Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1013 It’s natural

So this is also the good thing about Wushen Academy. Normally you would never dare to imagine that you can bring hundreds of thousands of geniuses together, but Wushen Academy has done it!

Lin Xuan thought of this possibility just because the last round of assessment took place in Tianhua City!


These people are real thieves!

But Lin Xuan probably also thought of a possibility for the establishment of Wushen Academy, and that was this possibility!

I'm afraid that the 20,000 students of Martial Arts Academy will have a lot of tasks in the future. For example, today, Martial Arts Academy summoned 20,000 students to attack a certain city together. The results will be very brilliant, and the losses will be very small. At the same time, this can be used as a basis for the academy. A way to train students!

Wow! These people are really thieves!

But this is also where these people are smart. Wisdom, this thing is really important.

This is definitely very good news!

For example, today they went to Tianhua City. There were 20,000 people, and they were in the lowest law realm. If 20,000 people of this quality entered Tianhua City, what kind of chaos could Tianhua City be in? unimaginable!

The combat power of these 20,000 men is really comparable to that of an army of one million! Moreover, they are more flexible and can fight alone, filling the entire Tianhua City and stirring up troubles!

For this reason, Lin Xuan admires these people! So wise.

Luo Xiu then said, "I believe everyone in Tianhua City should also know that Tianhua City is a city that has been captured recently. At this stage, there are many monsters in Tianhua City, including many powerful monsters, and even those in the Tianzun realm." The monsters are very dangerous, but you have the teleportation crystal, so as long as you can react, it is not dangerous! Compared to the Everfree Forest, the danger level should be lower, because everyone in the city is more familiar with it! !”

Then Luo Xiu continued, "Perhaps with your full deployment this time, it won't take long for Tianhua City to be easily recaptured by us. You can be regarded as having made a great contribution. This is also the goal of establishing our Martial Arts Academy!" "

Everyone has no requirements for the assessment venue. On the contrary, they feel that it is much more comfortable in the city than in the forest, because they are very familiar with it in the city, and there are too many places to hide in the city! Houses, communities, etc., countless!

Of course, there are also disadvantages in being in the city, that is, although there are many hiding places for you, there are also many hiding places for monsters. Maybe you are walking on the road, but you are exposed to the eyes of many monsters!

In the forest, there are countless trees blocking it. Although there are countless high-rise buildings in the city, there are also countless streets. As long as you walk towards the streets, you will be exposed! Or maybe you go to a shopping mall or a building in a community, and you have been discovered when you enter. There is no way, because of regional issues, forests have the benefits of forests, and cities have the benefits of cities, but it is up to the warrior to choose. You must choose the city!

"Okay, the situation is like this now. Changing a place to practice is just a change of place. There are no big changes. Do you have any questions to ask?"

No one spoke.

"Since no one speaks, it's settled. After one hour of rest and preparation time, we will go to Tianhua City. Remember, don't think about preparing the demon crystal in advance and then fish in troubled waters. As long as you dare, we will It will definitely be discovered.”


In fact, when I said those words before, many people had already thought about how I could bring some demon crystals into Tianhua City and treat them as obtained by killing demon beasts there. But after hearing what Luo Xiu said, , they immediately gave up, because the Tianwu Conference at that time could also be like this, but it could also be discovered. The easiest way was to identify the time of the demon crystal!

There is a way to identify this, how long has it been since the demon crystal was taken out of the demon beast's body, etc...

Luo Xiu then said, "Okay, now go and prepare. There is a store in the Martial Arts Academy. There will be various potions, even spiritual weapons and even some special props. You can go there to buy them. After all, you can buy them there." You may die the next day, so be prepared."

Lin Xuan "..."

Grass mud horse! Do you want it to be so dark? Go buy it! And he even encouraged everyone to buy it!

Holy shit! You are hundreds of people

The Martial God Academy composed of Tianzun Realm and Taixu Realm, my mother Ganlin.

"Okay, one hour... forget it, because Tianhua City is a short journey, one hour is enough, and Everfree Forest takes more than six hours, so give everyone six hours to prepare. Be sure to be fully prepared. ”

Lin Xuan "..."

One hour of preparation time turned into six hours of preparation time, I know!

This black-hearted vice-dean must be well prepared. The implication of this sentence spend more, spend more time and spend more...

"Okay, let's disband now! Meet here in six hours!"

Then everyone dispersed.

"Lin Xuan, let's go buy potions."

Wang Xintong said to Lin Xuan lively.

"I don't need it, you can take this."

Lin Xuan handed Wang Xintong a few pills of recovery.

Lin Xuan did not have the treatment, but Linglongxue gave him a lot of the Spirit Recovery Pill at that time. Outside of warriors, spiritual power is also very important, and this Spirit Pill has a particularly high recovery rate for warriors at this stage.

"No... no need, you can use it."

"I still have a lot, and you're being polite to me? If you're being polite to me again, I'll kill you alive."

Lin Xuan said fiercely.

Wang Xintong shrank her head.

Lin Xuan has a headache. How can he make Wang Xintong feel less inferior?

She is Lin Xuan's girlfriend, but she still refuses to Lin Xuan like this. She is indeed very strong, but this matter has nothing to do with being strong, it is purely due to lack of confidence.

But maybe this is Wang Xintong. Every girl has their special place, right?

"Let's go, I'd better go shopping with you."

"No... no need, don't you want to buy it?"

"Then what do I do for six hours? Can I help you pay?"

Lin Xuan smiled and rolled his eyes.

Wang Xintong muttered, "I have money."

"But I am your boyfriend, and it is only natural for a boyfriend to pay his girlfriend."

Wang Xintong's face turned slightly red, and then Lin Xuan took her away.

No matter it is Xiao Runing or whoever it is, they are all paying close attention to Lin Xuan. However, with so many people now, it is best not to have any contact with Lin Xuan. He will probably be in trouble by then.


Murong Qing saw Murong Yu walking alone in the corner and walked over.

Even though Murong Yu was alone, there were countless people around her who were peeking at her.



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