Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,446 Leng Wuxin’s heart

"Hey, what are you thinking about?"

Lu Yufan glanced at Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan shook his head: "It's okay, I didn't think about anything."

"I guess I'm thinking of how to take advantage of Sister Qiyue."

Miao Xiaomiao muttered.

Lin Xuan: "..."


He is wronged! In the eyes of these girls, he turned out to be such a person!

"Ahem, I just came here to have fun with you. If you don't welcome me, hey... then I'll leave."

Lin Xuan sighed, looking very sad.


Zhao Yunqi and the soft-hearted Ye Yiyi were immediately fooled, and subconsciously tried to retain them.

Lin Xuan's mouth curled up slightly.

"Yiyi and Yunqi are still sensible."

Lin Xuan then shamelessly sat beside them, holding Zhao Yunqi's small hand with his big hand, causing her pretty face to turn pink.

"Are you in the Xuantian realm?"

Lin Xuan asked Zhao Yunqi with a smile.

"Ah? How did you know that?"

Zhao Yunqi asked quietly.

"You guessed it."

She then nodded: "Yeah, I'm already at the Xuantian realm."

Lin Xuan nodded: "Great."

Hearing Lin Xuan's compliment, Zhao Yunqi's face turned even redder.

She just wanted Lin Xuan's praise and felt very, very happy.

"Work hard and try to go to Wushen Academy next year."

Lin Xuan said.


Lin Xuan then looked at An Xin. This girl was also in the Xuantian realm. After all, it had been quite a while, and the girls hung out together every day. Not to mention how good their relationship was, they also went to the monster realm all day long.

"You are also Xuan Tian."

"hold head high."

An Xin nodded.


"Of course!"

An Xin said proudly.

Lin Xuan then looked at Miao Xiaomiao and asked: "Will you participate in the Martial God Academy this time?"

Miao Xiaomiao still shook her head: "I didn't participate last time, and I won't participate this time. I will still follow Yun Qi, play with Sister Qiyue An Xin, and go to the monster realm together! Then spend more time with Grandpa. "

Lin Xuan nodded; "Alright."

Miao Xiaomiao's talent is very high, and her personal strength is also very strong. Although she is in the domain realm now, she seems to have fallen behind a lot because Ling Ying and the others are already Heavenly Masters, but she is really not in a hurry!

To be honest, if she really practiced hard, she would definitely be at a higher level than Ling Ying and Han Chuxue at the same age!

"Lin Xuan, when are you going to attend the Tianwu Conference?"

Ye Yiyi asked.

"Next week."

"Can we go see it?"

she asked.

Lin Xuan shook his head: "I don't know either. I'm waiting for notification of the details. We haven't even been notified yet of where to call."

"Come on, we must beat the shit out of those people!"

Lu Yufan waved her pink fist.

"Oh, don't you diss me this time."

Lin Xuan asked with a smile.

"Tch, after all, other people are outsiders. Even if you are unhappy, you can't speak for outsiders you don't know at all."

Lu Yufan rolled his eyes.

"You and Yiyi work hard, you can improve a lot by entering the Martial God Academy."

"I know, I know."

"Well...I'll go first then."

After Lin Xuan finished speaking, several girls looked at him with longing eyes.

Are you leaving just like that?

Lin Xuan paused in his steps: "How about we go out and play together?"


Lin Xuan still didn't find a chance to express his love. He didn't want to wait any longer. Ye Yiyi didn't trigger the task, but Lin Xuan said, can I not take the task? ?

And An Xin, Zhao Yunqi, these are all girls who can be won, but Lin Xuanmu has a chance!

They are all together...

But it doesn't matter anymore, let's talk about it later, anyway, the male god has quite a lot of value now.

After playing for a day, it was already night after leaving, and Lin Xuan went directly to Bai Xuanxuan's place!

At this moment, Bai Xuanxuan was chatting with Leng Wuxin.

"What's it like inside the Evil Temple?"

Bai Xuanxuan poured her a cup of coffee.

Leng Wuxin hesitated slightly and said, "It's nothing. The Evil Temple is the same as usual, but the people are different."

Over the past month, she has gradually become accustomed to this kind of life. Although there are only Bai Xuanxuan and some masters from Shura Hall in her life, her heart gradually calms down! I'm busy with things every day, and then I go shopping with Bai Xuanxuan, chat, and do everything!

how to say?

At least for now, it seems that the two of them have become good friends who talk about everything!

"By the way, are you Lin Xuan's woman?"

Leng Wuxin took a sip of coffee and asked lightly.

"Oh, yes."

Bai Xuanxuan nodded.

"You are so outstanding, so beautiful, and you have the attribute of time and high realm. Why did you choose such a man?"

Leng Wuxin asked.

"Um...what happened to him?"

Bai Xuanxuan asked.

"Shameless, despicable, despicable!"

"Then what?"


Leng Wuxin thought for a while and frowned slightly.

Then she couldn't say anything.

"She looks pretty good, she's a nice person, she's very talented, she's very responsible, and she's very capable. Apart from being a little carefree, I don't think there's much else." Bai Xuanxuan said.

"I mean, with your qualifications, you can find better ones."

Leng Wuxin said.

Bai Xuanxuan smiled and said: "Later, I gradually realized that in fact, there is no better person in this world, only satisfaction and dissatisfaction. I am very satisfied with him, so in my eyes, he is the best, isn't he? "

Leng Wuxin pondered slightly: "It makes sense."

"how about you?"

Bai Xuanxuan asked.

Although they have known each other for more than a month, they have not talked much about this aspect. Today, it happened that this topic was brought up.

"Me? I will kill him!"

Leng Wuxin said coldly.

"I see that you have been quite comfortable this month. Apart from the fact that your freedom may have been restricted, what do you think?" Bai Xuanxuan asked with a smile.

Leng Wuxin was stunned on the spot.

How has she been spending this month?

In fact, she had never thought about this issue, but after Bai Xuanxuan said this, she was completely stunned! This is the first time I'm thinking about this question in my mind.

This month she...

Although her freedom was restricted, she seemed to be having a relatively happy time this month! As long as I don't think about Lin Xuan, I go shopping, shopping, eating big meals, and playing with Bai Xuanxuan every day. It seems that these days are indeed very happy, happier than any day before!

Every day before, she had lived a very tired life. She had been a killer since she was a child. She could not get out of that kind of life. She even thought about it at that time, if she had parents, if she lived in an ordinary family. How much of a family it would be to live an ordinary life, but this month, her life changed unexpectedly! Life has become what she once imagined!

And everything is that Lin Xuan!

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