Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,452 Wu Yuhan’s Past

The murderous intention revealed by Wu Yuhan was very weak. It was obvious that she released it completely subconsciously, and her subconscious thought was...not to reveal her murderous intention!

The current Wu Yuhan is the cold Wu Yuhan, that is, the younger sister.

At that moment, everyone felt a killing intent, even Chu Feng and the others felt it, but it was fleeting, and they didn't even know where the killing intent came from or who the target was.

When Chu Feng saw their appearance, he was simply shocked!

Every! Any girl's appearance is extremely top-notch, this...

It's normal for two or three girls of this quality to get together, but it's too exaggerated for six or seven girls of this level to get together, right?


There are so many excellent women, why is there a man among them?

"Hello, are you also participating in the Tianwu Conference?"

Chu Feng asked with a smile.


"Oh, hehehe, I am also here to participate in the Tianwu Conference. I am from the Chu Family of Feng Country, Chu Feng! I'm glad to meet you."

Chu Feng said with a smile.


They nodded and moved forward. The fastest mobile version of 999 novel updates: https:/

"Hey... you guys, it's not far to go to the top of the North Pole. The journey is full of dangers. If we go together, we can take care of each other, right?"

Murong Yu said calmly: "No need, I'll see you at the Tianwu Conference."

Then Lin Xuan stretched out his arms and hugged the slender waists of Ling Ying and Han Chuxue, hugging them provocatively and walking forward!


Chu Feng frowned and clenched his fists.

"Do you know who that man is?"

Chu Feng asked several people around him.

"I've never heard of them. Some of these women seem familiar, but... I really can't remember them."

One man shook his head and said.

"They all look a little weak! It's just...that man hugging him on both sides?"

This is what makes them most unhappy! A man hugging a woman of this level from one side to the other. Who can bear this? As long as you are a normal man, your jealousy should not be too strong!

"Check and tell us later!!"

"Let go!"

Ling Ying glared at Lin Xuan.

"Hey hey hey..."

Then Lin Xuan released his arms around the waists of Ling Ying and Han Chuxue!

Actually...if nothing else, these people now know more or less what they know, except that they have never caught Lin Xuan and a certain girl in person in several scenes!

"I'll just hug the two fairies and pretend to be a little bitch."

Lin Xuan scratched his head and said with a smile.

"Hey, who showed murderous intent just now?"

Ling Ying ignored Lin Xuan's words and asked.

They all felt the killing intention, and they would never have the killing intention inexplicably. The fleeting killing intention was released from one of them.

They looked at each other and shook their heads.

"it's me."

Wu Yuhan then said coldly.

Everyone looked at Wu Yuhan.

"What's going on? Who among those people do you have a grudge against?"

Lin Xuan asked.

Wu Yuhan nodded: "Yes, with the one named Chu Feng."

"Has anything happened before?"

Lin Xuan asked.


Wu Yuhan nodded gently, and then they walked into a hotel box and ordered the special dishes here. Everyone began to look at Wu Yuhan with concern and curiosity.

Wu Yuhan then said: "My family used to be in Feng Country."


They looked at each other, and then Wu Yuhan said: "When I was young, not too young, maybe in my teens, a group of powerful people came to the family that night. I don't know why, and I still don't know why. Knowing why, they killed everyone in the Wu family, including my parents, sister. "

Lin Xuan frowned.

He really didn't expect that there would be such grudges between them.

"it's him?"

Wu Yuhan shook his head: "I can't say it's him. After nearly ten years of investigation, I basically found out who it is. I don't know who it is, but I only know that it's his family, the Chu family of Feng Kingdom, and Feng family!”

"How are these two families?"

Lin Xuan asked.

"They are all top families in the Feng Country. The Feng Country is different from the Hua Country. The top families in the Feng Country control each city and are extremely powerful. They are not comparable to the eight major families in Tiandu! And the Chu family, especially the Feng Country, The families are the top existences, especially the Feng Family, which is similar to the royal family of the Feng Kingdom, and these two families are both killer families!”

Wu Yuhan said.

"Then your Wu family..."

Wu Yuhan said: "Although the Wu family in my memory is not weak, it is not very strong either. It is not even a top family that controls a city level. I don't know why, the Wu family will attract the assassination of these two families! If it weren’t for my absence at the time, I would have been dead, but over the years I followed my sister’s guidance and found these clues.”

"Isn't your sister dead?"

Xiao Xinyue asked doubtfully.

"The soul is in my body."

Murong Yu suddenly realized!

"No wonder, so you don't have a split personality, but just two souls that alternately control this body?"

Murong Yu felt suspicious at that time.

Wu Yuhan nodded.

She now has absolute trust in these people, so she is willing to tell them some things.

"Is it your family that has provoked a family of this level?"

Lin Xuan asked with a frown.

Wu Yuhan shook his head: "No, my father and the others are very low-key and never do anything to make the family strong. The family is not weak. In my father's opinion, he is already very satisfied. It just makes me have some questions." The thing is..."ωωω\\m\\


"As a kid, as long as I can remember, my sister and I never went out together."


They looked at Wu Yuhan in confusion.

"My sister and I are twins, but my father seems to have tried his best to conceal the news that my sister and I are twins from the beginning. Even some people in the family don't know that the Wu family is actually two daughters-in-law. Many people in the family even thought that My sister and I are the same person. If I go out, what does my sister need to do? Even in the family, my sister and I have never appeared together in front of the clan. "

Lin Xuan frowned.

"Your father must be hiding such a secret, and this secret must have something to do with you or your sister!" Lin Xuan said.

Wu Yuhan nodded; "I know, but I just don't know what I'm hiding."

"So the Chu family and the Feng family must have killed your whole family because of this unknown thing..."

Wu Yuhan nodded; "But... even now I still don't know what my father and grandfather were protecting back then, and what made these two big families not hesitate to destroy the Wu family!"

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