Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,489 Attacking the Monster Tribe?

It is also the intention of the Light Association to come to the top of the North Pole for this Tianwu Conference. The previous two rounds have nothing to do with the top of the North Pole. This third round and the final assessment must have something to do with the top of the North Pole.

Lin Xuan and the others looked at Murong Feng, looking forward to what the next third round of the final assessment would be.

Murong Feng, Duan Tianming and the others glanced at the crowd.

"Is everyone here?"

Duan Tianming said.

Then they clicked and they all came together.

"Okay, now that we are all here, let me tell you about the final round of the Tianwu Conference!"

Everyone looked at him nervously.

The reason why Lin Xuan is nervous is that he wants to give Wang Xintong and the others a chance to advance, so whether the content of this round can be helpful is what Lin Xuan is concerned about!

And what are Duan Lingxiao and the others nervous about?

This round, it must be the kind of content where they can take action against Lin Xuan or hinder him!

Then Duan Tianming said: "The content of this third round of assessment is to attack the demon clan!"


After hearing Duan Tianming's words, everyone looked at each other, a little confused.

Attack the demon clan? The third round of attacking the demon clan?

Duan Tianming then smiled and said: "Of course you are not going to attack the demon clan like the Demon Temple, nor are you going to attack the big demon clan forces. What you have to do is, two hundred and fifty people, to clear out all the demon clans near the North Pole. power."

Everyone looked at each other.

"Is it really just us?"

They looked at each other in surprise.

Then Duan Tianming said: "There are not many arctic monsters, but they threaten the safety of the people in Binghai City and several surrounding cities every day and every moment. The monsters here even break into human territory and attack humans more than any other incident." There are more than one city! We originally planned to send troops to wipe out this place in the near future, but it happened to be during the Tianwu Conference, so we left it to you. There is no place more suitable for this assessment than here!"

Some people know a lot about this North Pole!

What is the situation? Why is this place more suitable for their assessment?

First, the Arctic is very large and very open. Although the terrain is complex and undulating, it is better than the open space. In some ways, it is much more comfortable than a place like a forest!

Second, there are some demon clan forces, or races, in the Arctic. Some demon clans are wandering, they live in no fixed place and look for food, while some demon clans are organized, and even have people in human form to preside over the overall situation. This kind of people have basically taken root in the Arctic and even built houses, territories and other places! Generally speaking, the territory of a race is one kind of monster. There may be many kinds. That is called power! This kind is relatively strong!

But how strong can the strongest state be? The Taixu Realm is as high as the sky! And one side will not be very high in the Taixu Realm, most of them are in the Heavenly Realm, but there are quite a few Tianzun! Some even smaller ones only have domain realm!

These are the main culprits that harm Binghai City and other cities. They like to eat human flesh. Sometimes they drill holes in the ground and enter from under Binghai City, and then drag people away. So, wherever there is a hole in the ground in Binghai City, That means someone has suffered.

Then there is a demon temple here, called the Ice Temple, the Second Demon Temple, but this demon temple is far away, in the sea, and this demon temple is usually relatively peaceful, so as long as this area is eradicated, Then the cities here are very safe.

The other people couldn't help but be frightened when they heard the content of the assessment.

The content of this assessment is somewhat dangerous, and they cannot help but worry about their children.

"Come on, everyone, take this."

Then someone sent them each a drawing!

Lin Xuan took a look.

There were some letters marked in various places on it, but Lin Xuan didn't know what they meant.

"This is very important. I hope you can all put it in your space ring.

This is the distribution map of forces around here. We have divided a total of 300 large and small demon clan forces into five levels, B, A, S, SS, SSS. The smallest B level strength, probably the leader You have to have the strength of the domain realm, so it is not a problem for you. "

"The leaders of A-level forces basically have Tianzun realm cultivation, but it will not be too high. When they reach S-level forces, there will be a lot of Tianzun in the monster force. When they reach SS and SSS levels, There are 300 forces in total, including about 15 in the SSS level and 30 in the SS level for each force. There are eighty in S.”

Everyone probably has a detailed understanding of the surrounding area.

Duan Lingxiao's eyes suddenly lit up!


This is a free assessment content! That is, no matter where they are, where they go, or what they do, they are free! Even if they lie there and sleep, no problem! That means they can take action against Lin Xuan!

It is definitely impossible to kill Lin Xuan. I dare not, because it may be exposed, and the whereabouts of each of them may be in the eyes of these strong men? She doesn’t know if Gu has this ability! But to be on the safe side, this must not be the case! Secondly, he is probably no match for Lin Xuan!

but! They can compete with Lin Xuan. There must be some aspect to assess their performance. As long as Lin Xuan cannot compete with them, his performance will be lowered step by step.

And as the only content with a degree of freedom, this must also be the content that draws the most points!

Have the opportunity!

"This... President of the Judgment Council, is the content of this assessment a little too dangerous?"

A parent of a student asked worriedly.

"It's very dangerous, but it's not dangerous either. You can completely understand that your children go to the monster field to brush monsters and improve their realm, but this time it's targeted, and your children are not simple. Another point , We have marked the strength of the forces on the map, and they are still very clear about their own strength, and they can distinguish which forces can and cannot go. "

Then Duan Tianming paused and continued: "Of course, if you really think it's dangerous, we won't force you. You can give up, but I don't think any of you will give up."

For those with lower rankings, this is their chance to make a comeback. For those with higher scores, they are even less likely to give up.

"And, you can form a team! There is no limit to the number of people in a team!"

Hearing this, they showed shocked expressions.

"Of course, there are pros and cons to forming a team or not forming a team. What I will talk about below are the rules."

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