Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,423 She turns out to be from the Evil Temple

It's outrageous for Wu Yuhan to say such things! So Lin Xuan decided that there must be some unknown secret in this!

Wu Yuhan raised his head and looked at Lin Xuan with his beautiful eyes.

This is the cold Wu Yuhan. If it were the charming Wu Yuhan, Lin Xuan might not necessarily believe her, but this cold Wu Yuhan, a girl with this kind of personality, would disdain to lie and would not even bother to say a word. , how could she joke about such a thing?

Wu Yuhan then said: "Actually..."

After saying this, she frowned slightly, then she lowered her head and shook it. When she raised her head again, Lin Xuan found that her eyes had changed! This has clearly become another Wu Yuhan.

The corners of Wu Yuhan's mouth raised slightly.

"Okay, okay, since this sister wants to tell you, then let me tell you."

Lin Xuan scratched his head.

"Sister, tell me."

Lin Xuan said he was confused, what can you say?

Wu Yuhan then laughed, took a sip of coffee, and said lightly: "Actually... I am a member of the Evil Temple."

Lin Xuan; "..."

All right! Lin Xuan was stunned!

But how to put it, maybe it’s reasonable? It can’t be said to be reasonable, because for an organization like the Evil Temple, you really can’t be sure whether someone around you is a member of the Evil Temple. Maybe an old man selling egg pancakes is a member of the Evil Temple...

"Then what?" Lin Xuan looked at Wu Yuhan and asked in confusion.

How to say it?

Although she is a little surprised, but since this Wu Yuhan is the target of the mission, it proves one thing, her character is still good!

The girls who trigger this mission are all good. Even if she is a member of the Evil Temple, Lin Xuan thinks there should be no big problem! And she might be looking for him this time to explain something.


Wu Yuhan played with a strand of her hair, looked at Lin Xuan with a smile and said, "Then... I was sent by the Evil God's Temple to plot against you."

Lin Xuan; "..."

All right! Lin Xuan didn't expect this.

"No, sister, are you plotting against me?"

Lin Xuan touched the tip of his nose.

Having said this, it should be true.

"Hmm... It can't be said to be a plot. The mission I received is to take you to the Temple of Evil, no matter what method it is!"


Lin Xuan scratched his head.

"Then what?"

" chance."

Wu Yuhan shrugged helplessly and said.

Lin Xuan; "..."

"You disappeared for half a year not long after you first entered the Martial God Academy. When you come back, I am no match for you. What can I do?"

Lin Xuan; "..."

Come to think of it.

"The main thing is that my sister has been stopping me, hey..."

Wu Yuhan took another sip of coffee.

"Sister stopped me?"

Lin Xuan frowned.

It can be understood that Wu Yuhan's two personalities are extremely split. They can really be understood as two souls. Each soul dominates the body and can do different things, but the other inherits the memory. , even the two sometimes compete for physical dominance.

This may mean that joining the Evil Temple is just the intention of the sister Wu Yuhan in front of her, and the younger sister, Wu Yuhan, who has a cold personality, does not want to join, and then... maybe the Evil Temple gave her an ultimatum. Then there was a conflict between the two personalities!


Unexpectedly, it was the cold Wu Yuhan who was protecting him in the end!

Ying Ying Ying, moved.

"Yeah, then what do you think I can do?"

Wu Yuhan shrugged helplessly.

"What do you mean now?"

Lin Xuan looked at Wu Yuhan and asked.

"What do you mean now? Isn't it very clear?"

Lin Xuan touched the tip of his nose!

"Okay, then you take me to find the Evil Temple."

Wu Yuhan glanced at Lin Xuan one more time.

"What do you mean?"

"I would like to know,

The Evil Temple where you are is just a small branch of the Evil Temple or..."

Wu Yuhan thought for a moment and then said: "It cannot be said to be the largest main hall of the Evil Temple, but it is not just a small branch hall. The Evil Temple has a main hall. This main hall is something I have never seen before. There are five evil temple branches below, called the five evil temples of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. These five evil temple branches are responsible for five continents. Under these five evil temple branches, there may be one in each city. Small branch hall!”

Lin Xuan; "..."

To be honest, he, including everyone on the mainland, had long known how widespread this evil temple was, but he didn't expect it to be so wide! Every empire, every city...

It's just that the Evil Temple will always be the Evil Temple, and it will never be able to become an existence at the level of the three major forces! Because the number of people is not comparable!

A force that can only remain in darkness forever. How much can you expect such a force to develop?

Of course, there is a reason why the Evil Temple has grown so big and powerful. The Evil Temple has captured the dark side of human nature!

"Then you are..."

"I am a member of the Evil God Fire Temple in China, one of the five evil temples."

Lin Xuan; "..."

"Sister, who are you? Where can you get in?"

Lin Xuan opened his mouth.

Wu Yuhan smiled and said, "It's nothing. She's just beautiful and was noticed by an elder from the Evil God's Fire Palace."

"Then you were raped?"

Wu Yuhan: "..."

"No, I was killed by my sister a long time ago."

Lin Xuan; "..."

Very tough.

"Won't be discovered?"

"I discovered it, but no one knows who did it, and I will still be a member of the Evil God Fire Temple."

Wu Yuhan said.

Lin Xuan pondered slightly.

The metal, wood, water, fire and earth are just the names of the five branch halls of the Evil God's main hall in the five empires. No matter you are the Evil God's Fire Palace or the Evil God's Water Palace, just to distinguish them, they are both Evil God's Palace!

"But, my sister doesn't agree to do anything to you and insists on telling you. Now that I've told you, I have no choice but to tell you the truth, right?"

Lin Xuan looked at her: "I always thought that the most difficult thing to deal with was your cold personality, but I didn't expect it to be your personality."

"No, it's not difficult for people to deal with. Didn't I tell you this obediently?"

Wu Yuhan gave Lin Xuan a charming look.

"Tch, if I wasn't smart, I would have been fooled by you."

"Hmm...are you smart? Did you find out before this?"

Lin Xuan touched the tip of his nose awkwardly!

To be honest, because the system triggered a mission for her, Lin Xuan was not wary of Wu Yuhan at all! Fortunately! Fortunately, the cold Wu Yuhan stepped forward!

"No, what I'm wondering is, why would you join the Evil Temple?"

Wu Yuhan stirred the coffee and said, "Let's play."

Lin Xuan; "..."

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