Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,618 Preparing to Enter the Gate of Divine Enlightenment

The next morning, Lin Xuan and Murong Yu walked away with an unhappy look on their faces.

"Xiaoyu, Xiaoxuan, it's time for the Gate of Divine Enlightenment."

Murong Feng sat on the sofa and said.


they asked.

"Five days later!"

"so fast."

Murong Feng nodded; "Although the Gate of Divine Inspiration is under the jurisdiction of the temple, the real person in charge is the Light Association, and the time is also set by the Light Association. If you have anything else you need to do, please finish it within five days and go to the Gate of Divine Inspiration. The gate is three months long. I don’t know how the time in the Gate of Divine Enlightenment is different from here, but there is always a way to let you know the time, but it must be three months in the outside world.”

Lin Xuan nodded; "I understand."

After three months, Xiao Shishi should be able to walk when she comes back.

"Well, because Chu He died, Duan Lingxiao, who was ranked eleventh, entered the Gate of Divine Initiation. I don't know what is going on in the Gate of Divine Initiation, but it is easy to get into trouble. After entering, you must behave in the same way no matter what. Your own life safety is the most important thing, don’t take risks!”

Lin Xuan and Murong Yu nodded.

Lin Xuan then asked: "Uncle Murong, is this Light Association the strongest existence in the human race?"

Murong Feng shook his head; "No, but in a sense you can also say that it is. The Light Association is a force that has been passed down from a long time ago. Now, as far as I know, there are only a few people in the Light Association, maybe at most No more than ten, but the resources they control are unmatched by anyone!"

Murong Feng paused and continued: "They have the richest knowledge in the world. They can know what is in which place and what is in which place. For example, if you want the Nine-Colored Spiritual Lotus, they may not have the Nine-Colored Spiritual Lotus. , but they can tell you where it is, or has appeared before!”

"That's experience!"

Murong Feng nodded: "Yes, experience, because as far as I know, the people in their Bright Association may be the ones who have lived the longest in the human race. Of course, they may also be the strongest in the human race." A few people are definitely in the Tiandao realm, maybe even high-level in the Tiandao realm! Now in the Tiandao realm, the difference of one star may be the difference between the Taixu realm and the Tiandao realm. One star in the Tiandao realm may be similar to a new one. Different realms, it is as difficult as reaching the sky to improve one star, and you will definitely be the same when the time comes!"

Lin Xuan pondered slightly: "The Bright Association has the deepest beauty."

"Yes, but they are also making all their efforts for the development of the human race, although even in my eyes, it is still a mysterious organization!"

In the eyes of the world, the three major forces are everything to mankind. Lin Xuan once thought so too. Lin Xuan once believed that the three major forces were the pinnacle of mankind. Later, Lin Xuan also knew that there was another person behind the three major forces. Light Association!

"Uncle Murong, are there other forces in this world? I mean very strong forces. Under normal circumstances, forces that no one has heard of!"

Murong Feng nodded; "Of course, in the eyes of the world, the three major forces are the strongest, but how can this world be so simple? Even though I am the Lord of the Temple, it is actually just a title. You Do you really think I can mobilize thousands of troops in the temple with just one order?"

"That's what I thought at first!"

"The simple truth is, I am the Lord of the Temple, but the entire Temple is in the same position as me, and there are no less than ten people with the same rights! The Judgment Association and the Bounty Hunter Guild are almost like this. In this world, No one is allowed to have sole authority. This temple was conquered by the Murong family together with many other families, so it naturally cannot belong to the Murong family. It’s just that these generations belong to the Murong family!”

Murong Feng then said: "Among these three major forces, there are many branch forces, such as the Ye Feifan you met yesterday."

"Ye Feifan's father is Ye Haitao. He belongs to the Anti-Demon Alliance. This Anti-Demon Alliance seems to be just a small organization.

But it also belongs to the mainland, and several core members of the Anti-demon Alliance also have the right to mobilize members of the Temple, Trial Society and Bounty Hunter Guild! "

Lin Xuan pondered slightly.

"In addition to the Anti-Demon Alliance, there are several such forces."

Lin Xuan touched the tip of his nose.

"For example, who is your immediate boss, Uncle Murong, who is the most powerful person in this continent?"

"It's the Light Association!"

Lin Xuan probably understands!

So this continent is not that complicated!

To put it simply, in the eyes of everyone, the three major forces with the highest power are not actually like this. The three major forces also have their top boss, the Light Association, which may no longer exist.

Therefore, the Light Association is really the boss of this continent!

"Uncle Murong, are you really sure that the Light Association is just a few people?"

Lin Xuan suddenly asked.


Murong Feng pondered slightly!

"I'm not sure, but I once had contact with one of the strong men. He was talking about a few of I think the Light Association is just a few people. I know what you want to say. Since the Light Association is our immediate superior, They must be able to command all forces, so they may not be just a few people. The concept is not, this... you may know after coming back from the Gate of Divine Inspiration. According to the previous situation, everyone from Anyone who comes back from the Gate of Divine Enlightenment must go to the Light Association!"

Lin Xuan touched the tip of his nose: "So that's it."


Murong Feng smiled and patted Lin Xuan on the shoulder: "There are still five days left, which is not enough. I have to leave for three months. If you need to do anything, go quickly!"

After saying that, Murong Feng walked away!

"Are you going back to Lin'an City?"

Murong Yu asked.

"Of course."

In fact, Lin Xuan didn't have anything to do anymore. He just wanted to spend time with Xiao Shishi, Xiao Linglong and the others, as well as An Xin and the others. After all, he had to be away for three months.

Three months is neither long nor short.

It is estimated that after returning, Lu Yufan and the others should have entered the Martial Arts Academy, and they should have become independent beings.

For others, Lin Xuan actually wanted to meet the little fairy before going there, but it probably won't be possible!

He swore that he would find her when he came back!

There is nothing else, that is, the affairs of Yaxuan Group.

"Well, then you go back." Murong Yu said!

"Kiss me."

Lin Xuan smiled and moved his face closer, then received a look from Murong Yu.

"I'm going to do some work. I'll leave when it's time."

She left without saying anything.

Lin Xuan: "..."

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