Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,612 Xiao Yuyu, I’m here to play games with you.

Under normal circumstances, it would be impossible for Lin Yu to take a boy to his daughter's room, right?

But this Lin Xuan is different. He has had relationships with his daughter so many times, and as Lin Yu is Murong Yu's mother, she can tell that her daughter likes Lin Xuan. She just said Just as much as you like.

Anyway, it’s already like this, and she also likes this guy, so it’s okay, this guy is her son-in-law!

"I don't play games."

Murong Yu shook his head and said calmly!

"Xiaoxuan wants to fight, and he is a guest. Even if you don't want to fight, you have to fight with him. Do you understand? How do I usually teach you etiquette?"

Lin Yu looked at his daughter and said.

Murong Yu: "..."

Why was my mother bribed by Lin Xuan like this?

"Okay, I'll go clean the room with you, and then we, the three mothers, will play together."

Lin Yu looked at Lin Xuan with a smile and said!

"Okay, then I'll bother Auntie."

"Go, go, go!"

Lin Yu took Murong Yu's hand and walked upstairs.

Lin Xuan and Murong Feng were the only ones left in the living room.


Murong Feng handed Lin Xuan a cigarette.

"Thank you Uncle Murong."

Lin Xuan then snapped his fingers, and both of their cigarette butts were lit.

Murong Feng paused.

"Hahaha, this thing is so useful."

Lin Xuan nodded: "It's very useful."

"What do you think about the matter between you and Xiaoyu?"

Murong Feng asked.

"Cough cough cough——"

Lin Xuan coughed dryly.

"Uncle Murong, I'm here even though I thought about it, don't you know?"

Murong Feng took a puff of cigarette and said, "But as far as I know, you have more than one girlfriend, right?"

"Cough cough cough——"

Lin Xuan coughed awkwardly again.

"Uncle Murong, man, please be considerate."

"No, I can't understand it. After all, I am only your aunt."

Murong Feng said.

Lin Xuan scratched his head.

"But, it's rare for a girl like Xiao Yu to like someone. I understand you too. Although you are a playboy, there is nothing else besides the playboy. And this playboy is actually responsible."

Lin Xuan nodded repeatedly!

"Yes Yes!"

"So your aunt and I won't care about the matter between you and Xiao Yu. Otherwise, with this girl's character, I'm really afraid that she won't find a boyfriend in ten or twenty years. Your aunt and I won't be in trouble." "

Lin Xuan smiled and said: "Ten or twenty years? Uncle Murong may have thought too little."

Anyway, Murong Yu's realm is here. Even if a hundred years pass, she will still be so young and beautiful. She doesn't want to find a partner because she has the capital to do so.

Therefore, Murong Feng and Lin Yu were also anxious.

Therefore, since he saw that Murong Yu liked this kid, Lin Yu would work hard and try to let them give birth to this little baby!

It doesn't matter whether you get married or not, it's important to have a baby first.

"Hahaha, okay, let's not talk about this person for now. How is the situation at the Evil God Fire Palace?"

Murong Feng's expression also became serious!

Of course he knew that Lin Xuan came here partly because of Murong Yu and partly because of the Evil God Fire Palace.

Lin Xuan nodded; "Well, I've been there. The Evil God Fire Palace is in the Xiao family. There is a rockery in the backyard of the Xiao family. There is a passage under the rockery. After entering the passage, there will be a door, but I want to open it. This door requires a special secret method. I haven’t learned this secret method yet, and I won’t be able to use it for the time being. After opening it, there will be a secret realm inside, and this secret realm is the Evil God Fire Palace!”

"I see, what about the intensity?"

Lin Xuan pondered slightly and said: "I'm not sure, but I'm relatively sure that the three in the Heavenly Dao Realm are the foundation, and the other Taixu Realm naturally cannot be a minority. There is a place in this secret realm. Leading to the realm of monsters,

They can be used to directly enter the realm of monsters to level up, and at the same time, it will also become a channel for them to escape. "

Murong Feng pondered slightly.

"This is normal. As the Evil Temple, they must be thinking of ways to leave a way out for themselves. Did they say anything to you?"

Lin Xuan said: "Let's just say that the main hall has taken a fancy to me and wants me to practice here first. If I can do it then, they will send me to the main hall!"

Murong Feng's eyes lit up!

"Well, if it works, you must get the position in the main hall, but don't be in a hurry. If it doesn't work in one year, then it will be two years. If it doesn't work in two years, it will be five years!"

Murong Feng said!

"We have been searching for the location of the Evil Temple for nearly a hundred years, and haven't we found nothing? And this time you are the closest in history, so don't be anxious and don't fall short!"

Lin Xuan nodded; "I know."

"And you should pay attention to your own safety. Even if you take poison pills in their eyes, they may not trust you absolutely! Those people are a bunch of thieves."

"Well, I have been in contact with them, and they are indeed a thief, but now I am still of great use to them! If what they said is true, the people in the main palace have taken a fancy to me, so the little Evil God Fire Palace will also do it. It doesn’t matter. I just need to keep improving my abilities and keep improving my abilities. They will eventually be able to see my potential.”

Lin Xuan said.

"That's right! What price did Yaxuan Group pay?" Murong Feng asked.

Lin Xuan said: "It's just 10% of the shares. I've tried my best to hold down the rest. In addition, they want to use Lin'an City as the next base camp of the Evil God Fire Palace, which will naturally have an impact on the industry. At present, I can accept it, and it’s impossible for them to do anything that I can’t accept at the moment.”

Murong Feng nodded: "Well, the three major forces of Yaxuan Group will reimburse you for your losses."

Lin Xuan pondered slightly and said: "Uncle Murong, my suggestion is, don't tell the Trial Council or the Bounty Hunter Guild about this news yet. I can't believe it."

"Hahaha, don't worry. Everyone who knows about this matter knows about it. People in the Trial Society and the Bounty Hunter Guild don't know about it either. I just said that the temple will reimburse you for now. By then, this matter will be completely resolved. From now on, the temple will look for the other two major forces to share the money."

Murong Feng smiled.

"Hahaha, okay! Then I'll go find Xiao Yuyu!"

After Lin Xuan finished speaking, he smiled and ran upstairs.

Murong Feng: "..."

"This boy."

He shook his head helplessly.

Just chat with yourself for a few words and then rush to find your daughter?

Damn, what a pervert!

"Xiao Yuyu, Xiao Yuyu, I'm here to play games with you."

Lin Xuan smiled and rubbed his hands as he came to the door of a room with the door ajar. Lin Xuan felt that he could smell the fragrant smell just through the crack in the door.

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