Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1106 Wu Yuhan

These two big guys naturally follow a lot of students in the entire Wushen Academy, but obviously the two people they pay most attention to are Murong Yu and Lin Xuan, because they know what this level of talent means, which means that God has given them Your key to invincibility! That is Godhead!

"But this kid is quite capable of causing trouble. I have investigated and found that he has made many enemies, including many in this Martial Arts Academy."

Luo Xiu said.


The dean of Martial Arts Academy pondered slightly.

"And there are many outstanding girls in the Martial Arts Academy who are more or less related to him."

"Hahaha, let him go. As long as these children don't act too blatantly, rules and so on are just tools to restrict the vast majority of people." said the dean of Martial Arts Academy.

On the other side, Lin Xuan met Murong Yu after he came out.

"What now?"

Lin Xuan asked.

"Waiting for the results, go to the backyard."

Murong Yu said calmly.

"I might not be able to go."

Lin Xuan shrugged his shoulders and said.

"That's because you don't want to go."

Murong Yu said calmly.

"Such strength."


Lin Xuan: "..."

"Hey, are you the words that are supposed to come out of your mouth?"

Lin Xuan looked stunned.

Murong Yu's pretty face suddenly turned red.

Why did such a sentence come out so suddenly?

Then she said: "Because I really can't hold it in."

Lin Xuan: "..."

"Are you being very pretentious?"

"If you want to keep a low profile, there's nothing you can do about it."

At this time, Lan Xingxing jumped out and ran out. When he saw Lin Xuan and the others, his big eyes suddenly lit up, and then he ran over and stood in front of Lin Xuan lively.

"Lin Xuan Lin Xuan, we have finished the exam, can you go and help me make lunch?"

Blue Star asked expectantly.

"Aren't you waiting for the results?"

"It will take at least six hours to wait for the results." Murong Yu also said calmly.

It was also noon, so they had completed the assessment relatively early.

Murong Yu remembered the taste of Lin Xuan's dishes with endless aftertaste. Firstly, she actually wanted to eat them. Secondly, she was curious, what did Lin Xuan add to the food to sublimate it?

She has some experience in cooking. When she is not doing anything, she basically has two hobbies: reading and cooking! So she would be more concerned about it. She wanted to give Lin Xuan a try to see what extra things he added. Lin Xuan said he didn't add anything, but only used some regular ingredients. She didn't believe it! She also uses the conventional ingredients, and the dosage should be the most standard. How could it be possible to make such a big difference in the taste of the food?

They say that to capture a person's heart, you must first capture her stomach.

In fact, this sentence is not of much use. Can you capture a person's heart by grabbing her stomach? It's too illogical. Of course, this kind of situation exists, but it is very rare. It cannot be called a way to pick up girls, it can only be said to be a way to add icing on the cake.

But sometimes it is really useful, like this Blue Star, who is a pure and cute foodie. You can capture her stomach and heart with this kind of food that makes her feel super delicious. In her eyes, You are great, and then increase your favorability, such as pursuing her, she will think that if you become boyfriend and girlfriend with him, you can eat such delicious meals every day, three meals a day, wow, just think about it. So happy.

Another example is Murong Yu, she cares, and if she can make a girl like this care, that's a success, no matter how effective it is.

Of course, there must be a prerequisite for her to care. This is different from Lan Xingxing. For a girl like Lan Xingxing, if Su Zhiming cooked such delicious meals for her, she would also admire Su Zhiming and increase her respect for Su Zhiming. However, Murong Yu must have a prerequisite. The favorability must exist in order to have a follow-up. Without the favorability, it would be impossible to invite her to dinner that day.

blue star

It’s different. I don’t recognize it, but I don’t hate it. I want to eat something delicious when I see it.

So Lin Xuan finally found a way to chase this blue star, first grab her stomach, increase her favorability, and gradually win her over in this process.

It's a bit shameful to think about it. Although Lan Xingxing is not a lolita, she is only sixteen years old. Miao Xiaomiao is also fifteen years old now. Although Lin Xuan was only fourteen when he had thoughts about her, wow, Too perverted.

"You want to eat too?"

Lin Xuan looked at Murong Yu with a smile.

Next to them, Lan Xingxing blinked and looked expectantly at Lin Xuan and Murong Yu.

Murong Yu coughed slightly and said, "Anything is fine."

"That's fine. Do you want to eat it?"

Lin Xuan asked with a smile.

"In no mood."

Murong Yu said lightly and walked away.

"Damn tsundere."

Lin Xuan muttered behind him.

Murong Yu: "..."

What should I do if I want to stab him again?

"Let's go buy ingredients."


Hearing Lin Xuan's words, the blue star behind jumped three feet high!

Lin Xuan sent a message to Ling Ying and the others on the way. They were taking the test at a relatively far back position, so it would probably take several hours. The same was true for Wang Xintong's light class. Those classes with rare attributes were all relatively far back. The assessment doesn't mean anything else, it's just like this.

"How are you going to get to my place?"

Murong Yu asked after buying the ingredients.

Many people who have passed the assessment have already wandered around the academy, and Murong Yu and Lan Xingxing are attracting a lot of attention. Blue Xingxing's ranking will probably move up by then, and Xue Binglan may be pushed out by her. , why?

Because this girl has big breasts, no brains, and is cute and cute. This is what many men dream of! And what about Snow Ice Blue?

Beautiful, obedient, and sweet, she lacks some characteristics compared to Blue Star. In today's society, if you can't tell who is more beautiful, Blue Star's silly cuteness can obviously win the hearts of many girls.

Because there were so many people paying attention to them, Lin Xuan would never be able to follow them into the girls' dormitory in a arrogant manner. If he was seen, he would definitely be a loser.

Even if a girl asks you to go to her dormitory, it won't work. In theory, that's the case.

"I'll use the space attribute to go up."

Lin Xuan said.

"Can you find it?"

Lin Xuan nodded: "I've been there, of course I can find it, so I'll go first and you can follow."

Then Lin Xuan's figure disappeared from the place.

"Hey, wait..."

As soon as Murong Yu finished speaking, Lin Xuan's figure was no longer here.

"Sister Murong, what's wrong?"

Blue Star asked doubtfully.

"I'm afraid Wu Yuhan is at home."

Murong Yu shook his head slightly and said.

"Hmm... no way? Sister Wu has a dark attribute... Huh? She seems to be in the fire class. She has finished the assessment and should be at home. Then Lin Xuan may be misunderstood by her if she goes up." .


Then the two girls walked towards the dormitory building.

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