Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,600 The Rise of the Human Race

During this meal, Feng Chie experienced what it means to be surrounded by beautiful women!

Oh my God! So scary!

In addition to the sisters she had met before, there were several more sisters who came, and they were also very beautiful and delicious. She was really scared to death!

Couldn't they all be the same?

Moreover, Ling Ying and the others haven't arrived yet.

Holy shit!

The wind chimes pointed to several more sisters who came, namely Murong Qing and the others.

And the hotel is also stupid. People who don’t know think it’s the director’s choice of concubine, but it’s so pretty, right?

This meal lasted for a long time. They talked about a lot of things and talked about everything. Everyone drank a lot. Xiao Shishi and Xiao Tianyi both fell asleep in their arms. After that, everyone We went back together!

"Lin Xuan, they..."

Now Feng Ling no longer cares about whether he got Lin Xuan's money. Now, those beautiful women... She, the daughter of the Feng family, has never seen so many beautiful girls.

"What they?"

"You're still pretending! Are they all your women?"

Lin Xuan shook his head; "Not entirely."


Wind Chime took a deep breath.

Fortunately, it's not all true. It would be an exaggeration if it were all true.

"Hey, by the way, I heard that you have a sister, don't you? Which one of them is your sister?"

Feng Chime suddenly thought of something and asked.

Lin Xuan sighed slightly.

"My somewhere else."


Lin Xuan smiled and said: "It's okay, it's getting late. Go back and rest. You can go to Xiao Miao Miao and the others."

"Well, I understand. Where are we going to play tomorrow?"

"Aren't you going to level up with them tomorrow?"

"Oh yes, then get lost, you scumbag!"

Feng Chime glared at Lin Xuan and ran away.

Lin Xuan smiled and shrugged, then walked away.

Lin Xuan went to Bai Xuanxuan.

Bai Xuanxuan and Leng Wuxin had just finished drinking. The two of them were sitting in the yard blowing the evening breeze, drinking tea, eating fruit and chatting.

"It's a bit incredible to say."

Bai Xuanxuan sat there with her hands on the ground.

"What's wrong?"

Leng Wuxin glanced at her.

"That Lin Xuan is already in the virtual realm now. Thinking about it, I feel that time flies by so fast, but I also feel that it didn't take long."

"The current era is an era of prosperity for the human race. In the next hundred years, the human race will reach a peak. This will also be an opportunity for the human race and the demon race to completely determine the winner."

Leng Wuxin said calmly!

But speaking of incredible, she should be the most incredible, right?

The first time she met Lin Xuan was in the auditorium of Tianhua College in Tianhua City. At that time, Qin Xiaotian was exposed by Lin Xuan. She wanted to rescue her but was saved by a woman, who was watching her during dinner tonight. The woman who arrived stopped me! And at that time, Lin Xuan's realm... was only the Xuantian realm, right?

How long has it been since then? Two years?

Back then, one... no, it was a group of them. In a short period of time, they were all in the Heavenly Realm, which was too virtual. It was a bit incredible!

"Yes, it won't be long before the real second largest war between the human race and the demon clan breaks out. Even if the demon clan doesn't take action, the human race will definitely do it! The human race is not necessarily to destroy the demon clan, but We must suppress the arrogance of the demon clan, at least to ensure that the demon clan will not have the energy and capital to attack the human race for many years..."

Bai Xuanxuan sighed.

There is no way, this is the current situation in mainland China.

"I guess the war will start in five years at most, right?"

Leng Wuxin said.

"Almost! Lin Xuan's generation has already risen. When they reach Tianzun, they have already risen. It won't be long before all of this generation will advance to the Taixu realm. Those who are slightly weaker will stay at Tianzun, but it is enough. The next generation will rise in five years, and the human race will be almost there, but before that..."

Bai Xuanxuan looked at Leng Wuxin with her beautiful eyes,

Said: "The human race must eradicate internal troubles and eradicate the evil temple!"

The Evil Temple is indeed a big threat. If the human race and the three major forces are fighting against the Demon Race with all their strength, and the Evil Temple takes advantage of the situation to do something, it will be very troublesome.

"Then isn't Lin Xuan going to deal with the Evil Temple?"

Leng Wuxin said.


At this time Lin Xuan came over.

"Hi, good evening."

Lin Xuan sat between them with a smile, then stretched out his arms to hug both women.

Bai Xuanxuan was used to it, but Leng Wuxin was still unhappy.

"There are so many beauties, why do you just want to come and accompany us?"

Bai Xuanxuan smiled and said.

"Because I like you the most."

Lin Xuan grinned.

Maybe this is a scumbag.

Mainly because Lin Xuan had accompanied Lu Yufan during the day, which made him feel at ease. He had accompanied Linglongxue and the others before, so he came here tonight. On the other side, Luo Chenxi, Murong Qing...well...we'll talk about it next time.

"By the way, tell me more about the power situation of the Evil God Fire Palace."

Lin Xuan looked at Leng Wuxin and said.

Leng Wuxin then told Lin Xuan.

"These are only what I know, but there may be considerable deviations, but it can only be more but not less. You can decide it yourself."

Leng Wuxin said.

Lin Xuan nodded: "Okay, I understand."

"Are you going to take action?"

Leng Wuxin asked.

"about there."

Tonight, Lin Xuan received a message from someone who didn't know who it was, but it must be someone from the Evil God Fire Palace. Since he had returned from Feng Kingdom, he must go to the Evil God Fire Palace, that is, the Xiao family.

They foolishly thought that they still had their poison on them, but in fact it had been cured long ago. Moreover, the Yaxuan Group was secretly developing an antidote to the poisonous elixir. When the time came to cooperate with the three major forces, they would definitely be ready to use it. The Evil Temple was destroyed!

Bai Xuanxuan looked at Lin Xuan with her beautiful eyes.

"Be careful."

"Well, I guess I'm leaving tomorrow, why don't you give me a shot before I leave?"

Lin Xuan showed a wicked smile.

"Auntie is here."

Bai Xuanxuan stood up and walked away silently.

Lin Xuan then looked at Leng Wuxin.

"Not leaving."

After she finished speaking, she stood up and walked away.

Lin Xuan:? ? ?

Your sister!

Then Lin Xuan went to find Luo Chenxi! As for Murong Qing, she hasn’t gotten it yet.

It didn't work out. In fact, Lin Xuan wanted to find Xiao Bingbing, Xiao Linglong and the others, but after thinking about it, it would be better to accompany Luo Chenxi. Well, that woman should have resentment!

The next morning, Lin Xuan was awakened by the sound of his cell phone. He took his hand out and Lin Xuan answered the phone.

"I have arrived in Lin'an City."

A voice came from inside.

"I'll be there later."

After saying that, Lin Xuan hung up the phone.

Luo Chenxi opened her beautiful eyes.


She also heard the voice on the phone. It didn't sound like a good person's tone, and it sounded very careful.

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