Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1614: A girl meets one

Lin Xuan glanced at Murong Feng helplessly, and the look in his eyes was very clear.

Look at your daughter!

Murong Feng shrugged his shoulders.

What can be done? Don’t women always have to be pampered and spoiled? Let’s wait until we get it later.

In fact, Lin Xuan is used to it!

There are so many girls around him, what kind of girls aren’t there?

Proud? No matter how arrogant you are, you were still well-behaved last night.

"Go and eat."

Murong Feng said.


Lin Xuan nodded and sat at the table next to Murong Yu.

Murong Yu sat there very elegantly. A girl like her was extremely serious no matter what she did. To put it in the simplest terms, you had never seen her cross her legs, let alone do anything indecent. Actions.

A normal person would get tired after sitting there for a while and would like to lie down and read or bend her waist a little. However, a girl like her can keep an upright posture and read all day long without changing her position. At most, it’s just a change of direction.

"Xiao Yuyu, help me peel an egg."

Lin Xuan put his hand on Murong Yu's leg and said with a smile.

Murong Yu didn't say anything, but silently peeled an egg for Lin Xuan and put it on the plate in front of Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan smiled in his heart.

Still obedient.

However, if Murong Feng or Lin Yu were here, she would definitely not peel them off.

Murong Feng was sitting on the sofa drinking tea for the time being, while Lin Yu was still busy in the kitchen.

"Where are we going to play later?"

Lin Xuan asked with a smile.


Murong Yu said lightly, and then took a sip of milk.

"Going to get a room?"

Murong Yu:? ? ?

"Go to hell!"

"You say whatever you want."

Lin Xuan shrugged his shoulders.


"What are you talking about?"

Lin Yu walked out of the kitchen with a smile.

"We were talking about where to go to play later."

Lin Xuan smiled.

"Wouldn't it be nice to go shopping and watch a movie or something?"

"Who wants to go shopping with him?"

Murong Yu said lightly.

Lin Xuan: "..."

Holy shit!

Arrogant woman! No, I have to subdue her tonight.

"Auntie, please go shopping with her. I just happened to be looking for some other friends."

Lin Xuan said!

How many other friends?

Murong Yu thought for a while, weren't they Han Chuxue and Ling Ying?


The cup in her hand was already cracked.

Bastard Lin Xuan!

"That's okay too."

Lin Yu nodded.

"Xiaoyu, let's go shopping together."

"Anything is fine."

Murong Yu said.

"Oh, why are you interfering with the children's shopping? We don't have a good time to go shopping, so let Lin Xuan and Xiaoyu go shopping, and you and I will go shopping alone."

Murong Feng walked over and said with a smile.

"Yes, we haven't gone shopping for a long time, so you two go shopping!"

"Let's go after eating!"

After eating, Murong Yu casually changed into simple clothes, and then walked out with Lin Xuan!

"You go."

Murong Yu said to Lin Xuan.


Lin Xuan looked at her blankly.

"Aren't you going to find a friend? You go and find a friend. I can just find a library to read by myself."

Murong Yu said calmly!

Lin Xuan looked at her beautiful face, then rubbed his chin playfully and looked at her like this.

Murong Yu frowned slightly.

"Watch what I do?"

Murong Yu asked.

"I think you are different from before."

Murong Yu looked at Lin Xuan with beautiful eyes.


"In many places, for example, you are jealous now. Well, you have also learned what women call duplicity."

Murong Yu: "..."

"Then it seems you really like me.


Lin Xuan smiled.

Murong Yu ignored him and walked straight forward!


Lin Xuan ran over with a smile, and then took her tender little hand.

Murong Yu struggled subconsciously, but Lin Xuan's grip was tight, and she stopped struggling.

"I'm not familiar with Tiandu, where is the fun?"

"have no idea."

Murong Yu rarely went out or played, so she didn't know.

"Then just take a stroll."


It goes without saying that Murong Yu's beautiful face, perfect temperament, and rare sky-blue hair and pupils attracted so much attention!

As for Lin Xuan, those passers-by took a quick look and felt that these two people should not be a couple. The woman was so outstanding, but the man looked ordinary.

But with them holding hands, why should there be any doubt?

Murong Yu rarely goes out, so much so that everyone knows that the Murong family, the master of the temple, has a daughter, and she should be very beautiful, but few of them know what Murong Yu looks like, and few of them know who she is. Blue eyes and stuff like that...

But I have to say, it is indeed very special.

On the other side, there were many people gathered around.


Ling Ying and Han Chuxue were out shopping.

Ling Ying and Han Chuxue are still very famous in the world. The daughters of the eight major families have extremely outstanding looks, and they often go out to play. In the past, Han Chuxue rarely came out, but compared to Murong Yu But it's much better!

Moreover, they have so many suitors, mainly because of their large number of suitors and their family background, it is impossible for no one to pay attention to them!

"I heard that Lin Xuan came to Tiandu."

Ling Ying and Han Chuxue were each holding a roasted sweet potato, eating and chatting. Many people around them were following them. Some were trying to muster the courage to strike up a conversation with them, while others were just trying to take two more photos, because They know they are not worthy of them.


Han Chuxue nodded slightly.

"It seems that I came here because of the incident at the Evil God Fire Palace. I guess I am still there now."

Ling Ying said!

"Hey, boss, here are two meat buns."

Suddenly, a voice sounded familiar to them. The two women looked at each other, obviously seeing what they were thinking in each other's eyes, and then walked forward!

"I'm telling you, this kind of food sold at roadside stalls for a few dollars is the most delicious thing in the world. You, a rich lady, will follow me from now on, and I will take you to try more of this delicious snack."

Lin Xuan handed Murong Yu a meat bun and said.

Anyway, many rich ladies around Lin Xuan were led by Lin Xuan to like eating at these roadside stalls, weren't they all Ling Ying, Han Chuxue, etc.?

Murong Yu has really never eaten it, because she is not greedy and eats very little. Her food is just three normal meals a day, and she will eat some snacks at most.

Murong Yu then opened his mouth and took a bite.

"This is medium spicy, how do you like it?" Lin Xuan asked with a smile.

Murong Yu nodded; "Not bad."

"of course!"

Lin Xuan smiled and just opened his mouth to eat when he suddenly saw two figures standing in front of him.

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