Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1610: Licking, just keep licking

Licking a dog?

Well, indeed it is!

But sometimes you can't lick, and sometimes you can and need to lick.

Just like now.

When a junior praises his mother-in-law and praises his elder's beauty, everyone knows that this is licking, but the other person will be very happy! The other person himself knows that this is licking, but he is just happy! This is different from the concept of licking a girl! Especially praising her in front of other people!

Of course, there is a premise for this. The other party must have some good impressions of you to be effective.

Murong Yu shook his head helplessly.

This Lin Xuan...

Murong Feng smiled inwardly.

This Lin Xuan is quite sensible.

"Hahaha, Xiaoxuan, what you said makes sense. He is indeed quite lucky."

Lin Yu said with a smile, and then handed Lin Xuan a pair of chopsticks.

Ye Feifan:? ? ?

how so?

Lin Xuan smiled and said, "Auntie, do you know?"


Lin Xuan smiled and said: "The first time I saw Murong Yu was at Wushen Academy. At that time, I was curious, this woman is so beautiful, how beautiful her mother must be to give birth to such a beautiful daughter. When I saw my aunt for the first time today, I just wanted to say, aunt is so beautiful! Uncle Murong is a blessing that has been cultivated in eight lifetimes, isn't it?"

Murong Feng: "..."

Depend on! This sentence made him unhappy!

But he still has to say yes!

"Hahaha, yes! It takes eight lifetimes of blessing to marry such a beautiful wife and have such a beautiful daughter!"

Murong Feng said with a smile!

"It's good that you know." Lin Yu said with a smile!

"Come on, come on, Xiaoxuan eats chicken legs."

Lin Yu then smiled and gave Lin Xuan a chicken leg.

"Thank you, Auntie, wow! Auntie, your hands are so beautiful."

Lin Xuan's eyes lit up and he said.

"Hahaha, really?"

Lin Yu smiled.

"Yes, like mother, like daughter. Murong Yu's hands are also beautiful. Sure enough, aunt's hands are very beautiful. Although Murong Yu is already more beautiful, in my opinion there is still some gap between her and aunt." Lin Xuan smiled.

Murong Yu: "..."

Damn it!

"Hahaha, she is my daughter after all. Come on, Xiaoxuan, try this braised pork."

Lin Yu smiled and gave Lin Xuan another piece of braised pork.

Originally, Lin Yu liked Lin Xuan better. Although they had not had any contact with each other, apart from being a bit lustful, this person would find that he was really good at other things. He was even willing to sacrifice for some things. Own!

The simplest example is that when Tianhua City fell, how many people did he save at the risk of his life?

This kind of righteousness is rarely possessed by young people nowadays.

At least she can be sure that if her daughter follows him, if she encounters any danger, at least this man will not abandon her daughter and run away!


Ye Feifan snorted coldly!

Why does it feel like this Lin Xuan's licking is still effective?

"How is the taste?"

Lin Yu asked with a smile.

"It's delicious. Murong Yu cooked it for me before. I thought it tasted very good, but now I think her cooking may be just average. She and her aunt still have a lot to learn." Lin Xuan said with a smile.

Murong Yu: "..."

Murong Feng couldn't stand Lin Xuan anymore!

Wow! How can you do this?


Lin Yu smiled happily.

Ye Feifan clenched his fists tightly and lowered his head while eating!

How can this person be so thick-skinned?

"Auntie, when you and Murong Yu go shopping, will someone treat you as sisters and strike up a conversation with you?"

Lin Xuan asked with a smile.

"Haha, it happened a few times."

Lin Yu said with a smile.

"I guess so." Lin Xuan nodded.


Murong Feng coughed dryly.

Said: "Xiao Xuan, are you prepared in advance for the Gate of Divine Enlightenment?"

Lin Xuan shook his head; "Not yet. I don't know what's going on inside anyway. Let's talk about it then."

"I'm talking about Murong Feng, I'm having a nice chat with Xiaoxuan, why are you interrupting?"

Lin Yu was unhappy.

Murong Feng: "..."

"Ahem, cough, cough, you guys talk, you guys talk."

Murong Feng was helpless!

Ye Haitao glanced at his son and found that his son didn't seem to want to speak at all. He quickly gave Ye Feifan a wink.

Of course Ye Feifan could see that Lin Xuan's licking here was effective, but...he couldn't!

And he’s embarrassed, okay? He clearly knew that what he said was not true, or that it was exaggerated, but he didn't feel comfortable with it at all when he said it!

Murong Yu lowered his head as he ate his food. He was helpless and didn't care what Lin Xuan said.

"Auntie, I have a pill here."

Lin Xuan handed Lin Yu a pill.

"What kind of elixir is this?"

Lin Xuan said: "This is called Zhuyan Dan. Although aunt is very beautiful and young, she may be noticed by Uncle Murong every day, and it will definitely have some impact on the skin. This Zhuyan Pill can make auntie stay. Although it cannot be said that it can achieve the so-called permanent appearance, it can definitely prevent the aunt from worrying about the so-called things that women worry about for ten years. "

Although Lin Lin's level is not too low, it is obvious that she only improved her level later.

For example, if you are twenty-two years old in the Tianzun realm or Taixu realm, then you will still look like a twenty-two-year-old when you are eighty years old.

But if you reach the Taixu realm at the age of forty, then you will look like you are forty at the age of eighty...

To put it simply, the sooner you advance to a high level, the more your appearance will remain at a more perfect twenties level.

Therefore, Lin Yu is still troubled by things like bags under the eyes, small crow's feet, and skin that is not as supple as before.

"Is this...really okay?"

Lin Yu was stunned for a moment.

Lin Xuan smiled and nodded; "Yes, after taking it, Auntie's appearance will definitely surpass that of Murong Yu, and Auntie's appearance will return to the age of twenty-seven or eighty-years-old!"


Ye Feifan smiled and said, "Master Lin, have you been deceived by someone?"


Lin Xuan glanced at him.

"I have never heard of Zhu Yan Dan in reality in all my life. Those are all illusory things on TV. Did Mr. Lin see a flyer somewhere in the supermarket and mistakenly believe it to be real? That’s definitely not a good thing.”

Ye Feifan smiled.

Damn it, I finally found a chance to speak and fight back against this Lin Xuan!

Murong Feng also glanced at Lin Xuan.

Ye Haitao said: "This is normal. This kind of thing is just a gimmick, used to defraud ignorant girls out of money. In fact, it has no effect and may be harmful!"

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