Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1671 Liu Qingzhu

This place is inaccessible, and many people who come here are dead and have lost contact!

Of course, some jgchas also came to check later, but they couldn't find anything. Since they came to check, they must have come during the day, and it was a long time ago, because entry here has been prohibited for many, many years!

This footprint is also quite new.

Lin Xuan raised his head and glanced forward.

"I estimate that this monster is at least seven or eight meters tall. It's strange. Why don't these monsters leave here?"

Lin Xuan pondered slightly as he walked forward!

You may find it very strange. If there are monsters here, why don't they leave here? There's nothing around here that can block them. The fence can't even block a person. You still want to block the monster?

However, these monsters are really strange, as if they know that the human world outside is no longer a place where monsters like them can easily set foot, as if they know that the human world outside does not allow creatures like them to appear. And it’s like disrupting the peace of the human world!

Really strange!

It's like... here, no, including other places where monsters may appear, the same is true. Monsters definitely exist, but why don't they appear? This is very strange! It's like...each of them has a leader. This leader seems to understand what the current situation on the earth is like and prohibits them from appearing!

Some of the things discovered by chance may be a small number of special monsters that have escaped. However, because they have been in very small numbers for so many years, more people choose not to believe them. They all think they are p-pictures and it is already the 21st century. Who would believe this?

"Strange, it seems to be true. Does the demon clan also have an organization on earth?"

Lin Xuan pondered slightly!

It feels very possible!

It's just that unlike Sky Blue Star, the demon clan on Earth may have disappeared or been hidden for many, many years. There may only be a few places where they can survive in absolute anonymity, because to be honest, many places on Earth have already been visited. Passed...

"Forget it, don't think about this anymore!"

Lin Xuan looked forward, then walked over.

"Huh? Is there anyone?"

Lin Xuan suddenly frowned and looked ahead!

The footprints were human footprints, and they were very new. There were more than one pair, and they looked like at least four or five people!

"Are you here for adventure?"

Does Lin Xuan think this is a bit idiotic?


Lin Xuan increased his speed and rushed forward!

At this moment, in a certain valley ahead, several groups of people gathered here!

"Hehehe, everyone from the Kunlun Sect is here too?"

A young-looking man looked at the people in front and smiled and said!

Each of them is very young, the oldest is probably in his mid-twenties, and there are even some who are fifteen or sixteen years old, both male and female, and they look like they have come here to gain experience.

"What? Can't we come or what?"

A man from the Kunlun Sect laughed.

"Of course you can. How far is Kunlun Mountain from here? Isn't it easy to come here?"

Wang Ping, the senior brother of the Wudang Sect, smiled and said!

Ye Miao, the elder brother of Kunlun Sect, sneered: "In what age can distance still be a problem? You know how to fly, but we can't? It just takes a little longer."

Wang Ping smiled: "Yes!"

Then he looked at some other people: "The Lin family, the Sun family, so many people are here."

"You are the only one who has many things to do." Aiwei

A man came over and said: "The tasks of each sect and major family are to eliminate all the demons and ghosts in the Ghost Mountains."

He glanced at everyone and said: "These monsters and ghosts have been restless recently, and some have even appeared in the sight of humans. It is estimated that they will riot before long, and then cause chaos in the world. After all, the world we live in is nine Ninety-nine percent of them are ordinary people.

It would not be a good thing if the face of another world became known to everyone. "

"That's what Taoist Master Wang Qing said!"

Obviously this Wang Qing has some status!

He is the top disciple of Qingyun Temple, and he was also fifth in the last martial arts competition. It is not easy to be fifth in this martial arts competition!

The martial arts conference is held every three years. The participants are geniuses from various sects, ancient martial arts families, and hidden families. It is hosted by Kunlun Mountain!

The top ten have great benefits. Of course, the most important thing is the first place. This first place is the contemporary martial arts leader. Yes, young people will be the leaders. This martial arts leader will have great privileges after three years. , is also a major force that weighs the balance between major families and sects!

They all came together this time because it was said that the ghost mountain range was not peaceful recently, and the spiritual power was disordered. The monsters might be rioting. Although there were not many monsters, they still needed to be exterminated! So, these people came.

Some elders also came, but they were not with these people. The arrival of these people was more likely to take this opportunity to come here for some experience. After all, they are rarely able to fight against monsters!

"I heard that the alliance leader is here too, right?"

someone asked.

"Yes, a flight with the alliance leader should be here, right?"

Everyone's eyes then fell on a location, where a woman wearing a simple white dress slowly walked over from the night.

"Miss Liu!"

"Alliance leader!"

"Sister Liu..."

Everyone was stunned when they saw her.

Liu Qingzhu, yes, the leader of the martial arts alliance of their generation, the daughter of the Liu family, one of the four top families!

Xuanyuan, Nangong, Ye and Liu!

The four top ancient martial arts families.

And she is also a super beauty. There simply aren’t too many people who admire her!

If Lin Xuanzai is definitely impressed by her, he may not necessarily know her, but he must have heard of her.

Liu Qingzhu walked over, looked at everyone with beautiful eyes, and then nodded.

"Miss Liu, you are our martial arts leader, why don't you take us with you?"

Ye Miao looked at Liu Qingzhu with a smile and said!

Basically, all men admire her.

She is beautiful, has temperament, is proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting, has a strong family background, good talents, and high strength... If a man doesn't love this kind of woman, what will he love?

Liu Qingzhu said: "I don't know what to do specifically. It depends on the situation."

"Leave this to me!"

Wang Qing said, and then took out a talisman!

"Urgent like a law, open the eyes of the earth!"


Then he slapped the talisman onto the ground with one palm. The next moment, the ground flashed with light, and everyone looked over!

Everyone frowned suddenly!

"Not good! We...are surrounded by monsters?"

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