Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,674 Who is he?

Lin Xuan suddenly took action, the thunder in his hand condensed, and blasted directly upward!



A black spider over five meters tall was directly knocked down by Lin Xuan!

Liu Qingzhu: "..."

To be honest, she didn't even notice!

This man named Lin Xuan seems to be really powerful.

And his realm actually has five stars in the Xuantian realm! Logically speaking, she should know who he is at this level. At this age, he has reached the fifth level of Xuantian Realm, which is really amazing. Moreover, he should have a background. Without a background, it would be difficult to practice to this level. , and he also has thunder attributes...

But I know nothing about him, which is really strange!

Is it a hidden family? That's possible.

"Not too young!"

Lin Xuan walked over, punched the demon beast's head away, and took out the demon crystal inside!

This is a Xuantian realm monster. For Lin Xuan now, refining its Xuantian realm demon crystals by himself has many benefits.

Liu Qingzhu frowned and looked at Lin Xuan.

But all warriors actually have a natural fear of monsters, especially this kind of scary-looking monsters, because they rarely come into contact with them, and Liu Qingzhu has very few opportunities to come into contact with them, so she will also be afraid. , this is human nature.

However, this Lin Xuan was not afraid at all. Liu Qingzhu thought he was pretending at first, but there was really no fear in his eyes.

Moreover, isn't he afraid that this monster is poisonous? Isn't he afraid that this monster will cheat his death? Isn't he afraid of the terrifying appearance of this monster? Isn’t it disgusting to blow your head off?

This is the difference between the earth and Sky Blue Star!

On Sky Blue Star, people have close contact with monsters and monsters, and they can encounter them every day. On Earth, even for warriors, they may not encounter monsters a few times in their lifetime. The views and mentality of this treatment are indeed different. .


Lin Xuan asked politely.

Liu Qingzhu quickly shook her head.

"I don't want any good things."

Lin Xuan shook his head, and suddenly his eyes narrowed again!

"Be careful, there's something going on!"

Liu Qingzhu's ears twitched slightly, and then she sacrificed her spiritual weapon.

Ahead, a group of huge black spiders, some on the wall and some on the ground, were crawling towards them quickly.

Liu Qingzhu's aura surged.

She is afraid of monsters just because of her nature as a human being and as a woman. She is afraid of monsters that look scary and disgusting. You are like monsters like tigers and lions. That is not the case at all. Don't be afraid! If you are such monsters as spiders, mice, and cockroaches, you will be afraid.

However, she was afraid. What she was afraid of was only the visual impact. She was not afraid of other aspects!


Liu Qingzhu's delicate body wrapped around Lei Lei and rushed forward.

"This earth may indeed be the lower plane of Sky Blue Star.

Not only is martial arts well-known, the general strength and the number of monsters, but also the grades of martial arts and spiritual weapons are also very different. On earth, weapons and spiritual weapons are probably at the peak of the heaven level, let alone There are divine level spiritual weapons and holy level spiritual weapons. Maybe Xuanyuan Sword has reached the holy level? After all, it was one of the few artifacts handed down from ancient times, so it was possible! "

Lin Xuan looked at Liu Qingzhu who was fighting and thought slightly.

The reason why there are so few spiritual weapons is because there are no blacksmiths who can create high-grade spiritual weapons and they cannot be passed down. This is indeed a lower plane! 22 Literature Network

Was there an upper plane above the Blue Star that day?

Lin Xuan doesn’t know!

Lin Xuan had to figure out many things.

"Not bad, someone in their twenties actually has the cultivation of the Law Realm! This should be one of the best on earth, right? It is estimated that many old guys on the earth are also in the Law Realm. No, since some people in their twenties have the Law Realm cultivation. Because, doesn’t that mean that a slightly more powerful old guy must have laws, realms, and even have a Heavenly Lord?”

Lin Xuan frowned!

On this earth, Tianzun is probably the limit, and there are probably not many Tianzun! Then he in the Xuantian realm... shouldn't be able to defeat Tianzun no matter what, right?

Then if he reaches the realm of law, can he beat Tianzun? There is a big gap between the two realms... But Lin Xuan's advantage lies in his laws and fields that are absolutely stronger than anyone else's, as well as his system's power being doubled, as well as higher-grade spiritual weapons and martial arts...

But...Lin Xuan really doesn't understand the strength here!

But he'd better be at a higher level before talking, it's too dangerous.

Although Lin Xuan is only in the Xuantian realm now, he can use laws and fields, because Lin Xuan has laws and fields after all, but it may not be so easy to use them. After all, Lin Xuan's spiritual power is so strong Put it here.


Seeing that Liu Qingzhu was getting harder to fight, Lin Xuan also rushed in.

The realm of these monster beasts has generally reached the Xuantian realm, which shocked Liu Qingzhu!

What is this place, this ghost mountain range? The monsters she had seen originally were in the Mysterious Body Realm. However, there were so many all-colored Xuantian Beasts here, and there were even Law Realm monsters. This place should be among the highest quality monsters she had ever seen. of a place!

not simple!

If there were more monsters here, she even thought it might have a certain impact on the martial arts world!

"Why so many!"

Liu Qingzhu frowned.

Lin Xuan took a look.

It’s a bit much!

"Stay back!"

Lin Xuan said!

"what are you up to?"

"Made, women talk so much nonsense, just back off."

Liu Qingzhu: "..."

Then she kept retreating!

"Wanyin Tianlao!"

: Level: One star of heaven level. Heaven level martial arts were created by the Void Fox Linglongxue. As a member of the Void Fox clan and the king of space, her self-created martial arts skills are heaven-defying! Effect: Release the powerful Wan Yin Tian Lao, which has the power of destruction and strong attraction. If the target is sucked into it, it will cause irreversible destruction! The size, strength, and gravity of Wanyin Tianlao are related to the release intensity.

Although Wan Yin Tian Lao is a one-star heaven-level martial skill, as a space-attributed martial skill, you cannot describe it as a physical-level martial skill. Space and time are basically non-existent martial arts with these two attributes! So this Wanyin Tianlao is very scary!

Lin Xuan condensed the position of Wanyin Tianlao, and then, many monsters in front were absorbed into it!

Liu Qingzhu: "..."

"Wormhole in space!?"

She showed a shocked expression!

Does this person have spatial attributes? That is a legendary attribute!

Or is this something condensed from some kind of spiritual weapon? She didn't know, she was in shock now.

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