Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,434 Pretending

Murong Qing watched Lin Xuan's performance with great interest.

"Sure enough, he used to be a dandy. This dandy acted so arrogantly."

Murong Qing's mouth curled up slightly.

"Fuck! You still dare to take action?"

Lin Xuan blasted it away!

At this moment, on the fifth floor of Jinxuan Palace, a person was watching this scene!

"What's going on? Someone dares to do something in Jinxuan Palace? What's going on?"

At this time, a woman wearing waiter's clothes ran up.

"Brother Zhan, someone was looking for something to do with this person. After they started fighting, Ajie tried to stop them, and then he was beaten by that person again."

"Are you sure someone else came to find this person first?"

The man pointed at Lin Xuan who was beating up that Ajie on the surveillance camera.

"Yes, I saw it with my own eyes, him flirting with this guy's girlfriend."

Xiao Zhan frowned!

"Which young master is this? Let's go!"

At this time, several old men came out of the nearby rooms.

"what happened?"

"Sixth Elder, someone is looking for trouble, I will go and settle it now."

Xiao Zhan quickly saluted and said.

"Well, let's settle it."

Then they walked down.

That Ajie had been beaten to a pulp by Lin Xuan. Several people around him clenched their fists, but no one took action.

"Grass mud horse! How dare you provoke me? No one in Lin'an City dares to provoke me! What a blind guy!"

Lin Xuan cursed angrily!


At this time, Xiao Zhan came over with a smile.

"Why is this brother so angry? It's my fault as an employee for provoking brother."

Then Xiao Zhan handed Lin Xuan a cigarette.

Lin Xuan glanced at the man.

One star in the Heavenly Realm!

"Are you the boss here?"

Lin Xuan took the cigarette and Xiao Zhan lit it for him.

"Well, I'm Xiao Zhan, who is my brother??"

"Lin Jibang."

Lin Xuan said.

"It turns out to be Mr. Lin, nice to meet you!"

Then Xiao Zhan winked at the people next to him, and they quickly took that Ajie down and dealt with him secretly.

"Master Lin, my subordinates are ignorant of Taishan, which has made Master Lin unhappy. I am here to apologize for this matter. There is no need to compensate for anything that is broken here. In addition, this is a bottle of fine red wine. It is an apology to Master Lin." ”

Lin Xuan took the red wine.

"Are there such a bunch of hot chicks in Jinxuan Palace? Is there a place like this that doesn't cost a lot of money? I want to go with my girlfriend to a place with high-quality people. Is it on the third or fourth floor?"

Lin Xuan asked.


Mr. Lin, the ones I have here were all ordered many years ago, and I won’t add more seats to the public now. "

Xiao Zhan said with a smile.

"Do you think I'm short of money? Just tell me how much it is."

Lin Xuan glared at Xiao Zhan.

"Young Master Lin, it's not that I won't give you a seat, Young Master Lin, but it's stipulated that seats are no longer sold to outsiders. I really can't help you. If Young Master Lin wants to go to a quieter place, the third and fourth floors are fine."

Lin Xuan then said, "I just saw outside that there is a fifth floor here, which is quite big. Is that accessible?"

"Yes, that's what you can do!"

"Then I'm going to the fifth floor now, will you give me some?"

Lin Xuan pretended to be very dandy and said in a arrogant manner.

"Master Lin, it's really a rule."

"Fuck! It seems like you can't speak. Let someone who can really speak come. Hurry up! Don't force me to take action! There are places in Lin'an City that I can't go to!"

Lin Xuan then cursed angrily!

"Master Lin, I am the boss here."

"Get out of here, boss? Then I can't go to the fifth floor because of your words."

matter? Stop whining here and ask your real boss to come over. Don't force me to take action! "

Lin Xuan then cursed.

"Hehehe, Mr. Lin, I am the boss!"

Lin Xuan then slapped him with his backhand, but Xiao Zhan dodged it.

"Master Lin, isn't it good to be aggressive?"

Xiao Zhan asked coldly.

Originally, Lin Xuan was deliberately looking for trouble, no matter whether he was okay or not.

"You're not screaming, are you? Then you forced me to do it."

At this time, an old man walked down with a smile.

"Why are you doing this, little brother? There is really nothing fun in the fifth floor. Since little brother wants to go to the fifth floor, what's not to do?"

The old man walked over with a smile.

"Is it okay now?"

Lin Xuan smoked a cigarette vigorously.

"After all, if the little brother makes trouble again, our Jinxuan Palace will not be able to open, right?"

"You Jinxuan Palace are really unkind. You said you couldn't go to the fifth floor, and now you say you can. It's really interesting!"

Lin Xuan shrugged his shoulders.

This old man is a nine-star Tianzun realm, so there is no big problem! Lin Xuan, a six-star Tianzun realm, can kill him at will.

"But let me say it first, there is really nothing fun in the fifth floor."

The old man said!

"I don't care if it's fun or not, I just can't swallow this! Let's go!"

Lin Xuan then hugged Murong Qing, and they walked to the fifth floor together!

"Do you want the Sixth Elder to..."

That Xiao Zhan made a gesture of wiping his neck.

This Sixth Elder is only the Sixth Elder of the Evil God Temple in Lin'an City, not the Sixth Elder of the Evil God Fire Temple.

"No need, don't cause trouble."


Lin Xuan carried Murong Qing to the fifth floor, and the old man followed Lin Xuan.

"Old man, why are the rooms on the fifth floor so closed? Are they for fun?"

"Hehehe, Mr. Lin, don't tell me this. There is really no fun in the fifth floor."

"What's in this room?"

"The rooms are all rooms for some customers. Basically, they are like regular residents of the hotel. However, you can call for various services anytime and anywhere, and the facilities in the room are relatively complete. "

The old man said.

"Then give me a permanent room."

"Hahaha, Mr. Lin, I don't have any spare rooms here, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to tell Mr. Lin that there won't be more seats now, right?"

The old man said with a smile.

Lin Xuan nodded slightly.

He and Murong Qing were observing the layout of the fifth floor, including how many rooms it had!

There are probably all experts here, and only one person lives in one room. How many rooms means how many Tianzun or Taixu Realm there are here! This is why they come here and cause trouble!

"Well, it's also my problem. After taking a look at it, I probably understand it. Then I will make amends with you."

Lin Xuan said.

"Hahaha, it's okay, then Mr. Lin can continue playing down there."

"No! It's boring! Come back tonight!"

Lin Xuan then hugged Murong Qing and left.

"Sixth Elder, are you really not going to get rid of him??"

The Sixth Elder said, "He's just a dandy with some power, there's no need to cause trouble!"


Lin Xuan and Murong Qing came to a cafe to discuss.


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