Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,404 Take her down?


One of the twelve demon gods?

Lin Xuan expressed his confusion!


Lin Xuan then said: "When I went there, there was a man with red eyes leading a human without any cultivation. It is said that he wanted that human to inherit this power! That means..."

Lin Xuan rubbed his chin!

"Holy crap! Is that person one of the demon gods?"

Lin Xuan's eyes widened!

Nima coins! He actually had a brush with the devil!

And the twelve demon gods are all sealed, or the power of the twelve demon gods is sealed, which means that the power that I inherited is the power of one of the twelve demon gods! But originally, the previous person was going to inherit it to the boy with glasses!

Therefore, the red-eyed man is one of the twelve demon gods, and he should have just inherited the power of the demon god, otherwise he would not be particularly strong! Then he should be doing things under Zhao Mengyue's orders!

This Zhao Mengyue is trying to gather the power of the twelve demon gods!

understood! Lin Xuan understands it all! Coupled with the news given by Lin Ya last time, Zhao Mengyue's current plan is to possess the power of the Twelve Demon Gods. With this level of power as her own power, she will definitely be very powerful!

Especially Lin Xuan felt the same way. After he inherited this power, how terrifying was his void killing pupil? If eleven such terrifying powers appeared again, all of them could be used by her alone...

Somewhat unimaginable!

"Fuck! But how did she know the sealing point of the demon's power?" Lin Xuan frowned.

Linglongxue said: "Simple, it's probably that I got something."

"Fuck! She got it! That sister may have inherited some kind of demonic power?" Lin Xuan frowned.

"should be!"

"Is there any danger?"

Linglongxue said: "You yourself have inherited it, do you feel any changes?"

Lin Xuan shook his head.

"That's right! What she inherited is only the power, not the demon that was once sealed. She is still her, she just has some special power!"

Lin Xuan breathed a complete sigh of relief.

So that's it.

Because Lin Ya is not a bad person in the first place, so there is no need to worry about her gaining some kind of power and killing everyone!

"But there is one thing you should pay attention to."

Yi Renbing reminded Lin Xuan.


"Because at that time, the Void Killing Eye was a power possessed by one of the twelve demon gods, so if you released this power in front of the world, you might be defined as a demon god by some people. Although compared to the power of other demon gods, Void Killing Tong is not an evil force, but the person who once mastered this power is evil, which will inevitably lead to people's preconceptions. "

Lin Xuan nodded: "I understand this."

"Yeah, but there aren't many people in this world who know Wu Sha Tong.

Basically, they are all elders. In fact, it mainly depends on the person, and the influence is not very big! "

Yiren Bing said.

"got it."

Lin Xuan breathed a sigh of relief.

"What are you going to do next?"

Yi Renbing continued to ask.

"Next, continue to improve your strength. It's just that I really want to find my sister, but I don't know the sealing points of other demon gods at all." Lin Xuan scratched his hair.

"Don't worry too much about your sister. She is a good person, so you don't need to worry about her becoming a bad person. And isn't she cooperating with you inside and outside?"

Yiren Bing said.

Lin Xuan nodded: "I know, I'm just worried that she will be wronged."

"She should be the helper of the person you mentioned now, but she has not become a villain, wronged or anything like that. The person you mentioned is not necessarily your sister's opponent. She probably used something to restrict your sister. No need. Too worried."

Lin Xuan nodded; "I know."


Bing then looked at Linglongxue and said, "If it really doesn't work, why don't you go to that senior's place to help with the calculations?"

Linglongxue pondered: "It's not impossible. If the senior agrees, it can be calculated. But she has already calculated the matter about Sister Lin Xuan before. Naturally, she must have calculated the matter about the Twelve Demon Gods. Since she didn't say it, it should be No big problem, right?"

Lin Xuan said: "I think so too, forget it, continue to wait and see, the most important thing is to improve your strength first."

Yi Renbing looked at Lin Xuan and said, "I guess the human race and the demon race are about to start a war."

"I know, it should be soon, especially after what happened to you, I'm afraid they can't wait even more. Don't worry about it, just give birth to my baby properly."

Yi Renbing was too lazy to look at Lin Xuan.

After that, Lin Xuan went to Wushen Academy.

Murong Yu has been away from the Martial Arts Academy for some time. She has been frantically improving her realm. She got a body in the past six months, but her realm has been stagnant for a long time.

Ling Ying, Han Chuxue, Wang Xintong, and Xiao Xinyue also often go out to brush monsters and improve themselves. The rest are just ordinary daily activities!

And why does Lin Xuan go to Martial Arts Academy?

Because Martial Arts Academy sent Lin Xuan a private message, Martial Arts Academy will have a big move soon.

Murong Yu naturally received the private message, and she was on her way back.

There is also good news, Han Chuxue has been promoted to Tianzun, Ling Ying, Xiao Xinyue, and Wang Xintong are only one step away! As for the others, two of them have already been promoted to Tianzun!

"Lin Xuan Lin Xuan Lin Xuan!"

When Lan Xingxing saw that Lin Xuan was finally back, he couldn't help but circle around Lin Xuan.

"What's wrong?"

"Sister Murong hasn't come back for many days, and Sister Wu has been out for many days. I'm so bored. Fortunately, I still have Sister Han and the others to play with, but today they are all out too!! Wuwuwu..."

Blue Star's little mouth pouted with a particularly aggrieved expression.

"I said, everyone is working hard to improve their realm, how about you?"

Lin Xuan scratched her little nose.

"I have worked very hard, and now I have reached five stars in the realm."

Lin Xuan secretly admired.

I feel like this blue star didn’t work hard to cultivate, so why is it a five-star in the realm?

Her talent is definitely not low. If she really worked hard to practice, she would probably be either a ten-star in the realm or already a heavenly master! You really can’t underestimate this foodie.

"I know, you just asked me to make delicious food for you."


Blue Star stuck out her pink tongue.



Because there was only Lin Xuan and herself today, then only she could eat the delicious food made by Lin Xuan! Wow wow wow! That can eat a lot! So happy!

"Let's go to your place and cook some delicious food for you!".


Lin Xuan was thinking, as there was no one around now, could he tentatively capture this girl then?

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