Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,636 Brother-in-law, don’t be like this

Zhang Ting looked at her face in the mirror...

Fair, smooth, rosy and shiny, all the crow's feet around me are gone!

She even felt that her skin was no worse than that of her daughter next to her.

"Mother Queen, your skin, wow!! It's so smooth!"

Mu Feifei touched it and was shocked!

"This is really my skin."

Zhang Ting opened her mouth wide, showing an expression of disbelief and surprise!

"Mother, the wrinkles and crow's feet are gone. Now when you go out with me and my sister, people really think we are three sisters."

"Go, didn't you always say that we were three sisters when we went out!"

Zhang Ting rolled her eyes at her, and then stared at herself in the mirror!

She really felt like she was dreaming! Never dreamed of this!


"Hee hee, they must be three sisters now, wow! Madam Queen Mother, that Lin Xuan is not just talking nonsense, he is telling the truth!"

Zhang Ting nodded and looked at herself in the mirror!

"I misunderstood him. In terms of this ability, Fahrenheit Group can never compare to it. In terms of this ability, if this thing can be produced, he can be the richest man!"

Zhang Ting murmured to herself!

Yes, women buy countless cosmetics and how much skin care products they have to spend. However, this thing directly allows you to save all the money on skin care products. The skin of a person in his forties or fifties can become 20 or 30 years old, you say How exaggerated is this? Once word of this gets out, it will be a sensation among women all over the world!

"Originally, people thought he was talking big words, but it turned out to be true, Mother Queen, he really has great confidence and it comes from himself. He really looks down on things from the Hua Group."

Zhang Ting nodded.

“He conquered things that the whole world couldn’t conquer.”

"Then if the cancer and AIDS he mentioned can also be cured, and if they can be cured by taking medicine... then..."

Zhang Ting's body was trembling slightly!

"Then he can definitely become the richest man in the world!"

No matter what, they look at the facts!

And now, Lin Xuan gave them the truth!

Moreover, whatever he said was too fanciful and impossible, so they thought it was a big lie. However, the facts are before their eyes. Even if cancer cannot be done, it is a big talk, but this skin care product, It actually made her wrinkles disappear, and her skin became like that of a 27- or 28-year-old woman. She was simply invincible!

"Hehe, mother-in-law, do you approve of my sister's boyfriend?"

Mu Feifei said with a smile!

There is a small calculation in my heart!

Well, anyway, he is pretending to be his sister. If such a powerful person follows him, wow! Invincible!

Well, how about seducing him?


"I agree, of course I agree! My biggest objection to him originally was that he spoke without thinking at all and was talking big words, but now he really has this ability, and may even bring a new look to the world, and he is also elegant. My boyfriend, I misunderstood, of course I admit it!”

Zhang Ting nodded.

Moreover, as long as this person is more ambitious, he can become the richest man in the world!

Outside, Hua Yu looked at Lin Xuan jokingly, while Lin Xuan was eating with his head down. Mu Qingya bit her lip and lowered her head. She wanted to have a showdown with her father!

"Brother Mu, sister-in-law, are you okay?"

Hua Tian asked at this time!

"It should be fine. Didn't Lin Xuan say it? It's detoxification!"

Hua Yu said: "Uncle Mu, detoxification is not like this. It's too scary."

Then he looked at Lin Xuan and said, "If anything happens, just wait to go to jail!"

At this time, Zhang Ting and Mu Feifei came over with a smile!


Mu Qingya quickly stood up and turned around to look over, and then...she was shocked!


Zhang Ting smiled and said: "Xiao Xuan,

Hahaha, this thing is really amazing. Look at Auntie’s skin. Standing together with Feifei, they are like sisters! "


Hua Yu stood up with wide eyes and looked at Zhang Ting in disbelief!

Mist grass? What about wrinkles? What about crow’s feet? Mist grass?

Mu Hao also took a look.

Mist grass?

This wife is so beautiful! Isn't this what he looks like in his twenties? Oh my God! Isn't this too happy?

Suddenly his wife, who is in her forties, turns into a twenty-six or seven-year-old woman. Do you think she is happy? Sex is so blissful!

This Lin Xuan, what he said is absolutely true!

Mu Qingya's little mouth opened wide!

He...he he he!

She looked at this weird Lin Xuan with her beautiful eyes.

Lin Xuan stood up with a smile: "Hahaha, aunt, you still have to tell me who is the elder sister and who is the younger sister. If you can't do it, others will think Feifei is the elder sister."


Zhang Ting's smile was so happy!

"Qingya is really lucky to have a boyfriend like you, and it is also our luck!"

Zhang Ting said with a smile!

"No, no, no, I am lucky to have a girlfriend like Qingya!"

Lin Xuan said with a smile!

Huayu;? ? ?


"Come, come, sit, eat, eat!"

Zhang Ting said with a smile!

"Hua Yu, sit down too."


Hua Yu swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Lin Xuan sat down and said: "So, Mr. Hua, it's not that I'm talking big, but I really don't like the things of your Hua Group!"


Hua Yu’s face looks ugly!

Mu Qingya sat there in shock, looking at Lin Xuan with her beautiful eyes.

Who was this person she met on the way who she thought was a gangster? It feels so strange and mysterious!

"Hmph! You said you would be able to cure cancer by developing drugs by then?"

Hua Tian snorted coldly.

"You do not believe?"


"Then let's wait and see, please come back!"

Lin Xuan said with a smile!


Hua Tian then walked away with Hua Yu and walked to the door. Both of them were stunned at the same time!


Holy shit? Why are they leaving?


But I can’t go back now!

"Father, what should we do now? If his things are really useful, then our Fahrenheit Group..."

"Listen to his bragging, there is no way this kind of thing can be mass-produced!"

" has definitely broken the technology and new look of this world!"

"Hey..." Hua Tian sighed!

Inside the house...

"Haha, Xiaoxuan, come and eat braised pork!"

Zhang Ting is really satisfied with Lin Xuan now!

"Thank you, auntie, your craftsmanship is really good!"

"That's what I did." Mu Feifei said!

"That's average."

Mu Feifei: "..."

"Brother-in-law, don't do this."

Mu Feifei rolled her eyes!

"Xiaoxuan, did you develop this thing?"

Zhang Ting asked!

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