Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,163 Plan against Lin Xuan

Lin Xuan and the wind chime were facing each other, and almost everyone's attention was focused on them.

"Damn it! Why can't I scold you! Crazy woman! Crazy woman!"


Feng Chime clenched her pink fist.

"Look out, one of these two people is Lin Xuan from the Hua Kingdom. He is the number one in the Martial God Academy. He once defeated Duan Lingxiao at the Heavenly Realm in the Domain Realm. The other is Feng Chime from the Feng Kingdom. He is the most talented person in the Feng Family in the past hundred years. There seems to be some conflict between these two people. If they can fight, they will have a chance to know in advance about your future competition! "

A strong man said to several people behind him.

"You are all optimistic about it too!"



"Space blockade!"

The wind chime directly blocked the space around her and Lin Xuan.

"The humiliation of the past few days, now I want to pay you back tenfold!"

The wind chime is wrapped with thunder.

Lin Xuan's purple thunder is also entangled.

"I'm afraid of you, crazy woman!"

"You're still scolding!" Feng Ling's eyes flashed with anger.

"Take the move!"

She gave a sweet shout and then rushed towards Lin Xuan.

At this moment, a figure directly broke through the space blockade released by the wind chime and stood in front of the wind chime.

"That's enough! Stop making trouble!"

Feng Qingyang stared at her daughter.

Wind chimes stop now!


"Go back quickly!"

Feng Qingyang drank.

It can be seen that this wind chime is still very afraid of his father.


She then pursed her lips, glared at Lin Xuan behind her, gritted her teeth and said, "I'll let you go today, but when the competition comes, I will make you pay the price!"

"Crazy woman!"

Lin Xuanke didn't give Feng Ling face just because her father was here!


Wind Chime gritted her silver teeth, then waved her hand angrily, turned around and walked away.

Feng Qingyang smiled and looked at Lin Xuan and said, "Brother Lin Xuan, please don't worry about it. My daughter has been spoiled since she was a child and she doesn't know etiquette."

Lin Xuan nodded; "I'm a bit spoiled."

"Well, I will definitely educate this girl well when I go back."

Feng Qingyang nodded to Lin Xuan and walked away!

"It's a pity that there was no fight."

Some people nearby were talking.

"If they don't start fighting, they don't start fighting. I don't lack the need to observe them fighting!"

"Hmph! What do you know, you can defeat Duan Lingxiao in the Tianzun realm in the domain realm? Duan Lingxiao is not an ordinary person!"

Poor Duan Lingxiao has become the comparison person for these strong men to introduce Lin Xuan to their descendants. Yes, Duan Lingxiao is very strong. He is the son of the Lord of the Trial Society. His identity is the same as Murong Yu, but he is in Tianzun. Realm actually lost to Lin Xuan of Realm Realm!

Therefore, in the eyes of these people, Lin Xuan, who seems to be ordinary, is actually what these people pay most attention to!

You said that your domain level can defeat Tianzun level, which seems to be nothing. Although it is difficult, many people present can do it. But if you defeated a top genius like Duan Lingxiao, then it is a bit exaggerated!

Lin Xuan walked to the Xiao family helplessly!

"Lin Xuan, do you have a grudge against this girl from the Feng family?"

Xiao Zun asked.

Xiao Runing also looked at Lin Xuan curiously.

Isn't this Lin Xuan very attractive to girls? That wind chime is also very beautiful. Logically speaking, they shouldn't have such a seemingly hostile relationship.

Lin Xuan shrugged helplessly: "There was a little friction before. There is something wrong with this woman! It's like I am her father-killing enemy."

"This Feng family is very elegant, you should pay attention to it, and Xinyue, you should also pay attention to it!"

Xiao Xinyue and Lin Xuan both nodded.

"Lingling, don't provoke this Lin Xuan in the future!"

Feng Qingyang looked at the wind chime and said!


Feng Chime said unhappily.

"You may not be his opponent, and behind him, there are the powerful Shura Palace and Yaxuan Group."

"So what, can you compare to my Feng family?"

The wind chime gritted its silver teeth.

“Just because we can’t compare now, doesn’t mean we can’t compare in the future!”

"I don't care, I don't care! I'm just unhappy with him! I just want to teach him a lesson, and who says I'm afraid of him! It's good that he can defeat Duan Lingxiao! But I may not be able to defeat him!"

The wind chimes are driving me crazy!

"Lingling, I was right about buying breakfast before!"

Feng Qinghao said!

"You, you, you!! You actually speak for outsiders, I don't care, I'm just unhappy!"

Feng Chime said frantically.

Then the Feng family shook their heads helplessly: "In short, you must not let this Lin Xuan disturb your mind and judgment. Your goal is not only to defeat him, but the most important thing now is to get into the top ten of the Tianwu Conference and enter You will gain nothing by defeating the Gate of Divine Enlightenment, but the benefits you will gain by entering the Gate of Divine Enlightenment are real!”

Feng Chime nodded: "Oh, I know."

One after another, all the characters came to the top of the North Pole!

At this time Murong Feng came out and said: "Everyone, please rest since you are here. Tomorrow morning, the Tianwu Conference will officially begin!"

Then everyone set up their tents one after another and entered the tents to rest.

Although it's cold here, with their strength, it doesn't matter if they wait here.

"When the time comes for the Tianwu Conference, let's join forces."

In the corner on the other side, several people stood there, smoking in the cold wind.

Duan Lingxiao, Xiao Yun, Su Zhiming and Qin Ming.

Duan Lingxiao stood here thinking about something, Xiao Yun and the other three came to find him.

Xiao Yun already knew that Lin Xuan had taken the poison pill, but he became even more flustered! Why?

Behind this Lin Xuan is the Yaxuan Group and even the Shura Palace. It may not be as good as the Xiao family now, but judging from the rising momentum of the Yaxuan Group, it won't be long before the Xiao family is suppressed! This world only cares about profits! If the benefits that the Xiao family can bring to the Evil Temple are not as good as those of Lin Xuan, then Lin Xuan will overpower him!

Therefore, he still hopes that Lin Xuan can die! Even if he can't die, at least he must be prevented from entering the Gate of Divine Enlightenment! As long as they can enter the Gate of Divine Enlightenment, Lin Xuan cannot get in. When they come out, Lin Xuan will definitely not be their opponent!

Duan Lingxiao glanced at them.


Duan Lingxiao said calmly.

"Hehehe, Mr. Duan, if you don't have such concerns, why would you come here to smoke alone? Working alone is not as good as the cooperation of several people, right? Moreover, I'm afraid it's not just us, other people are also seeking cooperation one after another. "

Duan Lingxiao paused and then looked at them.

"How to cooperate??"

Lin Xuan chatted with the Xiao family for a while, and then slipped over to Ling Ying and the others.

"Master Lin."

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