Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1015 13 Demon Temple

Ling Ying pulled Han Chuxue away angrily, while Lin Xuan smiled helplessly from behind.

They were already tolerant of themselves. Lin Xuan was just joking. Of course, if you can, you can still move your body and warm up.

"Tianhua City..."

Lin Xuan rubbed his chin and thought about something.

The demon clan captured Tianhua City, and as Tianhua City is a brand new city, the demon beasts are naturally very willing to live in such a city. Needless to say, the number of demon beasts in the city must be very large. This is not the key. The key is those transformed monsters. They are just like humans. Living in a city, a brand new city is naturally the best, so Tianhua City should have many such monsters. beast!

And to transform a monster, you need to be at the realm level at least!

So Lin Xuan also knew what Ling Ying meant, which was very dangerous.

Tianhua City is really not necessarily safer than Everfree, but it’s almost the same in comparison! At most, it means that in the Everfree Forest, it is basically impossible to encounter powerful monsters as long as you stay on the periphery. In Tianhua City, there may be powerful monsters anywhere.

Of course, monsters, like people, also have high and low status and a sense of self-esteem. Places like the city center where high-rise buildings gather must be places where there are more powerful monsters. Everyone knows this kind of thing. You know, powerful ones must live in good places. Maybe those monsters in exquisite and noble communities are the most powerful ones, or some of them may live in villas.

"Lin Xuan, gather."

Wang Xintong called Lin Xuan from below.


Lin Xuan jumped down.

Arriving at the back of the crowd, Lin Xuan saw Ou Zhenjie next to Murong Yu.

It was obvious that Murong Yu's cousin must like her, and his advantage was that he had the advantage of being near the water and the tower. The relationship was here. If he wanted to talk to Murong Yu, Murong Yu would be too embarrassed not to reply.

"Everyone is ready!"

Luo Xiu said!


"Okay, let's leave for Tianhua City!"

An hour later, a crowd of people came to Tianhua City. Of course, the teleportation crystals had been distributed to everyone.

"Tianhua City is ahead. It's 11:40 now. We will enter Tianhua City on time in 20 minutes. At this time tomorrow, we will still meet here! Remember the time!"

Luo Xiu said!

On the other side, in a room in the main hall of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance, there were several figures sitting.

"Everyone, we have received a tip from the Martial Arts Academy that the human Lin Xuan is now outside Tianhua City."

The speaker was a burly middle-aged man, who was obviously a figure in the form of a monster.

The name Lin Xuan has a relatively big repercussions among the demon clan!

In fact, what happened before is nothing, but the most critical reason that attracted the attention of the entire Demon Clan was that Lin Xuan destroyed a large number of Void Sky Crystals of the Demon Clan!

These are the Void Sky Crystals that the demon clan spent many years collecting.

If this Void Sky Crystal can always exist, it will be of great significance to the Monster Clan. They can take down the human race's cities one after another in the shortest time, because the power composed of these Void Sky Crystals can An army of millions teleports to a certain location instantly. Under such circumstances, the human race cannot defend it at all!

However, the entire demon clan did not expect that a young man named Lin Xuan appeared in the human clan. He actually discovered this thing and then destroyed the Void Sky Crystal!

It can be simply said that Lin Xuan ruined the decades-long plan of the demon clan! So among the demon clan, you can imagine how much they hate Lin Xuan!

They have been paying attention to Lin Xuan, and there are even powerful spies from their Ten Thousand Demon Alliance among the human race. They even have a special mission, which is to always pay attention to Lin Xuan's movements! But absolutely do not touch him or anyone around him, because the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance also knows that there is a Void Fox around Lin Xuan, so naturally the news that Lin Xuan joined the Martial God Academy has spread here! Of course, the establishment of Martial Arts Academy also

Naturally, it is within the eyes and ears of the demon clan.

There is nothing they can do about the Martial God Academy. One thing that is very important to them now is Lin Xuan!

In the eyes of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance, Lin Xuan is a very important part!

They don't have to kill this person. They think that if they can win over Lin Xuan, they will get more benefits than if they kill him!

Such as genetic medicine, such as Void Fox...

There is so much to gain!

"Well...have you arrived in Tianhua City?"

"Here they are! They are about to enter Tianhua City."

"The existence of Tianhua City is not necessary, and the demise of the human race is only a matter of time."

A man said, "But this human race has created the Martial God Academy. The strength and potential of this Martial God Academy cannot be underestimated. Lord Ice God is already preparing a series of methods."

"There are a lot of human geniuses in the Martial God Academy, but they still need time to grow. This is not something to be afraid of for the time being. These young people are all arrogant and think that they are fearless and omnipotent. We, the Ten Thousand Demon Alliance, can find countless opportunities to kill them, but for now, Lord Ice God pays more attention to Lin Xuan, and more importantly, the young man named Lin Xuan!"

"Great Elder, what do you think?"

The Ten Thousand Demons Alliance is a huge organization of the Monster Clan. It can be said that the human race has three major forces, while the Monster Clan has only one major force, the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance. However, the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance has a total of thirteen temples, and each demon temple is responsible for one party. Tianhua City is controlled by the Tenth Demon Temple of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance. Every master of the Demon Temple is called a demon god. That must be the existence of the Heavenly Dao Realm! At least I have the absolute right to speak here!

There are thirteen demon temples in the Ten Thousand Demon Alliance, and the thirteen demon gods have the same status, and there is not much difference in strength. You cannot say that the demon god in the first demon temple is the most powerful, and the demon god in the thirteenth demon temple is the weakest. This is not certain! The demon god of the tenth demon temple is called the ice god by them, and the elder is the strongest under this demon god.

And Lin Xuan has even attracted the attention of the master of the Tenth Hall of the Demon Temple of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance, which shows how much the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance cares about Lin Xuan.

"This Lin Xuan is the only human boy that I have seen in so many years that Lord Ice God is extremely attracted to. Those major genetic potions are very terrifying, and they can even create genetic potions that improve the purity of attributes. Moreover, this One method is monopolized by him, and the most important formula is called chalcedony liquid, but I have searched through ancient books and never found the existence of chalcedony liquid! Therefore, we can only win over this Lin Xuan!"

The great elder glanced at everyone and said.



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