Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,669 I admire you

Mu Qingya has been really busy these days. She has never been so busy in her life, but she is very fulfilled. She likes to be busy, but if you let her take some time off, she will feel uncomfortable.

Cancer drugs are widely praised, and Mushi Group has completely risen!

One day ago, the second product, Zhuyan Pill, was of course changed its name to Zhuyan Pill.

Because of the foreshadowing, the public was shocked when the advertisement for Zhuyan Pill came out!

Skin wrinkles and crow's feet can disappear within a few days, and the skin will regain vitality, suppleness, and elasticity. Taking it for two months can make the skin five years younger, and taking it for three months can make the skin eight years younger!

Everyone doesn’t believe it and thinks it’s ridiculous!

But because there is a precedent for cancer treatment drugs, everyone chooses to give it a try!

This time I tried it, it was amazing...the effect was so obvious that I was shocked! After just one night's sleep, I could see the wrinkles became lighter with the naked eye. In an instant, I became hot!

And this is a woman’s immediate need. How much does a woman spend on cosmetics and skin care products in her life? This Zhuyan Pill allows them to directly save most of the skin care products for five or eight years, and there are many skin care products. You can also see Not much effect! You can still see the effect of this!


The Mushi Group has directly targeted the world's richest man. This woman's immediate needs, Zhuyan Pill's profit in the future may be tens of thousands of times that of cancer treatment drugs!

Those companies and families began to request cooperation with the Mushi Group, because many skin care companies are having a very uncomfortable life due to the impact of Zhuyan Pills!

Mu Qingya is soft-hearted. Although this business is a life-and-death competition, she still gave those companies some life and let them act as agents. Those companies directly changed their business direction, at least this way they can survive.

Next, Lin Xuan gave Mu Qingya some other things, which were formulas to treat AIDS and a series of terminal illnesses, but Lin Xuan refused to let her watch it in person because Mu Qingya had heart disease. Her heart disease, Lin Xuan Xuan needs some specific medicinal materials, but they are not available now and are difficult to obtain. He may have to collect them himself!

Lin Xuan just gave Mu Qingya and Mu Hao some simple care, at least ensuring that they would be fine in a short time!

Zhang Ting, Mu Qingya's mother, as a veteran businessman, is back in action!

Early in the morning, Lin Xuan opened his eyes. Mu Qingya was sleeping soundly in her arms. She was too tired. Fortunately, Lin Xuan would give her a massage and acupuncture every night, and the effect was excellent!

Lin Xuan took his hand out of her clothes!

Well, now that thing is something he plays with every night.

Mu Qingya has not yet confirmed her relationship with Lin Xuan, but she seems to have regarded herself as Lin Xuan's girlfriend. After all, Lin Xuan has completed his tasks, which means that Mu Qingya has fallen in love with her, and Lin Xuan may be the only one missing. A confession.

And Lin Xuan, that bastard, just didn’t confess!

Lin Xuan yawned, it was time to go to the Ghost Mountains today.

Lin Xuan of Ghost Mountain has done some research and found out that the main medicinal ingredient he wants to use to treat Mu Qingya and Mu Hao's heart disease may exist! Grows in a dark place where the spiritual power of heaven and earth is relatively high,

Ghost Mountain echoes this!

Darkness is necessary, because Taotie is in the Ghost Mountains, so the spiritual power of heaven and earth there must be higher than other places. There is a high chance that the medicinal materials Lin Xuan is looking for will appear in that place!

"Are there other monsters besides Taotie in this ghost mountain range?"

Lin Xuan pondered slightly, then lit a cigarette and leaned there to smoke!

There must be monsters on earth!


A lot of news will contain weird and strange things, such as the appearance of very scary creatures, such as seeing a dragon tumbling in the clouds, such as seeing a huge thing in the dark night, such as they seem to see someone crossing the clouds in the sky. Thunder Tribulation... There are even pictures and stuff...

These are considered fake news and pictures, even if they are not pictures, few people believe them!

Actually, those might be true!

Strange to see

The strange creature may be a monster, the thunder tribulation may be real, the dragon... this possibility is relatively small!

In this era, Lin Xuan believes that there must be monsters, but they may be very few. These monsters are in some uninhabited areas, and may survive in some rainforests, deserts, and snowy mountains. The ones that are occasionally discovered are It was treated as a joke.

This ghost mountain range is the northernmost part of Jiangnan City. It is an uninhabited land. The magnetic field of this place is abnormal and planes do not fly over it. There is no one in the area for about fifty kilometers. There is only a highway nearby. !

They are all mountains, trees, and canyons. It is said that some people have discovered a lot of wild animals there, including tigers and so on. So, this ghost mountain range has been fenced off for dozens of kilometers, but no one has entered! There might be some explorers going in, but it seems like a lot of people died!

Therefore, it is called the Ghost Mountain by the people, because many people who entered it died.

"I don't know if I, the fourth level of Xuantian Realm, am qualified to go there, and I don't know what level that Taotie is! Even if he has been sealed for so many years, he shouldn't be Xuantian!"

Lin Xuan pondered slightly!

But he can find it because he has the eyes of the cave spirit!

Mu Qingya had opened her eyes for two minutes and had been watching Lin Xuan smoking a cigarette in a daze.

"Your cigarette ashes are going to fall on the bed."

Mu Qingya said coldly.


Lin Xuan reacted, then shook his hand, and several centimeters of the banquet fell on the quilt!

Mu Qingya is convinced!

She's mysophobic and can't stand this.

Lin Xuan blew and then put out the cigarette.


Then Lin Xuan smiled harmlessly at her.

Mu Qingya sat up and glanced outside the window. It was still dark. It must have been about five o'clock in the morning.

"What do you want to eat in the morning?"

She asked, straightening her hair.

"Noodles, seafood noodles."


"I'll sleep a little longer and bring it to me when you're done. Thank you, wife Qingya."

Lin Xuan then lay down again.

Mu Qingya "..."

Then she went into the bathroom to wash up.

She seemed to have adapted to the kind of thing where she even served Lin Xuan in daily life. She even washed Lin Xuan's clothes. Although she just threw them into the washing machine... but she also helped dry the clothes.

Alas, enemies.

Lin Xuan is actually meditating. He plans to set off tonight. Night is the most dangerous, but it is also the time when he can encounter the most things! If he can advance to the fifth level of Xuantian Realm today, he will be more confident!


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