Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,205 Is he gay?

Luo Chenxi didn't mean anything else. She just had nothing to do these days. Many artists in the company were on vacation and came here to attend the party. Her boss was also quite boring and she cared about Lin Xuan. She wanted to She knew that Luo Chenxi was not a boss before. She was a popular star and a singer-songwriter. Lin Xuan's songs were the most touching ones she had ever heard, and she admired them very much.

As for going to bed, of course I don’t mean that. I just want to get to know Lin Xuan, have a drink, and relax. I haven’t relaxed for a long time. It’s too troublesome to go out with An Xin and other celebrities. They are all surrounded by people. It’s just right Lin Xuan interests her a lot, and no one knows Lin Xuan, so wouldn't it be nice to go together?

So, sometimes a person with talent can really attract a lot of people, and some fans can even give them KKP to prevent their idol from being criticized by those haters. Who can resist this?

The two came to the night bar.

This night bar should be the largest and most famous bar in Lin'an City. This bar is the kind of bar that will definitely make a profit as long as it exists. Although Lin Xuan doesn't like the money, he might be able to simply buy this bar. Hundreds of millions of yuan is enough. Maybe the cost of this store is only a few million to less than 10 million, because the business of this night bar is so good, all kinds of big shots will gather here, and the average daily net income exceeds 500,000 yuan. , such a store can earn hundreds of thousands a day, how exaggerated is that? The monthly income is several million, and the annual income is nearly 100 million, so the value of such a store is very high.

"I said there are people in the bar in broad daylight."

Lin Xuan asked.

"This night bar is open all day. Although it is more exciting at night, it is not bad during the day. It is a light bar during the day and a DJ at night. The light bar is more suitable for drinking, isn't it?"

Luo Chenxi smiled.


The two then walked inside.

There are a lot of people in bars during the day and night, but not too many. Most of the people who come to bars are actually here to have an affair, and days like this during the day are not suitable for bar encounters, so many people who come to bars during the day are really just To come and have a drink.

Lin Xuan and Luo Chenxi walked in. The lights inside were dim, with only softer special effects lights flashing. Then there was a beautiful girl on the stage. In a bar like this, the resident singer must have at least five bases!

"Do you know why I prefer places like bars?"

Luo Chenxi opened a booth, then sat on the sofa and looked at Lin Xuan and asked.

"I know, love affair, yuepao."

Luo Chenxi: "..."

"Don't think I don't know, girls like to date just as much as boys." Lin Xuan said with a smile.

"Okay, but I haven't really made a date yet."

Luo Chenxi casually pulled back the broken hair around her ears, and that moment was truly charming.

"Does that count as me..."

Luo Chenxi glanced at Lin Xuan.

"It depends on your ability."

Then she snapped her fingers, and the beautiful young lady came over.

"What would you like to drink?"

"Hennessy, mix another glass of Flame Rose."

"Okay, may I ask sir..."

"Have a bottle of whatever you want."

"Please wait."

Luo Chenxi then smiled and looked at the girl who was playing the main game on the stage, and said to Lin Xuan: "When I come to the bar, I usually choose to come during the day, or go to some light bars, because there are some very powerful residents here. Singers, if you like them, you can invite them to the company and make them stars.”

"I've heard that many famous stars were singers before, and then they were discovered and became stars, and some even became famous."

Lin Xuan said.

"I used to be a resident singer. Later, I was discovered by a mentor and brought him to the entertainment industry, which also changed my life. I know their wishes. They like to sing, and of course they also like to be a star."

Lin Xuan smiled and said: "You are so beautiful, even if your singing is just passable, it will still attract others' attention."

"is it beautiful……"

Luo Chenxi reached out and touched her cheek.

Then he sighed slightly.

"She's beautiful. I feel like she's not inferior to Zi Qiyue. What's wrong? You're not confident in your appearance? What do you make other girls think?"

At this time, the drink was placed in front of him, and Luo Chenxi drank the high-altitude flaming rose in one gulp.

Lin Xuan; "..."

Although he doesn't understand wine, this fiery red wine seems to have a high alcohol content, right? Moreover, Luo Chenxi's realm is not very high. She has not gone to the special level to improve her realm. She is only at the God Refining realm. This realm cannot withstand too much alcohol!

Could it be...she was really going to get drunk? She was deliberately getting drunk when she was with a grown man like him, wow! ! What do you mean?

"But I really came here just to drink."

Luo Chenxi took a breath, her beautiful face turned slightly red and said, then poured herself a full glass.

"What's wrong? Are you in a bad mood?"

Lin Xuan clinked a glass with her, then took a slight sip, and she drank it all in one gulp.

Being in the entertainment industry, her ability to drink is natural.


Luo Chenxi sighed and looked at Lin Xuan with beautiful eyes.

"Am I really beautiful?"

Lin Xuan; "..."

"Hey, if other girls hear what you say, you will be beaten to death."

"Ha ha--"

Luo Chenxi couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Then she looked slightly lonely again.

"But if I'm really beautiful, why would he leave..."

Luo Chenxi sighed and said.

Lin Xuan; "..."

"You have a boyfriend."

Lin Xuan asked in surprise.

Wow! She has a boyfriend! Then why bother chasing after it!

"Used to have."

Luo Chenxi then poured another glass and drank it in one gulp.

"He and I are high school classmates and have been in love since high school."

Lin Xuan; "..."

This is crazy? It must be close to ten years, right? Then she...

"The most ridiculous thing is that after dating for so many years, he and I have held hands. Can you believe it? I even took the initiative to have a closer relationship with him several times, but he refused again and again. He said he wouldn't touch me before getting married, which made me..."

Lin Xuan; "..."

Another sigh of relief! but……

"Wow! Is that guy fucking gay? You are so beautiful, and you have held hands with him after dating for ten years?"

Lin Xuan said in surprise.

This is really surprising! What kind of god is this? Is there such a fairy?

"how do you know?"

Lin Xuan:? ? ?

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