Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,658 Didn’t you say that my sister-in-law is the most fragrant?

Wang Xintong felt that the voice was inexplicably familiar!

In the background, Lin Xuan and Mu Feifei came over!

"Brother-in-law Lao Sepi, wait for me."

Lin Xuan and Mu Feifei came over!


She is indeed a big star who suddenly became famous in a short period of time. She is so beautiful! Tender!

Wang Xintong stood nearby and saw Lin Xuan, then her mouth opened wide, and Lin Xuan turned to look at him.

"Lin Xuan!"

"Holy shit!"

Lin Xuan was shocked when he saw Wang Xintong!

He never expected to meet Wang Xintong here!

Although it is easy to meet them if they become famous on the Internet, it is not that easy to become famous on the Internet, and it takes time, so each of them can only meet by fate.

Darling, I really didn’t expect that cute little Xintong would be here!

"Lin Xuan!"

Although they haven't seen each other for a short time, they really miss him. The key is this place. They met him in such a big place. They are really happy.

Lin Xuan hugged Wang Xintong and spun around, causing Wang Xintong to blush.

Mu Feifei:? ? ?

"Clap it, shoot it!"

She quickly took out her phone and started snapping pictures!

What a scumbag! What is this if not a scumbag? What's the matter with his sister? This person has a woman outside, and it seems that they have known each other earlier. In other words, his sister is a mistress?

Oh haha!


Chu Xinxin was stunned for a moment.

I met Wang Xintong not long ago. She said that she had a boyfriend, and she asked out of curiosity. She wanted photos, but she was too embarrassed to take them out, and she didn’t even have contact information. She thought it was strange, but now it seems that she doesn’t. wrong.

"Good guy, you're not coming here to be a star, are you?"

Lin Xuan pinched Wang Xintong's little face.

Wang Xintong nodded, and then whispered: "Mission."

"I'll go! I really accepted this mission! What are you doing? To make you angry?"

"Ten million fans."

Lin Xuan scratched his head: "It's not too difficult."


"Hey, brother-in-law, what do you mean?"

Mu Feifei came over and kicked Lin Xuan.


Chu Xinxin;? ? ?

What? There is someone who calls him brother-in-law? What a scumbag!

"Go, go, play in the sand."

Lin Xuan waved his hand.

"You, you, you! Just wait, I'll tell my sister to go!"

Mu Feifei snorted and walked away angrily!

Isn't he afraid? Not worried? Impressed!

"Come, tell me what happened?"

Lin Xuan took Wang Xintong to the corner, and Chu Xinxin stood there in confusion.

Lin Xuan chatted a lot with Wang Xintong.

"What about you?" Wang Xintong asked.

"For me, it was a lot more twists and turns. I spent the first day here in a detention center."

Lin Xuan shrugged helplessly.

"Ah? Then what mission did you trigger?"

"Several. What I am doing now is to make 100 billion. If I make money, I can return to the Xuantian realm." Lin Xuan said.

"Me too. As long as there are 10 million fans, I can return to the Xuantian realm." Wang Xintong nodded.

"Have you met anyone else?"

"No." Wang Xintong shook her head.

"Well, if you show your face today, if they can see it, they will probably contact you."

Lin Xuan said.

"Okay! Then I'm going to memorize the manuscript, eh? Lin Xuan, did you do this?"

Lin Xuan nodded.

"I'll just say it."

Wang Xintong stuck out her pink tongue and walked aside.

"Sister, sister, sister!"

Mu Feifei ran to another room, where Mu Qingya was sitting in front of the mirror. A makeup artist was helping her do some final touches.



Mu Feifei hesitated.

Do you want to tell me?

Wouldn't it look bad if I told you? However, she is my biological sister...


That Lin Xuan is not afraid at all, so irritating!


Forget it, let’s not talk about it.

"You are so beautiful today."

Mu Feifei said with a smile.

"Lack of money?"

"Yeah, yeah."

"Wait a few days and spend less these days."

Mu Qingya said calmly.

"Okay, okay."

Mu Feifei then ran away again.

"Hey, brother-in-law, I'll give you one last chance. Give me money, or I'll tell my sister."

Mu Feifei stretched out her hand to Lin Xuan!

Lin Xuan rolled his eyes.


Mu Feifei stared at Lin Xuan angrily.

"Huh, I'll tell my sister after she finishes the press conference!"

Mu Feifei said unhappily!

"Press conference? Is your sister Mr. Mu?"

Chu Xinxin asked in surprise.


Then Chu Xinxin looked at Lin Xuan.

"In other words, he is Mr. Mu's boyfriend?"


"Mr. Mu's boyfriend is in two different situations?"


Lin Xuan; "..."

Chu Xinxin looked at Lin Xuan in surprise.

What a beast!

Mr. Mu is so beautiful and temperamental. He has got a girl like this, but he actually has two different things...

It was definitely not Xintong's fault. Xintong was very innocent. She could tell that she must have been deceived by this bad man.

"You must tell Mr. Mu!"

Chu Xinxin said in spite of herself!

"Of course, unless you give me money!"

Mu Feifei stretched out her hand towards Lin Xuan again!

Chu Xinxin:? ? ?

Is this my biological sister?

"I won't give it to you, just go and eat the dirt!"

"You!! Did you agree that your sister-in-law is the most fragrant? Did you agree that you should be nice to your sister-in-law?"

Mu Feifei pinched her waist and stared at Lin Xuan.


Wang Xintong was sitting not far away, blinking and looking over here!

Isn't it? Lin Xuan hooked up with another girl here? But isn’t this a virtual world? If he hooks up, what will he do next? Or is he just doing it for fun? Probably not? Although Lin Xuan is lustful, he is still a very responsible person.

There was a sound outside.

"Ah - Xintong, it's time for us to play."

"Come on, come on." Wang Xintong raised her skirt and ran over.

"Lin Xuan, I'll go on stage to host it. I heard it can increase the exposure."

Lin Xuan smiled and nodded: "Go!"


The press conference officially began. Two beautiful girls, Chu Xinxin and Wang Xintong, served as the hosts of the opening, and they also received a wave of praise.

"Bad guy!"

Mu Feifei still has great resentment towards Lin Xuan!


Lin Xuan slapped her PP with his backhand.

Mu Feifei: "..."

"I told my sister to go!"

She pouted and ran away!

Well, when the time comes, take off your pants and show your sister the slap marks on her PP. Facts speak louder than words!

You wait!

"Sister, sister, let me tell you, just now..."

"If you have anything to say, we'll talk about it later."

Mu Qingya took a deep breath and walked away quickly.


Lin Xuan came over and curled his lips.


"Ah! Lin Xuan, you stinky gangster! You're such a pervert!"

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