Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,473 The Son of the Evil One

Cough cough cough——

After hearing Lin Xuan's words, some people couldn't help but cough.

Wow! This Lin Xuan is a real dog! If you don't do anything else, you just like to poke people's pain!

This must be Duan Lingxiao's pain point. As a top warrior, the best among Tianzong wizards, what he should do is to defeat the high realm with a low realm. However, he was defeated by a low realm. Is he embarrassed? What a shame!

Then Lin Xuan, a thief, deliberately mentioned this matter, and also deliberately mentioned the matter of Tianzun Realm and Domain Realm.

Duan Lingxiao clenched his fist, then snorted coldly and said: "The last time we fought in the virtual warehouse, it was somewhat different from reality, but I did lose to you, Mr. Lin. I admit this, but This time, I won’t!”

Then he waved the spiritual weapon in his hand and looked at Lin Xuan with bright eyes.

Lin Xuan shook his head: "It's useless. You don't even have space attributes. How can you fight against a warrior with space attributes?"

One thing to say, Duan Lingxiao is indeed powerful. Without the attributes of space and time, he can still have such strong strength. This is something that has to be admired!

"I am at a higher level than you, and your use of spatial attributes will not have much effect on me! So, there is no need to worry about this at all!" Duan Lingxiao said lightly.

And... who told him that he couldn't fight without spatial attributes? Who told him that he has no time attribute?

As such a top-notch existence in time and space, there must be one! Yes, all he has is time!

It's just a pity that in the last battle with Lin Xuan in the virtual warehouse, he was too conceited! The power of the time attribute was not even useful, which led to his failure! If he uses it, he will never be defeated!

So this time, he still has a good chance! His realm is higher than that of Lin Xuan, his attributes are not much worse, and his martial arts skills are not bad either! Why should he lose?

"All right!"

Lin Xuan shrugged his shoulders, then stretched out his hand, and a public spiritual weapon flew into his hand!

Duan Lingxiao took a deep breath!

This battle is a battle to avenge shame!

The aura of the two people was surging, and at the same time, thunder wrapped around them!

Blue and purple!

"Lin Xuan is also a bit surprised. His thunder is actually a purple thunder! Purple thunder should be more destructive and stronger than any other thunder, right?"

"Yes, this purple thunder can at least make up for the one-star difference in the Tianzun realm, so if they fight thunder, there should be no gap between the two of them in realm!"

"Last time, Ling Xiao lost to Lin Xuan. It seems like he wants to avenge his shame this time. The bigger reason why he lost last time was because of his pride. But this time, it's hard to say! But it's hard to say! I really think Lin Xuan is really powerful, the previous battle with Zhuge Feng already showed something!"


Whether it was the powerful men of the surrounding families, the powerful men of the three major forces, or the people in front of their mobile phones and computers, they were all talking about it.


The battle is about to begin!

"Remember? Last time, my rules and fields were not used yet! You should know that, right?"

Duan Lingxiao and Lin Xuan's two swords entangled with thunder kept colliding, and then Duan Lingxiao gritted his teeth and talked to Lin Xuan.

Bang bang bang——

The two men's sword moves were so fast.

"Yeah, it didn't work, what? So you're going to use it this time?"

"This time, I will avenge my shame and tell the world who is the strongest!"


The next moment, he was kicked by Lin Xuan, and then a sword cut through the clothes on his chest.

When it comes to swordsmanship, Lin Xuan has never been afraid of anyone. He has received the inheritance from the mysterious monster clan master, and he also has a sacred weapon, which also includes all his understanding of swords! Maybe some strong men from the older generation can compete with each other, but Duan Lingxiao, who has only lived for about twenty years, how can he be Lin Xuan's opponent when it comes to swordsmanship?

But he doesn't believe it, so he has to fight with Lin Xuan.

Then let's talk. If he hadn't reacted quickly, Lin Xuan's sword would definitely have made him uncomfortable!

Duan Lingxiao stepped back repeatedly, frowning!

Why is Lin Xuan's sword different from before? It has become much faster and sharper! There was even a feeling that he couldn't beat Lin Xuan in a sword fight!

How can it be?

He has been holding a sword since he was three years old, and he has been holding it until now! Moreover, he has a different understanding of swords than ordinary people, and he has already mastered some of his own sword intentions at a young age. When it comes to swords, Murong Yu may not be his opponent! But he lost to Lin Xuan?

No no no! He must have been distracted because of what he was talking to just now!

"Come again!"

Duan Lingxiao wanted to figure this out. He didn't believe that Lin Xuan was better than him in this regard!

Then he rushed directly to Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan knew what he was going to do. He wanted to compete with himself in sword competition. He couldn't afford to lose. He felt that he was invincible among his peers! Especially the sword moves, then Lin Xuan may be about to crush his self-confidence again!

"The strength of the boy from the Duan family is obvious to all, especially his understanding of swords, which has reached a certain level. After a hundred years, I am afraid that few people in the world will be able to compete with him in sword competition! But... Huh? This Lin Xuan is even worse than him in swordsmanship?"

"No, no, no, it's useless. This is just the beginning. They are just testing each other. Although Duan Lingxiao seemed to have missed a move just now, it was probably because he was distracted by what he was talking to Lin Xuan... right? ?”


As soon as the man finished speaking, Duan Lingxiao was already retreating steadily. He simply tentatively wanted to fight Lin Xuan in swordsmanship. In just ten seconds, he was already defeated!


His arm was once again cut open by Lin Xuan's sword, and he stumbled back again and again.

Everyone:? ? ?

"This... Lin Xuan's swordsmanship is so much better than Duan Lingxiao's? This..."

"It's unbelievable. At such a young age, Lin Xuan's attainments in swordsmanship have reached the Grandmaster level? There should be a Grandmaster level, right? Fellow sword-wielders, what do you think?"

"Yes! Absolutely! Duan Lingxiao's mastery of swordsmanship is amazing. He should be able to reach the master level at a young age. However, Lin Xuan defeated Duan Lingxiao with absolute swordsmanship in just ten seconds. This is definitely a master. Excellent swordsmanship!"

"Your Majesty Swordsman, what do you mean?"

A middle-aged man looked at Lin Xuan holding a sword, and then said lightly: "I may not be able to defeat him simply with a sword!"


Hearing what the swordsman said, their group of strong men were stunned!

Although this swordsman is not the strongest swordsman in the mainland, he is completely famous for his swordsmanship. He actually said that he may not be able to compare with Lin Xuan?


The son of a monster!

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