Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,664 What are you doing here?

Lin Xuan didn't tell anyone about Mu Feifei's accident. Maybe Qin Yijun knew about it, but Qin Yijun didn't know what would happen next. She thought someone was trying to trick Mu Feifei but Lin Xuan stopped her! Now Lin Xuan and Mu Feifei are together!

Not really!

Lin Xuan didn't want those people to worry, he felt he had the ability to save Mu Feifei!

Of course, the premise is...

His realm must reach the Xuantian realm!

It is estimated that in just these two hours, his worth will reach 100 billion, in which case he will be in the Xuantian realm!


Lin Xuan didn't know the specific time, so he could only rush there now!

He is not worried that something will happen to Mu Feifei, but he is worried that Mu Feifei is so beautiful, she might...


Lin Xuan casually drove away the sports car belonging to a wealthy man in this club and sped away!


"Let me tell you, do we need so many people?"

It's late at night here, there's no light, there's an abandoned factory, this abandoned factory has an abandoned building, it's not too high, maybe ten stories, about thirty meters, it's not too short, it's mainly big, it's just a prototype The renovated building was abandoned due to an explosion.

This place is remote enough. Because there is a chemical leak here, normal people dare not come here. Although it has been many years, they will be inexplicably resistant and afraid of this place!

Only starlight, very dark.

At this moment, the geniuses on the top floor of the building were chatting.

"This is not what I mean, this is what the employer means."

"Didn't it mean that the opponent we wanted to kill was an ordinary person? This news made us dispatch more than thirty brothers, and we always felt that something was wrong."

"It's normal. They just want to be on the safe side. As long as the employer pays them enough, it doesn't matter. We just need to take care of the matter!"

The scarred man said calmly!

Others can't see it, but they know that it seems like there are only five of them on the rooftop, but... there are many people in the darkness of this abandoned building, including many people around, adding up to a total of thirty-five people!

Their task is simple, kill the person who will come over later. Of course, the premise is that if he can be kept alive, it is best to keep him alive, but if there is any danger, or he may run away If so, take his life away!

This is what their employer means!

They don't know who their employer is, but killing one person for fifty million is worth what they do!

"Boss, do you think your employer is also watching from behind?"

The scarred man nodded; "Absolutely, otherwise why would he ask us to try our best not to kill him? Obviously, he is afraid of arousing suspicion by showing up, but he also wants to torture the person who will come later!"

They nodded.

"But don't worry, I'm not just an ordinary person!"

He was the one who captured Mu Feifei! And he is indeed not just an ordinary person,

He is a desperado, and everyone here is a desperado, but the reason why he is able to sit in this position today is very simple, he is a warrior!

Although his realm is not very high, he has come into contact with another world, and he is no longer an ordinary person!

Although he didn't know much, it was enough.

"Fifty million, divided among the thirty brothers, everyone can get a lot. Get ready to work, people are coming!"

The scarred man looked at a light in the darkness in the distance, and then his eyes fell on Mu Feifei, who was tied up in front of him.


Mu Feifei kept struggling, but she was just an ordinary person, she couldn't struggle at all!

"Are you desperate? It's okay, there will be more desperate things later!"

The scarred man sneered, then pulled Mu Feifei up and let her lean on the edge of the rooftop so that she could see the situation below.

Mu Feifei is desperate!

How could this happen?

kind of thing.

Moreover, she feels so uncomfortable now...

Ahead, the sound of a sports car braking suddenly broke the silence of the night.


Lin Xuan opened the car door and stepped out, then lit a cigarette and walked forward!

"Well——" Douzi Bookstore

Mu Feifei probably saw the person clearly through the car lights, her beautiful eyes widened and she kept shaking her head, her eyes suddenly turned red.

Why did he come?

What a fool! Can't he call the police?

She heard the conversation between these people just now!

Yes, she was kidnapped, but the ultimate goal of these people is Lin Xuan!

She knew that Lin Xuan, the bad guy, was actually very smart. She also knew that Lin Xuan must have known that these people were here for Lin Xuan. He didn't have to come. They weren't that familiar, so why would he come anyway.

"Miss Mu, is the person here your boyfriend?"

The scarred man asked with a sneer.

Mu Feifei kept her eyes fixed on Lin Xuan. She didn't say anything, and she couldn't say anything.

Lin Xuan walked to the building.

"Hey, I'm here, let him go!"

Lin Xuan raised his head, glanced at the figure above and shouted.


At this moment, a gunshot in the dark once again broke the silence of the night!


A bullet penetrated directly into Lin Xuan's thigh.


Lin Xuan was half-kneeling there instantly!



Mu Feifei burst into tears when she saw this scene and kept shaking her head.

Seeing this scene, Scar Man and the others couldn't help but sneer!

That's it?


Another shot, and Lin Xuan's right arm was pierced.

how to say?

Lin Xuan is very angry now, but he is also very happy!

It can be seen from these two shots that these people did not want to kill him directly!

And since they don't want to kill themselves directly, that's fine! Then there is a chance!

Moreover, these people seem to be hired, and they probably don’t know the real mastermind, but Lin Xuan believes that the real mastermind will definitely appear!

"Oh, bring him up!"

The scarred man sneered.

It seems that the task can be completed perfectly.

He was shot in the thigh and in the right arm. Let’s not talk about anything else. As long as he didn’t have grenades on him, it would be no problem. There was nothing to worry about.

And he definitely didn't have a grenade on him. He came here for Mu Feifei. How could he blow up Mu Feifei to death?

Then several figures escorted Lin Xuan to the building.

Lin Xuan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Mu Feifei tied there as if nothing was wrong!


I haven't felt this much pain in my body for a long time!

Damn it, it feels so uncomfortable to be hit by a gun!

Mu Feifei cried and looked at Lin Xuan.


The scarred man pulled off the bandage on Mu Feifei's mouth, and then pushed her to Lin Xuan's side.

"Uuuuuuuuuuah...Brother-in-law, what are you doing here? You don't know that their target is you."

Mu Feifei burst into tears and threw herself on Lin Xuan.

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