Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,642 Grandson-in-law?

In the room, Lin Xuan was giving Mr. Qin acupuncture.

Of course people outside saw it too!

"Did you see it? He was giving acupuncture!? Idiot, just an idiot! He thinks he can cure cancer with a few acupuncture injections from traditional Chinese medicine?"

Liu Zhiming said coldly and disdainfully!

Everyone shook their heads secretly when they saw this scene.

Qin Yijun frowned!

Where did his father find him? And why do you believe him?

"Young man..."

Qin Jianguo looked at Lin Xuan, let Lin Xuan apply the acupuncture and said!

"What's the matter, Mr. Qin?"

"Are you Junjun... ahem - boyfriend?"

Lin Xuan smiled and nodded; "Yes, she chased me."


Qin Jianguo nodded with satisfaction.

"It's a pity... I'm such an old bone... I can't see you get married, and I can't have grandchildren." Qin Jianguo's eyes were dim.

Lin Xuan smiled and said: "Mr. Qin, you can still see such small things. I am here to treat you."

"Haha, kid, there's no need to comfort me... By the way, what's your name?"

"Lin Xuan."

"Yes, then I...maybe I can name my grandson...granddaughter in advance."

Qin Jianguo's face turned red.

Lin Xuan smiled and said: "Mr. Qin, take this pill."

Qin Jianguo paused and widened his eyes.

"Elixir? You are talking about... elixir?"

Lin Xuan touched the tip of his nose and nodded; "Does Mr. Qin know the world of warriors?"

Qin Jianguo nodded; "Of course I know, Xiaoxuan, are you a warrior?"

Lin Xuan nodded: "That's right."

"It must be so. We have taken out the elixirs, so it can only be a warrior."

Qin Jianguo looked at Lin Xuan with some approval!

He took the elixir and ate it!

There is no need to hesitate, this pill is probably useless, but it can definitely help him persist for a while! This is a pill!

As soon as the elixir entered his stomach, he felt the warm heat flowing through his body. The pain and heaviness in his body disappeared in an instant!

"Mr. Qin, your illness has been cured."

Lin Xuan said!

"What!? You pill..."

Lin Xuan nodded; "Well, my elixir can cure your illness, Mr. Qin."

Qin Jianguo: "..."

To be honest, if it were someone else, he wouldn't believe it, but if it was a warrior, if it was an elixir, he felt he could believe it! After all, he knows that warriors are very powerful beings in this world. He has also come into contact with warriors. He even has an old friend who is a warrior, and he also tried to seek help from his old friends!

It's just that my old friend may have had too little exposure to the world, so he couldn't find the so-called elixir!


Qin Jianguo showed an expression of shock and surprise.

Lin Xuan nodded: "Don't Mr. Qin feel that his body has regained strength? The pain should have disappeared, right?"

Qin Jianguo felt it for a while and nodded, and then took off the ventilator directly!

Everyone outside was dumbfounded!

"Quick! Better put it on! Get in now!"

Liu Zhiming shouted loudly!

"He actually asked Mr. Qin to take off the ventilator! What a nonsense! What a nonsense!!"

The dean couldn't help but pat his legs.

"Hurry in and let Mr. Qin put on the ventilator."


Qin Yuan shouted, and then Liu Zhiming stopped.

"Mr. Qin..."

"You are not allowed to enter without any orders from him!"

Qin Yuan said!


Liu Zhiming sighed.

Qin Jianguo felt his body!

It’s been a long time since I’ve felt so relaxed…

This Lin Xuan must not be simple!


This Lin Xuan, at such a young age, actually took it out...

"Wait! Xiaoxuan,

Are you from the Lin family? "

Lin Xuan shook his head: "No!"

"Isn't it..."

Lin Xuan knew what Qin Jianguo called the Lin family.

There are four top ancient martial arts families on earth. Dongfang Xue’s Dongfang family is one, and so is the Xuanyuan family. Under these four top ancient martial arts families, there are eight major ancient martial arts families, and the Lin family is one of them!

Of course, only those who have come into contact with many warriors in this field know this. Ordinary people only know the so-called Lin Group, but in fact it is the Guwu Family!

And Lin Xuan does not have much background, and his parents were killed in a car accident caused by the Xuanyuan family, so Lin Xuan and the Xuanyuan family are never finished! He must go to the Xuanyuan family, but before that, he must improve his strength, and if he wants to improve his strength, he can only do tasks.

Qin Jianguo tentatively sat up. He found that there was really nothing wrong with his body. He could easily look like a normal person!

He really recovered...

"Hahaha, Xiaoxuan, thank you, hahaha!"

Qin Jianguo smiled and patted Lin Xuan on the shoulder!

People outside were stunned for a moment when they saw this scene!



Although Lin Xuan hasn't told them to come in, they have to come in at this scene!


The door to the ward was opened and they ran in!

"Father, you..."

Qin Yuan stared with wide eyes at Qin Jianguo, whose expression had even recovered at this moment!

"I'm fine now. My grandson-in-law is really capable!"


Qin Yuan noticed the title, but Qin Yijun didn't care at all. She rushed over crying!


"Oh, my sweet granddaughter!"

Qin Jianguo smiled and patted Qin Yijun on the back!

"This?? This, this, this???"

When Liu Zhiming walked in, the eyes of the dean and the experts all widened!

"How could this happen? Why did it suddenly become so lively?"


"Mr. Qin, your illness..."

The dean came over!

"I'm already fine!"


The dean shook his head!

"This is impossible! This kid may have taken some stimulant drugs to make his body generate energy in a short period of time! This is extremely undesirable!"

"I told you, old man, I'm fine!"

Qin Jianguo said again!

"Mr. Qin, we are doing this for your own good too!"

"Dad, go check it out."

Qin Yuan said!

"Grandpa...check it out."

Qin Yijun raised her head with tears in her eyes.

"Okay, okay, whatever my granddaughter says is whatever she says!"

Qin Jianguo said with a smile!

Qin Yuan:? ? ?

Does his son really have no cards?

Mu Hao felt that there was absolutely no problem. This...Lin Xuan was really amazing!

Qin Jianguo was taken over for inspection...

"Hmph! If anything happens, you can go to jail!"

Liu Zhiming pointed at Lin Xuan and said angrily.

"Xiaoxuan, did my father just call you grandson-in-law?"

Qin Yuan asked.

Qin Yijun:? ? ?

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