Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,634 The Hua Family

Zhang Ting really doesn't like Lin Xuan!

She looks average and has a pretty face. This impression is really not good.

"Hua Yu and his father will come over later. If you spend more time with him then, Lin Xuan will be elsewhere."

Zhang Ting said!

"Mom, Lin Xuan is my boyfriend."

"Then it's divided!"

Zhang Ting said.

"I don't! And I don't like that Huayu either!"

Mu Qingya said!

"Fahrenheit Group is one of the top 500 companies in the world, even more powerful than our Mushi Group. Huayu is also very good and handsome, and is worthy of you. This marriage was already agreed upon with them, but who knew you would be there again?" A boyfriend pops up, Hua Yu is more capable than him, and Hua's Group is thousands of times more powerful than his company. He is your better choice. Let Lin Xuan go back after dinner tonight. "

Zhang Ting didn’t give any face at all!

"Mother Queen..." Mu Feifei shook Zhang Ting's arm!

"Shut up! Don't talk so much! Chopping vegetables!"

Mu Feifei puffed her lips and then looked at Mu Qingya, saying that there was nothing she could do.

Then Zhang Ting walked out, her eyebrows furrowed.

"You smoke?"

She asked Xiang Muhao!

Mu Hao quickly shook his head: "I didn't smoke!"

"That's Xiaoxuan, did you smoke it?"

Lin Xuan nodded: "Yes, Auntie."

Zhang Ting said displeased: "You are not allowed to smoke here in the future."

"I know, Auntie."

Zhang Ting then walked into the kitchen.

"Wow! You're done! You smoke, and now it's completely impossible for the Queen Mother to like you."

Mu Feifei came over and looked at Lin Xuan and said!

Lin Xuan touched the tip of his nose and looked at this pretty girl, and said, "Go and chop the vegetables."

Mu Feifei:? ? ?

"Wow!! I'm being bullied!"

Mu Feifei returned to the kitchen aggrievedly!

"Boy, let me help you with your aunt. I don't care about anything else. If you can cure Qingya's heart disease, I will definitely approve of you!"

Lin Xuan smiled and nodded: "Uncle, don't worry, I am her boyfriend, I don't care who she cares about? But uncle, do you believe me?"

Mu Hao said: "I know my own body well. Those few injections of yours are something that all the traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine that I have seen over the years have not been able to do. It is unprecedentedly relaxing. I believe you! Sure enough, you can catch up." It’s definitely not easy for someone like my precious daughter! It’s because I was blind before. Your confidence is justified, but..."

"But what?"

"But I hope that if you are with my daughter, you can be nice to her. After all, I don't know who you are yet!"

Lin Xuan nodded; "Of course! Is this uncle going to feed auntie?"

"Give it. Now she has a lot of opinions about you. If this is what you said, women are naturally beautiful. This is something that no son-in-law can give her. He will change your mind. In addition... …”

Mu Hao said: "Maybe you think she will be a little mean. In fact, she thinks too much about Qingya. She also knows that I am not in good health. She must choose a good family for Qingya, so that she can rest assured."

Lin Xuan nodded; "Uncle Mu, don't worry, I understand."

Nice! Maybe tonight I will be able to sleep in the same bed with the beautiful little Qingya. This task has made her fall in love with one of them. Isn't it going on the right track?

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"I'm coming."

Mu Feifei ran over and opened the door!

"Feifei, long time no see!"

A handsome man in a suit looked at Mu Feifei with a smile.

"Well, long time no see, hello Uncle Hua."

Mu Feifei said and walked away!

Lin Xuan frowned.

"Hahaha, Brother Mu, how are you doing lately? You should be getting better!"

A middle-aged man walked over with a smile, and he and Na Huayu frowned when they saw Lin Xuan.

How could there be a man?

"Feifei, is this your boyfriend?"

Hua Yu asked in surprise.

Lin Xuan stood up with a smile and stretched out his hand: "Hello, I am Qingya's boyfriend."

Hua Yu frowned suddenly, then smiled and shook hands with Lin Xuan.

Zhang Ting, Mu Qingya and the others also walked out!

"Haha, here we come, wash your hands and serve it quickly, the food is ready!"

"Thank you Auntie, Auntie, this is the best facial mask I brought you. The company has just developed and produced it. It is limited to one hundred sets worldwide. The effect is very obvious. After using it, you will be eighteen years old again!"

Hua Yu smiled and handed it over.

"Hahaha, you're interested, take a seat!"

They then sat at the table, Lin Xuan next to Mu Qingya.

Mu Qingya is helpless now!

"Qingya, I didn't hear you talking about your boyfriend."

Hua Yu smiled and looked at Mu Qingya, a beautiful woman!

Before Mu Qingya could speak, Zhang Ting said: "We just talked about it, why don't we bring it back to see."

"We were just talking."

Hua Yu smiled in his heart! That doesn't matter.

"My name is Hua Yu. I wonder where you are employed, brother?"

He didn't even ask Lin Xuan's name, you can see how arrogant he is!

Anyway, no matter where you are, you will definitely not be able to compare with him!

Lin Xuan smiled and said: "I don't have much work at the moment. I am preparing to start a business."

"Xiaoxuan, didn't you say you have a company?"

Zhang Ting asked.

"Yes, it is a small company, so don't mention it!"

Hua Yu smiled and said, "Where are you going to start your business? Maybe I can provide some help."

Lin Xuan smiled and said: "You can't."

Hua Yu's eyes narrowed.

Mu Hao coughed dryly.

This kid really doesn't give others face!

But Zhang Ting looked unhappy!

Mu Qingya kicked Lin Xuan.

Mu Feifei opened her mouth.

Wow! Has this sister’s pretend boyfriend given up? Have you started to let yourself go?

"Hahaha, I think you can help me somehow, right? What industry does your company plan to be involved in?"

“The pharmaceutical industry or the beauty industry.”

"That's just right. Fahrenheit Group's main business is cosmetics, skin care products and medicines. Many of the medicines we launch have received international acclaim, and some of them have even become the most commonly used medicines today. So how can you say that I am like this? The company can’t help you?”

Hua Yu smiled.

Lin Xuan took a bite of the dish and said, "It's not on the same level."

"Oh? You mean you have just started and are not yet at the level of Fahrenheit Group?"

Lin Xuan shook his head: "I mean, your company's technology is not at the same level as mine, so naturally it can't be of much help."

Everyone:? ? ?

That’s right! Everyone is stupid!

Mu Hao was a little better, but he didn't understand why Lin Xuan was so tough!

Why does Lin Xuan have to be tough? Hua Yu's question was actually to humiliate himself and compare himself with him. Of course Lin Xuan knew this little trick! Then why give face? Lin Xuan doesn’t like it anyway!


Hua Yu’s father Hua Tian couldn’t help laughing!

"Brother Mu, this guy is really brave, but I've seen a lot of people who talk on paper. It's easy to talk."

"I said, your things are not comparable to mine." Lin Xuan said again.

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