Become a revolutionary mentor from a pirate

Chapter 73 Differences with Dorag

Sea West, O'Hara.

O'Hara, which had been destroyed by the Demon-Slaying Order, was now in ruins. Even the Tree of Omniscientity in the center of the island was partially destroyed by the blast.

At this time, Dorag, who was wearing a cloak, had been waiting here for several days.

The reason is because Kevin needs him to wait here for the arrival of Vegapunk.

"Will you really come?"

Dorag kept looking at the sea level, and he still remembered the first meeting with Kevin in Rogge Town.

The future stance he mentioned at that time was the same ability as today when he expected Vegapunk to come?

But this ability is too much, right?


Dolag raised his head and saw a warship approaching on the sea level.

No, not a warship.

It's Punk Hassad's ship, and Vegapunk is really here.

Two hours later, in front of the Tree of Omniscientness, Vegapunk sat slumped on the ground with a huge head on his head.

Because the most important purpose of his trip, O'Hara's knowledge, had all been burned to ashes, and the wreckage was right in front of him.

The breeze blew, and black dust rose.

"These... these are valuable knowledge!"

Vegapunk stretched out his hand, but the dust fell only to leave stains.

The Omniscient Tree of O'Hara in the West Sea contains most of the documents and classics in the world. This is a treasure left to later generations by history.

But's all gone.

"Dr. Vegapunk, can you leave? There is nothing left here."

The people from the World Government behind him frowned and waved their hands to sweep away the raised dust.

Vegapunk stood up slowly with his back to him: "Did you know? Compared to gold or jewelry, knowledge is the greatest wealth of mankind, but few people in this world understand this."

"A person's strength is ultimately limited. The strength of the entire world's civilization is the real solution to conflicts and wars."

At this time, a figure appeared behind the World Government agent.


Blood spattered from his neck. The agent who was still dissatisfied just now was now holding his neck and paralyzed. He pointed at the person who did it and tried to speak, but he could only make a gurgling sound.

Kevin, who was wearing a white mask, didn't even look at him, but directly said to Vegapunk: "Do you want to create an inexhaustible energy source to resolve conflicts and wars?"

Vegapunk turned back: "As long as there is enough energy, everyone in this world can survive."

Kevin: "How to survive? As a slave of the Celestial Dragons, living as humble as a reptile?"

At this time, behind him, more than thirty agents in black suits all fell to the ground dead.

But Vegapunk didn't panic, he just lowered his head and replied: "No matter what, being able to survive is much better than now."

"Long time no see Vegapunk."

Dorag also came out and said hello: "Just living is not enough. This world has been oppressed for long enough. I have invited you before, but you did not agree."

After seeing Dorag, Vegapunk confirmed Kevin's identity.

"At that time, your Ziyong Army was so poor that they could hardly afford to eat. What was the use of me going? You couldn't provide me with any help."

These words made Dorag a little embarrassed.

Everyone seems to have known how poor he was since the Yongjun period. The first time Rogge Town met Kevin, he was also complained about once.

But now...

After obtaining the gold from the Golden City, the revolutionary army has never fought such a rich war. With more money in hand, I naturally feel confident now.

"The Revolutionary Army and the Volunteer Army are no longer the same. How about coming to help us? Vegapunk."

Vegapunk, who rushed out of the sky with his big head, still refused: "Scientific research is not just Dorag who needs money. Many resources are under the control of those people, and my research requires their resources.

At this time, Kevin, who had been waiting, replied: "It's not like we don't exist in the World Government. Those people on Mariejoia don't care about this at all. They think too highly of themselves."

"In addition to money, I also have the classics recorded by O'Hara. Among them are many translated records about the great kingdom eight hundred years ago."

A great kingdom eight hundred years ago?

And O'Hara's knowledge?

Vegapunk froze on the spot.

Kevin continued: "You are right. Before the investigation of the Demon-Slaying Order and the World Government began, O'Hara's books and some scholars were transferred by me."

"Later on, we also rescued two civilian evacuation boats. This matter should have spread to the Navy."

Escape ship?

The things that were specifically pointed out made Vegapunk frown, but he also knew the style of the World Government before that.

Shaking his head slightly, Vegapunk replied: "A large number of people in the navy are righteous, I think..."

Before he could finish speaking, Kevin appeared directly in front of him and met his eyes.

"What do you want to do? Persuade them to stand up against Mary Joa? Do you think it's possible?"

Kevin continued: "You want O'Hara's knowledge to recreate the technology of the ancient kingdom eight hundred years ago, but you should be clear about where the things you study will ultimately be used. "

"Perhaps you are the only one in this sea who has eaten the brain-brain fruit, but it doesn't take a very smart brain just to prevent you from betraying me."

As soon as the words fell, the three people in the ruins fell silent.

Both Kevin and Dorag were waiting for Vegapunk's reply, and Vegapunk was also considering Kevin's words.

Funds and a certain foundation are necessary. The revolutionary army does not have such a foundation, and the resources required for follow-up research may not be able to be maintained.

"I want O'Hara's knowledge, but I still need to stay in the World Government."


Such a reply made Kevin sneer: "It's impossible. Even your existence itself is the biggest variable in the future. Anyone else can make this choice and just kill them after becoming an enemy. But you... if this is your last answer, then I can only choose the action I think is right.”

Dorag's eyes narrowed slightly.

Vegapunk wiped the cold sweat in front of his huge head: "What action?"

Kevin's voice gradually became colder: "The ability to use the brain fruit may have reached its extreme because of you, but if such an extreme will become an aid to the enemy, then forcibly taking you away here is the best choice."

"You are not the only scientist at MADS. Perhaps you are the smartest and the one who is most consistent with our position. But if there is no other way, choosing someone who can control the ability to extract the brain fruit is the best solution for us. "


"You have mastered the technology to extract Devil Fruit powers?! How is that possible?"

Vegapunk, whose brain circuits have shifted, has shifted his focus from his own life and death to research.

Kevin did not answer his question, but sighed and said, "It seems you have decided."

Just when he was about to take him away, Dorag, who had been frowning, spoke hurriedly.

"Kai... Mr. Tinder!"


Dolag looked at Bega Punk: "I don't allow you to do this."

Kevin asked in a deep voice: "What's the reason? You should know very well that even if you are the leader, if more than half of the people object at the expanded meeting, you still need to abide by the rules."

Dorag nodded to express his understanding: "I just want to explain that Bega Punk is not our enemy."

Not an enemy?

Kevin would not agree with this.

In the future in memory, Vegapunk's position may indeed be consistent with theirs, but his research results are one of the biggest threats.

The 'weapon' in Im's hand on Mariejoia completely wiped out the Kingdom of Lulucia from the sea with just one blow, and even caused earthquakes and tsunamis to form everywhere in the world, causing the sea level to rise...

It is precisely with the blessing of the mother fire developed by Vegapunk that it has the ability to last.

Yes, Mother Fire was originally in Vegapunk's mind as a research project to provide unlimited energy for the entire world.

But if this thing falls into Im's hands, it will only become the force that maintains the Tianlong people to continue to rule the world.

In this world with supernatural powers, bottom-up change itself is extremely difficult, and most of it even relies on domineering settings.

But so what if Roger is domineering?

Kaido, who will be known as the strongest creature on land in the future, and Oden's barrier fruit ability that even Oden's sword cannot break, can these withstand the blow that destroys the Kingdom of Lulucia?

How can it be? !

A commander who leads changes, and because of the goodness of his heart, leaves the lives of countless fellow travelers behind him to the coincidence of the future, or the carelessness of his opponents, Kevin cannot do it.


Under Kevin's mask, his eyes were equally firm: "What do you think is a revolution? Can everyone hold hands and sing songs to make Mariejoia's group of guys surrender? Or do you think your own peace of mind is worth it? Will you sacrifice your life for this in the future?”

For the first time, the two had differences of opinion.

Even for the first time, there was sarcasm in Kevin's voice.

"I told you a long time ago that bottom-up changes are difficult and bloody. He is not a crooked melon. The brain-brain fruit matches his talent. He is a Bega. Punk can be worth the entire navy, you know?”

The entire navy?

Dorag, who wanted to step forward, stopped, but these words made him also a little surprised.

He knows the importance of Vegapunk, but it can be worth the entire navy...

You must know the highest combat power of the navy, plus the marshal, the old man, and the three generals who will be mentioned later, there are five. There are many alternate generals and lieutenant generals behind.

is it possible?

But this is the future that Kevin talks about, and it is also a warning given to Dorag as Tinder.

The scene in Rogue Town flashed through my mind again, and today Vegapunk's ship came to O'Hara.

Extrapolation? Or have you seen the future?

At this time, Kevin's hand was already on Vegapunk's shoulder.

The black space coordinates flashed away.

Originally, this coordinate should be placed on his head, but thinking that this guy would later divide his big head, the coordinates might be transferred, so Kevin did not give a warning.

"Well... we can actually talk about it."

Kevin shook his head slightly: "No need to talk. In fact, even if you go to the Navy, I am certain that when you want to leave, I will take you away as quickly as possible."

"But even so, I can't guarantee whether you will bring them the power of technology. And then you will be out of my sight. You can only decide when to leave. In this case, what will you do in the meantime? Decisions are possible.”

Vegapunk sighed: "In this case, what's the difference between you and them?"

When their eyes met, Kevin didn't dodge at all.

"The difference is that in the Revolutionary Army, you can research technology that is actually used for energy, and you can design defensive weapons...for example, energy shields that cover islands to prevent sudden attacks from the sky."

Kevin thought of Im's blow again: "In fact, what I can see is that the energy you researched was used in weapons to destroy an island. It is precisely because of your research that their Weapons make up for the lack of energy."

Vegapunk was stunned.


Special abilities?

After a while, he sighed, looked at Kevin and then at Dorag.

"If the research equipment and funds cannot satisfy me, I will eventually leave the Revolutionary Army."

Vegapunk and Kevin looked at each other: "I have seen too much suffering, and I have also seen a person's inner transformation after being in a high position. I am just a scientist. I can study technology but cannot study people's hearts."

"They are the evil dragons of this world, but their vision will naturally change after they are in a high position. Endless energy will be used by rulers to rule, and at the same time, the resources will be endless. The bottom... will also be endless after all."

Dorag on the side denied what he said.

"Endless energy... but those who base their pleasure on pain never think of themselves as human beings. Your idea is wrong."


Vegapunk, who was forced to a certain extent, did not think deeply and turned around to look at the Tree of Omniscientity: "That old guy chose to stay on his own, right? Compared with him, I am much worse."

Kevin put a hand on the mask, took it a short distance away and bowed.

"Not just Dr. Clover, all the scholars who choose to stay know what they will face. But their research has been discovered by the world government, and there cannot be only one or two scholars in O'Hara."

"In order to leave a fire that will burn in the future, they made their own choice. They chose to die and hide the remaining scholars and the precious knowledge."

After some reminiscences, Dorag and Begapunk were taken away by Kevin.

O'Hara fell into silence again in the ruins, with only a pile of corpses of World Government agents, no one paying attention to them.

"Bulu Bulu... Bulu Bulu..."

The phone rang, but no one answered.


[Note: Saldin and other giants did not appear this time, because Olvia was not arrested, so she was not rescued by Savulo. She only fired under the demon-slaying order, so naturally there was no scene of fishing for books. 】

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