Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,397 Press Conference

The lobby of Yaxuan Group was decorated, and hundreds of reporters were waiting there anxiously.

Yaxuan Group released major news, so naturally these reporters rushed over! Some young reporters are not even qualified to come in because there are too many reporters, and Yaxuan Group has always been too controversial!

Just a random thing, that's all from various interviews, not to mention that Yaxuan Group specially held a press conference for this time, it is definitely a big event!

At this moment, Lin Xuan, Luo Chenxi, and Murong Qing were in the background. There was no one else. Others might be preparing other things.

"Okay, I probably know everything you said, leave it to me."

Murong Qing nodded and said, then walked out.

Luo Chenxi shrugged: "Should I go?"

"Anything will work. Beauty Murong can handle it all by herself."

"It just so happens that I don't want to show up either."

Luo Chenxi said helplessly.

She, Luo Chenxi, is also a big star. Although she has quit the entertainment industry for a long time, she has always been a hot topic. If she leaves now, there will be even greater controversy.

"Just be a tool for me." Lin Xuan grinned.

"Tool man? Give you a tool man?"

"Ahem, no, a work tool man."

Lin Xuan said awkwardly.


On the other side, after Murong Qing came out, there were clicking sounds and countless flashing lights hitting her body, and Murong Qing was naturally very used to this.

Standing there, Murong Qing smiled slightly, and then said: "Thank you all for attending our company's press conference!"

Wow wow wow ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

Then there was a round of applause.

In addition to reporters, this press conference was also broadcast live.

"Ms. Murong, may I ask, is Yaxuan Group planning to launch any new inventions this time it holds a press conference?"

"Yes, yes, Yaxuan Group has held a total of three press conferences since its opening. The first time was when it just opened, the second time was when the virus appeared, and this is the third time. The entire continent is paying attention. Yaxuan Group!”

"Yes! Now Yaxuan Group has received a very good response from the public. What new inventions will Yaxuan Group make this time that will shock the world?"


Those reporters were having crazy discussions with each other.

Murong Qing smiled and said: "Don't ask questions now, we will come to the question and answer session later. This press conference is held mainly for two reasons."

After hearing Murong Qing's words, everyone fell silent, and the cameras were all focused on her.

"The first thing is that Yaxuan Group is now officially involved in the pharmaceutical industry!"

A reporter said: "Yaxuan Group has developed drugs that can help the entire continent recover when the virus was raging. I believe that Yaxuan Group's medical level can be recognized by everyone!"

Murong Qing smiled and nodded: "Thank you for your recognition. At present, Yaxuan Group will not launch other therapeutic drugs for the time being, and the first drug to be launched is a drug similar to the previous physical enhancement drug."

After hearing what Murong Qing said,

The entire press team and everyone watching the live broadcast became excited!

Yaxuan Group's previous gene-enhancing potion really set off a craze in the mainland, but is it new this time?

"Then what effect does this potion have?"

one reporter asked.

Murong Qing said with a smile: "This time it's very simple. After taking it, you can permanently increase the attributes of a warrior or ordinary speed, physique, strength, etc.! And just like before, there are no side effects! Unlike before, Gene enhancement potions do not overlap.”


After hearing Murong Qing's words, everyone was shocked again!

Yes, this is what Teacher Zhang Zhehan developed. It is also the kind of genetic medicine that was secretly developed by the Tiandu Ouyang family to control others, but this time the part that controls others has been removed, leaving only the part that can improve everyone's ability. The gene for personal comprehensive strength has no side effects, but taking too much will have no effect!

In fact, it is still stronger than the exchanged gene potion!

This suddenly caused a craze!

Taking just one thing can improve all aspects of your attributes. That's an unexpected bonus!

"Then may I ask how much the price can be increased this time? How will the price be determined?"

Murong Qing said: "The comprehensive improvement this time is more than five times greater than the previous genetic medicine!"


Everyone took a breath after hearing Murong Qing's words.

Is this Yaxuan Group a god?

"But the price will naturally be higher, about four times the price of the previous medicine!"

"That's still very acceptable. The improvement of all attributes is five times higher than before, while the price is only about four times higher. Oh my god! Yaxuan Group is really a conscientious company!"

"Not only that, during the previous virus period, Yaxuan Group turned the tide and distributed all medicines for free. This has long proved that Yaxuan Group is the most conscientious company in the entire continent. There is a reason for people to make money and their companies to develop rapidly, and it should be !”


Maybe Yaxuan Group is the only company in the entire mainland that gets good reviews even if it sells products at a higher price.

"Then may I ask Miss Murong, how much medicine can we provide this time?"

Murong Qing smiled and said: "It can provide an empire's demand for the time being. If we develop it later, it only takes time. We can definitely guarantee that we will have everything we want!"

"Great! Ordinary people can also take it, great!"

"Then Miss Murong, what's the second thing?"

"That's right, Miss Murong, hasn't the potion that Yaxuan Group said a long time ago that can improve the purity of warrior attributes yet been developed? This is something that many, many people are asking about!"


Murong Qing smiled and said: "The second thing is exactly what you asked about. Yes, the second thing is that a potion that improves the purity of warrior attributes has been developed!"

"What! It's really been developed!"

This news really shocked the mainland!

Ordinary warriors who want to improve the purity of their attribute essence can only look for various attribute heaven and earth spiritual treasures to absorb them. Now a company tells you that it has developed a potion that can improve the purity of your attribute essence. How exaggerated is this?

Many people in front of mobile phones and computers are ready to pick up their mobile phones and rush to buy.

"It's just a pity that this kind of potion that improves the purity of attributes cannot be developed and manufactured in large quantities like other potions. The cost is high on the one hand, and the scarcity of raw materials on the other!"

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