Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1159 Give me your hand

After eating, Lin Xuan pushed Zhao Yunqi's wheelchair and they walked to Zhao's house together.

Zhao Yunqi was really, really happy. Not only did she see Lin Xuan, he also pushed her wheelchair in person. Lin Xuan even went to Zhao's house as a guest. She was really happy. She had a lot of little things at home. They were all made by herself. She couldn't move them before. She could only stay in the room. Occasionally, her family would push her out. When nothing happened, she could only distract herself and focus on other places instead of herself. legs, so she studied a lot of little things and designed many useful programs!

Of course, this is related to a person's IQ.

"Mr. Lin Xuan, let me get you a glass of water."

Going to Zhao's house, Li Siyu felt like saying.

"Don't bother, I just had a lot to eat and drink."

"Mom, I took Lin Xuan to see the things I made."

Zhao Yunqi made gestures to Li Siyu. Lin Xuan didn't understand, but they definitely understood.

"Okay, go ahead, we won't disturb you."

Zhao Yunqi pointed in a direction, and then Lin Xuan pushed her over.

"Husband, do you think Lin Xuan can..."

Li Siyu sat on the sofa and looked at Zhao Tiankuo nervously.

Zhao Tiankuo lit a cigarette and took a long puff.

"I don't know, let's not have high expectations."


"We have invited powerful people from the Taixu Realm, but the entire continent is powerless to do anything about Qi Qi's matter. Can we put our hope in a young man in his early twenties?"

It's not that he doesn't believe it, but it's too hard to believe. He can believe that Lin Xuan may indeed have done a little research on this aspect, but research and cure are two different concepts.


Li Siyu also sighed.

What she thought was indeed too simple. How could she pin everything on a boy in his early twenties?

"Husband, tell me why our daughter is so miserable."

Li Siyu snuggled into Zhao Tiankuo's arms, her eyes couldn't help but turn red again.

Obviously she can have her own perfect life like other girls, her family is also very advantageous, and she can do whatever she wants, but the reality has defeated her.

"Hey, I, Zhao Tiankuo, have never done anything bad in my life. The most I did was snatch you away from home. If God wants to punish you for this, why should we punish our children..."

Zhao Tiankuo sighed heavily.

In Zhao Yunqi's room, Lin Xuan pushed her around.

The room is really big. One room is probably comparable to a normal home with three bedrooms and one living room. It is very warm and beautiful. Her parents probably helped decorate it. They made it all pink and have sky blue wallpaper. , which may make her look happier. There are many dolls, but most of them are lying there as if they haven’t been moved for a long time. It can be seen that the computer has been moved the most!

There are two bookcases next to them, with some photos and some weird gadgets placed on them.

Zhao Yunqi is very shy. This is her boudoir.

Except for father and grandfather, no third man has ever come in here.

"What's this?"

Lin Xuan curiously picked up a small ball.

"This is a mind projector."

Zhao Yunqi wrote for Lin Xuan to see.

"Mind projector? What does it do?"

Lin Xuan asked with interest.

"You just need to turn it on and hold it with your hands. Whatever images come to mind, the mind projector will project them out."

"So magical?"

This is a high-tech product. I'm afraid many people have dreamed of having such a day, because sometimes this thing will be super convenient. Then Lin Xuan tried to open it and thought about it.


Then a picture was projected directly on the wall. It was Lin Xuan fantasizing about playing LoL and then showing off his moves to the whole audience.

"I'll go! It can really be projected! It's amazing!"


Lin Xuan opened his mouth.

"Did you invent this?"

Lin Xuan asked.

Zhao Yunqi nodded.

This is also a genius! Wow!

No wonder the Zhao family has reached its peak because of her. Once she invents something, it is not very profitable if it can be applied.


Lin Xuan sighed in admiration.

Hearing Lin Xuan's compliment, Zhao Yunqi's face turned red.

"But I still think the songs you write, Lin Xuan, are the most powerful." Zhao Yunqi wrote.

"How should I put it? These are two aspects. Anyone can write songs. The threshold is very low. It just depends on whether the writing is good or not. In your eyes, my songs happen to be in line with your taste, so you will feel It's very good, but there are still many people complaining about it, right? But inventions like yours are something that can benefit the entire society. Let alone inventions, I don't even know basic programming, so how can I invent? I also think you are the most powerful!”

Any invention that is slightly related to technology, such as this mind projector, may seem simple and compact, but there is no telling how much programming it contains. There may be hundreds or thousands of self-created programs on a small chip. This is the most important thing. awesome.

Zhao Yunqi was particularly satisfied when she heard Lin Xuan's praise. She found the experts' affirmation of her boring, but she was really happy with Lin Xuan's simple words.

Lin Xuan sighed, there are still many talented people in this world. The key is that at such a young age, Miao Xiaomiao and Zhao Yunqi can come up with these things. This is really an exaggeration in the future.

Then Zhao Yunqi introduced many things one by one, and she could see that Lin Xuan was very interested.

Of course Lin Xuan is interested. This is a lot of money. He needs money for his next plan.

"Although I can sing, I can only hum."

Zhao Yunqi wrote in despair.

"Don't worry, it will be fine."

Lin Xuan patted her shoulder and smiled.

Zhao Yunqi knew that Lin Xuan was comforting herself, but she was still very happy.

After chatting for more than an hour, Lin Xuan sat on the edge of the bed and looked at Zhao Yunqi.

"Does your Zhao family have any enemies?"

Lin Xuan then asked.


Zhao Yunqi thought for a while and wrote, "Of course, the Zhao family is a big family, and there are naturally not a few families that compete with the Zhao family."

"Then you must have been exposed to them when you were a child, right?"

Zhao Yunqi nodded.

"Forget it, this isn't something I should consider. Give me your hand."

Lin Xuan extended his hand to Zhao Yunqi.

Zhao Yunqi was stunned for a moment, then shyly stretched out her hand.

Lin Xuan held her hand, and then placed his fingers on her pulse point.

Zhao Yunqi looked at Lin Xuan in surprise, was he checking her pulse?

She has seen many, many doctors over the years, all kinds of doctors, including those who took her pulse, but the final result was the same, it had no effect.


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