whispering in the crowd.

Kneel down and beg to pursue reading, kneel down and beg to pursue reading, gentlemen.

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