Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,165 The first round of the Tianwu Conference begins!

When Lin Xuan got in, Ling Ying sat there in a hurry.


Lin Xuan frowned slightly.

"'s okay."

Ling Ying quickly shook her head.

Lin Xuan looked at this girl curiously.

What was she doing just now? It felt like she was leaning against the tent and listening to their chat.

Could she have heard it?

If Ling Ying releases some power to improve his hearing, it seems that he can hear it with his Tianzun level hearing.

"What did you hear?"

Lin Xuan asked.

Ling Ying looked at Lin Xuan.

"What is Shura?"

Lin Xuan: "..."

It seems that I heard it.

"It's okay, leave this matter to me. As your man, these are all small things."

Lin Xuan said.

"It's definitely not that easy."

Ling Ying shook her head and looked at Lin Xuan, asking: "What exactly is it? Why do both my father and you hide it from me?"

"It's okay, it's okay. It's really okay. If something really happens, can I still come over and attend the Tianwu Conference leisurely?"

Lin Xuan said.


Ling Ying nodded.

"Okay, okay, let's take a rest, we will prepare for the Tianwu Conference at dawn!"

Early the next morning, Lin Xuan climbed out of Ling Ying's tent.

As soon as we came out, there was already a group of people standing outside! Then Lin Xuan and Ling Ying came out together and were noticed by many people!


Xiao Yun clenched his fists tightly!

Ling Ying was the woman he had always liked, but she was cut off by Lin Xuan halfway!

He really doesn't understand!

If we talk about Lin Xuan now, he is indeed quite outstanding, Xiao Yun admitted, but what about before? I was really a P before! What did he miss Lin Xuan before? Why was Ling Ying his girlfriend before?

Murong Feng glanced at Lin Xuan and Ling Ying.

Ai? Are this boy and Ling Ying boyfriend and girlfriend?

What a pity, what a pity! I also plan to see if there is a chance for my daughter...

"Xiaoyu, look at me!"

Murong Feng said to Murong Yu who was beside him.

"What are you looking at?"

Murong Yu asked in surprise.

"Since when did Ling Ying from Tiandu become Lin Xuan's girlfriend? What about you? You and Lin Xuan have been in God's Domain for half a year and nothing happened?"

Murong Yu: "..."

She took a look.

Sure enough, this Ling Ying is Lin Xuan's woman, and then this Lin Xuan wants to pursue him?

he tui! Dog man!

"I don't have to be boyfriend and girlfriend with Lin Xuan." Murong Yu muttered.

"Hey... your father, I really have the urge to be his father-in-law. Forget it, this Tianwu Conference is important. With your strength, the top ten shouldn't be a big problem, but there are so many masters this time, first of all Not to mention Lin Xuan, the people around Lin Xuan now, whether they are Ling Ying, Han Chuxue, or those from the Martial Arts Academy, Wu Yuhan, etc., including the Feng family, the Chu family, Duan Lingxiao, Chi Tianqing...etc. Wait, don’t be careless! If you, the daughter of the Lord of the Temple, don’t enter the Gate of Divine Enlightenment, your father and I will lose face.”


Murong Yu said confidently.

Of course she has absolute confidence in her own strength! Mainly because her realm has almost returned! This month, she spent day and night in the dangerous areas of the monster realm, and her realm reached five stars in the Heavenly Realm!

Although there must be many people present who are above the five-star level of Tianzun Realm, she has this confidence!

“Just be confident!”

Everyone walked out one after another.

Others just stayed around.

"Start the live broadcast!"

Murong Feng said!


Then dozens of staff started the live broadcast in dozens of directions!

Live streaming is necessary! Because this allows children all over the continent to see the charm of these people. They are obviously not much different in age, so why are they so different in this regard? This can definitely inspire the fighting spirit of those on the mainland!

"It's started, it's started! The live broadcast has started!!"

"Hey? Where's Lin Xuan? Wow, wow, wow! This little brother is so handsome.


"Huh? He's really handsome."


Miao Xiaomiao, Lu Yufan, Ye Yiyi, Zhao Yunqi, Zi Qiyue, An Xin, and of course the Blue Star also came over. They were not very familiar with each other, but they were also friends. They gathered together to watch the Tianwu Conference. Live broadcast, but I have been waiting for a long time.

On the other side, Linglongxue and the others were also sitting in the living room, watching the Tianwu Conference on the TV!

"Hey, let's watch the live broadcast together?"

Murong Qing took her laptop to Luo Chenxi's office.

"What live broadcast?"

"Tianwu Conference!"


Then the two women also sat together.

Of course, normally they would not pay attention to it, but it was because of Lin Xuan and some good friends that they would pay attention to this Tianwu Conference!

On the other side, Bai Xuanxuan and Leng Wuxin were also sitting together, watching the start of the Tianwu Conference!

"Let's stop for a moment."

In another unknown place, Zhao Mengyue said something, and then several figures flashed to her side.

"Boss, what's the matter?"

"Watch the live broadcast! Tianwu Conference!"

Zhao Mengyue said lightly.

Then she looked at Lin Ya who was in a daze in the distance and said, "Lin Ya, can I see your brother? Why don't you come?"

Lin Ya came over.

Then Zhao Mengyue said: "In the future, these people will be our enemies. Now is just the time for you all to get familiar with these people. What I have to admit is that a group of them are very powerful! Don't hold on to those watching the theater. Attitude, you must watch this Tianwu Conference with an attitude of understanding and learning!”


Thousands of outsiders, the relatives of those warriors whose families participated in the Tianwu Conference, and their clansmen were watching from the edge, including Ling Hai, Han Guang and the others! Two hundred and fifty contestants gathered in the middle! Then dozens of strong men from the three major forces walked into the middle.

Murong Feng, Duan Tianming, Chi Tianshu, three middle-aged men, the three leaders of the Temple, the Trial Society and the Bounty Hunter Guild!

"Let me announce some of the circumstances of this Tianwu Conference!"

Murong Feng glanced at everyone and said: "This Tianwu Conference is divided into three rounds. The total scores of the three rounds will be used for the final ranking. The reward for the top ten is the qualification to enter the Gate of Divine Inspiration, and the top thirty will enter Although the other secret realm is not as good as the Gate of Divine Enlightenment, it is not bad at all! The first round of competition is a competition between warriors! "

"This competition will be broadcast live. I hope that everyone in the mainland can see the grace of these children and become the same existence as them in the future! Become the Tianzun realm in their twenties!! Become the pride of the people of the mainland!"

Murong Feng then said: "There are a total of two hundred and fifty people in this competition. The number is small, but it is of great significance. The rules are as follows. Each person fights fifteen games in total. If you win, you will gain one point. If you lose, you will lose one point. The system will automatically Put together the warriors who have the same or close number of wins. To put it simply, except for the first game, in every other game, the opponents you encounter are basically the same or the same as you in wins and losses. Close, the closest in strength!”

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