Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,616 Licking the dog, licking the dog

That night, Lin Xuan gave Murong Yu a slap in the face in a very friendly manner!

This girl resisted quite fiercely at first, because she suddenly understood something!

Depend on!

This Lin Xuan is a scumbag!


He can't stand Lin Xuan's shamelessness!

When this person makes a mistake, he can't feel his mistake at all. One second he lowers his head and says, "Honey, I'm wrong." The next second he can pounce on you and pin you down.

Murong Feng and Lin Yu were very happy!

At least it means that my precious daughter recognizes Lin Xuan. They should be boyfriend and girlfriend. Well, that’s great!

As everyone knows, no, they are not boyfriend and girlfriend yet!

Early the next morning, Lin Xuan came down yawning!

"Let's go."

Lin Yu smiled and said hello.

"Good morning, aunt."

"Isn't that girl Xiaoyu up yet?" Lin Yu asked.

"Well, I slept relatively deeply." Lin Xuan nodded.

"Treat Xiaoyu well from now on. This girl is cold on the outside and hot on the inside. In fact, she is still very weak in her heart. Since she has chosen to be with you, no matter what, as long as you don't completely break her heart, She will definitely be with you forever."

Lin Yu patted Lin Xuan's shoulder and said!

"Don't worry, Auntie, I won't break her heart."

"Okay, remember what you said!"

"Auntie, don't worry!"

Murong Yu was still sleeping, because he was tortured a lot by Lin Xuan last night, and this day Lin Xuan went to the Ling family and the Han family as guests. After all, it was not easy to come to Tiandu, so it was definitely a guest.

"Master, that Lin Xuan went to the Ling family and the Han family!"

Ye Feifan received such news.

"With Murong Yu?"

Ye Feifan asked.

"No, that Lin Xuan is alone. Now that Lin Xuan is in the Han family, and young master, I captured a big news!"

Ye Feifan took a puff of cigarette and asked: "What?"

"Master, I took a photo of Lin Xuan hugging Ling Ying."


The cigarette in Ye Feifan's hand fell down!


Then he saw the photo his little brother sent him!

It couldn't be clearer.

This hand was not just hugging her, it was almost placed on her crotch!

Although Ye Feifan had doubts about these things at first, after all, Lin Xuan did seem to have a good relationship with them, but he just thought they might be friends. Until Lin Xuan visited their home, he felt something was wrong. Satisfied!

Then I saw this photo!

how to say? I can only say that it’s a mixed bag!

This Lin Xuan is not that handsome, so why do girls like him like him?

Murong Yu aside, he didn't think Lin Xuan and Murong Yu were boyfriend and girlfriend. They were at least a little better, but this Ling Ying was not bad at all. He couldn't catch her anyway, so why was this Lin Xuan...

So sour!

Grass mud horse!


Ye Feifan spat!

But no problem now!

Regardless of whether they are boyfriend and girlfriend, Lin Xuan is definitely interested in Murong Yu. There is no doubt about this. Murong Yu's parents also seem to be interested in Lin Xuan. After all, Lin Xuan is the number one player in the Tianwu Tournament. name, and at the same time, there is the Yaxuan Group!

So, if you give them this photo of yourself, they will definitely not agree with Lin Xuan and Murong Yu, right? Should you change your mind and support him?

"Let's go to Murong's house again tonight!"

Ye Feifan pondered.

As for Lin Xuan, he was originally thinking about whether he would sleep at Ling Ying's place or Han Chuxue's place tonight. He hadn't talked to them for a long time, but...

They seemed to have agreed upon it. If Ling Ying didn't give it, Han Chuxue wouldn't give it either!

Lin Xuan is wronged! The obedient little Chuxue didn't give it to me either. He was wronged!

In the end, Lin Xuan could only go to Murong Yu's place!

"Why are you here again?"

At the door of Murong's house,

Murong Yu looked at Lin Xuan, who was smiling and waving hello to her, and his whole head ached!

Didn't he say he would be at Ling Ying or Han Chuxue's place today? Good thing! She can rest!

At first, she thought it didn't matter, but after being tortured by Lin Xuan for two nights, she really wanted to rest, and then...

This B is here again! He waved and said hello to her with a harmless smile!

"What's wrong? Don't you welcome me?"

Lin Xuan asked with a smile.

"not welcome."

"Why? I'm so handsome."

"Not handsome."

Murong Yu said coldly and ruthlessly.

"You called me husband very happily last night."

Murong Yu: "..."

"Asshole! Shut up!"

She gritted her teeth and stared at Lin Xuan.

"Hey, I'm in."

Lin Xuan then jumped into Murong Yu's home.

"Hey? Are there guests?"

Lin Xuan glanced at the cars parked in the manor.

"Ye Feifan."

"Why is that B here again?"

Lin Xuan stroked his forehead.

"Why are you here again?"

Murong Yu asked.

"I'm going to slap you."

Murong Yu:? ? ?

"You go to the Ling family or the Han family."

"No! Both of them combined can't compare to you."

Lin Xuan said with a grin!

"I will tell them exactly what you said."

Murong Yu said calmly, and then walked towards the house.

"Hey, wait for me, is that Ye Feifan here to pursue you again?"

Lin Xuan asked.

"I don't know."

"Then I'm going to make him feel uncomfortable."

Lin Xuan's mouth curled up slightly.

"Extraordinary. It's rare for you to have so much time recently."

Murong Feng smiled and said.

"Yeah, it's rare to have some time recently, so I just want to spend more time with Xiaoyu."

Ye Feifan said with a smile.

"Xiao Yu is a very bored girl. Regardless of whether she has time or not, it would be better for her to read a book at home."

Murong Feng said with a smile!

"Hahaha, that's what Uncle Murong said."

At this time, Lin Xuan followed Murong Yu and walked in.

Ye Feifan glanced at it and frowned suddenly!

How dare this person come?

That would be interesting, then he would expose this person in front of him, in front of Murong Yu, in front of Murong Feng and the others!

"Young Master Lin, you are here again."

Ye Feifan said with a smile!

"Well, I miss my aunt's cooking. I discovered that since I had a meal here, anything I eat anywhere else feels tasteless. The food cooked by my aunt is the most delicious."

Lin Xuan grinned at Lin Yu.

"Hahaha, okay, I'll cook for you."

Lin Yu was very impressed by Lin Xuan's words.

Murong Yu secretly shook his head.

Licking the dog! Licking the dog!

Why can't my mother feel it? No, she probably felt it, but she still enjoyed it!

Murong Yu couldn't understand this.

"Hehehe, what have you been doing, Mr. Lin, these two days?"

At this time, Ye Feifan looked at Lin Xuan with a smile and asked.

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